In less than 48 hours, the Ministry of the Interior, with the help of the population that, as usual, repudiates these actions, which are not usual in Cuba, identified and captured the authors of the act,. All were young people who had been disassociated from their studies and work, who are currently being detained and processed with the established legal guarantees
Author: Granma |
February 18, 2020 20:00:05
Translated and edited by Walter Lippmann for CubaNews.
In the early morning of February 14, in the capital’s Plaza de la Revolución municipality, five subjects intercepted two young university students who were returning to their homes after a recreational activity in order to take their belongings. One of them, after resisting, was attacked with a knife and died.
In less than 48 hours, the Ministry of the Interior, with the help of the population which, as usual, repudiates these actions, which are not usual in Cuba, identified and arrested the perpetrators of the act. All are young people who had been disassociated from their studies and work, and who are currently being held in custody. They are being prosecuted in accordance with the established legal guarantees. Precisely so as not to interfere with the investigation of the case, we waited until now to provide this information.
In view of the incident, family and friends of the deceased young man have received heartfelt expressions of condolence and support from our people.
Once again it is clear that, in the face of situations of this kind, the Revolution and its authorities will not permit impunity and will resolutely confront criminal demonstrations that attempt to affect the citizenry’s tranquility and internal order.
Author: Leslie Díaz Monserrat |
February 9, 2020
Translated and edited by Walter Lippmann for CubaNews.
Sometimes life is heavy. Problems sit on your shoulders, like a burden trying to sink you. In those moments, some hang up their hopes, sit in a corner of their own life and cover their face with their hands.
They don’t know it, but right then and there they have lost, because there is no sadder defeat than the one that comes after you stop fighting.
That’s why I admire the women in my family so much. I admire my mother and her integrity, that ability to stand up after losses, after the deepest pain, after so many things.
That is why I am proud of my country. This is because we have in our blood the lineage of men and women who never saw an option in the word surrender. Men and women who continue to fight, even when everyday life becomes complex.
I admire people who do not lie in bed and watch their problems devour them. I admire people who are scared out of their wits every day when they wake up.
In the end, that’s what life is all about, imposing oneself, drawing paths, not letting time go by without doing at least one good deed.
Life has the taste of the kisses you give, the warmth of the hugs, the color of the people who love you.
Life is built on the footprints you leave on others every time you help them.
Life is not about piling up things, awards, titles. There is an infinite pleasure in seasoning nostalgia with irreplaceable memories.
Life rewards those beings who do not bend to boredom, those who every morning inject themselves with high doses of energy and go out into the street and open the door of their car to those who wait at the bus stop, and give a medicine to those who need it and share a cup of coffee even with a stranger.
With these people, you can build a country, a family. These are the indispensable, necessary beings, those who never give up.
Granma joins the celebration for the Day of Love and Friendship, in which many men and women of this land defend the love of their hearts and that of their country
Author: Madeleine Sautié :
13 February 2020 23:02:05
Translated and edited by Walter Lippmann for CubaNews.
Photo: Dunia Álvarez Palacios
How do you write about love without the spirit of the poet being stamped on the white page? How do you touch it and say: “Hey, look, I’m writing, and you’ve crossed my mind, so you don’t leave me, so you’ve said everything.
“As if one could choose in love, as if it were not a lightning bolt that breaks your bones and leaves you staked out in the middle of the courtyard,” says the Cronopio major, preventing the advancement of the very letters that now seek to move aside that great of the Golden Age, which defined the greatest of feelings as “a carelessness that gives us care, / a coward with a brave name, / a lonely walk among people, / a love only to be loved.
The bard of swallows arrives at the round that is already forming: “The words of love will come back in your ears, / the burning words will sound, (…) as I have loved you…, disengage yourself, like this… they will not love you,” and the one who wrote the lyrical hexahedron sings: “Your love burst into my life like a gust through an open window.
“To suddenly know / that I was going to see her again, that I would have her / close, tangible, real, as in dreams. / What a contained explosion! / What a deaf thunder / rolling in my veins,” says the National Poet, just after the greatest of Cubans, in perfect rhyme, said: “I thought of you, and of your hair / that the world of the shadow would envy, / and I put a point of my life in them / and I wanted to dream that you were mine.
It is not always a peaceful stage where love verses nestle. Beyond their natural agitation, in very raw circumstances poems have been conceived, which as hymns deserve eternal deference.
Far from home and from his beloved, the Shepherd of Orihuela wrote, fighting Spanish fascism, his Song of the Soldier Husband:
“When I think of you on the battlefield, / my forehead that does not cool or appease your figure, / you approach me like a huge mouth / of hungry teeth. / Write me to the fight, feel me in the trench: / here with the rifle I evoke and fix your name, / and I defend your poor womb that awaits me, / and I defend your son.”
Like him, like the Salvadoran guerrilla who asked his beloved not to say her name when she knew of his death, many men and women today defend their love, that of their heart and that of their country, which is the greatest affection, in the most hostile environments. A world plagued by imbalance, subjugated by unreason, attempts against the happy destiny of men. May this day when love speak louder leave us for a few moments, not only to invoke peace, but to do what we must, in the name of love, for it.
The blockade causes shortages, consumption is affected, constant feelings of anxiety are created, counter-revolutionary media try to connect people to hate. We have been educated according to principles of humanism and justice. Hate does not build. Let us not be manipulated
Author: Raúl Antonio Capote |
February 12, 2020 23:02:52
The National Revolutionary Police have been involved on many occasions in returning items stolen from schools to students. Photo: Juvenal Balán
On Tuesday [February] 11, at 12:26 p.m., a message surfaced on the internet, arousing the interest of thousands of people. One Internet user wrote on Facebook: “I just saw something shocking”, and was moved to tell of the courageous and dignified performance of a National Revolutionary Police (PNR) officer. “Alone, against an enraged mob determined to lynch a rapist, she, with no other shield than her body, fulfilled her duty (…) to protect his life, so that justice would apply the law to him”.
At the time, hundreds of people shared and commented favorably on the message, and the video uploaded to his channel by the Guerrero Cubano (Cuban Warrior) YouTuber, which motivated the Internet user’s writing.
In the material of Guerrero Cubano, one could appreciate the determined and just action of our police on February 8, in Santiago de Cuba. Proceeding according to the law, she was carrying out the arrest of a person who was accused of having committed a monstrous crime: the rape of a girl under eight years old. Meanwhile, a group attacked the law enforcement officers who, in spite of the complex situation, never lost their cool and acted with great professionalism.
In the course of these events, calls to lynch, burn, destroy, and confront the police began to appear in the networks. Unscrupulous people, taking advantage of the pain of the victim’s relatives, friends and neighbors, called for chaos and accused the PNR and the government of “protecting” the rapist.
The crime, unusual in our Island, awoke the indignation and anger of the people, in a country where respect for children is an essence and not a slogan.
The calls to violence and disorder using digital networks, messages that appear with a certain degree of synchronization, of articulation, in the main media of the counterrevolution, cannot be a coincidence. They appear in the same media that supported the wrongly called “Clandestinos” who tried to stain the immaculate image of the Apostle of Cuba, José Martí. These were the same “false democrats”, the same mercenaries, seeking, through the manipulation of the sensibility of a case like this, to involve people in acts against themselves.
The mechanisms of chaos and violence
The economic war against the island is increasing, using the method of blaming the victim. As the precept of unconventional warfare says, one must try to “achieve the strange result that the victim not only does not complain, but ends up blaming himself for his misfortune and applauding the executioner.
The blockade causes shortages, consumption is affected, constant feelings of anxiety are created, counter-revolutionary media try to connect people to hate, to lie to them, to mobilize them, and to skillfully pull the strings of rancor to turn people into a time bomb.
They “prepare the ground” with the aim of provoking great mental confusion, in the face of the avalanche of facts, messages, and false news. “Citizens fall into such a state of regression that they cannot think rationally, nor protect their interests,” the CIA manuals say. In that state, many people are easily manipulated.
Not for nothing did the subversion plans in the Obama era not renounce economic warfare. On the contrary, the Genesis project, to cite one example, clearly explained that it was necessary to “rigorously maintain pressure on the economy, to force the government to negotiate from disadvantaged positions”. It was a mixture of cultural seduction and economic suffocation.
During the presentation of the draft resolution Necessity of ending the economic, commercial and financial blockade imposed by the United States of America against Cuba, in New York on 7 November 2019, Cuban Foreign Minister Bruno Rodríguez Parrilla, stated: “In recent months, the government of President Donald Trump has begun an escalation of its aggression against Cuba, with the application of unconventional measures to prevent the supply of fuel to our country Its aim, in addition to affecting the economy, is to damage the standard of living of Cuban families. The United States government is indeed responsible.
About 187 actions, including fines, sanctions and measures against the Cuban people, were taken in 2019 with the aim of generating hardship, dissatisfaction and an uprising against the government. This was rightly stated in Lester Mallory’s Memorandum in 1960, which proposed to provoke disillusionment and discouragement in the population in order to facilitate the overthrow of the Revolution.
They want to leave us without fuel for transportation without gas to cook our food, to paralyze the country, and to affect the daily life of the Cuban family in order to wrest political concessions from us. They need a lot of hatred, they need fear, they need to annul the judgment of the people, so that they act irrationally, to annul their psychological defenses, to destroy their self-esteem.
Cuba has been the object of a systematic campaign of motivational influence, pure and hard psychological warfare, fabricated in the laboratories of the CIA. Its goal has been to build a state of mind that will lead the people to act beyond all logic, one that will move them to execute aggressive actions, and to create a state of irrationality that can turn the human being into a beast. In that state, scientifically managed, they try to lead them to the achievement of the action desired by the manipulator.
As the ideologists of the Guarimbas, the Ukrainian Maidan, of George Soros and Gene Sharp, the “internationalist” Otpor boys, repeat over and over again: their aim is to make sure that nothing remains but chaos.
The narrative of indignation in the service of imperial plans
In Bolivia, gangs of criminals, under the guise of “popular indignation” over alleged electoral fraud, took control of cities, carried out roadblocks in the style of Venezuelan guarimberos, burned institutions, made threats, committed murders, tortured people on the streets, and humiliated social and political leaders.
The modus operandi is not exclusive to our region. In November 2019, Iran suffered a wave of violence that destroyed 730 banks, 70 gas stations, 140 government buildings and more than 50 security force bases.
Behind this perfectly-crafted scenario was the targeting of protests, the escalation of violence, and the use of criminal recruitment to attack the security forces.
In 2004, Otpor leaders Srdja Popovic and Slobodan Dinovic created the Center for Applied Nonviolent Strategy and Action (Canvas) in Serbia, an attractive and productive business financed by the US government.
The manual Nonviolent Struggle: 50 Crucial Points, became the “Bible” of the seditious and terrorist movements in Arab countries and Latin America, as much or more than the manuals of Gene Sharp, Bob Helvey and Ackerman, pioneers in the name of this strategy, and its precepts have been applied against Venezuela, Iran, Ukraine, Syria, Bolivia, etc.
Genesis, a project of ideological political subversion developed for Cuba, perfectly described this type of scenario: “Once the intentions of the movement are publicly declared, the highly committed activists are recruited, they move on to carry out street actions that generate repressive action by the security forces, in such a way as to create a state of ungovernability and chaos that justifies, always at the request of the Cuban people, United States intervention”.
What is raised on hate does not hold
Who is interested in making the world believe that a climate of insecurity and violence exists in Cuba? The Miami hate machine, the mud producer, which is profoundly anti-Martian, which is the same as saying anti-Cuban; which ignores an essential principle of the Apostle, everything that tries to rise above hate does not stand. Martí was a revolutionary without hatred, which is why he disagreed with “the barbarians who entrust everything to force and violence”.
The PNR acted in accordance with the law, in a country of laws that respect above all things the integrity of the detainee, a detainee who is not guilty until he is tried and sentenced. The PNR acted in accordance with the tradition learned from the founders of the nation, in accordance with a Revolution that tried war criminals, murderers who committed atrocious crimes, tortured and disappeared thousands of young Cubans. Batista’s torturers were not lynched, they were put on trial with all the guarantees of due process. That is how we acted then and that is how we will always act.
The person guilty of such an atrocious act will be tried and convicted, we have no doubt. We have been educated according to principles of humanism and justice that are the essence of the “sun of the moral world” to which we aspire. Hate does not build. Let us not allow ourselves to be manipulated.
Cuban Warrior T-3
1.68K subscribers
The networks have begun to manipulate an event that occurred in Santiago de Cuba, during the arrest of a subject with HIV who raped a girl under 8 years old. Hundreds of outraged people tried to attack him and the police fulfilled their duty to protect him. Some vandals took advantage of the situation to throw stones. #Cuba #Miami
TRANSLATION by Walter Lippmann for CubaNews.
Sanders showed his support among Democrats and took more than 25 percent of the vote
Author: Web Editor |
February 12, 2020 12:02:31
Translated and edited by Walter Lippmann for CubaNews.
Photo: Radio Havana Cuba
The Democratic primary left Bernie Sanders in New Hampshire as the winner today and turned around the result of the February 3 Iowa caucus, which gave an advantage to former South Bend, Indiana Mayor Pete Buttigieg.
Gone is the chaotic assembly of nine days ago, whose late delivery of results due to a computer error led to all sorts of criticism and suspicion of the Democratic Party.
In the New Hampshire election, Sanders confirmed his status as favorite among the Democrats and took more than 25 percent of the vote, while Buttigieg came in second place.
On his Twitter account, Sanders announced, “Our victory in New Hampshire is not about me. It’s about us. It’s about the movement our grassroots supporters, volunteers and donors built that will transform this country.”
Minnesota Senator Amy Klobuchar surprised the crowd and placed third in the vote count.
Only these three candidates earned delegates in this nomination contest to find President Donald Trump’s rival in November.
For a pre-candidate to get delegates, they had to win at least 15 percent of the vote,. This was a condition that was not met by, for example, Senator Elizabeth Warren, who did not get even 10 percent.
While the progressive Sanders led the Democratic presidential primary Tuesday, now former favorite Joe Biden suffered another major setback that now raises doubts about the viability of his campaign.
In the second nomination contest to find Donald Trump’s opponent, the former vice president was fifth, far behind the first choices and behind contenders such as Warren and Klobuchar. In Iowa, Biden had been fourth.
As if anticipating the disappointing result, Biden left New Hampshire and headed to South Carolina long before the results began to be known.
Biden, 77, did poorly in two previous presidential nominations before winning the 2008 election as President Barack Obama’s number two.
Now he hopes to stay afloat at least until the Feb. 29 elections in South Carolina and a series of contests in other southern states on so-called “Super Tuesday” of March 3.
Businessman Andrew Yang and Senator Michael Bennett dropped out of the race for the Democratic nomination, due to poor results in the Iowa caucus and New Hampshire primary.
Their withdrawal leaves nine Democratic candidates in the presidential race: Bernie Sanders, Pete Buttigieg, Amy Klobuchar, Elizabeth Warren, Joe Biden, Mike Bloomberg, Tulsi Gabbard, Tom Steyer and Deval Patrick.
(Prensa Latina)
A delegation composed of more than 50 Americans and called by the organization Code Pink, conducted an intense program of visits to communities in order to talk with the Cuban people.
by Nuria Barbosa León |
February 7, 2020 22:02:02
Translated and edited by Walter Lippmann for CubaNews.
Pacifists Medea Benjamin (left) and Ann Wright are active in ending the blockade of Cuba and defending other just causes around the world. Photo: Orlando Perera
A delegation composed of more than 50 Americans and convened by the organization Code Pink, carried out an intense program of visits to the communities with the purpose of talking with the Cuban people.
One of the founders of the solidarity group, Medea Benjamin, said at the headquarters of the Cuban Institute of Friendship with the Peoples (ICAP) that she felt pain for the setback in bilateral relations between the United States and the island. She felt the same because of the actions of Donald Trump’s administration, mainly the intensification of the unjust blockade and the activation of Title III of the Helms-Burton Act.
“We are facing an economic war and it is being practiced against countries like Venezuela, Nicaragua, Iran, and others, which are not to the liking of the White House. This is a form of pressure from the Trump administration to change governments. That president must obey international laws and respect the sovereignty of the people,” warned the peace activist.
She called the foreign policy implemented by the current presidency in Washington dirty: “This is an election year. They (the right-wing) want to take over the majority of Florida’s votes. This is why they are taking measures that have nothing to do with the well-being of Cubans,” she said, mentioning the names of Congress members Marco Rubio and Mario Rafael Diaz Balart as the most sinister characters in this type of political game.
She said she was part of the group that occupied Venezuela’s diplomatic headquarters in the United States to save it from the representatives appointed by self-proclaimed President Juan Guaidó. “We stayed several weeks living inside the embassy, fighting against very aggressive people, mainly right-wing Venezuelans living in the U.S. We have been taken to jail, we have been threatened, but we remain firm in proclaiming that our government cannot recognize a president who has not been elected by the people. It cannot give a facility to people who have no real power to carry out consular procedures. Nor do they have the right to decide for the Venezuelan people and elect a president of their own choosing,” said Medea Benjamin.
Also, in the last few weeks, members of the Code Pink group have visited Bolivia, because it hurts them to see what is happening in that country, after a coup d’état carried out by fascists, who privatize resources and sell the people’s goods. “We must defend Evo Morales, because he has been the first indigenous president, a symbol not only for Bolivia, but for worthy people all over the world, including the United States,” said the human rights defender.
She stressed that the main task of the Code Pink group on this issue is to report on events and show evidence of the White House’s involvement in overthrowing legitimate Latin American governments. The organization was born on November 17, 2002, and works to end wars and occupations by the U.S. government, to challenge global militarism, and to redirect resources to finance arms and military supplies to health, education and employment programs.
With her came Ann Wright, a retired and ex-colonel and diplomat. She had been against the war in Iraq in 2001 and other wars sponsored by her country. Today she is a peace activist and speaks out against the foreign policy of the U.S. government.
She believes that the relationship with Cuba has changed for the worse, and said she is very concerned about the decisions of the Trump administration. “We’ve talked to many people in the communities and members of non-governmental organizations, also with the accountants about the impact of the sanctions on their lives. We feel a sense of sadness and ask the people of Cuba to forgive us for what our government is once again doing.”
“Isn’t it highly suspicious that the coronavirus has appeared in China and that Washington has introduced it to weaken what many already consider the world’s leading economic power over the hitherto evil empire led by Trump?”
Author: Orfilio Peláez |
February 7, 2020 23:02:34
Translated and edited by Walter Lippmann for CubaNews.
China faces the coronavirus responsibly and with its people., In the image the first hospital to care for the sick, built in just ten days, and the second hospital is already delivered for the same purpose. Photo: XINHUA
An article published in his personal blog by Spanish journalist Patricio Montesinos deals with the theory that the coronavirus could be a germ created in U.S. laboratories, as a bacteriological weapon of the commercial war unleashed by Washington against China.
According to the text reproduced in Rebelión, several recent statements by senior White House officials and an increasingly intense international media campaign against China, feed the hypothesis that the administration of President Donald Trump could be responsible for the epidemic that appeared in late December 2019, in the city of Wuhan.
Montesinos alludes to the January 31 statement by Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross, who said, “The coronavirus outbreak that has infected thousands of people could boost the U.S. economy. But the senior official went further, saying that it “will help speed the return of jobs to America.
Ross’s statements followed those of Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, who in the midst of the world’s emergency for the disease identified China as a threat to international democratic principles.
In addition, the silence of the major media omits to mention the enormous efforts made by the Asian country’s authorities to control the spread of the epidemic. These include the construction, in record time, of two major hospitals to provide top-quality medical care to the sick and the search for effective drugs that can cure the disease.
In his article, the journalist states that although there have been attempts to hide it, the world knows well how successive U.S. administrations have resorted to biological warfare to overthrow governments considered to be adverse, and to unleash conflicts between nations and exterminate populations.
Fidel, one of the first targets
A look at what has happened in the world during the last 60 years allows us to say that few nations have suffered such varied forms of biological attacks as Cuba.
Perhaps one of the first alleged victims of that dark form of aggression was Commander-in-Chief Fidel Castro at the beginning of the Revolution. The Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) designed a plan to contaminate a diving suit that was supposed to be used by the Cuban leader.
Carefully infected with tuberculosis bacilli, the CIA wanted to use Fidel’s hospitality with James Donovan, a lawyer who was negotiating with the Cuban government to free the mercenaries captured in the invasion of Playa Giron, to deliver the suit to the Chief of the Revolution through him.
The macabre gift was not given by Donovan to his host and the versions that have come down to us suggest that he refused or sought a pretext to avoid becoming involved in the infamous act.
There were also attempts to inoculate microorganisms in tobacco that Fidel would smoke, in order to cause his emblematic beard to fall out.
After the failure of the invasion of Playa Girón, in 1962 the CIA, with the approval of the U.S. government, implemented the so-called Operation Mongoose. Included among its actions was the use of biological and chemical agents capable of destroying Cuban crops and incapacitating agricultural workers.
It was not by chance then that shortly afterward the pathogenic New Castle virus appeared in the fields of the largest of the Antilles and caused severe damage to the national poultry population by having to slaughter tens of thousands of birds.
According to what William Turner, former FBI agent, and the journalist Warren Hinckle, as stated in the book Lethal Secrets: The War of the CIA and the American Mafia against Fidel Castro and the assassination of John Fitzgerald Kennedy, the United States used bacteriological warfare in Cuba during the administration of Richard Nixon (1969-1974) and the CIA engaged the northern government in an undeclared and illegal secret war against Cuba. An example of this was the sudden emergence and rapid spread in 1971 of the first epidemic of African swine fever, whose control and eradication led to the elimination of more than half a million pigs.
On January 7, 1977, a cable from the U.S. agency UPI, dated in Washington, reported that an unidentified CIA source revealed that it had received a container containing the virus in early 1971 at Fort Guglick, a U.S. Army base in the Panama Canal zone. It was to be transferred in a fishing boat to agents in charge of operating clandestinely in Cuba.
Following the investigations made by a group of scientists of the National Center of Agricultural Health (Censa), directed by Dr. Rosa Elena Simeón Negrín, it was concluded that this specific germ of the pigs had been artificially adapted to be transported by means of birds. The specialists warned that this could only be achieved intentionally and with refined techniques of genetic engineering and biotechnology.
It was the first time that the aggressive disease had spread in the Western Hemisphere.
African swine fever reappeared in Cuba in 1979. On that occasion, it became known that the reinfection originated in the surroundings of the town of Caimanera, very close to the Naval Base, which illegally occupies Cuban territory in Guantánamo.
Other acts of bacteriological warfare suffered by the Cuban people between the 1970s and the 1990s. These included the deliberate introduction of the Blue Mould of tobacco (1971), which severely affected the production of such an important exportable product, Cane Rust (1978), whose devastating effect forced the dismantling of almost all the fields planted with the Barbados 4326 cane variety, which has high agricultural and industrial yields. Finally, the painful epidemic of dengue hemorrhagic fever (1981), which caused 158 deaths, 101 of them children, and the insect infestation Thrips palmer which devastated several crops.
During a trial held in New York City in 1984, the Cuban-born agent of the CIA Eduardo Arocena, declared in no uncertain terms that the mission of the group under his command was to obtain certain pathogenic germs and introduce them into Cuba.
The confession is recorded in the minutes on page 2189, file 2-fbi-ny 185-1009, but the prosecutor in charge of the process never ordered an investigation.
There is no evidence at this time that the coronavirus is part of a biological terrorist action by the United States, but the practice of that country and the statements of some of its highest officials leads journalist Patricio Montesinos in his thoughtful article to ask himself: “Isn’t it very suspicious that the coronavirus has appeared in China and that Washington has introduced it to weaken what many already consider the first economic power in the world, over and above the until now evil empire led by Trump?
In context
More than 31,400 cases of coronavirus infection exist worldwide, according to a report yesterday from the World Health Organization (WHO), and of those more than 31,200 in China.
The outbreak is now in 25 countries and 638 people have died, of which only one was recorded outside the Asian giant.
No Latin American country is yet on the map of coronavirus distribution drawn up by the WHO, although an Argentine citizen traveling on a cruise ship held in Japan was found to be infected.
So far, Chinese doctors have saved 1,540 people, according to a report by the People’s Daily.
The People’s Daily reported that Chinese President Xi Jinping spoke by phone Friday with his U.S. counterpart, Donald Trump, asking for sanity in the international media atmosphere. Figures and data are deliberately presented there without contrast, which convey an image that the Asian nation is not doing enough to counteract the epidemic.
During the 146th session of the WHO Executive Board on February 4, Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus praised China for its strong action and speed in the fight.
The International Police (Interpol) notified the coup government of Bolivia of the rejection of the activation of the blue and red stamps against former president Evo Morales
Author: Digital Editor |
January 30, 2020 11:01:37
Translated and edited by Walter Lippmann for CubaNews.
The International Police (Interpol) notified Bolivia’s coup government of the rejection of the activation of the blue and red stamps against former President Evo Morales, who is accused of terrorism, financing of this scourge and sedition.
Attorney Eduardo León revealed that Interpol considered that the request processed by the Attorney General, Juan Lanchipa, differed from Articles 2 (i) and 3 of its Statute and decided not to publish the notification and to eliminate the data of that person (Morales) from its database.
The document stated that Article 2 states that its actions must be framed in respect for the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, while Article 3 prohibits the entity from “intervening in matters of a political, military, religious or racial nature.
In light of this decision, León filed a complaint against Lanchipa on Wednesday for the crime of breach of duty and allegedly acting in a negligent manner in this case.
The lawyer said the attorney general lied to the Bolivians about the persecution of Morales because the activation of the red and blue stamps must be through an order issued by a judge and not only through efforts of the Attorney General’s Office.
“Interpol’s decision demonstrates the lack of seriousness with which the Attorney General acted in this case and, furthermore, it shows the lack of knowledge that Mr. Lanchipa has,” he concluded.
On the other hand, Lanchipa, in line with the coup regime, also confirmed last December the request to activate the blue notice for the former Minister of Coordination with Social Movements, Alfredo Rada.
This is a request to locate Rada, whose whereabouts are unknown and who has been accused of three deaths of opposition civilians in 2007 (when he served as head of the Interior Government), during a riot against the constituent assembly that was in session in the central-southern city of Sucre, under siege by violent groups.
The request was made in spite of the fact that, as he acknowledged, the indispensable authorization of Parliament to open a trial of responsibilities for Rada is pending, as is constitutionally required.
(Taken from CubaSí.cu)
According to Radio China International, the meeting, chaired by the General Secretary of the Central Committee of the CCP, Xi Jinping, was aimed at studying the next steps in the fight against the disease, with the conviction of winning that battle
Author: International Editor |
February 4, 2020 23:02:42
Translated and edited by Walter Lippmann for CubaNews.
The 2019-nCoV outbreak has claimed more lives in China than the severe acute respiratory syndrome that affected the country in 2002-2003. Photo: Reuters
The 2019-nCOV outbreak has claimed more lives in China than the severe acute respiratory syndrome that affected the country in 2002-2003. Photo: Reuters
The Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China held a meeting on Monday to hear the report of the Central Steering Group on the coronavirus and related departments on prevention and control of the epidemic.
According to Radio China International, the meeting, chaired by the Secretary-General of the Central Committee of the CCPR, Xi Jinping, was aimed at studying the next steps for the confrontation of the disease, with the conviction of winning that battle.
With the death toll from the new coronavirus outbreak rising to 426, the World Health Organization (WHO) called for global solidarity, with special emphasis on collective surveillance.
According to Prensa Latina, so far there are 20,471 confirmed cases in the Asian giant, including 425 deaths; while 176 cases were recorded in 24 other countries and one death in the Philippines.
Drug in the test phase
Russian Deputy Health Minister Sergei Kraevói said Chinese specialists are testing a Russian-made drug known as Triazavirin to see if it can fight the coronavirus.
The news, published by Sputnik, assures that the Triazavirin is an antiviral drug from this Eurasian country of direct action of the azoloazine family. According to its creators, it is effective against 15 types of flu.
Cuba remains on alert although no cases of coronavirus have been reported so far.
Cuba’s Ministry of Public Health (Minsap) informed the people that, as part of the protective measures established at the national level to prevent the spread of the coronavirus in the nation, some people who in the last 14 days were in China and other countries with the presence of the virus have been isolated.
According to Dr. Francisco Duran, national director of MINSAP Epidemiology, these people presented symptoms similar to those of the coronavirus, and therefore were admitted to the Pedro Khouri Institute (IPK)and “other hospitals” on the island. However, it has not been confirmed that any of them suffer from the disease, he told Cuban television.
According to the electoral calendar, the Supreme Electoral Tribunal has until 21 February to publish the list of eligible candidates
Author: International Editor |
February 4, 2020 23:02:21
Translated and edited by Walter Lippmann for CubaNews.
Photo: Taken from the Internet
Bolivia’s former president, Evo Morales, is running as a candidate for the Senate for the Movement Towards Socialism (MAS) in the elections next May, after the de facto government made several maneuvers to prevent him from registering.
The former Bolivian leader said on Tuesday in a tweet that “MAS-IPSP (Political Instrument for the Sovereignty of the Peoples) was the first party to present lists of candidates”.
“I appreciate the hard work of our leadership in preparing them. Perhaps not everyone has been satisfied, but it is time for unity, for a conscious and reflexive vote to recover democracy and the country,” he said.
According to the electoral calendar, the Supreme Electoral Tribunal (TSE) has until February 21 to publish the list of qualified candidates, which means that until this date it will be known if the former president continues in the electoral race.
In addition to MAS, other parties registered for the elections include Acción Democrática Nacionalista (dna), Comunidad Ciudadana (cc), Frente para la Victoria (fpv), Partido de Acción Nacional Boliviano (pan-Bol), Juntos, Creemos, and Libertad y Democracia (Libre 21).
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