July 29, 2021
Cuban artists and intellectuals continue to express their support for the Revolution and reaffirm their rejection of continuous aggression against Cuba promoted, organized and financed by the United States government.
In his blog Segunda cita, the singer-songwriter Silvio Rodríguez, noted: “Regarding police excesses… I received some images of the demonstration in front of the Capitol moving toward the Malecón. It is a panoramic shot taken from a balcony of the Hotel Inglaterra. You can see police marching along the flanks of the demonstration, but there is no physical aggression on either side. I have the impression that much of what we have seen has been edited very precisely, to show what they wanted to highlight.”
Regarding the unconventional war that the nation is experiencing today, Camagüeyan poet Alejandro González Bermúdez, told Granma: “Social networks have become, in the case of Cuba, a manipulated and meticulously programmed platform to stimulate or discourage, as desired. The origin of this manipulation is obvious. At the same time, the Cuban government reiterates its commitment to dialogue, peace and consensus…”
Mercy Ruiz, winner of the National Award for Editing, expressed her “indignation with this new war for which Cubans must be prepared and defend the Revolution with all weapons, non-conventional and conventional,” and emphasized, “At this moment we must have firm convictions. The people must be systematically informed. This allows us to have weapons we need to fight. Young people need more historical education, to be aware of the background of relations between Cuba and the United States, so they understand that Homeland or Death is not a slogan, but a conscious, firm way of living.”
“The period we are living today in Cuba and beyond, is not one of slogans, but of convictions,” insisted Ulises Mora, founder of the Timbalaye rumba project. “These are moments in which we must together contribute to create solutions based on our experience and protect our conquests, in order to live together in an inclusive environment of broad social participation. We know and are fully aware of the consequences of the inhuman blockade imposed by the United States and its constant persecution. Despite this, we were able to develop vaccines against covid-19, making tangible the most evident form of the human essence. This is one more reason to reaffirm our conviction to defend Cuba from any corner of the world. No one has said that our revolutionary work is perfect, we all know that there is much to be done and to rectify, but only in an atmosphere of peace, fraternity and love among all Cubans will we advance, with and without a blockade. Cuba is the result of our struggle for independence, our hope for a better world, and the dignity of a people that will not give in to imperialist pressure, not even the most ruthless and inhuman of its aggressions.”
Author: Juan Antonio Borrego |
July 13, 2021 23:07:00 PM
Translated by Walter Lippmann for CubaNews.
With the accumulation of more than six decades of blockade, the impact of the 243 measures adopted during Donald Trump’s administration -all in force until today- and the wear and tear of the already prolonged confrontation with the coronavirus crisis, now at its worst moment since its appearance in the archipelago in March 2020, it would seem that Cuba is witnessing the “perfect storm”.
Lester Mallory, the former Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for Inter-American Affairs, who died in 1994, would be rubbing his hands and boasting that it has been worth waiting 61 years to reap the fruits of the doctrine that he and his advisors conceived, drafted and did not hesitate to put on the table to the Eisenhower administration so that it could be applied.
Faced with the undeniable support of the people for the nascent Revolution, which is precisely the same that keeps it alive and well to this day, the official provided the US government with a secret memorandum containing the essence of the genocidal policy to be followed to the letter in order to overthrow the surprising revolutionary project, which by then (April 1960) was already a thorn in the empire’s side.
“The only foreseeable way to subtract internal support from it (he refers to Fidel and the Revolution) is through disenchantment and dissatisfaction arising from economic malaise and material difficulties… all possible means must be quickly employed to weaken the economic life of Cuba…. a line of action which, being as skillful and discreet as possible, will achieve the greatest progress in depriving Cuba of money and supplies, to reduce its financial resources and real wages, to provoke hunger, despair and the overthrow of the Government”, reads verbatim the document which, with greater or lesser rigor, has guided imperial policy against Cuba up to the present day.
In the fruitful television appearance this Monday, at the request of the First Secretary of the Party and President of the Republic, Miguel Diaz-Canel, Rogelio Polanco, a member of the Secretariat of the Central Committee and head of its Ideological Department, confirmed an irrefutable truth: although it is presented by certain media as a social explosion, what we have experienced this Sunday in Cuba constitutes a chapter of the unconventional war.
Indistinctly called hybrid warfare or color revolutions, fourth-generation warfare, or soft coup, the strategy followed against Cuba is part of a manual that has been rigorously applied in several countries, both in the Middle East and in Europe and also in Latin America -Venezuela, for example-, a perverse system, scientifically conceived, which, as it is easy to notice, has communicating vessels with the famous Lester Mallory’s memorandum.
Unconventional war has an important media component, now increased with the development of social networks that facilitate the generation of false news, misrepresentation, manipulation of facts and so-called half-truths, a world in which Cuba puts the news day after day and almost minute by minute, under the protection of a flourishing colony of media that presume to be independent and impartial and always have at hand the voice of an influencer or “a source who preferred not to reveal his identity”.
In this concept, nothing is more important than discrediting institutionality, denying the impact of the blockade and presenting the shortcomings that the world’s greatest power has been creating for 60 years with its web of laws, obstacles and threats to third parties, as the exclusive result of the ineffectiveness of a supposedly corrupt and obsolete government.
Another element consubstantial to this foggy but equally cruel and effective war modality is the promotion of street violence, which showed its hairy ear this Sunday in some places of the country -Güines and Cárdenas, for example-, with images of youths assaulting a store or overturning a police patrol car, the same photos that these days were on the front pages of important news media.
Provoking the forces of law and order, inducing repressive actions, seeking international condemnation, all secured from the media point of view, are also part of the ABC of unconventional war. It has been applied against the island and sustained with not inconsiderable sums of money, a “financial courtesy” whose most recent amount has just been made public in these same pages.
President Joe Biden, who pledged, not to us, but to the American electorate, to review the Trump administration’s policy towards Cuba -the last of whose measures was to include it once again on the list of state sponsors of terrorism-, then diluted along the way with the statement that it was not a priority or that he was conducting a detailed study of relations, something that six months ago seemed even logical, but today sounds very different.
What is suspicious is that only a few hours after Sunday’s events, originated in the first place by the policy of asphyxiation that his administration may not have designed, but has assumed as its own, officials of his government, and he himself, are sticking their noses into the neighbor’s problems.
Foreign Minister Bruno Rodriguez, a member of the Political Bureau of the Party, recently told the United Nations General Assembly: “Cuba’s demand is to be left in peace”, and President Miguel Diaz-Canel reiterated it, in other words, this Monday: “We are not interested in what may happen within the conception of how the government and the American people want to make their system of government, but we do demand that they respect our self-determination, sovereignty and the way in which the majority of Cubans have agreed to defend socialism”.
The haste with which these characters came out to show solidarity with the vandals, while blaming the Cuban government, reveals the interventionist approach that is being promoted and financed from abroad:
Here is the Mallory Memorandum of 1960:
The blockade causes shortages, consumption is affected, constant feelings of anxiety are created, counter-revolutionary media try to connect people to hate. We have been educated according to principles of humanism and justice. Hate does not build. Let us not be manipulated
Author: Raúl Antonio Capote |
February 12, 2020 23:02:52
The National Revolutionary Police have been involved on many occasions in returning items stolen from schools to students. Photo: Juvenal Balán
On Tuesday [February] 11, at 12:26 p.m., a message surfaced on the internet, arousing the interest of thousands of people. One Internet user wrote on Facebook: “I just saw something shocking”, and was moved to tell of the courageous and dignified performance of a National Revolutionary Police (PNR) officer. “Alone, against an enraged mob determined to lynch a rapist, she, with no other shield than her body, fulfilled her duty (…) to protect his life, so that justice would apply the law to him”.
At the time, hundreds of people shared and commented favorably on the message, and the video uploaded to his channel by the Guerrero Cubano (Cuban Warrior) YouTuber, which motivated the Internet user’s writing.
In the material of Guerrero Cubano, one could appreciate the determined and just action of our police on February 8, in Santiago de Cuba. Proceeding according to the law, she was carrying out the arrest of a person who was accused of having committed a monstrous crime: the rape of a girl under eight years old. Meanwhile, a group attacked the law enforcement officers who, in spite of the complex situation, never lost their cool and acted with great professionalism.
In the course of these events, calls to lynch, burn, destroy, and confront the police began to appear in the networks. Unscrupulous people, taking advantage of the pain of the victim’s relatives, friends and neighbors, called for chaos and accused the PNR and the government of “protecting” the rapist.
The crime, unusual in our Island, awoke the indignation and anger of the people, in a country where respect for children is an essence and not a slogan.
The calls to violence and disorder using digital networks, messages that appear with a certain degree of synchronization, of articulation, in the main media of the counterrevolution, cannot be a coincidence. They appear in the same media that supported the wrongly called “Clandestinos” who tried to stain the immaculate image of the Apostle of Cuba, José Martí. These were the same “false democrats”, the same mercenaries, seeking, through the manipulation of the sensibility of a case like this, to involve people in acts against themselves.
The mechanisms of chaos and violence
The economic war against the island is increasing, using the method of blaming the victim. As the precept of unconventional warfare says, one must try to “achieve the strange result that the victim not only does not complain, but ends up blaming himself for his misfortune and applauding the executioner.
The blockade causes shortages, consumption is affected, constant feelings of anxiety are created, counter-revolutionary media try to connect people to hate, to lie to them, to mobilize them, and to skillfully pull the strings of rancor to turn people into a time bomb.
They “prepare the ground” with the aim of provoking great mental confusion, in the face of the avalanche of facts, messages, and false news. “Citizens fall into such a state of regression that they cannot think rationally, nor protect their interests,” the CIA manuals say. In that state, many people are easily manipulated.
Not for nothing did the subversion plans in the Obama era not renounce economic warfare. On the contrary, the Genesis project, to cite one example, clearly explained that it was necessary to “rigorously maintain pressure on the economy, to force the government to negotiate from disadvantaged positions”. It was a mixture of cultural seduction and economic suffocation.
During the presentation of the draft resolution Necessity of ending the economic, commercial and financial blockade imposed by the United States of America against Cuba, in New York on 7 November 2019, Cuban Foreign Minister Bruno Rodríguez Parrilla, stated: “In recent months, the government of President Donald Trump has begun an escalation of its aggression against Cuba, with the application of unconventional measures to prevent the supply of fuel to our country Its aim, in addition to affecting the economy, is to damage the standard of living of Cuban families. The United States government is indeed responsible.
About 187 actions, including fines, sanctions and measures against the Cuban people, were taken in 2019 with the aim of generating hardship, dissatisfaction and an uprising against the government. This was rightly stated in Lester Mallory’s Memorandum in 1960, which proposed to provoke disillusionment and discouragement in the population in order to facilitate the overthrow of the Revolution.
They want to leave us without fuel for transportation without gas to cook our food, to paralyze the country, and to affect the daily life of the Cuban family in order to wrest political concessions from us. They need a lot of hatred, they need fear, they need to annul the judgment of the people, so that they act irrationally, to annul their psychological defenses, to destroy their self-esteem.
Cuba has been the object of a systematic campaign of motivational influence, pure and hard psychological warfare, fabricated in the laboratories of the CIA. Its goal has been to build a state of mind that will lead the people to act beyond all logic, one that will move them to execute aggressive actions, and to create a state of irrationality that can turn the human being into a beast. In that state, scientifically managed, they try to lead them to the achievement of the action desired by the manipulator.
As the ideologists of the Guarimbas, the Ukrainian Maidan, of George Soros and Gene Sharp, the “internationalist” Otpor boys, repeat over and over again: their aim is to make sure that nothing remains but chaos.
The narrative of indignation in the service of imperial plans
In Bolivia, gangs of criminals, under the guise of “popular indignation” over alleged electoral fraud, took control of cities, carried out roadblocks in the style of Venezuelan guarimberos, burned institutions, made threats, committed murders, tortured people on the streets, and humiliated social and political leaders.
The modus operandi is not exclusive to our region. In November 2019, Iran suffered a wave of violence that destroyed 730 banks, 70 gas stations, 140 government buildings and more than 50 security force bases.
Behind this perfectly-crafted scenario was the targeting of protests, the escalation of violence, and the use of criminal recruitment to attack the security forces.
In 2004, Otpor leaders Srdja Popovic and Slobodan Dinovic created the Center for Applied Nonviolent Strategy and Action (Canvas) in Serbia, an attractive and productive business financed by the US government.
The manual Nonviolent Struggle: 50 Crucial Points, became the “Bible” of the seditious and terrorist movements in Arab countries and Latin America, as much or more than the manuals of Gene Sharp, Bob Helvey and Ackerman, pioneers in the name of this strategy, and its precepts have been applied against Venezuela, Iran, Ukraine, Syria, Bolivia, etc.
Genesis, a project of ideological political subversion developed for Cuba, perfectly described this type of scenario: “Once the intentions of the movement are publicly declared, the highly committed activists are recruited, they move on to carry out street actions that generate repressive action by the security forces, in such a way as to create a state of ungovernability and chaos that justifies, always at the request of the Cuban people, United States intervention”.
What is raised on hate does not hold
Who is interested in making the world believe that a climate of insecurity and violence exists in Cuba? The Miami hate machine, the mud producer, which is profoundly anti-Martian, which is the same as saying anti-Cuban; which ignores an essential principle of the Apostle, everything that tries to rise above hate does not stand. Martí was a revolutionary without hatred, which is why he disagreed with “the barbarians who entrust everything to force and violence”.
The PNR acted in accordance with the law, in a country of laws that respect above all things the integrity of the detainee, a detainee who is not guilty until he is tried and sentenced. The PNR acted in accordance with the tradition learned from the founders of the nation, in accordance with a Revolution that tried war criminals, murderers who committed atrocious crimes, tortured and disappeared thousands of young Cubans. Batista’s torturers were not lynched, they were put on trial with all the guarantees of due process. That is how we acted then and that is how we will always act.
The person guilty of such an atrocious act will be tried and convicted, we have no doubt. We have been educated according to principles of humanism and justice that are the essence of the “sun of the moral world” to which we aspire. Hate does not build. Let us not allow ourselves to be manipulated.
Cuban Warrior T-3
1.68K subscribers
The networks have begun to manipulate an event that occurred in Santiago de Cuba, during the arrest of a subject with HIV who raped a girl under 8 years old. Hundreds of outraged people tried to attack him and the police fulfilled their duty to protect him. Some vandals took advantage of the situation to throw stones. #Cuba #Miami
TRANSLATION by Walter Lippmann for CubaNews.
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