New Leon Trotsky
Selected texts
2015 | Marxist Library Collection |
The present selection has the first purpose of spreading the political ideology of Leon Trotsky, author of a considerably vast work and unavoidable personality of the history of the 20th century. Gathered in this volume, you can find some of his most significant and lucid writings.
An examination of the strategic and controversial debates originated in the heart of the revolutionary movement in the last century has to consider, by force, the figure of Trotsky. The chosen exts that Ocean Sur offers to the readers provide a valuable opportunity to revisit, or discover for the first time, the thought of this tireless theoretician and revolutionary, at the same time that they constitute an invitation to deepen, question and reflect.
Leon Trotsky
He was a Russian politician and revolutionary of Jewish origin, and one of the key organizers of the October Revolution, which allowed the Bolsheviks to take power in November 1917 in Russia. During the ensuing civil war, he served as commissar of military affairs.
This collection brings together publications that address the origins, history and validity of Marxist thought.
472 pages | ISBN 978-1-921438-89-9
Translation by Walter Lippmann for CubaNews.
By: Ismael Francisco
October 27, 2017
Photojournalist at Cubadebate. He has worked at Granma, Prensa Latina and AIN. He has made graphic coverage of important political, sports and social events in Cuba and other parts of the world. He has won several awards and journalistic recognitions.
A CubaNews translation by Walter Lippmann.
Fashion Week in Havana, collection of ROX 950. Photo: Ismael Francisco / Cubadebate.
The Fashion Week in Havana: Crafts and Identity, serves as a stimulus to creativity based on Cubans’ know-how, in accordance with the aesthetic and functional values of our idiosyncrasies.
Until Saturday the 28th, the event will offer parades in the old Warehouse of Wood and Tobacco, in the Alameda de Paula.
More than 70 creators, including designers and artisans who work in events such as textiles, jewelry, leather and costume jewelery, participate in this event sponsored by the Cuban Association of Craft Artists and the Cuban Fund of Cultural Assets.
Fashion Week in Havana, collection by designer Mario Freixas. Photo: Ismael Francisco / Cubadebate.
Fashion Week in Havana, collection of the designer Mario Freixas. Photo: Ismael Francisco / Cubadebate.
Fashion Week in Havana, collection by designer Mario Freixas. Photo: Ismael Francisco / Cubadebate.
Fashion Week in Havana, collection by designer Mario Freixas. Photo: Ismael Francisco / Cubadebate.
Fashion Week in Havana, collection of designer Rosa Xiomara Valdés. Photo: Ismael Francisco / Cubadebate.
Fashion Week in Havana, collection of designer Rosa Xiomara Valdés. Photo: Ismael Francisco / Cubadebate.
Fashion Week in Havana, collection of designer Rosa Xiomara Valdés. Photo: Ismael Francisco / Cubadebate.
Fashion Week in Havana, collection of designer Rosa Xiomara Valdés. Photo: Ismael Francisco / Cubadebate.
Fashion Week in Havana, designer Yunior Hierro Leyva’s collection. Photo: Ismael Francisco / Cubadebate.
Fashion Week in Havana, designer Yunior Hierro Leyva’s collection. Photo: Ismael Francisco / Cubadebate.
Fashion Week in Havana, designer Yunior Hierro Leyva’s collection. Photo: Ismael Francisco / Cubadebate.
Fashion Week in Havana, designer Yunior Hierro Leyva’s collection. Photo: Ismael Francisco / Cubadebate.
Semana de la Moda en la Habana, colección de ROX 950. Foto: Ismael Francisco/ Cubadebate.
Semana de la Moda en la Habana, colección de ROX 950. Foto: Ismael Francisco/ Cubadebate.
Fashion Week in Havana, ROX 950 collection. Photo: Ismael Francisco / Cubadebate.
Fashion Week in Havana, ROX 950 collection. Photo: Ismael Francisco / Cubadebate.
By Manuel E. Yepe
Exclusive for the daily POR ESTO! of Merida, Mexico.
Translated and edited by Walter Lippmann.
The mysterious case of the alleged “acoustic attacks” against US diplomatic personnel in Cuba turns out to have been a media maneuver aimed at damaging tourism in terms of as part of the blockade against the island.
One of Cuba’s greatest attractions for foreign tourism is the guarantee of security offered by the island to visitors from any part of the world. Another is the high level of public health in Cuba, one of the highest in the Western Hemisphere with health indicators comparable to those of the most developed nations.
In addition to the exceptional conditions with which the island has been endowed by nature, the popular revolution of 1959 has incorporated the dsocial conditions of peace and harmony that the visitor appreciates from the first moment of their stay in Cuba.
More than half a century of possessive paranoia, aggravated by the economic, commercial and financial blockade, have not been able to counteract the enormous achievements of socialism, even if they have postponed or limited many revolutionary economic and social advances in the country.
Basque journalist José Manzaneda, coordinator of the Cubainformación website, a channel that broadcasts news, reports and commentaries on the island from Spain, has denounced the media’s objective against Cuba over the campaign of alleged sonic attacks.
Manzaneda remembers that it was the Argentine newspaper “Clarín”, among many other media, who published a report two years ago from the Associated Press. Its focus was on an American traveler who felt “a sudden loss of feeling in his four extremities, in the same hotel where some affected diplomats were staying.”
Then there’s the growing interest among students, the sector of American visitors that has grown the most in Cuba –118% in the first half of the year– given that conventional tourism is still prohibited by the US blockade, Diario de Cuba, half-financed by the governments of the United States and Spain, wrote: “There are signs that students and retirees (from the U.S.) plan to cancel their trips to the island”, since neither “Washington nor Havana have been able to prevent the attacks, which could generate an uncontrollable crisis”.
El Nuevo Herald, a mouthpiece for the extreme right-wing Cubans in Miami, assured its readers that Raúl Castro is turning a diplomatic crisis into an economic, potentially destabilizing one.
Agencies and media collaborated in this way with the objective of the White House that came to life on September 29. That was when, recognizing that ti was “not aware” of the origin of the supposed acoustic attacks, it officially recommended not traveling to the island.
“Coming from the government of a country where every year 30,000 people die by firearms, more than a thousand by police, and 31% of the world’s mass shootings are recorded, this alarm seems like a joke in bad taste,” says Manzaneda.
The extreme-right of Cuban origin of the Republican party, which, in exchange for its vote on other matters, already manages Donald Trump’a Cuba policy. It seeks to reverse the growth experienced through the trips of Americans to the island and damage the income from them which it brings to the Cuban economy.
In line with this campaign, the conservative Washington Examiner asked the House of Representatives to demand that Cuba “evaluate security at its ten international airports.” This is an inadmissible interference that seeks to reduce the number of visitors from the US, in this case by canceling the regular flights authorized by the Obama administration.
However, RESPECT, the largest US association of travel promoters in Cuba, rejected –as unnecessary and counterproductive– the “security warning” issued by the State Department, arguing that Cuba is a “safe destination.”
The Spanish newspaper El País followed with an interview with Thomas Shannon, US Undersecretary of State. He held Cuba responsible for everything that had happened, but without clarifying what he was referring to, and without contributing any element to such an unusual story. Republican Senator Marco Rubio, Donald Trump’s current spoiled scion, seems to be, according to analysts, the one who is behind the nefarious campaign about “sonic attacks” in Cuba.
Everything indicates that, now, the tactic chosen by the right, at the service of imperialism, is to generate fear more than to legislate against Cuba. This is because, since for the former they have the concurrence –conscious or unconscious– of powerful international agencies and media, so much so that, for the second, they run the risk of increasing the division in the Republican ranks in Congress.
Let it be known then that all this diabolical mischief of sonic attacks is nothing more than another element of the blockade against Cuba that this past November 1, was condemned almost unanimously by the world community in the UN for the 26th consecutive year.
November 2 of 2017.
October 26, 2017
Translated and edited by Walter Lippmann for CubaNews.
Why Colombia? Learn about it in the lines that follow. Photo taken from Somos Colombianos.
The US decision. to process immigrant visas for Cubans in Colombia is a maneuver that hides perverse purposes, which can be understood in the treatment of this issue by the US government.
Some elements:
The State Department, on its official website, says that, “At this moment it, is being determined when the interviews will begin to be scheduled.” However, they themselves, in one of the sections of their site, locate a link to an article by Martí News that quoting a spokesman, says “Cubans must obtain a visa from Colombia and be willing to stay” a few weeks “in the country to complete the process that would allow them to emigrate to the United States,” later this same media disinformation on 10/20/17 states, “the Consular Section official Virgil Carstens informed that the first appointments for visas will not be available” until November 2017 “, repeating that Cubans” should plan the stay of at least a few weeks in Colombia, “adding that if additional administrative processing is necessary, they may” go out and return at a later date to near the end of the process “.
It is noteworthy that this little serious and unreliable middle is the one selected by the State Department to give the first of this news, the answer is that they are interested in moving these messages and others linked to this subject to the Cuban community based in Miami, to influence it and through it in those of the island to condition their states of opinion in their favor.
The objectives of the maneuver:
Internal destabilization
In Colombia they have certain consular capacities, but the Colombian embassy in Cuba may not have them to process an unexpected volume of visas, this creates the first obstacle and can generate crowds of people in the surroundings of this seat with the usual inconveniences and the possible occurrence of incidents , a situation that would serve to strengthen the opinion matrix of an environment of insecurity around diplomatic personnel accredited in the country.
With the sharp decrease in the number of visas for migrants and the obstacles to obtaining them that will necessarily arise, the intention is to increase the internal pressure of those who wish to emigrate, in order to create destabilizing situations that may lead to a considerable increase in illegal exits to the US, and lead to a mass exodus. In addition, Cuba, guilty of the problem.
The New York Times , “It has been hard ‘: Cuban families in limbo before the suspension of US visas,” states that, “the United States by interrupting the flow of immigration from the island by reducing its staff at the embassy of La Havana, in response to the mysterious attacks could trigger a further increase in migration, particularly if Cuba is experiencing an economic recession. Citing Vicki Huddleston, ex-head of the then SINA in the period 1999 to 2002, says that there is a risk of another massive migration.
The analysis of the medium reinforces the opinion matrix of Cuban responsibility, placing the US action. as a response and unveils America’s vision of where the situation they are trying to lead could get to, while preparing the public opinion of their country for it.
The mention of a presumed incidence of an economic recession in the evolution of events, is not done lightly, it they want to push us toward it damaging one of our main routes of income of foreigners that is the tourism. For that reason, the warning against trips to Cuba , the appearance of alleged tourists affected and the involvement of Canadian citizens, a country that is among the main sources of tourists to Cuba.
No criticism is a skillful journalistic treatment of the subject.
What could the US response be? before a massive exodus?
According to what was published by the Coast Guard , they would decree the naval blockade to prevent vessels from Florida reaching Cuba and picking up potential migrants, while intercepting those coming from our country, returning them to their origin, this would increase the destabilization of the country.
It is also known that the Miami right dream of a situation of this type to try to use it to pressure the US government to intervene in Cuba.
Some additional questions:
Why Colombia?
The docility of the politicians of that country to the Yankee requirements is no secret. It is enough to remember its acceptance of the establishment of seven US military bases on its territory and its alignment with Washington against Venezuela among other acts of vassalage. These are the reasons which guaranteed the acceptance and collaboration of the Colombian government, without having to resort to pressures that could transcend public opinion, jeopardizing the objectives of this new assembly.
Will all migrant visa applicants have the financial capacity to cover the cost of lodging and meals for a few weeks in Colombia?
Most likely and the Americans know it is not.
What are you pursuing with this?
What they want is that, given the impossibility of covering their expenses in Colombia and those that may lead them to leave, they will be forced to seek alternative sources of income, some may, according to their personal characteristics, be linked to crime, others could obtain low-income jobs and the more they would begin to seek help from the Colombian and US governments, this could lead to a complex situation in Colombia with which they would mediately accuse Cuba of not clarifying the “attacks and forcing the “philanthropical” US to try to help Cubans through an alternative solution.
Faced with this situation, it is expected that they will press for agreements to be returned, seeking to increase the number of those who would be frustrated with their hopes to emigrate to the United States. by legal means, those who, along with those who will dismiss the Colombia route as unviable, could, according to their assessments, bring about a mass exodus as we have already analyzed..
But Cuba knows its enemy.
(Taken from PostCuba )
October 26, 2017
A CubaNews translation.
Edited by Walter Lippmann.
This is the second accusation that implicates George Bush Sr. Photo: @kim_ugh.
Local sources reported today that New York actress Jordana Grolnick denounced George HW Bush , who ruled the United States from 1989-1993, for sexual harassment.
The woman recounted an episode similar to that of the first accuser, Heather Lind, who on Wednesday filed a complaint through her Instagram account, which she erased shortly thereafter.
According to Grolnick, Bush grabbed her buttocks in August of last year during a group photo shoot at the Ogunquit Playhouse in Maine.
The actress told the Deadspin news site that Bush joked that her favorite magician is “David Cop-a-Feel” – a wordplay on the name of the character David Copperfield and the English word “feel” – and he fingered her.
He added that his wife, Barbara Bush, responded, “She’s going to have him sent to jail.”
“We were all around him and his wife Barbara for a picture,” recalled Grolnick, who was currently working on a production of “Hunchback of Notre Dame” at the Maine Theater. “I was next to him and he put his hand on my back.”
On Wednesday, the former president apologized publicly to actress Heather Lind, who accused him of having tampered with her while the president was in a wheelchair.
The former president’s office said in a statement that he often repeats the same joke” and sometimes he has patted women on the butt in a jocular tone.”
He apologizes “to all the people he has offended,” the official statement added.
Bush, 93, was charged first by Heather Lind, 34, in her Instagram account, in a message he later decided to delete.
“When I had the opportunity to meet George Bush four years ago, to promote a TV show I worked for, he sexually assaulted me while we were posing for the picture,” Lind said in her account.
“He did not shake my hand. He touched me from behind. His wife Barbara Bush was at his side. I thought the joke was in bad taste, “he wrote.
(With information from ANSA)
October 27, 2017.
Translated and edited by Walter Lippmann for CubaNews.
Estela de Carlotto announces the meeting of granddaughter 125. Photo: Telam
“Grandmothers of Plaza de Mayo have the immense joy of communicating the restoration of the daughter of Lucia Rosalinda Victoria Tartaglia.” In this way, the Grandmothers, who just commemorated the forty years of searching, announced from the mouth of Estela de Carlotto the meeting of granddaughter 125.
Lucia, a political militant in La Plata, was kidnapped on November 27, 1977, at age 24. Since her family knew she was pregnant, they began the search for a child born in captivity. The samples that they contributed to the National Genetic Data Bank allowed the identification 38 years later.
Lucia was born on June 6, 1953 in Santa Rosa, La Pampa. Her family called her “La Flaca”. She moved to the city of La Plata where she studied law and was a member of the Peronist University Youth. “For a year, efforts on the part of her family to locate Lucia were in vain. They, had no news of her until, in November 1978, a year after her disappearance, her brother, Aldo Tartaglia, received a first letter from Lucia where she related that she was detained.
In another letter, she said that she was pregnant and expected to give birth in early 1979, “says the statement that Estela de Carlotto just read when announcing ” Today we find another granddaughter. “
In a democracy, her family was able to rebuild thanks to testimony from survivors that Lucia was kidnapped in the clandestine detention center known as “Atlético-Banco-Olimpo”. They knew it with the nickname of “anteojito”. The survivors reported that she was pregnant and was taken to give birth while in captivity.
Federal Criminal Oral Court Number 2 convicted fourteen members of the repressive forces, including Samuel Miara, on March 22, 2011, for the disappearance of Lucia.
“Thanks to the perseverance of our search and the human rights movement, today granddaughter 125 can know the truth about her origin,” said the statement from the Grandmothers.
(Taken from Pagina 12 )
October 29, 2017
Translated and edited by Walter Lippmann for CubaNews.
According to information provided to the Council of the European Union (EU) in May this year, one in three women in the EU has been a victim of physical or sexual violence since the age of 15. | Photo: Reuters.
A survey carried out earlier month in Germany reveals that 43 percent of women and 12 percent of men admit to having suffered sexual harassment, according to data from British pollster YouGov.
The survey also reveals that one in six men confirms that they have sexually harassed someone. Eighteen percent of the men surveyed acknowledge that they have ever had inappropriate behavior that could be perceived as “disproportionate or sexual harassment.”
According to data from the study of more than 2,000 people, inappropriate touch (28 percent) and suggestive observations (24 percent) are common forms of harassment, occurring in 14 percent in places 13 per cent in the private sector and 10 per cent in work.
This study came after about thirty women, including assistants and members of the MEP team, reported having been harassed by several politicians in the European Union (EU).
(Taken from TeleSur)
October 26, 2017
Translated and edited by Walter Lippmann for CubaNews.
Edited by Walter Lippmann.
Coinciding with the 34th anniversary of the death in combat of 24 Cuban internationalists during the United States’ invasion of Grenada in October 1983, a memorial was inaugurated in their honor at the Maurice Bishop International Airport.
This Memorial is the result of the work carried out during the years 2015 to 2017 with the contribution of Grenadian graduates in Cuba, Cuban collaborators, friends of solidarity, the Trade Union of Technical and Associated Workers (TAWU), the Airport Authorities and the government of Pomegranate. It is located in one of the areas occupied by the camps of Cuban collaborators who worked on the construction of the airport in the early 80’s of last century.
The event was chaired by Nickolas Steele, Minister of Health and Social Security, representing the government and the Cuban Ambassador, Maria Caridad Balaguer Labrada. Minister Steele referred to the contribution of the Cuban collaboration to the development of Grenada, in particular to the construction of the airport. She highlighted the spirit of solidarity of of our people despite their economic limitations, while denouncing the cruel economic, commercial and financial blockade imposed by the US government against Cuba for more than 55 years.
The ceremony also included Dr. Terence Marryshow, on behalf of the Grenada-Cuba Friendship Association. He highlighted the historic relations of friendship between the two peoples and referred to the heroism of the Cuban internationalists who had fallen during the invasion. Wendy Williams, General Manager of the Airport, stressed that the Memorial is part of the heritage of that institution and will be a place of permanent tribute to the 24 Cuban internationalist martyrs.
In her address, the Cuban Ambassador expressed her gratitude for the support she received for the realization of this work. It was the result of the historic friendly relations between the peoples of Cuba and Grenada and a symbol of heroism, humanism and solidarity as an expression of internationalism. Cuban people. Ariel Jiménez, a UNECA collaborator, later conducted the solemn roll call in honor of the 24 martyrs and paid a minute’s silence in tribute.
The ceremony was attended by Senators Andre Lewis, President of the Council of Trade Unions of Granada (GTUC) and Peter David; the Ambassador of Granada in Cuba, Claris Charles; Jorge Guerrero Veloz, Ambassador of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela and officials of that diplomatic mission. Other government officials, Cuban collaborators, representatives of the trade union movement, friends of solidarity, graduates in Cuba and resident Cubans also attended.
Translated and Edited by Walter Lippmann.
Buenos Aires, Oct 20 (Prensa Latina) He was 81 years old but for those who knew him up close, he had a young, cheerful heart and an enviable capacity for work, today the Argentineans say goodbye to one of their greatest actors, the great Federico Luppi .
Although he had been hospitalized several days ago due to a health problem that had been dragging on since his head was hit last April, the news has had an impact on the cultural media of the country and especially those Argentines who lived and dreamed of their actions.
Luppi, Time of Revenge, Labyrinth of the Faun, Common Places, Martin Hache, Cronos and many other films, died this morning at the Favaloro Foundation, where he remained hospitalized waiting for a transfer to another clinic to start a rehabilitation process.
The blow to his head produced a cerebral clot while he worked. In just six months his life went out but not the indelible mark left in Latin American and international cinema in more than 70 films, many of them multi-award winning. ‘Never’, he said sharply when one or another journalist asked him if he planned to retire one day and he kept his word, because despite his health complications, he was about to start a theatrical tour with the piece Las ultunas lunas, a play about old age, directed by his wife Susana Hornos.
On Twitter, messages weep over Luppi. He died a big figure, perhaps the most repeated word to say farewell to this actor, considered one of the most versatile interpreters of his generation.
Some pay homage with photographs and eternal thanks, others publish some of the most memorable scenes of their performances to recall it.
‘I am happy to be alive at this age, to have done so many things in Argentina and still be able to recount them. And I would like, yes, in slightly fantastical terms, to descend slowly through the dark side of the moon, but with dignity,” said this cinematic icon, who left for eternity today.
rc / may
By Manuel E. Yepe
Exclusive for the daily POR ESTO! of Merida, Mexico.
Translated and edited by Walter Lippmann for CubaNews.
The dream of creating a super-majority left-wing party in the United States from the ashes of the old Democratic party could be achieved overnight if Senator Bernie Sanders stopped working against the generation of young people who energized his campaign in the United States. confrontation with Hillary Clinton.
That is the idea put forth by the American writer, professor and political activist Gail McGowan Mellor in an article by her published on Huffington Post on September 27.
It is estimated that two-thirds of voters in the US are opposed to the endless wars waged by their country, the granting of subsidies to large corporations and corruption. They want to support environment, public safety, science and social justice. If they were able to unite, they would roll in any suffrage.
At present, there are those who work for the creation of a new great party of the left. They do not do it with a retail approach, because those who have this commitment are 60% of the total number of voters and 78% of the independents, says Mellor.
But several times in the last year the projected new self-organized progressive party has been close to becoming viable and has been blocked by Sanders, who has prioritized the unification and cleansing of the deeply divided and corrupt Democratic party, to which he himself does not belong.
US Senator Bernie Sanders was a 2016 presidential candidate promoted by progressive democrats from the Democratic Party. They were determined to clean up US policy, get out of its endless wars, restore security networks and fight climate change. But they had not found, at the federal level of the two establishment parties, someone who did not receive money from large corporations.
Bernie was an independent politician (without a party) who, 42 years ago, had held local and federal political positions without receiving partisan support or corporate money. A convincing politician, well-informed and passionate, but unknown at the national level, he was raised to the political limelight and to victory by young people between 18 and 50 years of age, known as the millenials). They average 37 years of age and aim at making changes in culture and politics, without imperialist aims and in favor of a democratic reconstruction of society.
At various times, Sanders rejected calls from many of the “millennials”, that he should leave the Democratic trusteeship and create a new party. But, instead of setting this as a goal, Sanders insisted that he could restore the Democratic Party to its old party party glory.
Without military in the divided and corrupt Democratic party, whose supporters barely represent 28% of the registered electorate, Sanders decided to work to achieve the reunification of it. To this end, he called on his supporters to register as Democrats, to the detriment of the progressive ranks that had promoted him and that, for that reason, would be divided and weakened.
The Democrats had accepted him as their presidential primary candidate because it gave them a competitive image that legitimized Hillary Clinton, their pre-determined candidate. The Democratic leadership calculated that beating Bernie would be an easy task for her. In fact, thanks to the millennial generation, Bernie demonstrated, from the first month of the campaign, that in a few hours he could gather an enthusiastic crowd in any city, something that Hillary could not do despite the abundant corporate money she had.
But neither Sanders nor his supporters knew that the Democratic primaries, with their fabulous public expenditures, are always fraudulent and their outcome is predetermined behind closed doors. And the most serious thing is that the party sees this as its right.
At various times, Sanders rejected the idea of many in the millennial generation, of getting out of the Democratic trusteeship and creating a new left party. Not a few of them thought they’d been cheated by the Democratic Party, and betrayed by Sanders. The rigged Democratic primaries ended in June 2016 with the designation of Hillary as party candidate.
Polls showed that Clinton and Trump were then neck-and-neck, four months before the November vote.
Subsequent polls have shown that in the 2016 elections, Sanders would have swept Trump. One of them suggested that Sanders would have obtained 56% of the vote, “an avalanche.”
As an aspiring Democratic presidential candidate, Sanders told TIME magazine that what he was waging was not an election campaign but a “movement leading to a revolution for which he was trying to create political awareness.”
October 23, 2017.
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