February 26, 2018
Translated and edited by Walter Lippmann for CubaNews.
Monica Lewinsky. Photo taken from TV Guide.
Twenty years ago, Bill Clinton was shaky: the then-president had to go through in impeachment process based solely on his extra-marital relationship with Monica Lewinsky, a 27-year-old scholarship recipient. Clinton survived the trial, led by special prosecutor Kenneth Starr. Lewinsky almost didn’t make it. In 1998, she was used as a weapon by the prosecutor and the media. At the age of 24, an unpaid scholarship holder saw every facet of her life dissected or reinvented. How, Lewinsky recalls in Vanity Fair,”in the Washington Post alone 125 articles appeared on the subject, only in the first 10 days.”
Two decades later, after a fortuitous encounter with Starr, Lewinsky has decided to contribute her vision. She has done so, in the first person, for Vanity Fair, by recalling those days in 1998, when the Internet first became the seed of fake news, a viral propagator and source of harassment. In a steamroller that crushed the line “between facts and opinions, news and gossip, private lives and public moral judgments. The Internet was already such a driving force behind the information flow that, when the House Judiciary Committee decided to publish Ken Starr’s findings online -two days after I had received them- it meant to me that every adult with a modem could read my private conversations, my personal thoughts (taken from my computer) and, worse, my sex life.”
Lewinsky talks about the infamous Starr Report, achieved among other things when “a group of FBI agents – Starr was not present – cornered a 24-year-old girl in a Pentagon room and told her she faced 27 years in prison if she didn’t cooperate. That “they threatened to impute my mother (if I didn’t tell them about the private confidences I had given her), that they let it slip that they would investigate my father’s medical career, and even interrogated my aunt, with whom I was having dinner [the night the FBI went after Lewinsky],”.
The media, fed by “anonymous sources and online rumors that arose daily, all false or irrelevant”, dragged through public opinion the figure of a young woman who, at the age of 22, entered into a “consensual” relationship with a 49-year-old married man. Or all the spoilage that can be the relationship with someone who “was my boss. He was the most powerful man on the planet. He was 27 years older than me, with enough life experience to know that it wasn’t right. That he was at the top of his career while I was in my first position after college. Lewinsky says that even if the relationship was consensual, it is now that she begins to realize the “incredible abuse of authority and power” that Clinton exercised.
But there was something worse, something that has changed for the better. During the whole Lewinsky case, those rumors appeared in the media, either Starr’s point of view, or Clinton’s, or that of hundreds of talk shows, but not Lewinsky’s, who “was not allowed to speak legally. She had no support, no way to tell her story or defend herself “as any woman today can do by sharing her story by tagging it with #MeToo and immediately welcoming her into the tribe. (…) Support networks on the Internet were something that did not exist at the time. Power, in that case, was still in the hands of the president, Congress, prosecutors and the press.
Lewinsky was alone. “Publicly alone. Abandoned. Without support, much less the main figure [Clinton]”. She has even been recognized as “one of the founders of the #MeToo movement”. And that marks the change of an era: Lewinsky was by no means a victim of sexual abuse (something that Lewinsky herself has defended from the beginning). But she did suffer multiple abuses of power, both before and during and after her relationship with Clinton. Responsibility. Of a game between two men, Starr and Clinton, with their media choirs. Subjected to an infinite “gas lighting” by all those who had placed a 24-year-old girl at the center of a public narrative. Lewinsky had no public voice. Lewinsky was what others said she was,”until I couldn’t question my narrative internally or internally.
And that’s what has changed today: “We owe a huge debt of gratitude to the heroines of #MeToo and Time’s Up. Because their movements speak volumes about the pernicious conspiracies of silence that for so long have protected powerful men when it comes to abuse of power, harassment and sexual abuse. Lewinsky concludes by recalling a Mexican proverb she’s been told quite a few times during these months:”They tried to bury us, but they didn’t know we were seeds. And for Lewinsky, Time’s Up and #MeToo is proof that spring has arrived.
(Taken from Vanity Fair)
A CubaNews translation.
Edited by Walter Lippmann.
Singing “Strange Fruit” was Rebecca Ferguson’s condition for performing at the inauguration ceremony of Donald Trump, attended by six religious leaders including a Catholic cardinal, a rabbi, a Hispanic clergyman and a woman.
The artist wrote in her Twitter account that she would only accept the invitation of the president-elect “if you allow me to sing” Strange Fruit “a song that has an enormous historical importance, a song that was blacklist of the United States for being too controversial.
A song that speaks to all the black people despised and trampled in the United States. “
This theme was originally performed by Billie Holiday, but the lyrics are a poem by Abel Meeropol inspired by the historical photograph showing the lynching of two African Americans, Thomas Shipp and Abram Smith, in 1930 in downtown Marion, Indiana.
Thomas Shipp and Abram Smith, in 1930 in downtown Marion, Indiana.
Abel Meeropol was a Jewish professor of Russian origin affiliated to the Communist Party of the United States. He saw this photo of the lynchings that, according to his testimony, followed him all day and did not let him sleep. Then he wrote the poem Bitter Fruit, which he published under the pseudonym Lewis Allan in the New York Teacher and the New Masses. Later he wrote music the poem in the song Strange Fruit. Meeropol is also known for having adopted the children of Ethel and Julius Rosenberg, after they were executed in the United States.
The song became famous in the voice of legendary jazz music Billie Holiday in 1939, and then was sung by Nina Simone. Holiday once said that when he first sang “Strange Fruit” at a New York café, she surprised the audience.
“There was not even a clap when I finished,” he wrote later in his autobiography. “Then a lonely person began to applaud nervously. Suddenly everyone applauded.”
Andrea Bocelli, Elton John, Céline Dion, country singer Garth Brooks are among the artists who have turned down the invitation to participate in the January 20 inauguration event. Even Kanye West, who has publicly supported the president-elect, has said no.
In contrast, Beyoncé sang the American anthem four years ago at the reelection ceremony of Barack Obama, Kelly Clarkson and James Taylor acted after the oath. Alicia Keys, Marc Anthony and Brad Paisley were at the official celebration in Washington.
Rebecca Ferguson ends her response to Trump reminding him that “Strange Fruit” is a song that recalls how love is the only thing that will conquer all hatred in this world, so I will gladly accept your invitation and see you in Washington.
The lyrics of Strange fruit has only three deep and mournful stanzas:
Strange Fruit
Southern trees bear a strange fruit,
Blood on the leaves and blood at the root,
Black bodies swinging in the southern breeze,
Strange fruit hanging from the poplar trees.
Pastoral scene of the gallant south,
The bulging eyes and the twisted mouth,
Scent of magnolias, sweet and fresh,
Then the sudden smell of burning flesh.
Here is fruit for the crows to pluck,
For the rain to gather, for the wind to suck,
For the sun to rot, for the trees to drop,
Here is a strange and bitter crop.
Listen to Nina Simone performing “Strange Fruit” with Spanish subtitles
Rebecca Ferguson. Cantar “Strange Fruit” fue la condición de Rebecca Ferguson para actuar en la ceremonia de investidura de Donald Trump, a la que asistirán seis líderes religiosos incluidos un cardenal católico, un rabino, un clérigo hispano y una mujer. La artista escribió en su cuenta de Twitter que solo aceptaría la invitación del presidente electo “si me permites cantar “Strange Fruit” una canción que tiene una enorme importancia histórica, una canción que estuvo en la lista negra de Estados Unidos por ser demasiado polémica. Una canción que habla a todas las personas negras despreciadas y pisoteadas en Estados Unidos”.
Este tema fue originalmente interpretado por Billie Holiday, pero la letra es un poema de Abel Meeropol inspirado en la histórica fotografía que muestra el linchamiento de dos afroamericanos, Thomas Shipp y Abram Smith, en 1930 en el centro de Marion, Indiana.
Abel Meeropol era un profesor judío de origen ruso afiliado al Partido Comunista de los Estados Unidos. Vio esta foto de los linchamientos que según su testimonio le persiguió durante todo el día y no le dejó dormir. Entonces escribió el poema Bitter Fruit, que publicó bajo el seudónimo de Lewis Allan en la revista New York Teacher y en el diario New Masses. Más tarde musicalizó el poema en la canción Strange Fruit. Meeropol es conocido también por haber sido quien adoptó a los hijos de Ethel y Julius Rosenberg, tras se ejecutados en Estados Unidos.
La canción se hizo famosa en la voz de la legendaria música de jazz Billie Holiday en 1939, y luego cantada por Nina Simone. Holiday dijo una vez que cuando cantó por primera vez “Strange Fruit” en un café de Nueva York, sorprendió al público. “No había ni siquiera un aplauso cuando terminé”, escribió más tarde en su autobiografía. “Entonces una persona solitaria comenzó a aplaudir nerviosamente. De repente todos aplaudieron”. Andrea Bocelli, Elton John, Céline Dion, el cantante country Garth Brooks son algunos de los artistas que han rechazado la invitación de participar en el evento de posesión del próximo 20 de enero. Hasta Kaney West, quien ha apoyado públicamente al presidente electo, dijo que no.
En contraste, Beyoncé cantó el himno de Estados Unidos hace cuatro años en la ceremonia de reelección de Barack Obama, Kelly Clarkson y James Taylor actuaron después del juramento. Alicia Keys, Marc Anthony y Brad Paisley estuvieron durante la celebración oficial en Washington.
Rebecca Ferguson finaliza su respuesta a Trump recordando que “Stranger fruit” “es una canción que recuerda cómo el amor es la única cosa que conquistará todo el odio en este mundo, entonces aceptaré de buena gana su invitación y lo veré en Washington”.
La letra de Strange fruit tiene solo tres estrofas, profundas, dolientes:“De los árboles del sur cuelga una fruta extraña. /Sangre en las hojas, y sangre en la raíz. /Cuerpos negros balanceándose en la brisa sureña. / Extraña fruta cuelga de los álamos./Escena pastoral del valiente sur. / Los ojos saltones y la boca retorcida. / Aroma de las magnolias, dulce y fresco. / Y el repentino olor a carne quemada. Aquí está la fruta para que la arranquen los cuervos. / Para que la lluvia la tome, para que el viento la aspire, para que el sol la pudra, para que los árboles lo dejen caer./ Esta es una extraña y amarga cosecha”.
La letra original en inglés es la siguiente:
Strange Fruit
Southern trees bear a strange fruit,
Blood on the leaves and blood at the root,
Black bodies swinging in the southern breeze,
Strange fruit hanging from the poplar trees.
Pastoral scene of the gallant south,
The bulging eyes and the twisted mouth,
Scent of magnolias, sweet and fresh,
Then the sudden smell of burning flesh.
Here is fruit for the crows to pluck,
For the rain to gather,
for the wind to suck,
For the sun to rot,
for the trees to drop,
Here is a strange and bitter crop.
By Manuel E. Yepe
A CubaNews translation.
Edited by Walter Lippmann.
Since billionaire Donald Trump announced his candidacy for the Republican Party nomination for President of the United States, his speeches have been dedicated to the rejection of illegal immigrants –and the threat they allegedly pose to the economy and stability of his country– has formed an inseparable part of his political platform and election prospects.
“In US penitentiaries you will find that immigrants –legal or illegal– are just a quarter of the number of convicts that, statistically, they would correspond to considering their proportion in the US population. This means that “wetbacks” are four to five times less likely to commit a crime than Mr. Trump’s children.”
The above paragraph is part of an open letter to the –quite likely– Republican candidate for President of the United States, Donald Trump, which was sent by Jorge Majfud, the Uruguayan writer and professor of Latin American literature at the American University of Georgia.
“For centuries, long before your grandparents came from Germany and had great success in the hotel and brothel business in New York, and long before your mother arrived from Scotland, Mexicans had their families here and had already given names to all the Western states, rivers, valleys, mountains and cities. California architecture and the Texas cowboy –symbols of authentic US Americans– are nothing but the result of the hybridization of the new Anglo-Saxon culture with the long-established Mexican culture. “
“When your mother came to this country in the 1930s, half a million Mexican-Americans were expelled from their land. Most of them were US citizens, but had the misfortune that the national frustration of the Great Depression –which they did not create–labeled them as foreigners. These people had been branded foreigners and rapists (as you describe them) since the United States seized half the territory of Mexico in the mid-nineteenth century. And since those people who were already there would not stop speaking a barbarous language (Spanish), and refused to change the color of their skin, they were persecuted, expelled, or simply murdered, accused of being bandits, rapists and foreign invaders.”
“The real Zorro was dark-skinned and did not fight against Mexican despotism (as Johnston McCulley wrote to sell the story to Hollywood), but against the invading Anglo-Saxons who seized their land. He was dark and rebellious like Jesus, although in religious paintings you always see the man from Nazareth as blond, blue-eyed, and rather submissive. The hegemonic power of the time that crucified him had obvious political reasons for doing so. And it continued crucifying him three centuries later when Christians were no longer persecuted illegal immigrants who hid in the catacombs, and became the official persecutors of those in power.”
“European immigrants –like your parents and current wife—did not appear to be foreigners; but if your mother had come forty years earlier, she might have been mistaken for Irish; and these had indeed been branded invaders,” wrote Majfud. “The creativity of US business men and women is admirable, but its importance is overrated, and the fact that it was not businesspeople who promoted democracy in Latin America –but quite the opposite—is forgotten. There have been several US companies which have promoted coups d’état and have supported a long list of dictatorships.”
“There were businessmen, like Henry Ford, who made interesting contributions to industry; but it should not be forgotten that, like many other entrepreneurs in this country, Ford was a declared anti-Semite who collaborated with Hitler when shelter was denied to the Jews persecuted in Germany, while consortiums such as ALCOA and Texaco collaborated with the fascist regimes.”
Majfud reminds Trump that part of the current basic scientific knowledge was contributed centuries ago by those “horrible and primitive Arabs”; and that we owe to them the numbers we use, as well as algebra, algorithms, and many other sciences and philosophies that are part of Western culture today.“It was not businesspeople who managed, with their active resistance and popular struggle, the progress in civil rights that the US enjoys today. It was other patriots who, in their time, were demonized as dangerous, rioters, and anti-American.”
“Mr. Trump: a country is not a company. You have turned US politics (where intellectuals have never been abundant) into a perfect commercial marketing campaign whose main slogan against immigrants has not been a good choice.” Majfud concludes.
June 28, 2016.
Por Manuel E. Yepe
Desde que el multimillonario Donald Trump anunció su candidatura por el partido Republicano a la presidencia de Estados Unidos, ha formado parte inseparable de su plataforma política y sus posibilidades electorales su discurso dedicado al rechazo a los inmigrantes ilegales y a la amenaza que éstos supuestamente representan para la economía y la estabilidad de su país.
“En las penitenciarías de Estados Unidos usted encontrará que los inmigrantes -legales o ilegales- son apenas una cuarta parte del número de los convictos que estadísticamente les correspondería de acuerdo a su proporción respecto a la población estadounidense. Eso significa que “los espaldas mojadas” tienen de cuatro a cinco veces menos posibilidades de cometer un delito que los hijos del señor Trump”.
El párrafo anterior forma parte de la carta abierta al muy probable candidato republicano a presidente de los Estados Unidos, Donald Trump, que le destinara el escritor y profesor uruguayo de literatura latinoamericana en la universidad norteamericana de Georgia, Jorge Majfud.
“Por siglos, mucho antes que sus abuelos llegaran de Alemania y tuviesen gran éxito en el negocio de los hoteles y los prostíbulos en Nueva York, y mucho antes que su madre llegara de Escocia, los mexicanos tenían aquí sus familias y ya habían dado nombre a todos los estados del Oeste, ríos, valles, montañas y ciudades. La arquitectura californiana y el cowboy texano, símbolo del auténtico norteamericano no son otra cosa que el resultado de la hibridez de la nueva cultura anglosajona con la largamente establecida cultura mexicana”. “Cuando su madre llegó a este país en los años 30, medio millón de mexicoamericanos fueron expulsados de sus tierras. La mayoría de ellos eran ciudadanos estadounidenses pero habían tenido la mala suerte de que la frustración nacional por la Gran Depresión, que ellos no inventaron, los encontrase con talante de extranjeros. Esa gente había tenido cara de extranjeros y de violadores (como usted los califica) desde que Estados Unidos se apropió de la mitad del territorio mexicano a mediados del siglo XIX. Y como esa gente, que ya estaba ahí, no dejaba de hablar un idioma bárbaro (el español) y se negaban a cambiar el color de su piel, fueron perseguidos, expulsados o simplemente asesinados, acusados de ser bandidos, violadores y extranjeros invasores.
“El verdadero Zorro era moreno y no luchaba contra el despotismo mexicano (como lo puso Johnston McCulley para poder vender la historia a Hollywood) sino contra los anglosajones invasores que tomaron sus tierras. Era moreno y rebelde como Jesús, aunque en las sagradas pinturas usted vea siempre al Nazareno rubio, de ojos azules, y más bien sumiso. El poder hegemónico de la época que lo crucificó tenía obvias razones políticas para hacerlo. Y lo siguió crucificando cuando tres siglos más tarde los cristianos dejaron de ser inmigrantes ilegales perseguidos que se escondían en las catacumbas, y se convirtieron en perseguidores oficiales del poder de turno.” Los inmigrantes europeos, como sus padres y su esposa actual, dice Majfud a Trump, no aparentaban ser extranjeros, pero si su madre hubiese llegado cuarenta años antes, tal vez hubiese sido confundida con irlandeses, que sí tenían cara de invasores.
La creatividad de los hombres y mujeres de negocios de EE.UU. es admirable -sigue diciendo Jorge Majfud-, pero se exagera su importancia y se olvida que no fueron empresarios quienes promovieron la democracia en Latinoamérica, todo lo contrario. Han sido varias las empresas estadounidenses que han promovido golpes de Estado y que apoyaron a una larga lista de dictaduras.
Fueron hombres de negocios quienes, como Henry Ford, hicieron interesantes aportes a la industria, pero no debe olvidarse que, como muchos otros empresarios de este país, Ford fue un antisemita declarado que colaboró con Hitler cuando se negaba refugio a los judíos perseguidos en Alemania, mientras consorcios como ALCOA y Texaco colaboraban con los regímenes fascistas.
Majfud recuerda a Trump que una parte de los conocimientos científicos básicos actuales, fueron fundados siglos atrás por esos “horribles y primitivos árabes” y que a ellos debemos los números que usamos, el álgebra, los algoritmos, y muchas otros ciencias y filosofías que hoy forman parte de la cultura de Occidente.
No fueron hombres de negocios los que lograron, con su acción de resistencia y lucha popular, el progreso de los derechos civiles que conoce hoy Estados Unidos. Fueron otros patriotas que, en su época, fueron demonizados como peligrosos, revoltosos y antiamericanos. “Señor Trump, un país no es una empresa. Usted ha convertido la política estadounidense (en la que nunca han abundado los intelectuales) en una perfecta campaña de marketing comercial donde su eslogan principal contra inmigrantes no ha sido muy feliz”, concluye Majfud.
Junio 28 de 2016.
By Manuel E. Yepe
A CubaNews translation.
Edited by Walter Lippmann.
A US State Department spokesperson repeatedly refused to comment on the momentous political crisis in Brazil during his June 3 press briefing. He gave evidence of the sharp contrast between his long and loquacious criticisms of neighboring Venezuela and Washington’s complicit tolerance of the parliamentary coup in Brazil.
This was reported on the alternative website AlterNet by journalist Zaid Jilani, who actively participated as a reporter in the press conference given on June 3rd by US State Department official spokesperson Mark Toner.
In a dispatch by Jilani, published by digital website The Intercept and other alternative media, it was reported that, when questioned about this sharp contrast, Toner, visibly excited, said: “I don’t have anything to comment about the ongoing political dimensions of the crisis in Brazil.”
The US “hard” foreign policy intends to apply to Venezuela the Inter-American Democratic Charter of the Organization of American States (OAS) imposed by the Washington on the continent following September 11, 2001. It’s goal was to strengthen United States domination in the context of the New York terrorist events used as a pretext for President George W. Bush President George W. Bush ‘s declaration of the “war on terrorism”.
In the case of Brazil, the United States tries to justify the “soft” parliamentary, judicial and media coup d’état against President Dilma Rousseff’s government. Her impeachment’s legitimacy has been rejected by most experts and observers who are not subject to the networks of international corporate media controlled by Washington.
The State Department has been extremely repetitive in its criticism of Venezuela’s progressive government. It accuses that government of applying popular policies contrary to the hegemonic interests of the global corporations. By contrast, it has been silent about the takeover of the government in Brazil by a staunchly right-wing, pro-business government that is making the privatization of state industry a priority.
The debate with Toner at the press conference began when The Intercept journalist (Zaid Jilani) asked Toner why the U.S. has been joining in regional criticisms of Venezuela’s government for its alleged democratic backsliding, but has ignored Brazil’s political crisis, where right-wing lawmakers voted on May 12 to suspend the democratically-elected President from government and to open impeachment proceedings against the head of state.
It was then that veteran Associated Press State Department reporter Matt Lee jumped into the fray, asking if the impeachment of former President Dilma Rousseff was itself “valid.”
Toner continued to dodge, declaring U.S. confidence in Brazilian institutions. “But we’re very concerned about the current development of political events in Venezuela…” he said.
“And why aren’t you very concerned about a similar situation in Brazil?” Lee probed.
“Again — well, look, I’ve said my piece. I mean, I don’t have anything to add,” Toner concluded.
When Pam Dawkins of Voice of America asked about Venezuela and “the state of democracy there” in light of the delay of a proposed recall referendum put forth by the country’s opposition, Toner’s tone changed dramatically. In a response that went on for two full minutes, Toner waxed moralistic, asking Venezuela to respect democratic norms.
“We call on Venezuela’s authorities to allow this referendum to move forward and thus ensure that Venezuelans can exercise their right to participate in this process in keeping with Venezuela’s democratic institutions, practices, and principles consistent with the Inter-American Democratic Charter.”
Lee felt obliged to note again the contrast between Toner’s long critical response about the situation in Venezuela and the two phrases about Brazil “which is a much bigger country and with which you have enjoyed better relations.”
Then another reporter jumped into the fracas, asking Toner if the composition of the new Brazilian cabinet –composed entirely of men, many of them tied to large industries in the country– that replaces the cabinet led by the first female head of state in Brazil’s history raised any concerns.
“Look, guys, I will see if we have anything more to say about the situation in Brazil,” Toner concluded, to get rid of the embarrassing situation in which he had been placed because of the ambivalence of the “two-faced” imperialist foreign policy.
June 11, 2016.
Por Manuel E. Yepe
Un portavoz del Departamento de Estado estadounidense se negó reiteradamente a comentar la actual crisis política en Brasil y estableció un inconsecuente contraste entre su larga y mordaz crítica contra el gobierno de Venezuela y la cómplice tolerancia de cara a los “golpistas parlamentarios” en Brasilia.
Así lo reportó en la red alternativa AlterNet el periodista Zaid Jilani, quien participó activamente como reportero en la conferencia de prensa que ofreció el 3 de junio, Mark Toner, funcionario de la cancillería estadounidense y su portavoz oficial.
En un de despacho de Jilani aparecido en la publicación digital The Intercept y otros medios alternativos se cuenta que, cuestionado acerca del agudo contraste en que incurrió, Toner respondió visiblemente excitado: “no tengo nada que comentar sobre las actuales dimensiones políticas de la crisis en Brasil.”
La política exterior “dura” estadounidense pretende aplicar a Venezuela la Carta Democrática de la Organización de Estados Americanos (OEA) impuesta por Estados Unidos al continente aquel nefasto 11 de septiembre de 2001, para fortalecer la dominación de Estados Unidos en el contexto de los acontecimientos terroristas en Nueva York que sirvieron de pretexto para la declaración por el presidente George W. Bush de la guerra contra el terrorismo.
En el caso de Brasil, Estados Unidos intenta justificar el golpe “blando” de estado parlamentario, judicial y mediático contra el gobierno de Rousseff, juicio político cuya legitimidad ha sido rechazada por la mayoría de los expertos y observadores no sometida a las redes de la prensa corporativa internacional que controla Washington.
El Departamento de Estado ha sido sumamente reiterativo en sus críticas al gobierno progresista venezolano, al que reprocha aplicar políticas populares contrarias a los intereses hegemónicos de las corporaciones globales, y sin embargo guarda sigilo respecto a la toma del gobierno en Brasil por un régimen pro empresarial, de derecha, incondicional partidario de la privatización de las industrias del estado como una prioridad de gobierno.
El debate con Toner durante la conferencia de prensa comenzó cuando el periodista de Intercept (Zaid Jilani) preguntó a Toner por qué Estados Unidos se había unido a las críticas y amenazas al gobierno de Venezuela por supuestos retrocesos democráticos, en tanto ignora la crisis política de Brasil, donde legisladores de la derecha votaron el 12 de mayo por la separación del gobierno de la Presidenta Dilma Rousseff e iniciaron un proceso de impeachment contra la democráticamente electa Jefa de Estado.
Fue entonces cuando se incorporó a la discusión el veterano reportero de la Associated Press en el Departamento de Estado, Matt Lee, preguntando si la destitución de la ex Presidenta Dilma Rousseff había sido legalmente “válida”.
Toner, desviando el sentido de lo que se debatía, se limitó a reafirmar la confianza de Estados Unidos en las instituciones brasileñas. “Pero estamos muy preocupados por el desarrollo de los acontecimientos políticos en Venezuela…”, dijo..
“¿Y por qué no les preocupa una situación similar en Brasil?”, preguntó Lee. “Bueno, miren, yo he dicho lo mío y no tengo nada más que añadir”, selló Toner. Cuando Pam Dawkins, corresponsal de la Voz de las Américas, preguntó sobre el estado de la democracia en Venezuela “a la luz de la demora en la aprobación de la propuesta del referéndum revocatorio que ha presentado la oposición”, Toner resurgió con una extensa respuesta de corte moralista enfatizando en que Venezuela debía respetar las normas democráticas.
“Hacemos un llamado a las autoridades de Venezuela para que permitan este referéndum y así aseguren que los venezolanos puedan ejercer su derecho a participar en este proceso en consonancia con las instituciones democráticas, las prácticas y los principios conformes con la Carta Democrática Interamericana.”
Lee se sintió obligado a observar una nueva vez el contraste entre la extensa respuesta crítica acerca de la situación en Venezuela y las apenas dos frases sobre Brasil, “que es un país mucho más grande y con el que hemos tenido más amplias relaciones.”
Cuando otro reportero se incluyó en el debate, preguntando a Toner si para él era motivo de preocupación la composición del nuevo gabinete brasileño – integrado enteramente por hombres, muchos de ellos estrechamente vinculados a grandes negocios del país, en reemplazo del gabinete liderado por la primera mujer Jefa de Estado en la historia de Brasil.
“Miren, chicos, tendré que ver si tenemos algo más que decir acerca de la situación en Brasil”, concluyó Toner para liberarse de la embarazosa situación en que se hallaba colocado a causa de la ambivalencia de la política exterior imperialista “a dos velocidades”.
Junio 11 de 2016.
By Manuel E. Yepe
A CubaNews translation.
Edited by Walter Lippmann.
On May 23, 41 years after the defeat of the US in its war against Vietnam, President Barack Obama began an official visit to the Southeast Asian nation that gave the American superpower that humiliating defeat.
Upon arrival, Obama thanked the Vietnamese Government for its assistance provided to the United States to locate the remains of their soldiers that had disappeared during the war. He promised to help in the work for the removal of the unexploded landmines and munitions left during the conflict.
Before the dishonorable capitulation of Washington in its asymmetric Vietnam war, the French colonialists had experienced the Vietnamese determination for independence.
At the end of World War II, France was able to restore its colonial rule in what was then known as Indochina. In 1946, the “Viet Minh”, an independence movement led by Communist leader Ho Chi Minh, fought against the French troops for control of North Vietnam using guerrilla tactics that were disconcerting for the French colonialists.
By the end of 1953, when both parties were preparing to start peace talks, the French military commanders chose Dien Bien Phu, a village in northwestern Vietnam near the borders with Laos and China, as the ground to engage in the defining battle of the war against the Viet Minh.
Hoping to force the guerrillas of Ho Chi Minh into conventional battle, the French began installing a garrison in Dien Bien Phu. Most French troops and the supplies
arrived by air, landing on the fort’s runway or dropped by parachute.
The French assumed that any assault against their very fortified positions would fail, crushed by their artillery.
By March 1954, the size of the French garrison at Dien Bien Phu had grown to about 16,000 soldiers. 70 percent of that force was composed of members of the Foreign Legion –soldiers of the French colonies in North Africa– and Vietnamese loyal to
the colonialists.
The artillery positions surrounding Dien Bien Phu were controlled by the French a few days before the initial attack. But the main part of the garrison was under intense
and effective artillery fire from the surrounding hills.
In an impressive logistical feat, the Viet Minh had dragged uphill numerous pieces of artillery going through thick forests that the French had considered impassable.
The commander of the French artillery, unable to return fire from the well-defended and well-camouflaged batteries of the Viet Minh, went to his shelter and, in desperation, committed suicide.
The intense shelling of the Viet Minh also rendered the Dien Bien Phu runway useless. French attempts to resupply and reinforce the garrison via parachute were frustrated as a result of the patriot’s anti-aircraft attacks.
It was during these resupply attempts that two civilian pilots became the first Americans killed in combat in Vietnam.
Meanwhile, the Viet Minh was steadily reducing the area controlled by the French, applying what its commander, General Vo Nguyen Giap, described as “a combined tactic of gradual wear and large-scale attacks”.
Dien Bien Phu fell to the Viet Minh on May 7. At least 2,200 troops of the French forces died during the siege, and thousands more were taken prisoner. Among the 50,000 Vietnamese patriots who besieged the garrison there were some 23,000 casualties, of which about 8,000 were fatal.
The fall of Dien Bien Phu shocked France and marked the end of French Indochina.
After the French withdrawal, Vietnam was officially divided into a communist North and a non-communist South, the theatre for the US intervention that would follow.
In 1963, while Washington was increasingly committing its forces in Vietnam, then-Soviet Premier Nikita Khrushchev offered a wasted piece of advice to a US official. “If you want to do so, go and fight in the jungles of Vietnam. The French fought there for seven years and eventually had to leave. Perhaps Americans can endure a little longer, but eventually will also have to go.”
The end of the US superpower’s aggression against Vietnam is remembered with filmed and photographic images of hundreds of Yankee officials fleeing the then-poor and backward Vietnamese nation, ridiculously hanging from their helicopters.
May 24, 2016.
Por Manuel E. Yepe
A 41 años de la derrota de Estados Unidos en su guerra contra Vietnam, el Presidente Barack Obama inició el 23 de mayo una visita oficial a la nación del sudeste asiático que le propinó a la superpotencia americana aquel humillante descalabro.
A su arribo, Obama agradeció al Gobierno vietnamita la asistencia brindada a Estados Unidos para localizar los restos de sus soldados desaparecidos durante la guerra. Prometió ayudar en los trabajos por el retiro de minas terrestres y municiones no estalladas en el conflicto.
Antes de la deshonrosa capitulación de Washington en su asimétrica guerra contra Vietnam, los colonialistas franceses conocieron de la decisión independentista de los vietnamitas.
Al término de la segunda guerra mundial, Francia pudo restablecer su dominio colonial en lo que entonces se conocía como Indochina. En 1946, el “Viet Minh”, un movimiento independentista encabezado por el líder comunista Ho Chi Minh, combatía contra las tropas francesas por el control del norte de Vietnam usando tácticas guerrilleras desconcertantes para los colonialistas franceses.
Hacia fines de 1953, cuando ambas partes se aprestaban a iniciar conversaciones de paz, los comandantes militares franceses escogieron Dien Bien Fu, una aldea del noroeste de Vietnam cerca de las fronteras de Laos y China, como escenario para entablar la batalla definitoria de la guerra contra el Viet Minh.
Con la esperanza de obligar a los guerrilleros de Ho Chi Minh a una batalla convencional, los franceses comenzaron a instalar una guarnición en Dien Bien Fu. La mayoría de las tropas francesas y los pertrechos les llegaron por aire, aterrizando en la pista del fuerte o arrojados en paracaídas.
Los franceses suponían que cualquier asalto contra sus muy fortificadas posiciones fracasaría, desbaratado por su artillería. Para marzo de 1954, el tamaño de la guarnición francesa en Dien Bien Phu había crecido hasta unos 16.000 soldados. Un 70 por ciento de esa fuerza estaba compuesto por miembros de la Legión Extranjera -soldados de las colonias francesas en el norte de Africa- y vietnamitas leales a los colonialistas.
Las posiciones de artillería que rodeaban Dien Bien Fu fueron controladas por los franceses pocos días antes del ataque inicial. Pero la parte principal de la guarnición se vio sometida a un intenso y efectivo fuego de artillería desde las colinas que la rodeaban. En una impresionante hazaña logística, el Viet Minh había arrastrado numerosas piezas de artillería colina arriba por entre espesos bosques que los franceses habían considerado infranqueables.
El comandante de la artillería francesa, desesperado al no poder responder el fuego de las bien defendidas y bien camufladas baterías del Viet Minh, fue a su refugio y se suicidó.
El intenso cañoneo del Viet Minh también anuló la pista de aterrizaje de Dien Bien Fu. Los intentos de los franceses de reabastecer y reforzar la guarnición mediante paracaídas se vieron frustrados por efecto de las ráfagas de las baterías antiaéreas de los patriotas. Fue durante ese intento de reabastecimiento dos pilotos civiles se convirtieron en los primeros estadounidenses muertos en combate en Vietnam.
Entretanto, el Viet Minh iba reduciendo sostenidamente el área controlada por los franceses, aplicando lo que su comandante, el general Vo Nguyen Giap, describió como “una táctica combinada de desgaste paulatino y ataques en gran escala”.
Dien Bien Fu cayó en manos del Viet Minh el 7 de mayo. Por lo menos 2.200 efectivos de las fuerzas francesas murieron durante el asedio, y otros miles fueron hechos prisioneros. Entre los 50.000 patriotas vietnamitas que sitiaron la guarnición hubo unos 23.000 bajas, unos 8.000 fueron bajas mortales.
La caída de Dien Bien Phu estremeció a Francia y selló el fin de la Indochina francesa.
Tras la retirada francesa, Vietnam quedó oficialmente dividido entre un Norte comunista y un Sur no comunista, escenario para la intervención norteamericana que seguiría.
En 1963, mientras Washington se comprometía cada vez más en Vietnam, el entonces primer ministro soviético Nikita Jruschov le ofreció un desperdiciado consejo a un funcionario norteamericano. “Si quieren, vayan y peleen en las selvas de Vietnam. Los franceses lucharon allí siete años y al final tuvieron que irse. Tal vez los norteamericanos puedan aguantar un poco más, pero al final tendrán que irse también”. El final de la agresión de la superpotencia estadounidense a Vietnam se recuerda con las imágenes filmadas y fotográficas de cientos de oficiales yanquis huyendo de la entonces pobre y retrasada nación vietnamita, ridículamente guindados de helicópteros agresores.
Mayo 24 de 2016.
By Manuel E. Yepe
A CubaNews translation.
Edited by Walter Lippmann.
“The presence, and even omnipresence, of Donald Trump and Bernie Sanders at this stage of the US electoral race would have been difficult to predict only a year ago.
The participation of Trump, a populist and politically unwise businessman, would have been unthinkable a few years ago; just as that of a Vermont socialist who focuses on fighting inequalities, injustices and great fortunes. Even if –ultimately– neither had a real chance of occupying the White House in 2017, both allow us to understand the changes that are taking place in US society which eventually could come to change its very nature.”
These are views expressed by journalists Arnaud Blin and François Soulard in an essay published on April 27 by the Alainet network.
“Donald Trump is a typical all-American champion: White, Protestant and rural, whose unstable identity is viscerally linked to atavistic ideas such as the right to own a gun –long promoted by Hollywood and present in the dreams of several generations, but which today seems to be totally overcome by events.”
Bernie Sanders, in a way, is the perfect opposite of Trump and both embody the exhaustion of the American people.
Sanders –a politician with vast experience, the son of Polish Jewish immigrants, an atheist native of Brooklyn and a socialist– is the antithesis of White, Protestant, neo-liberal America. He is also the embodiment of the cosmopolitan urban movement that has become aware of the serious deficiencies of the neoliberal model.
It is true that Sanders will not be able to defeat Hillary Clinton, but the support he has managed to get shows how mentalities have changed. This also means that Hillary Clinton will have to take into account these new trends to govern effectively.
For anyone who lived in the US during the Cold War, the idea of a politician presenting himself as a socialist without landing somewhere other than a courtroom is almost
unthinkable, Blin and Soulard say.
The outdated battle for the “America of the old days” that Trump is carrying forward is also bringing about the implosion of the neo-liberal Republican Party, and the emergence of a Hispanic “majority minority”. That these are transforming the US political and cultural landscape, and bringing about the re-emergence of a public opinion favorable to social rights are signs that the United States is entering a new phase of its history.
The need to adapt to this phase demands even more –write Arnaud Blin and François Soulard– the knowledge of the inner reality of the US and the perception of its uncertain evolution.
At the level of its internal policies, the US is today being overtaken today by several decades of irresponsibility and denial. While in 1945, Americans had half a century of progress ahead in relation to the rest of the world, today they are falling behind in many areas: education, justice, social security, infrastructure, etc. …, that is, the fields that define how a superpower is able to lead in the direction of History, for better or worse.
While the United States continues to lead in terms of economic dynamism and military power, that dynamism is suffering great imbalances and US power is inadequate for current requirements in terms of foreign policy and the use of force.
The United States has not known how to adapt to a globalization of which it has been the prime instigator and the strongest motor force. Hence, in the short and medium term, the US will face an important choice: to continue business as usual, with the possible risk of the progressive erosion –already visible—of its power, prestige and influence.
Or to make a strategic retreat that would allow it to invest its energies in a profound renewal of society and the regaining of its lost prestige. For this, it will have to reduce substantially its external activities and military apparatus. It would have to articulate its priorities better.
Faced with this dilemma, Blin and Soulard wonder if Hillary Clinton will be the Wonder Woman capable of carrying out the necessary change; or will she be content to navigate murky waters making small symbolic but insufficient changes?
“The combined clash of Trump and Sanders will, perhaps, serve as an electroshock to a political class that –as confirmed by most US Americans– refuses to look reality in the face. After declaring repeatedly and for so long “we are the best”, it will be indeed difficult to accept that “we are not even very good”. This is Blin and Soulard’s conclusion.
April 30, 2016.
Por Manuel E. Yepe
“La presencia, y hasta la omnipresencia, de Donald Trump y de Bernie Sanders en esta etapa de las elecciones estadounidenses hubieran sido difíciles de prever hace solamente un año. La sola participación de Trump, hombre de negocios, populista y políticamente desatinado, hubiera sido impensable hace unos años, tanto como la de un socialista de Vermont abocado a combatir las desigualdades, las injusticias y las grandes fortunas. Aun, cuando ninguno de los dos, en última instancia, tenga posibilidad real de ocupar la Casa Blanca en 2017, ambos nos permiten comprender los cambios que aparecen en la sociedad norteamericana que pueden llegar a modificar su naturaleza.” Así lo consideran los periodistas Arnaud Blin y François Soulard en un ensayo que publicó el 27 de abril la red Alainet. “Donald Trump es el campeón “americano” de siempre: blanco, protestante, rural, cuya identidad precaria está visceralmente aferrada a atavismos tales como el derecho a poseer un arma, de los que se vanaglorió Hollywood durante mucho tiempo, que hicieron soñar a varias generaciones pero que, hoy en día, parecen totalmente superados por los acontecimientos”.
Bernie Sanders, en cierto modo, es la oposición perfecta de Trump porque ambos encarnan la saturación del pueblo norteamericano. Político con vasta experiencia, hijo de inmigrantes judíos polacos y ateo, originario de Brooklyn, socialista, es la antítesis de una Norteamérica blanca, protestante, neoliberal. Es también la
encarnación de ese movimiento urbano cosmopolita que ha tomado conciencia de las profundas deficiencias del modelo neoliberal. Es cierto que Sanders no estará en condiciones de preocupar a Hillary Clinton pero el apoyo que logró obtener muestra hasta qué punto las mentalidades han cambiado y que Hillary Clinton, para gobernar con eficacia, tendrá que tomar en cuenta esas nuevas tendencias. Para cualquiera que haya vivido en Estados Unidos durante la guerra fría, la idea de que un político se presente como socialista sin aterrizar en algún lugar que no sea delante de un tribunal es casi impensable, opinan los autores.
El combate desfasado de la Norteamérica de los viejos tiempos que lleva adelante Trump y que acompaña a la implosión del partido republicano neoliberal, el surgimiento de una “minoría mayoritaria” hispana que transforma el paisaje político y cultural de los Estados Unidos y el re-surgimiento de una opinión pública favorable a los derechos sociales constituyen signos de que los Estados Unidos están entrando en una nueva fase de su historia.
La necesidad de adaptarse a ella remite más aun – escriben Arnaud Blin y François Soulard – al conocimiento de la realidad interior de Estados Unidos y a la percepción de su evolución incierta. A nivel de sus políticas internas, EEUU se ve alcanzado hoy por varias décadas de irresponsabilidad y de negación. Mientras que en 1945 los norteamericanos tenían medio siglo de adelanto en relación al resto del mundo, hoy en día se están atrasando en muchas esferas: educación, justicia, seguridad social, infraestructuras, etc.…, vale decir, ámbitos que definen en aquello que una superpotencia es capaz de liderar en la dirección de la Historia, para bien o para mal. Aun cuando Estados Unidos sigue a la cabeza en materia de dinamismo económico o potencia militar, ese dinamismo sufre grandes desequilibrios y la potencia estadounidense es inadecuada para las exigencias actuales en términos de política extranjera y uso de la fuerza.
Estados Unidos no ha sabido adaptarse a la globalización de la que, sin embargo, ha sido el primer instigador y el más contundente motor. De ahí que
a corto y mediano plazo, EEUU se enfrentará a una elección importante: seguir como si nada, con el probable riesgo de una erosión progresiva – ya visible- de su potencia, de su prestigio y de su influencia. O hacer una retirada estratégica que le permita invertir sus energías en una renovación profunda de su sociedad, capaz de hacerlos recobrar el prestigio perdido. Pero para ello tendrá que reducir sensiblemente sus actividades exteriores y su aparato militar, y articular mejor sus prioridades.
Ante tal disyuntiva, Blin y Soulard preguntan si Hillary Clinton será la mujer providencial capaz de llevar adelante el cambio necesario ¿O se contentará con navegar en aguas turbias haciendo pequeños cambios simbólicos pero insuficientes?
“El choque combinado de Trump y Sanders quizás sirva de electroshock a una clase política que, tal como lo constató la mayoría de los norteamericanos, se niega a mirar la realidad de frente. A fuerza de declamar que “somos los mejores” será efectivamente difícil aceptar que ya no somos siquiera muy buenos”, es la respuesta de los autores.
Abril 30 de 2016.
By Manuel E. Yepe
A CubaNews translation.
Edited by Walter Lippmann.
The US power elite is involved in many ways in the dispute over global domination, its exercise and defense.
The precarious balance of forces in the bipolar world in which we lived after World War II prevented US imperialism from imposing its absolute hegemony world-wide. That was based on the nuclear blackmail it threatened after its genocidal bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
Later, a tense arms race would arrive, promoted by the so-called “balance of terror”. According to this notion, which the forerunner power in the production of weapons would cause an imbalance in the international arena. The one with the most and deadliest weapons would be able to destroy the other.
Losing all hope that the end of the Cold War would open the way to a world without wars, an unstoppable arms race along the roads of neoliberal globalization has arrived. It has shaped imperialism into the dark reality it is today: the most powerful, brutal and ruthless hegemonic superpower in the history of humanity, bearing the greatest dangers to the survival of our species.
Today, we live in a uni-polar world, with one single superpower imposing its selfish interests on the rest of the world. This shows that it is the predatory nature of the prevailing capitalist order that causes most evils. There is a vital need to replace it with a new, just, and humane order.
In the struggle for global domination, the US government, far from taking the limited opportunities open through disarmament and peaceful coexistence, has based the pillars of its economy on a growing dependence on war situations.
It is in this context that Think Tanks (TTs) become important in the United States. These are public or private academic and study institutions staffed by personalities fully identified with the US capitalist system. They produce political and ideological documents intended to provide US governments with weapons for their confrontation with the world they seek to dominate.
They are part of a system that produces ideological content for the defense of imperialist interests. Their mission includes propagating ideas useful to the US capitalist system by spreading its doctrines in books, magazines, and other media. To do this they have billion-dollar budgets.
The Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) founded in 1921 by the Rockefeller economic group, is considered to be the first existing think tank. It had the task of providing the governing authorities (of either of the two parties in the US political scheme) with new ideas in foreign policy and the training of specialists and leaders.
Nearly 4,000 citizens work at the CFR, some with much more objective perspectives than the usual extreme right. Among them there are names as notorious as George Soros, the billionaire magnate of global financial speculation.
Its main publication is the journal Foreign Affairs which publishes academic papers containing their views on foreign policy.
According to surveys of academics and experts carried out annually for the Think Tanks Index in 2015, the Brookings Institution ranked as the most important TT in the world for eight consecutive years. The list also included the CFR, the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, the RAND Corporation, the Heritage Foundation, the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars, and the Center for Strategic and International Studies.
In the United States of America there are 11 think tanks specialized in political and economic matters; forty-nine in foreign affairs and international security; sixteen on the environment, science and technology; and twelve on the arts and humanities.
Most of them are registered as “non-profit” entities, but some are funded by the government or by legal or business organizations; others obtain funds from their research work on specific projects. In countries other than the United States, the TT Index registers Chatham House and the International Institute for Strategic Studies in the United Kingdom, and the Bruegel in Belgium.
Like their namesakes in war, think tanks are intended to demolish their opponents through a display of apparent superiority of resources that does not always correspond to reality.
May 10, 2016.
Por Manuel E. Yepe
La élite del poder estadounidense participa de muchas formas en la disputa por el dominio global, su ejercicio y su defensa.
El precario balance de fuerzas del mundo bipolar en que vivimos tras la segunda guerra mundial evitó que el imperialismo estadounidense impusiera su hegemonía absoluta por todo el mundo a partir del chantaje nuclear que planteara Estados Unidos con los bombardeos genocidas sobre Hiroshima y Nagasaki.
Vendría después una tensa carrera armamentística promovida por el llamado “equilibro de terror”, según el cual, la potencia que se colocase al frente en la producción de armas provocaría un
desequilibrio en el escenario internacional. La que tuviera mayor número y más mortíferas armas, sería capaz de destruir a la otra. Perdida ya toda esperanza de que el fin de la guerra fría abriera el camino a un mundo sin guerras, una galopante carrera por los caminos de la globalización neoliberal ha llegado a configurar al imperialismo en esa tenebrosa realidad que es hoy: la superpotencia hegemónica más poderosa, brutal y despiadada de la historia de la humanidad, portadora de los más grandes peligros para la supervivencia de nuestra especie.
El mundo unipolar del presente, con una única superpotencia que impone sus egoístas intereses al resto del planeta, demuestra que es la naturaleza depredadora del orden capitalista imperante la causante de los males y lo que aconseja la necesidad vital de su reemplazo por un nuevo orden justo y humano.
En la lucha por la dominación global, el gobierno de Estados Unidos, lejos de aprovechar las escasas oportunidades que se abren para el desarme y la coexistencia pacífica, ha conformado los pilares de su economía a una dependencia cada vez mayor en las situaciones de guerra.
Es en ese contexto en el que cobran importancia en Estados Unidos los denominados tanques pensantes (en inglés Think Tanks -TT) que son iinstituciones públicas académicas y de estudios, integradas por personalidades plenamente identificadas con el sistema capitalista estadounidense que elaboran documentos de carácter político e ideológico destinados a suministrar a los gobiernos de Estados Unidos las armas para su enfrentamiento con el mundo que pretenden dominar. Son parte de un sistema que elabora contenidos ideológicos destinados a la defensa de los intereses imperialistas. Su misión incluye propagar ideas convenientes al sistema capitalista norteamericano mediante la difusión de sus doctrinas en libros, revistas, y otros medios, y para ello cuentan con presupuestos de miles de millones de dólares.
Se atribuye al Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) o Consejo de Relaciones Exteriores, fundado en 1921 por el grupo económico Rockefeller, la condición de primer tanque pensante existente, con la tarea de suministrar nuevas ideas a las Administraciones gobernantes (de cualquiera de los dos partidos del esquema político
estadounidense) en materia de política exterior y para la formación de especialistas y dirigentes.
Laboran en el CFR casi 4 mil ciudadanos, algunos con visiones mucho más objetivas que las habituales de la extrema derecha. Entre ellos hay también otros tan connotados como George Soros, el multimillonario magnate de la especulación financiera global.
Su publicación fundamental es la revista Foreign Affaires, que publica ensayos académicos contentivos de sus líneas de política exterior. Según las encuestas a académicos y expertos que anualmente se realizan para el Think Tanks Index, la Institución Brookings clasificó, por octavo año consecutivo en 2015, como el TT más importante del mundo en una relación en la que también entraron el CFR, la Fundación Carnagie para la Paz Internacional, la Corporación Rand, la Fundación Heritage, el Centro Internacional Woodrow Wilson para Académicos y el Centro Internacional de Estudios Estratégicos e Internacionales.
Hay en Estados Unidos 11 tanques pensantes especializados en asuntos políticos y de la economía; cuarenta y nueve en temas sobre relaciones internacionales y seguridad; dieciséis sobre medio ambiente, ciencias y tecnología y doce sobre artes y humanidades.
La mayor parte de ellos están registrados como “entidades sin fines de lucro” (en inglés “non-profit”), pero hay algunos financiados por el gobierno, organizaciones jurídicas, empresariales o que obtienen ganancias derivadas de trabajos investigativos acerca de proyectos específicos. De países distintos a Estados Unidos, aparecen
clasificados en el TT Index, Chatham House y el Instituto
Internacional de Estudios Estratégicos (IISS, por sus siglas en inglés), del Reino Unido, así como el Bruegel, de Bélgica.
Al igual que sus homólogos de guerra, los tanques pensantes tienen como fin demoler al contrario mediante un alarde de evidente superioridad de recursos que no siempre corresponde a la realidad.
Mayo 10 de 2016.
By Manuel E. Yepe
A CubaNews translation.
Edited by Walter Lippmann.
A very recent survey by the elite and prestigious, Harvard University in Massachusetts, indicates that most young Americans reject the basic principles of the US economy and do not support capitalism.
This is a fact of major political importance, considering that, since the end of the Cold War, all US internal and external propaganda has had as its primary objective the formation of a free market-oriented consciousness and the protection of corporations and private capital in general, dismissing the social purposes of the state.
In fact, in its foreign policy, Washington conflates the terms “capitalism” and “democracy”, to the extent that it almost never uses the first term. Its capitalist allies in are called “democracies” and those who do not accept its global hegemony are not. It’s as simple as that.
The Harvard University survey, which polled young adults between ages 18 and 29, found that 51 percent of respondents do not support capitalism. Just 42 percent said they support it.
According to the pollsters, most respondents who said they don’t support capitalism said they were concerned about the unpredictability of the free-market system.
“Capitalism can mean different things to different people, and the newest generation of voters is frustrated with the status quo, broadly speaking.” Zach Lustbader, a senior at Harvard involved in conducting the poll, argues that “the word ‘capitalism’ doesn’t mean what it used to in the US. For those who grew up during the Cold War, capitalism meant freedom from the Soviet Union and other totalitarian regimes. For those who grew up more recently, capitalism has meant a financial crisis from which the global economy still hasn’t completely recovered.”
Although the information on the results of the survey, provided by Amy Cavenaile in The Washington Post on April 24, 2016, does not clarify what alternative socio-economic systems the young people in the poll would prefer, it indicated that 33% percent said they supported socialism. The survey had a margin of error of 2.4 percentage points.
A subsequent survey that included people of all ages found that somewhat older Americans also are skeptical of capitalism. Only among respondents at least 50 years old was the majority in favor of capitalism.
Although the results are startling, Harvard’s questions are in accord with other recent research on how Americans think about capitalism and socialism. In 2011, for example, the Pew Research Center found that people ages 18 to 29 were frustrated with the free-market system.
In that survey, 46 percent had positive views of capitalism, and 47 percent had negative views. As to socialism, by contrast, 49 percent of the young people in Pew’s poll had positive views, and just 43 percent had negative views.
On specific questions about how best to organize the economy, the Harvard poll found a greater influence of capitalist ideas among young people. Just 27 percent believe government should play a large role in regulating the economy, and just 30 percent think the government should play a large role in reducing income inequality. Only 26 percent said government spending is an effective way to increase economic growth.
Yet 48 percent agreed that “basic health insurance is a right for all people.” And 47 percent agreed with the statement that “basic necessities, such as food and shelter, are a right that the government should provide [it] to those unable to afford them.”
It has been considered that Bernie Sanders’ campaign for the Democratic Party nomination for the Presidential election has been a significant factor in the changes detected now. The fact that so many young people feel moved by the word of a candidate of such an advanced age was a great surprise.
What the polls are now showing about US youth is rather significant. It could be the prelude to major changes within and beyond the borders of the American superpower.
May 3, 2016.
Por Manuel E. Yepe
Una muy reciente encuesta realizada por la elitista, aunque prestigiosa, Universidad de Harvard, en Massachussets, indica que la mayoría de los jóvenes estadounidenses rechaza los principios básicos de la economía de Estados Unidos y que no se consideran a sí mismos compatibles con el capitalismo.
Es este un dato de la mayor importancia política, razonando que desde el fin de la guerra fría toda la propaganda interna y hacia el exterior de Estados Unidos ha tenido como objetivo fundamental la formación de una conciencia orientada al libre mercado y a la protección de las corporaciones y el capital privado en general, con desdeño de los fines sociales del Estado.
De hecho, en su política exterior, Washington confunde los términos “capitalismo” y “democracia” a tal extremo que casi nunca utilizan el primero. Sus aliados en el capitalismo son “democracias” y los que no aceptan su hegemonía global no lo son, así de sencillo.
La pesquisa de la Universidad de Harvard, que encuestó a jóvenes estadounidenses de entre 18 y 29 años de edad, reveló que el 51% de ellos no apoya al capitalismo contra el 42 % que si es partidario de este sistema.
Según los encuestadores, la mayoría de los encuestados que dijo no sentirse compatibles con el capitalismo atribuyen sus discrepancias a los vaivenes del libre mercado.
“El capitalismo puede significar diferentes cosas para diferentes personas, y la generación más nueva de votantes está frustrada con el status quo, en términos generales”. Zach Lustbader, uno de los expertos de Harvard que condujo la encuesta, argumenta que el término “capitalismo” no tiene hoy en Estados Unidos el mismo significado que antes. A los que crecieron durante la Guerra Fría, les inculcaron la idea de que el capitalismo era un arma para liberar a la Unión Soviética y a otros regímenes totalitarios. Pero para otras
generaciones mas recientes el capitalismo ha significado una crisis financiera constante de la que la economía global aún no se ha recuperado.
Aunque la información sobre los resultados de la encuesta que brinda Amy Cavenaile en The Washington Post el 24 de abril de 2016, no aclara cuales otros sistemas socio-económicos preferirían los jóvenes como alternativa, se indica que el 33 % de ellos elegiría el socialismo. La encuesta tiene un margen de error de 2,4 puntos porcentuales. Un posterior estudio que incluyó a personas de todas las edades reveló que entre estadounidenses algo mayores también existe escepticismo acerca del capitalismo. Sólo entre encuestados que sobrepasan los 50 años de edad hubo una mayoría a favor del capitalismo.
Aunque estos resultados son sorprendentes, Harvard los compara con otros estudios recientes acerca de lo que piensan los estadounidenses sobre el capitalismo y el socialismo. En 2011, por ejemplo, el centro de Investigación Pew encontró que en personas de 18 a 29 años de edad existía mucha frustración con el sistema de libre mercado.
En ese sondeo se constató que el 46% de la ciudadanía tenía puntos de vistas positivos acerca del capitalismo, y 47 % tenía opiniones negativas. En relación con el socialismo, por el contrario, 49 % de los jóvenes en la encuesta de Pew tenían opiniones positivas, y sólo el 43 % tenían opiniones negativas.
La encuesta Harvard halló una mayor influencia de las ideas capitalistas en los jóvenes estadounidenses ante preguntas específicas sobre la mejor manera de organizar la economía. Sólo el 27 % cree que el gobierno debe jugar un papel importante en la regulación de la economía, únicamente el 30 % cree que el gobierno debe desempeñar un papel substancial para reducir la desigualdad de los ingresos y apenas el 26 % dijo que el aporte gubernamental era una manera eficaz para impulsar el crecimiento económico.
Pero el 48 por ciento aceptó que “tener seguro de salud es un derecho para todas las personas”. Y un 47 % estuvo de acuerdo con la declaración de que “las necesidades básicas, como alimento y vivienda, son derechos que el gobierno debe proporcionar a quienes que no pueden pagarlos”.
Se ha considerado que la campaña de Bernie Sanders por la candidatura presidencial del partido demócrata ha constituido un factor significativo en los cambios que ahora se constatan. El hecho de que tanta gente joven se sintiera movilizada por el verbo de un aspirante de tan avanzada edad sorprendió grandemente.
Lo que ahora las encuestas están demostrando en la juventud estadounidense no es algo de poca monta. Podría ser el preludio de grandes cambios en y más allá de las fronteras de la superpotencia americana.
Mayo 3 de 2016.
By Manuel E. Yepe
A CubaNews translation.
Edited by Walter Lippmann.
It has been repeatedly said that the American people are the only ones who could perform the Herculean task of bringing down the most powerful and bloodthirsty empire ever known to humankind. Humanity anxiously hopes to see the US people act, and will provide the solidarity they would have earned.
The frequent US asymmetric wars against countries incomparably poorer and militarily weaker than the only superpower have awakened the humanitarian consciousness of many Americans who have strongly demonstrated solidarity with these abused peoples.
The continuous embarrassing exposure of prisoners’ human rights violations – including torture and serious indignities– in US public or secret prisons scattered around the world, have awakened the awareness of millions of Americans who condemn such injustice.
However, as a result of the manipulation and deceit they are subjected to in their religious faith, or the naivete that for years has been instilled by the media dominated by corporate and banking elites, Americans have been impregnated –for more than a century– with the influence of a neo-conservative policy with fundamentalist traits that today some consider their national feature.
After the collapse of the USSR and the European socialist bloc –which meant the end of the Cold War– the US government intensified its economic war against Cuba, a country that had remained as a thorn in the throat of imperialism.
With new laws, there was a better definition of the set of tools aimed at the economic and financial drowning of the island. There were also other measures whose goal was to “cause shortages, suffering, and the overthrow of the Cuban government” –as originally defined, more than half a century ago, by the objectives of the US blockade, euphemistically called an “embargo”.
Fidel Castro, called on the Cuban people to “tighten their belts” and prepare for shortages and greater sacrifices. Cubans responded by closing ranks around the leader of the Revolution. The results of their heroic resistance can be seen today. Reason, justice, and patriotism were victorious. The internationalist solidarity of countless people around the world who stimulated the success of the Cubans with their sincere help has also been victorious.
A uni-polar world followed the end of the Cold War. A single superpower tries to impose its selfish interests on the rest of the planet. The neoliberal globalization imposed on the world’s peoples, with its consequences of hunger, disease, illiteracy, environmental degradation, discrimination, and many other ills of humanity. This proves that it is not geographical fatalism, or an alleged racial inferiority, but the very essence of the bourgeois order that determines these evils in human societies.
Neo-liberalism, the order which the North spreads, imposes on the South, and recommends itself as a panacea for all the misfortunes of humankind that which is precisely the basic cause of the great evil and cruel abandonment suffered by the peoples living in the poor countries, and the poor who live in the rich countries.
Neoliberal capitalism, with its praise and proclamation of the market –not the human being– as the absolute axis for the functioning of society, has increased poverty and expanded inequalities on a universal scale. Constantly generating crises, the capitalist order tries to ignore the asymmetries it causes, and always manages to unload its effects on the humble people of the planet.
The capitalist system of relations, instead of calling for cooperation and solidarity, calls for competition, selfishness and the law of the richest.
With Bernie Sanders’ campaign for nomination as Democratic Party candidate in the United States presidential election, Americans have begun to hear about many things that were not mentioned in the recent past.
Sanders offers to end nearly four decades of neo-liberal policies. He condemns Wall Street greed, the corruption of the electoral and political systems, and the stealing of the futures of young people and American workers. He recalls the glorious struggles for equality, civil and labor rights, and the rights of immigrants.
These are things not heard in the United States for a long time. Let’s hope they are a prelude to a change that only the US people can promote.
April 26, 2016.
Por Manuel E. Yepe
El pueblo de Estados Unidos -se ha dicho muchas veces- es el único que podría llevar a cabo la titánica hazaña de hacer caer al imperio más poderoso y sanguinario que haya conocido la humanidad, que espera ansiosa ver a ese pueblo actuar para ofrecerle la solidaridad a que se hará acreedor.
Las frecuentes guerras asimétricas de Estados Unidos contra países incomparablemente mucho más pobres y militarmente débiles que la superpotencia única, despertaron la conciencia humanitaria de muchos estadounidenses que se ha manifestado enérgicamente en solidaridad con estos pueblos abusados.
La continuada exposición de vergonzosas violaciones de los derechos humanos de prisioneros, incluyendo torturas y gravísimos vejámenes en cárceles públicas o clandestinas estadounidenses diseminadas por el mundo, despertaron la conciencia de millones de estadounidenses que condenaron tales injusticias.
Sin embargo, como resultado de la manipulación y el engaño a que han estado sometidos en su fe religiosa o por la ingenuidad que durante años han inculcado en el ciudadano común de ese país los medios de publicidad y de prensa dominados por la élite corporativa y bancaria, los estadounidenses han sido sometidos durante más de un siglo al influjo de una orientación política neoconservadora con proyecciones fundamentalistas, que algunos consideran hoy su característica nacional.
Tras el derrumbe de la URSS y el bloque socialista europeo, que significó el fin de la Guerra Fría, el gobierno de Estados Unidos intensificó su guerra económica contra Cuba, que quedó como una espina en la garganta del imperialismo.
Con nuevas leyes, la codificación del conjunto de instrumentos destinados a ahogar económicamente a la isla y otras medidas dirigidas a “provocar escaseces, sufrimientos y el derrocamiento del gobierno cubano” según fueron definidos originalmente, más de medio siglo antes, los objetivos del bloqueo que Estados Unidos eufemísticamente llama “embargo”.
Fidel Castro, llamó al pueblo a “apretarse los cinturones” y prepararse para carencias y sacrificios mayores. Los cubanos respondieron cerrando filas en torno al líder de la Revolución y ya se han podido ver los resultados de la heroica resistencia. Triunfó la razón, la justicia, el patriotismo. Venció también la solidaridad internacionalista de innumerables personas en todo el mundo que han estimulado la proeza de los cubanos con su ayuda sincera y, por ello, son también dueños del éxito.
El mundo unipolar que siguió al fin de la Guerra Fría, con una única superpotencia que imponiendo sus egoístas intereses al resto del planeta y la globalización neoliberal impuesta a los pueblos, con su secuela de hambre, enfermedades, analfabetismo, degradación ambiental, discriminación, y tantos otros males que sufre la humanidad, puso de manifiesto que no es el fatalismo geográfico, ni una supuesta inferioridad racial, sino la esencia misma del orden burgués lo que determina estos males en las sociedades humanas.
El neoliberalismo, ordenamiento que el Norte disemina, impone en el Sur y recomienda como panacea para todas las desventuras de la humanidad, es precisamente la causa fundamental de los grandes males y los crueles desamparos en que viven los pueblos de los países pobres y los pobres en los países ricos.
El capitalismo neoliberal, con su proclamación del mercado y no del ser humano como eje absoluto del funcionamiento de la sociedad, ha multiplicado la miseria y ampliado las desigualdades a escala universal. Generador constante de crisis, el orden capitalista pretende ignorar que son las asimetrías las que las provocan y se las arregla siempre para descargar sus efectos en las personas humildes del planeta.
El sistema capitalista de relaciones, en vez de convocar a la cooperación y la solidaridad, llama a la competencia, el egoísmo y la ley del más rico.
Con la campaña de Bernie Sanders por lograr incluirse como candidato del partido demócrata en las elecciones presidenciales de Estados Unidos, los estadounidenses han comenzado a oír hablar de muchas cosas que no se mencionaban en el pasado reciente.
Sanders ofrece poner fin a casi cuatro décadas de políticas neoliberales. Condena la avaricia de Wall Street, la corrupción del sistema electoral y político, y el robo del futuro de los jóvenes y de los trabajadores estadounidenses. Recuerda las gloriosas luchas por la igualdad, los derechos civiles y por los derechos laborales y de los inmigrantes.
Son cosas que no se escuchaban hace mucho tiempo en Estados Unidos y que ojalá fueran la antesala de un cambio que solo a los estadounidenses corresponde promover.
Abril 28 de 2016.
In Miami today, Hillary Clinton forcefully expressed her support for normalization of U.S. relations with Cuba and formally called on Congress to lift the Cuba embargo. Hillary emphasized that she believes we need to increase American influence in Cuba, not reduce it — a strong contrast with Republican candidates who are stuck in the past, trying to return to the same failed Cold War-era isolationism that has only strengthened the Castro regime.
To those Republicans, her message was clear: “They have it backwards: Engagement is not a gift to the Castros – it’s a threat to the Castros. An American embassy in Havana isn’t a concession – it’s a beacon. Lifting the embargo doesn’t set back the advance of freedom – it advances freedom where it is most desperately needed.”
A full transcript of the remarks is included below:
“Thank you. Thank you very much. Thank you. I want to thank Dr. Frank Mora, director of the Kimberly Latin American and Caribbean Center and a professor here at FIU, and before that served with distinction at the Department of Defense. I want to recognize former Congressman Joe Garcia. Thank you Joe for being here – a long time friend and an exemplary educator. The President of Miami-Dade College, Eduardo Padrón and the President of FIU, Mark Rosenberg – I thank you all for being here. And for me it’s a delight to be here at Florida International University. You can feel the energy here. It’s a place where people of all backgrounds and walks of life work hard, do their part, and get ahead. That’s the promise of America that has drawn generations of immigrants to our shores, and it’s a reality right here at FIU.
“Today, as Frank said, I want to talk with you about a subject that has stirred passionate debate in this city and beyond for decades, but is now entering a crucial new phase. America’s approach to Cuba is at a crossroads, and the upcoming presidential election will determine whether we chart a new path forward or turn back to the old ways of the past. We must decide between engagement and embargo, between embracing fresh thinking and returning to Cold War deadlock. And the choices we make will have lasting consequences not just for more than 11 million Cubans, but also for American leadership across our hemisphere and around the world.
“I know that for many in this room and throughout the Cuban-American community, this debate is not an intellectual exercise – it is deeply personal.
“I teared up as Frank was talking about his mother—not able to mourn with her family, say goodbye to her brother. I’m so privileged to have a sister-in-law who is Cuban-American, who came to this country, like so many others as a child and has chartered her way with a spirit of determination and success.
“I think about all those who were sent as children to live with strangers during the Peter Pan airlift, for families who arrived here during the Mariel boatlift with only the clothes on their backs, for sons and daughters who could not bury their parents back home, for all who have suffered and waited and longed for change to come to the land, “where palm trees grow.” And, yes, for a rising generation eager to build a new and better future.
“Many of you have your own stories and memories that shape your feelings about the way forward. Like Miriam Leiva, one of the founders of the Ladies in White, who is with us today – brave Cuban women who have defied the Castro regime and demanded dignity and reform. We are honored to have her here today and I’d like to ask her, please raise your hand. Thank you.
“I wish every Cuban back in Cuba could spend a day walking around Miami and see what you have built here, how you have turned this city into a dynamic global city. How you have succeeded as entrepreneurs and civic leaders. It would not take them long to start demanding similar opportunities and achieving similar success back in Cuba.
“I understand the skepticism in this community about any policy of engagement toward Cuba. As many of you know, I’ve been skeptical too. But you’ve been promised progress for fifty years. And we can’t wait any longer for a failed policy to bear fruit. We have to seize this moment. We have to now support change on an island where it is desperately needed.
“I did not come to this position lightly. I well remember what happened to previous attempts at engagement. In the 1990s, Castro responded to quiet diplomacy by shooting down the unarmed Brothers to the Rescue plane out of the sky. And with their deaths in mind, I supported the Helms-Burton Act to tighten the embargo.
“Twenty years later, the regime’s human rights abuses continue: imprisoning dissidents, cracking down on free expression and the Internet, beating and harassing the courageous Ladies in White, refusing a credible investigation into the death of Oswaldo Paya. Anyone who thinks we can trust this regime hasn’t learned the lessons of history.
“But as Secretary of State, it became clear to me that our policy of isolating Cuba was strengthening the Castros’ grip on power rather than weakening it – and harming our broader efforts to restore American leadership across the hemisphere. The Castros were able to blame all of the island’s woes on the U.S. embargo, distracting from the regime’s failures and delaying their day of reckoning with the Cuban people. We were unintentionally helping the regime keep Cuba a closed and controlled society rather than working to open it up to positive outside influences the way we did so effectively with the old Soviet bloc and elsewhere.
“So in 2009, we tried something new. The Obama administration made it easier for Cuban Americans to visit and send money to family on the island. No one expected miracles, but it was a first step toward exposing the Cuban people to new ideas, values, and perspectives.
“I remember seeing a CNN report that summer about a Cuban father living and working in the United States who hadn’t seen his baby boy back home for a year-and-a-half because of travel restrictions. Our reforms made it possible for that father and son finally to reunite. It was just one story, just one family, but it felt like the start of something important.
“In 2011, we further loosened restrictions on cash remittances sent back to Cuba and we opened the way for more Americans – clergy, students and teachers, community leaders – to visit and engage directly with the Cuban people. They brought with them new hope and support for struggling families, aspiring entrepreneurs, and brave civil society activists. Small businesses started opening. Cell phones proliferated. Slowly, Cubans were getting a taste of a different future.
“I then became convinced that building stronger ties between Cubans and Americans could be the best way to promote political and economic change on the island. So by the end of my term as Secretary, I recommended to the President that we end the failed embargo and double down on a strategy of engagement that would strip the Castro regime of its excuses and force it to grapple with the demands and aspirations of the Cuban people. Instead of keeping change out, as it has for decades, the regime would have to figure out how to adapt to a rapidly transforming society.
“What’s more, it would open exciting new business opportunities for American companies, farmers, and entrepreneurs – especially for the Cuban-American community. That’s my definition of a win-win.
“Now I know some critics of this approach point to other countries that remain authoritarian despite decades of diplomatic and economic engagement. And yes it’s true that political change will not come quickly or easily to Cuba. But look around the world at many of the countries that have made the transition from autocracy to democracy – from Eastern Europe to East Asia to Latin America. Engagement is not a silver bullet, but again and again we see that it is more likely to hasten change, not hold it back.
“The future for Cuba is not foreordained. But there is good reason to believe that once it gets going, this dynamic will be especially powerful on an island just 90 miles from the largest economy in the world. Just 90 miles away from one and a half million Cuban-Americans whose success provides a compelling advertisement for the benefits of democracy and an open society.
“So I have supported President Obama and Secretary Kerry as they’ve advanced this strategy. They’ve taken historic steps forward – re-establishing diplomatic relations, reopening our embassy in Havana, expanding opportunities further for travel and commerce, calling on Congress to finally drop the embargo.
“That last step about the embargo is crucial, because without dropping it, this progress could falter.
“We have arrived at a decisive moment. The Cuban people have waited long enough for progress to come. Even many Republicans on Capitol Hill are starting to recognize the urgency of moving forward. It’s time for their leaders to either get on board or get out of the way. The Cuba embargo needs to go, once and for all. We should replace it with a smarter approach that empowers Cuban businesses, Cuban civil society, and the Cuban-American community to spur progress and keep pressure on the regime.
“Today I am calling on Speaker Boehner and Senator McConnell to step up and answer the pleas of the Cuban people. By large majorities, they want a closer relationship with America.
“They want to buy our goods, read our books, surf our web, and learn from our people. They want to bring their country into the 21st century. That is the road toward democracy and dignity and we should walk it together.
“We can’t go back to a failed policy that limits Cuban-Americans’ ability to travel and support family and friends. We can’t block American businesses that could help free enterprise take root in Cuban soil – or stop American religious groups and academics and activists from establishing contacts and partnerships on the ground.
“If we go backward, no one will benefit more than the hardliners in Havana. In fact, there may be no stronger argument for engagement than the fact that Cuba’s hardliners are so opposed to it. They don’t want strong connections with the United States. They don’t want Cuban-Americans traveling to the island. They don’t want American students and clergy and NGO activists interacting with the Cuban people. That is the last thing they want. So that’s precisely why we need to do it.
“Unfortunately, most of the Republican candidates for President would play right into the hard-liners’ hands. They would reverse the progress we have made and cut the Cuban people off from direct contact with the Cuban-American community and the free-market capitalism and democracy that you embody. That would be a strategic error for the United States and a tragedy for the millions of Cubans who yearn for closer ties.
“They have it backwards: Engagement is not a gift to the Castros – it’s a threat to the Castros. An American embassy in Havana isn’t a concession – it’s a beacon. Lifting the embargo doesn’t set back the advance of freedom – it advances freedom where it is most desperately needed.
“Fundamentally, most Republican candidates still view Cuba – and Latin America more broadly – through an outdated Cold War lens. Instead of opportunities to be seized, they see only threats to be feared. They refuse to learn the lessons of the past or pay attention to what’s worked and what hasn’t. For them, ideology trumps evidence. And so they remain incapable of moving us forward.
“As President, I would increase American influence in Cuba, rather than reduce it. I would work with Congress to lift the embargo and I would also pursue additional steps.
“First, we should help more Americans go to Cuba. If Congress won’t act to do this, I would use executive authority to make it easier for more Americans to visit the island to support private business and engage with the Cuban people.
“Second, I would use our new presence and connections to more effectively support human rights and civil society in Cuba. I believe that as our influence expands among the Cuban people, our diplomacy can help carve out political space on the island in a way we never could before.
“We will follow the lead of Pope Francis, who will carry a powerful message of empowerment when he visits Cuba in September. I would direct U.S. diplomats to make it a priority to build relationships with more Cubans, especially those starting businesses and pushing boundaries. Advocates for women’s rights and workers’ rights. Environmental activists. Artists. Bloggers. The more relationships we build, the better.
“We should be under no illusions that the regime will end its repressive ways any time soon, as its continued use of short-term detentions demonstrates. So we have to redouble our efforts to stand up for the rights of reformers and political prisoners, including maintaining sanctions on specific human-rights violators. We should maintain restrictions on the flow of arms to the regime – and work to restrict access to the tools of repression while expanding access to tools of dissent and free expression.
“We should make it clear, as I did as Secretary of State, that the “freedom to connect” is a basic human right, and therefore do more to extend that freedom to more and more Cubans – particularly young people.
“Third, and this is directly related, we should focus on expanding communications and commercial links to and among the Cuban people. Just five percent of Cubans have access to the open Internet today. We want more American companies pursuing joint ventures to build networks that will open the free flow of information – and empower everyday Cubans to make their voices heard. We want Cubans to have access to more phones, more computers, more satellite televisions. We want more American airplanes and ferries and cargo ships arriving every day. I’m told that Airbnb is already getting started. Companies like Google and Twitter are exploring opportunities as well.
“It will be essential that American and international companies entering the Cuban market act responsibly, hold themselves to high standards, use their influence to push for reforms. I would convene and connect U.S. business leaders from many fields to advance this strategy, and I will look to the Cuban-American community to continue leading the way. No one is better positioned to bring expertise, resources, and vision to this effort – and no one understands better how transformative this can be.
“We will also keep pressing for a just settlement on expropriated property. And we will let Raul explain to his people why he wants to prevent American investment in bicycle repair shops, in restaurants, in barbershops, and Internet cafes. Let him try to put up barriers to American technology and innovation that his people crave.
“Finally, we need to use our leadership across the Americas to mobilize more support for Cubans and their aspirations. Just as the United States needed a new approach to Cuba, the region does as well.
“Latin American countries and leaders have run out of excuses for not standing up for the fundamental freedoms of the Cuban people. No more brushing things under the rug. No more apologizing. It is time for them to step up. Not insignificantly, new regional cooperation on Cuba will also open other opportunities for the United States across Latin America.
“For years, our unpopular policy towards Cuba held back our influence and leadership. Frankly, it was an albatross around our necks. We were isolated in our opposition to opening up the island. Summit meetings were consumed by the same old debates. Regional spoilers like Venezuela took advantage of the disagreements to advance their own agendas and undermine the United States. Now we have the chance for a fresh start in the Americas.
“Strategically, this is a big deal. Too often, we look east, we look west, but we don’t look south. And no region in the world is more important to our long-term prosperity and security than Latin America. And no region in the world is better positioned to emerge as a new force for global peace and progress.
“Many Republicans seem to think of Latin America still as a land of crime and coups rather than a place where free markets and free people are thriving. They’ve got it wrong. Latin America is now home to vibrant democracies, expanding middle classes, abundant energy supplies, and a combined GDP of more than $4 trillion.
“Our economies, communities, and even our families are deeply entwined. And I see our increasing interdependence as a comparative advantage to be embraced. The United States needs to build on what I call the “power of proximity.” It’s not just geography – it’s common values, common culture, common heritage. It’s shared interests that could power a new era of partnership and prosperity. Closer ties across Latin America will help our economy at home and strengthen our hand around the world, especially in the Asia-Pacific. There is enormous potential for cooperation on clean energy and combatting climate change.
“And much work to be done together to take on the persistent challenges in our hemisphere, from crime to drugs to poverty, and to stand in defense of our shared values against regimes like that in Venezuela. So the United States needs to lead in the Latin America. And if we don’t, make no mistake, others will. China is eager to extend its influence. Strong, principled American leadership is the only answer. That was my approach as Secretary of State and will be my priority as President.
“Now it is often said that every election is about the future. But this time, I feel it even more powerfully. Americans have worked so hard to climb out of the hole we found ourselves in with the worst financial crisis since the Great Depression in 2008. Families took second jobs and second shifts. They found a way to make it work. And now, thankfully, our economy is growing again.
“Slowly but surely we also repaired America’s tarnished reputation. We strengthened old alliances and started new partnerships. We got back to the time-tested values that made our country a beacon of hope and opportunity and freedom for the entire world. We learned to lead in new ways for a complex and changing age. And America is safer and stronger as a result.
“We cannot afford to let out-of-touch, out-of-date partisan ideas and candidates rip away all the progress we’ve made. We can’t go back to cowboy diplomacy and reckless war-mongering. We can’t go back to a go-it-alone foreign policy that views American boots on the ground as a first choice rather than as a last resort. We have paid too high a price in lives, power, and prestige to make those same mistakes again. Instead we need a foreign policy for the future with creative, confident leadership that harnesses all of America’s strength, smarts, and values. I believe the future holds far more opportunities than threats if we shape global events rather than reacting to them and being shaped by them. That is what I will do as President, starting right here in our own hemisphere.
“I’m running to build an America for tomorrow, not yesterday. For the struggling, the striving, and the successful. For the young entrepreneur in Little Havana who dreams of expanding to Old Havana. For the grandmother who never lost hope of seeing freedom come to the homeland she left so long ago. For the families who are separated. For all those who have built new lives in a new land. I’m running for everyone who’s ever been knocked down, but refused to be knocked out. I am running for you and I want to work with you to be your partner to build the kind of future that will once again not only make Cuban-Americas successful here in our country, but give Cubans in Cuba the same chance to live up to their own potential.
Thank you all very, very much.”
For Immediate Release, July 31, 2015
Contact: press@hillaryclinton.com
Contributions or gifts to Hillary for America are not tax deductible.
Hillary for America, PO Box 5256, New York
Cuban media coverage, an example:
Hillary Clinton Calls in Miami for Lifting of U.S. blockade on Cuba
HAVANA, Cuba, Aug 1 (acn) Democrat pre-candidate to the 2016 presidential elections in the United States, Hillary Clinton, asked Congress on Friday, from Miami, Florida, to lift the economic, commercial and financial blockade imposed on Cuba since 1962, the Prensa Latina news agency reported.
In a speech at the International University of Florida, the former Secretary of State asked lawmakers to take advantage of this decisive moment, after the resumption of diplomatic relations between the two countries and the reopening of embassies in the respective capitals on July 20.
The U.S. policy towards Cuba is at a crossroads and next year’s elections by the White House will determine whether we will carry on with a new course in this regard or return to the old ways of the past, she added.
We must decide between commitment and sanctions, between adopting new thinking and returning to the deadlock we were during the Cold War, she pointed out.
She added that even many Republicans on Capitol Hill are beginning to recognize the urgency of continuing onward to dismantle the sanctions and this is the moment when their leaders must join this task or get out of the way of those who carry on.
Clinton added that the blockade must end once and for all; we must replace it with “more intelligent measures that manage to consolidate the interests of the United States,” and called the red party leadership on Capitol Hill to join this policy.
The former Secretary of State reiterated her support for the policy of rapprochement with the island that began after December 17, when Cuban President Raul Castro and his U.S. counterpart, Barack Obama, announced the decision of reestablishing diplomatic relations.
For years, the state of Florida was the base of a strong opposition to bonds with Havana, which made the blockade an untouchable issue among those who aspired to be elected for posts in that territory, especially for Republicans.
On several occasions, the former first lady has defended the lifting of the blockade against the Caribbean nation, particularly in her book Hard Choices, in which she assures that while she was Secretary of State (2009-2013) she recommended Obama to review the policy towards Cuba.
A survey conducted last week by the Pew Research Center showed that 72 percent of U.S. citizens are in favor of lifting the blockade against Cuba and 73 percent approve Obama’s decision of reestablishing diplomatic relations with the Caribbean island.
A survey by the McClatchy newspaper chain and the Marist Institute for Public Opinion released on Friday showed that 44 percent of likely voters prefer Clinton; 29 percent Republican Jeb Bush; and 20 percent controversial aspirant Donald Trump, for the November 2016 elections.
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