By Jorge Rodríguez Hernández
April 28, 2020
Translated and edited by Walter Lippmann for CubaNews
“Now more than ever, we must rescue respect for the law and fight a corrupt socialism that masks the dangerous underground economy.
Graziella Pogolotti (La gangrena, Juventud Rebelde, 1 May 2016, p.3)
Thirty or more years ago, as part of my research – still in progress – on the underground economy and its different features, I wrote that speculation constitutes the visible face of the black market, due to the role played by those who plunder the goods of the public treasury, in collusion with drivers, through crime on wheels, and through a sort of symbiosis with citizens who work in state agencies, without ruling out links with marginal subjects. As you will infer, it is a complex skein.
We are in the presence of an issue similar to a hydra, with different tentacles, whose neutralization requires the use of an integral and multidisciplinary approach. The recent dismantling of a clandestine network of 13 members, who were engaged in stealing different equipment and goods from the warehouses of the National Medical Supplies Company (ENSUME), located in Berroa, east of Havana, demonstrates the need and urgency to cut off these illicit activities, in order to prevent the advance of this corrupting pandemic, in the midst of Cuba’s confrontation with another pandemic that is also lethal: COVID-19.
For the Cuban psychiatrist and criminalist, Dr. Fernando Barral, a student of economic crime on the island, the shortage is a “contributing circumstance”, but this expert believes that “one cannot wait for everything to be in place to resolve this phenomenon to some extent”, and whose existence compromises the survival of the Revolution, as has been said repeatedly.
During the crisis of the 1990s, when the country lived through the Special Period in peacetime, the mismatch between supply and demand reinforced the tentacles and space of the black market, and during that time the amount of transactions on the black market grew more than 20 times, according to economists’ calculations.
When I mention speculation and hoarding, criminal figures in the current Penal Code, I am not talking about small-scale operations, nor about a certain number of people who have found a way of life in this illicit act -which should not be underestimated and much less justified-, but I am also referring to the thinking heads of large smuggling operations, who transfer goods and products from state agencies to the black market.
Cuba must take very much into account the circumstances of the failure of the French Revolution, which was not because of the extremist actions of terrorism, but because it did not find ways to consolidate the masses and direct them against both the big and the small parasites.
In the script applied to the former Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR) by the head of the US Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), between 1953 and 1961, Allen W. Dulles, was “actively and constantly encouraging (…) the despotism of officials, bribery, corruption, lack of principle”, and his “main bet” was on “the youth”, which “we will corrupt, demoralize, pervert”.
The causes of the failure of socialism in the former USSR always deserve a critical and instructive look from Cuba, both here and now, and towards the future. To corroborate this last point, there is “the precedent of the mythical “Uncle Basia” (the figure of the clandestine speculator on a large scale who emerged in the Brezhnev era), who with the penguins of profits accumulated in 20 years is today devastating the auctions of state property with constant and resounding money,” as the magazine Bohemia reported in July 1992.
por Jorge Rodríguez Hernández
Abril 28, 2020
“Ahora más que nunca, hay que rescatar el respeto a la ley y combatir un socialismo corruptor que enmascara la peligrosa economía sumergida”.
Graziella Pogolotti (La gangrena, Juventud Rebelde, 1 de mayo de 2016, p.3)
Hace 30 o más años, como parte de mi investigación- vigente aún- sobre economía sumergida y sus disímiles rasgos, escribí que la especulación constituye la cara visible del mercado negro, por el papel que desempeñan quienes depredan los bienes de la hacienda pública, en contubernio con choferes, mediante el delito sobre ruedas, y a través de una suerte de simbiosis con ciudadanos que laboran en las dependencias estatales, sin descartar vínculos con sujetos marginales. Como inferirán, se trata de una compleja madeja.
Estamos en presencia de un asunto semejante a una hidra, con disímiles tentáculos, cuya neutralización pasa por el empleo de un enfoque integral y multidisciplinario. La reciente desarticulación de una red clandestina de 13 integrantes, quienes se dedicaban a sustraer disímiles equipos y bienes en almacenes de la Empresa Nacional de Suministros Médicos (ENSUME), ubicados en Berroa, al este de La Habana, demuestra la necesidad y urgencia de cortar estos ilícitos, para impedir el avance de esta pandemia corruptora, en medio del enfrentamiento de Cuba contra otra pandemia también letal: la COVID-19.
Para el psiquiatra y criminalista cubano, doctor Fernando Barral, estudioso de la delincuencia económica en la Isla, la escasez resulta una “circunstancia contribuyente”, pero dicho experto considera que “no puede esperarse a que haya de todo para resolver este fenómeno en cierta medida”, y cuya existencia compromete la supervivencia de la Revolución, como se ha dicho, de forma reiterada.
Durante la crisis de los años 90 del pasado siglo XX, cuando el país vivió el Período Especial en tiempo de paz, el desencuentro entre oferta y demanda, reforzó los tentáculos y espacio del mercado negro, y en el transcurso de esa época el monto de las transacciones en el mismo crecieron más de 20 veces, según cálculos de economistas.
Cuando menciono la especulación y el acaparamiento, figuras delictivas en el Código Penal vigente, no hablo de operaciones de poca monta, ni de una determinada cifra de personas que han encontrado un modo de vida en este ilícito -lo cual no debe se subestimado y mucho menos justificado-, sino me refiero también a las cabezas pensantes de grandes operaciones de contrabando, quienes trasvasan mercancías y productos de las dependencias estatales hacia el mercado negro.
Cuba debe tener muy en cuenta las circunstancias del fracaso de la Revolución Francesa, lo cual no fue a causa de las acciones extremistas del terrorismo, sino por no haber encontrado vías para consolidar a las masas y dirigirlas tanto en contra de los parásitos grandes como de los pequeños.
En el guion aplicado a la ex Unión de Repúblicas Socialistas Soviéticas (URSS) por parte del jefe de la Agencia Central de Inteligencia de Estados Unidos (CIA), entre 1953 y 1961, Allen W. Dulles, se propició de una forma “activa y constante (…) el despotismo de los funcionarios, el soborno, la corrupción, la falta de principios”, y su “principal apuesta” fue “la juventud”, la cual “corromperemos, desmoralizaremos, pervertiremos”.
Las causas del fracaso del socialismo en la ex URSS, merece siempre una mirada crítica y aleccionadora por parte de Cuba, tanto aquí y ahora, como hacia el futuro. Para corroborar esto último, ahí está “el precedente del mítico “tío Basia” (la figura del especulador clandestino a gran escala surgido en la era Brezhnev), quien con los pingües beneficios acumulados en 20 años arrasa hoy con dinero constante y sonante en las subastas de la propiedad estatal”, como reseñó la revista Bohemia en julio de 1992.
By Ricardo Ronquillo
President of the Union of Cuban Journalists. Granted Juan Gualberto Gómez Award. Former deputy editor and columnist of Juventud Rebelde.
March 3, 2020
Translated and edited by Walter Lippmann for CubaNews.
Caricature: MartIRENA
Imagine you arrive at a state-owned repair facility. You are instructed to go to the receptionist’s desk, who, in addition to taking your personal details, prepares a voucher that states in the accounting documents the type of care you will receive and the consequent cost. They then direct you to some of the repairmen present. The repairman will look hard at your appliance, the one that broke, of course, and then there will be a curious dialogue in which the repairman will tell you that for the type of damage to your appliance there are no parts in the unit… But – and this is always an interesting saving act – the repairman managed to get it, and he is ready to solve your peremptory problem.
Of course, doing so implies a “cost”, certainly much more expensive than if the “substitute” part were there in the workshop… From then on you will not end your “productive chain” within the establishment, by returning to pay for the service with the original partner who attended you, but in an intimate, very private agreement with the repairer, which will splash out to other internal confines…
Stories such as the one above gradually give shape in Cuba to a type of property that was not included in any economic or social guidelines, and therefore not in the Constitution. We are now celebrating the first year since its approval by a majority in a popular referendum. [But for this situation] there are no programmatic documents that aim at reconfiguring our socialist model.
The rationality and practical sense of the ordinary citizen has already made his baptismal act, with name included, to this curious variant of owner: “state” property [la propiedad “estaticular.] A direct and accurate friend defines it as a hybrid establishment, which in the papers are in the name of the State but, in the concrete one, a good part of the pieces and the dividends go, surreptitiously, to the pockets of its workers.
It is a secret and strange form of expropriation of public possession to which many are accustomed, by force of necessity, because otherwise, it would be very difficult for them to resolve the issues that entangle their existence.
In the recent balance sheet of the Ministry of Internal Commerce, some of the shards of this deformation jumped out. A large part of the products destined, for example, to gastronomic establishments end up being transferred to the private or cooperative sector, without fulfilling the purposes for which they were financed by the State. And the most painful thing is that this happens while the financial debts in these areas are extremely high, as much as the payments for losses to the nation’s pocket and pitiful corrupt chains.
These phenomena are more visible now, as our State tries to find its true limits. The body of that unavoidable institution for justice, freedom and sovereignty in Cuba, disproportionate for years, is giving way in size and functions.
One of the most important definitions of the so-called Updating is precisely the acceptance that the State is one thing as owner in the name of the nation and the people. Another is the various models in which property can be managed, something under discussion since the decision of the so-called “revolutionary offensive”, which turned state property into almost the entire national economic fabric, one of the “errors of idealism”, recognized by Fidel.
This definition allows for progress in the expansion of self-employment or small personal or family property-even the expected acceptance of the concept of private property, up to the scale of small and medium enterprises, the experimental opening of cooperatives in the non-agricultural sector, the handing over of idle land in usufruct, the leasing of state service premises, and the incipient purpose of transforming the socialist state enterprise, seen as the heart of the economy and of modernization.
Examples such as the one mentioned above require a more flexible and limited vision to the current circumstances, which favors the emergence of more socialized forms of property management. All of these should contribute to overcome the dragging of socialist experiences regarding the alienation of the workers from the productive processes.
Going to the causes of this fragility implies reviewing the role of the workers in the political conception of our State, for which it is necessary to cover more significant aspects, such as the issue of property and its forms of organization.
Let us not forget that the issue of property is so basic that the theorists of American neo-conservatism maintain that it is the true and crucial scenario of the decisive cultural war on a planetary scale. Not for nothing did its think tanks and its tight advertising machinery try to manufacture the ghost of a “socialist” Obama, and the same recipe now with the emerging Bernie Sanders.
Not just any trifling thing then, but our staple “hybrid-owner”.
Taken from Cubaperiodistas.
Systematic control actions for the correct performance of different activities of daily life are developed in Cienfuegos, with special emphasis on the sale of food.
By Julio Martínez Molina
February 21, 2020
Translated and edited by Walter Lippmann for CubaNews.
Photo: Julio Martínez Molina
Cienfuegos: Although there is still work to be done, in this province since August of last year to date, systematic control actions have been developed for the correct performance of social dynamics. These include key bodies such as the Provincial Government’s Confrontation Group, the National Revolutionary Police (PNR), the Integrated Supervision Directorate (DIS), the State Traffic Unit (UET), the Agriculture Delegation, the State Inspection (the so-called blue transport inspectors) and the National Fisheries Inspection Office, among others.
One of the most sensitive activities is the sale of food. The population demands protection from those who want to take advantage of this basic need. Despite the existence of some illegals, 635 cart drivers are officially registered in Cienfuegos, which is part of the non-State sector. Raúl González Quintana, secretary of the Provincial Administration Council (CAP), said that “its essence is to bring agricultural products to the neighborhoods, to the families, for people’s convenience. That is why we insist on its ambulatory character, similar to that of the bread vendor. According to the rules, they must acquire their merchandise in the retail network (points of sale, small squares, organoponicos), which is not always the case.
“We know of trucks that move goods in large quantities and supply the vendors, instead of fulfilling the actual destination of such production. We have identified some of these clandestine warehouses, but we have not yet achieved all the effectiveness required. These places are a problem: they feed resale and bring with them hoarding, with the diversion of products contracted in advance by Acopio and included in its distribution balance,” he said.
“Acting against the warehouses requires an operational work, of which we participate as long as we are called. A group is already working in the government to evaluate in detail the actions against criminal acts of greater complexity,” explained Paulino Pablo Diaz Santillan, director of the DIS.
Lieutenant Colonel Edgardo Hernández Lorenzo, second in command of the PNR {National Revolutionary Police] in Cienfuegos, said that “a group of house warehouses was dismantled, which – as is known – are dedicated to receiving agricultural products that come from Cienfuegos or other provinces, mostly illegally, without papers, without going through the relevant channels such as Agriculture or Stockpiling, to then distribute them to the illegal vendors.
To avoid these practices, which make the consumption of food more expensive and harm the supply network, “at the end of 2019 we noticed three trucks coming from Jagüey Grande, Matanzas, with large quantities of pineapple, cabbage, yucca, peppers and tomatoes, among others, specifically to supply house-stores. There was no documentation to support the cargo, so they were driven, fined by the Agriculture Department and the merchandise was totally confiscated. In case they were repeat offenders they could be subject to criminal proceedings and receive sanctions by the Court.
“About twenty points of sale were also eradicated, that is, places that can be the same in a house or anywhere else and that are also dedicated to the sale of agricultural products in an illegal manner and with their logical overpricing,” he added.
He said that in 2020 “we will continue to confront these distribution and commercialization networks of house-stores. We will also go after the trucks that are detected in order to supply them with products in clear violation of what has been established. [Our goal is] so that the food reaches the people without the overcharge prices they usually seek,” he said.
In order to improve the work with the truckers who do not disrupt their work, with the participation of the State Commerce Department, the Agriculture Delegation and the Self Employment Attention Group. The owners were identified and identification tags were made. These are being placed on the trucks right now in the different people’s councils of La Perla del Sur, with specific numbers for each one.
Diana Serpa Diaz, secretary of the Municipal Administration Council (CAM), explained that although the provincial capital registers some 150 cart vendors, more tags were designed to include legal vendors who are registered in other municipalities, but operate in this city. “These will even have a different numbering, so that people can recognize them,” she said.
The official warned that, “as of March 1, those who do not have the corresponding signage will not be able to do so, and the people will know that they may be vendors who violate the law and will have the possibility of notifying the government, the Integral Direction of Supervision, and the police of their existence.
Against crime
The Provincial Confrontation Group in Cienfuegos continues its actions based on the prevalence of order, control and compliance with what is established in all areas, both by the Central State Administration (oace) and by the Provincial Government.
For this reason, in January of this year, the entities that make up this body carried out actions that not only demonstrate the systemic nature of the monitoring, but also that the violations continue: the same in the state sphere as in the private sphere, said Florentino Pérez Valladares, an official of this body.
Agriculture maintained this effort, led by the provincial government and in conjunction with the PNR, which allowed the identification of violations. This resulted in the seizure of 41 kilograms of lime and two cattle for causing damage to plantations, while a couple of trucks loaded with bananas and donkey banana [platano fruto and platano burro], without papers, were arrested.
In both cases, the cargo was seized and the drivers were fined 2,000 pesos, pursuant to Decree-Law 191. Agriculture applied 18 fines in the period, amounting to 56,900 pesos.
It also maintained its work during the month of January in all municipalities, with greater incidence in Cienfuegos (779 fines were imposed in the amount of 64,785 pesos in national currency). Florentino Pérez Valladares added that, in terms of self-employment, other breaches were detected, including having illegal personnel carrying out different activities, which demanded the imposition of fines according to Decree Law 357, which prevents these people from not having labor guarantees when they are hired.
But still missing…
Despite the continued work of these confrontational structures, dissatisfaction persists. Alina Guevara López, a sexagenarian who has bought from the cart merchants, in the face of the shortage of state agricultural markets, says they are setting abusive prices.
In the opinion of Yankiel Saldívar Vázquez, “despite the fact that their salaries have been considerably increased, there are still some inspectors who do not fulfill their role”.
There are also other truck drivers who, legal or not, hide when inspectors arrive who they know cannot bribe, shared Angel Hernández López from Cienfuegos.
“There are trucks that continue to arrive from agricultural poles, with food from the town that they divert with impunity,” said another citizen who did not want to give his name.
These four people agree with that of other Cienfuegos interviewed for this report. The people support the fact that a few rascals do not continue to abuse the sweat of others, who are hindered in their existence by outrageous offers that were destined for the market at reasonable prices. However, what is being done shows that it is possible to stop the cheating and the crime from being transported by the cart, and to stop the illegal supply chains from being encouraged.
By Lázaro Barredo. Cuban journalist. Former director of Granma newspaper and co-author of the book “El Camaján”. He now works as a journalist for Bohemia magazine.
February 26, 2018
Translated by machine with some hand editing by Walter Lippmann.
It’s too long to go over manually. You’ll get the idea as you read it.
Political, judicial and administrative corruption is among the main problems that concern the vast majority of the nations of the planet today. It is the cause of social crises and discrediting of governments and parties, whose economic damage reaches worldwide, only in payments of bribes, the impressive figure of more than one billion dollars annually, according to investigations of specialized international organizations, such as the World Bank.
For Cuba, this scourge concentrates the fundamental aspects of business and administrative management. And, although it does not jeopardize its governance, it is not just an economic loss. Corruption constitutes a potential threat to national security. This is because those who practice it take advantage of, and use for their own benefit, the resources that the State has put in their hands for the development of its functions. It seeks to satisfy individual interests for profit and ostentation. In the degeneration of ethical, moral and political values, their commissars end up alienating themselves from the revolutionary process, even going so far as to prepare conditions for links abroad and to begin the path of treason against the homeland.
Corruption is a process or behavior that manifests itself is closely linked to crime. Their extended actions in the rendering of services provoke serious moral damage to the nation. It seriously undermines the credibility of the Revolution before public opinion and which the counterrevolutionary opposition attacks the desired effect in the maintenance of order, discipline, and institutionality of the country.
It is such a polluting phenomenon that it can generate apathy in many sectors of society. The greatest danger is that both the population and the economic actors do not give these facts with much concern, do not perceive the risk they represent to the nation, live with them and do not act with the necessary firmness.
Without citizen participation, there will be no effective pressure against corrupt actions that can often only be detected based on the living standard of those involved (hence the importance of transparency) because a large part of the resources resulting from criminal acts they market in the State’s own establishments, where they are introduced by those involved, who thus involve more people, and simulate the legality of sales, making it difficult to face them.
The honest citizen who goes out into the streets today in his efforts, does not always have a way of feeling defended as a consumer neither in the prices nor in the peace of mind that he will find solutions in the State entities themselves. Just go to a store to realize the kind of business that exists to prevent people from directly accessing state sales and are forced to careen in the “outsider” that is at the door of the same mall and offers you the human and the divine, many times out of the store’s own stores. Worse still is the process before administrative entities in which there are people who abuse their public function to those who must be given money “by the left” to be able to find solutions at the right time.
Novel ways of acting unlawfully
Since before the special period, we have been confronted in certain service areas with this degeneration, which has become increasingly acute due to the lack of administrative demands, and the intentional or negligent non-compliance of the control function by those responsible at different levels, which is the true source of causes and conditions that make it possible to divert resources, bribes and abuse of positions.
The measures in progress to update the Cuban economic model, essentially the new forms of non-state management of property, have generated pressure on the entities and their managers due to the demand for resources and services (in the absence of a wholesale market for raw materials to develop their activity), coupled with the dissatisfaction of essential needs, which undoubtedly affects the permissibility and acceptance of these facts.
Likewise, the increase in the prices of basic necessities, and the decrease in the purchasing power of salaries, are objective factors that impact on the actions of unscrupulous people, who justify their loss of values with what they have called “luchando” {literrally, “struggling”, but here meaning on the black market] Hence, the economic crimes associated with corruption maintain their negative impact on the sectors of the economy related to the production, distribution, marketing and the sale of food and other products in great demand. These range from criminal chains that involve managers, workers and security and protection forces, the self-employed and disengaged people who want to maintain a high standard of living with this “trapicheo” [slang term for illegality] The violation of functions, ethical norms, besides weak internal control and the apathy in the action within some workgroups, today constitutes the fundamental source of supplies to the illegal market.
Under these conditions, new forms of unlawful acts are repeated or have arisen through fraud, tax evasion, money laundering, falsification, obtaining illicit profits during commercial transactions or in the exercise of asset management, among others, with negative impact on the state economy, where officials and state employees are linked by their complicity.
Also in this context, authorities of the Office of the Prosecutor indicate the detection of a growing link with the exterior in the occurrence of criminal offenses. These are sometimes due to the use of new technologies and financial availability of some criminals, including emigrants, returnees and foreigners. Several of them have been linked to forms of non-state management, with a marked corrupting character towards managers and officials of state entities.
The most affected sectors are departments of local People’s Power entities, Commerce and Gastronomy, Agriculture, Transport, Food Industry, Housing System and Physical Planning, national importing companies and the activity of foreign trade and foreign branches in the country. This is where, In general, directors, economic and productive deputy directors, heads of basic business units, heads of legal departments and specialists are involved.
Now, in addition, a new nuance appears. Sometimes managers are not always the organizers of the illicit business, but in their place employees, drivers or other non-labor related debating as organizers of the events, using the financial power they possess. By exception, there have been cases of managers in agencies and the most unfortunate thing is that almost all are sold for trifles to benefit the corrupters.
The Office of the Comptroller General of the Republic has indicated that the reiteration of causes and conditions reveals the flaws in the internal control systems. There are also irregularities in economic planning and in the execution and liquidation of the budget, as well as the insufficient definition and non-compliance with the general regulatory mechanisms of the economy.
In addition, vulnerabilities are added to key activities, such as investments, negotiation processes and national and international contracting, which are violated in different ways, as well as cracks in social and labor discipline, and the loss of the value of work as the main way to make a living.
According to the last report by the General Prosecutor’s Office of the Republic and the Supreme People’s Court to the National Assembly, it was reiterated that there is still little response from agencies, companies and the rest of the administration in detecting the facts. This implies that the external control actions carried out by the specialized entities of the Ministry of the Interior, the General Prosecutor’s Office and the General Comptroller are carried out when the event occurred and the affectation to the state patrimony was generated.
The main modus operandi identified as 1) falsification of documents to justify the diversion of products and goods during their subsequent commercialization in state markets, stores and the illegal market; 2) adulteration of documents to legalize the adjudication of real estate or land, in exchange for cash or other personal benefits; 3) realization by cashiers of foreign exchange operations through Cadeca, without accounting them for carrying them out with particular cash; 4) payments to self-employed workers for work results that are not real; 5) Acceptance of benefits granted by executives of foreign firms during the process of negotiating and concluding contracts, consisting mainly of the acceptance of commissions, payments of trips abroad, dinners, gifts, among others; 6) illegal collection of medical services; 7) obtain benefits to delay or breach the execution of judgments of the courts and 8) organize and maintain particular illegal businesses parallel to the commercial activity of Cuban entities abroad.
When a person is corrupted, they can cause severe damage to the economy, not only to steal one or another resource, but to commit crimes that promote subversive activity and put the execution of strategic projects at risk.
Specialization in confronting corruption
Army General Raul Castro Ruz warned in July 2013 before the National Assembly of Popular Power: “The gradual implementation of new measures in the economic field that include forms of non-state management, experiments of different types and other decisions, will condition the manifestation of crimes and illegalities with different methods of organization, aimed at violating the accounting and administrative and legal criminal confrontation systems, such as investments by Cubans living abroad or through their families, and the use of of illicitly obtained capital, which becomes a variant of money laundering or money laundering “.
Talking about these issues in the Attorney General’s Office with Pedro Pablo Cutiño Diéguez, prosecutor-Chief of the Directorate for the Fight against Corruption and Illegalities, and with Alina Montesinos Lee, the chief prosecutor of the Information and Analysis Department, went out to It should be noted that in the Cuban legal system tools have been foreseen to prevent the occurrence of corruption.
These include from the elementary rules of accounting, internal control, auditing, the realization of fiscal verifications, all of these of eminently prophylactic and preventive character, up to those that allow the confrontation to the concrete fact detected, that go from the typical crimes, provided for and sanctioned in the Penal Code, up to the application of confiscatory administrative procedures of the goods obtained in an improper manner.
The crimes that are manifested in general and that concentrate acts of corruption are the following:
1) embezzlement; 2) bribe; 3) influence peddling; 4) tax evasion; 5) prevarication; 6) money laundering; 7) act to the detriment of the economic activity or contracting; 8) scam; 9) illicit negotiations; 10) disclosure of administrative secrets of production or services; 11) abuse in the exercise of position or employment in an economic entity; 12) disclosure of tests for teacher evaluation; 13) abuse of authority; 14 ) hiding or omitting data; 15) misappropriation and 16) illicit enrichment.
In our opinion, it may be unavoidable to accelerate the thinking about the need to work for an anti-corruption law in Cuba. This would strengthen the codification into a single legal norm of the principles, the relations between the institutional factors involved in combating and establishing norms basic actions of obligatory observance by all, which would increase the institutionality of the confrontation.
For the time being, the aforementioned tools are of vital importance in the adoption of the corresponding measures with the immediacy required to demand direct and collateral responsibility.
In the evaluation of the years 2016 and 2017, several dozen criminal proceedings have been conducted for acts of corruption. The main perpetrators were punished with severe prison sentences. The courts imposed the accessory penalty of the prohibition of the exercise of a profession, office or occupation, confiscation or confiscation of the acquired patrimony, as well as the requirement of civil liability derived from the crime, which was quantified in millions in total currency.
In carrying out the punishments, the location of the defendants in the prisons is monitored to ensure rigor in the fulfillment of the sentences.
Likewise, the Attorney General carried out control actions through investigations and verifications. These were mainly directed at activities related to Agriculture, Domestic Trade, Transportation, Food Industry, local bodies of People’s Power and non-state sectors (non-agricultural cooperatives and self-employment) in which violations of legality were detected, and for which disciplinary pronouncements were made against offenders and accomplices.
Also, between the end of 2015 and 2017, 23 confiscatory procedures were carried out under the Decree-Law 149 of 1994 for a total net worth of 135 million pesos, in the provinces of Pinar del Río, Mayabeque, La Habana, Matanzas, Cienfuegos, Sancti Spíritus, Las Tunas, Granma and Santiago de Cuba, where 25 people were recorded, among them several officials, and another 126 as third beneficiaries (some who acted as figureheads).
Among the main illegalities in which the expedited and their third-party beneficiaries intervened, are the falsification of notarized documents to evade tax obligations (mainly in the acquisition of vehicles and homes); subtraction of electricity for private businesses, granting of gifts to inspectors and other public officials, in order to gain the benefit and impunity of their actions.
In this period, there was an increase in popular participation the exercise of the constitutional right to address complaints and denunciations to state bodies and entities and the obligation of these bodies to offer the corresponding response.
In 2016, the Office of the Attorney General of the Republic received 196 complaints about corrupt phenomena through the different alternative means of communication established in that institution. This was part of the improvement of attention to citizens, both in personalized contacts, by telephone, mail, personal delivery, and website.
But the confrontation with the participation of citizens could be greater. There is confraternity before certain facts that are very difficult to face because there are no complaints or they are scarce. For example, it is evident that inefficiency reduces the quality of the entities that provide services to the public. Therefore, this encourages the client to offer money in exchange for receiving them. However, there are people to whom it is proposed to hand over gifts to public officials to resolve a management problem or a procedure, and they do not denounce it, so it is not possible to act. These facts are the ones that most demoralize and question the honesty of the country and the morality of most of its officials.
During one of the sessions of the National Assembly that analyzed the confrontation with crime, Commander-in-Chief Fidel Castro Ruz pointed out: “… the question of the struggle for legality, for discipline and against those who commit crimes against the State property, it has to be very firm and very consistent … if not, it turns out that we will have defeated imperialism and the thieves will almost defeat us … “.
Confiscatory processes
In a case prosecuted in Havana for money laundering, forgery of public documents and tax evasion, an administrative confiscatory procedure of five houses and one farm, 23 cars, was applied to the main defendant. This was in accord with Decree Law No. 149/94. and multiple effects such as household appliances, furniture and other sumptuous objects for a capital valued at 25 million CUP.
The former warehouse manager of the Habana Bucanero SA branch, for crimes committed with the sale of beer, had confiscated an illegitimate patrimony valued at over five million 487,000 CUP, which included three highly comfortable buildings, a car and more than one million CUP in cash.
Part of the property confiscated, due to serious economic crimes, belonged to the ex-manager of the Habana Bucanero SA branch and her husband. He was a former sales manager of the Habana Bucanero branch. They were estimated an illegitimate patrimony valued at more than five million CUP, which included two buildings, modern cars and movables valued at more than two million 138,000 CUP. In this image, we can see the facade and general space of the floor and ceiling of the entire living room.
The alienation to which the profit and ostentation lead led the ex-manager of the Habana Bucanero SA branch and her husband, former sales manager of the Habana Bucanero branch, to give her son this Hyundai car purchased at 77,000 CUC, when he turned 18 years and enrolled in the University of Havana. The young man’s room had the following announcement on the door: “This room will not be a hotel, but it has everything included.”
Cases tried
We present to the readers some cases judged and punished with firm sentences. These have been published in bulletins on the website of the Supreme People’s Court (
The Court handed down judgment against nine officials of Etecsa, the integral construction company of Guantanamo and an intermediary of a foreign entity for the crimes of acts in detriment to economic activity or contracting, breach of duty to preserve the assets of economic entities, misappropriation and illicit economic activities, imposing punishments of deprivation of liberty between nine and four years, and a case with one year of deprivation of liberty subsidized by correctional work without internment. All the accessory measures of the case were also applied to all of them.
In the process, it was proven that the defendants, who worked as director of the East Territorial Directorate and head of logistics, respectively, in a dependency of the Cuban Telecommunications Company, in Havana (by its acronym, Etecsa), knew that the contract should not be done. It contained ambiguous clauses about the functions that each entity had to fulfill, because it defined the executor of the contract (the business unit of base Brigade No. 1, belonging to the Integral Construction Company of Guantánamo) as a supplier of materials, when, in fact, they knew that it was the foreign entity Jaba-Balear SL, which played that role.
In addition, the process of negotiating and concluding the contract was not accompanied by all the documents required by current legislation. This was because, had it been done so, the foreign representation could not have agreed to business, as it had no registration in the Chamber of Commerce nor did it contain any reference in the archives of the Ministry of Foreign Trade for its operation in the national territory, and that lack, which was known to all the signatories, invalidated its existence.
On the other hand, the general director of the Integral Construction Company of Guantánamo made models of request of purchases of foreign currency, together with another defendant, even though in that institution there was no copy of the contract with Etecsa and, in addition, he knew that this payment it had not been approved by the Currency Committee, of which they were the most responsible.
However, they encouraged payments to be made to Jaba-Balear SL that did not have documentary or accounting support, which is why this lack cannot be understood as an act of no importance or significance because those responsible were aware of its content and cooperated effectively with your result
Other defendants also had full knowledge of the illegality of the negotiation when the liquidation process of the construction company took place and, nevertheless, they continued with it and consented to accounting procedures regarding offers, invoices and advance payments that caused economic damage to the company.
The continuation of works execution by an extinct brigade resulted in the issuance of work certifications for a contract that was not audited and did not have financial backing.
Several punished workers had working links with Cuban companies, where they had to ensure the material and financial resources that made up the patrimony of these entities, and in the exercise of their functions, they failed to the integrity of their positions because they took pride in their performance indifference, harmful conduct and reprehensible.
One defendant, who worked as an accountant, had among her obligations to verify the relevance of the anticipated payments from the fulfillment of the contracts that were made in her entity. However, when issuing a check requested by another of the recipients, he did not review the documents that protected it. Thus it worked, in a deliberate way, in spite of that, in previous occasions, they had returned others to him not to be pertinent.
One of the defendants was also severely punished for other illicit acts that damaged the monetary funds of several Cuban entities. Personal greed and the purpose of benefiting the foreigner for whom he worked, caused losses of vital resources for the economic development of the country.
For the crime of bribery, two customs officers were sanctioned in Havana with eight and six years of deprivation of liberty, respectively, to whom the corresponding accessory measures were also applied, for having acted in concert in the demand for money, violating its functions, to obtain economic advantages.
Both defendants asked for money to pass the items of certain travelers in the place of review, evading the surveillance cameras, and required the tickets to deposit them inside the passports. With this behavior that violated the law, they attacked the probity, honesty and transparency of the institution and the country.
Another case filed by the Court some time ago occurred in Mayabeque, where a group of people developed a sequence of events with the common goal of seizing an important amount of money simulating a fictitious agricultural production. In that way towards the crime they elaborated false documents to obtain the capital disbursement in each operation.
For this reason, six officials and employees with deprivation of liberty between 15 and five years were punished, and the corresponding accessory measures were imposed for the crimes of embezzlement, forgery of banking and commercial documents of a continuing nature, breach of duty to preserve property. in economic entities, falsification of continuous public documents, reception, and illegal possession and possession of weapons or explosives.
In this case, a quality control technician of a company was discretionally appointed to make purchases of garlic and became the central axis of the criminal activities that took place: had the idea, nucleated the participants, looked for mechanisms to organize a fruitful business for all those involved.
The implicated committed the head of balance of the Base Business Unit so that, in common agreement with the other defendants, he participated in the defalco. The contribution of this official was a precedent so that the illicit business could be executed. The same was done with the head of establishment of Batabanó, who processed the invoices of garlic not produced, bought, balanced and signed the fictitious purchases with the active complicity of other operators or controllers, who in turn falsified the reception reports to originate the financial reimbursements.
As part of the political-criminal evaluation of the case, it was also proven that the main responsible person carried out other actions such as committing the head of operations of a basic business unit in Batabanó, subject to the electricity company, to deliver three transformers and 1,500 meters of wire, which was recorded in official documents as having been placed in the irrigation system in agriculture. In addition, he ordered a driver to take them to his home, an act that in itself was a crime.
The Court declared the facts against a civil servant of the municipal directorate of Housing in Artemis accused of the crimes of bribery, fraud and falsification of documents, and imposed the sanction of 10 years of deprivation of liberty, with the accessory of the case.
This official demanded gifts to perform acts inherent to their functions of interviewing and taking statements, measuring boundaries and investigating procedures and litigation, as well as preparing conclusive reports of the investigation. All this work is the basis of the draft resolutions and decisions that are adopted in the municipal direction of Housing. In the process, it was demonstrated that in this criminal offense the civil servant demanded remuneration for her benefit and then, in the procedures and documents, “legalized” the illegalities committed by certain citizens.
Two persons in charge of an entity in Santiago de Cuba were sanctioned for the crimes of embezzlement and falsification of bank and commercial documents, and deprived of liberty with 12 and eight years, respectively, with the accessory measures of the case, after the execution of unlawful acts to profit with the appropriation of certain sums of money.
They used their functions and work content to falsify the payroll of their work center when making the payment of the money extracted from the banking agency for wages and vacations of the workers. In this case, it was about salaries of doctors left to earn.
The Supreme People’s Court heard and ratified the criminal proceedings against 12 citizens, officials and bank employees sanctioned by the People’s Provincial Court of Havana for the crimes of bribery, forgery of bank and commercial documents, embezzlement, illicit economic activities, breach of obligations in economic entities and falsification of private documents. The sentences of deprivation of liberty ranged between 15 and two years, with the accessory of the case.
To achieve its purpose, the main defendant devised the complex criminal phenomenon and achieved the joint participation of individuals with certain levels of organization and distribution of tasks, which is classified within the modern forms of organized criminal association.
In this case, two citizens linked to a foreign firm were the perpetrators of the crime of bribery when they handed over sums of money and other material benefits to officials and employees of Banco Internacional de Comercio SA to facilitate their efforts. This assured them a privileged treatment, the streamlining of information and management in the financial and commercial operations they developed.
A bank business manager in that entity, violating its functions, facilitated the disappearance of funds by means of payment formulas because, without verifying the file and not complying with the most elementary banking rules, it made four different messages with a letter of credit and a single recipient, action that led to the embezzlement of one million 134 278.89 euros.
Then, despite being required by reason of its position to verify that the amounts transferred were debited in favor of the entity accredited in the file at Banco Internacional de Comercio SA, it did not review the pertinent documentation and without previously issuing notice of payment to the Position Department, which was to authorize the movement of funds. He ignored the procedures on the advice of his boss, as he justified.
According to the court, if it were accepted as justification that the subordinates always do what the superiors command, it would not make sense to establish the functions and content of work for the intermediate positions. The truth is that the accused allowed with their actions that the State be embezzled the aforementioned sum of money.
Another defendant, the letter of credit manager of that institution, consciously authorized the final withdrawal of funds from the accounts of Banco Internacional de Comercio SA abroad, after the previous manager had prepared the four payment messages separately, broken down into 300 569.72 euros, 266 569.72 euros, 250 000.00 euros and 317 139.45 euros.
Another manager was sanctioned before the visible violation of the elementary norms of computer security, because, knowing the transcendence of the operations that could be done from his computer, he left it on, abandoned his job and neglected the security measures, which provoked that someone unknown issued a fictitious payment message in the amount of 861 525.25 euros.
Another manager was also sanctioned for the same reason, once leaving his office, leaving the computer on with the open system, and in another, for going to a beauty salon and leaving his access code activated, which led to that people outside your position used your machine to make transfers.
Meanwhile, the main defendant, with the unlawful support of other defendants, knowing the legal prohibitions, created a fictitious company with the objective of financing, handed out photocopies of passports for that purpose and signed a request stating the need to obtain finance for said company.
On January 29, 2008, he went, together with another of the defendants, to the Representative Office of Republic Bank Ltd. in Havana, where they created in favor of B & B Finance Ltd. the bank account number 003111120739, with Amicorp Management Limited as rector that would allow a third defendant to be a signatory and sole shareholder.
The documentary and banking procedure for the creation of false entities was executed with the purpose of acquiring illegitimate capital gains from commercial operations, consisting of financial intermediation actions, loans and discounts of credit documents, in favor of foreign financial companies that operated in Cuba.
As the judgment of the Supreme People’s Court expresses this situation of corruption affects the credit of the banking institution and the officials who represent it.
The owner of all these belongings was enriched by acts of corruption abroad and upon his return to Cuba incurred in money laundering, tax evasion, forgery of public documents and bribery, so it was processed an administrative confiscation file against him and eight frontmen resident in Baire and Havana, for an illegitimate patrimony calculated in seven million 42,000 CUP, which includes several real estate, auto and other goods, and a warehouse of electrical household appliances.
(Taken from Bohemia )
In English, a billion is a thousand million: 1,000,000,000
in Spanish, a billion is a million million: 1,000,000,000,000
From the time of the cave dwellers, rich people emerge who over time give way to new ones…04/08/2016
By Arturo Chang
A CubaNews translation.
Edited by Walter Lippmann.
After declaring Cuba as a territory free of illiteracy, the new rich were those who had learned to read and write. (Alfredo Martirena Hernández / Cubahora)
After Cuba was declared a territory free of illiteracy, the new rich were those who had learned to read and write. (Alfredo Martirena Hernández / Cubahora)
As promised last Friday in “Lo particular, privado y la lluvia” [The Individual or Privately Owned and The Rain], I present the topic of the new rich in Cuba. To start, let’s say that the cyclical emergence of people with lots of money is not a phenomenon that is only occurring now for the first time. It has been happening repeatedly over time.
Shortly before the defeated Bay of Pigs invasion (1961), a counter-revolutionary man who fell into the category of “gusano” [worm, because they spiritually crawled at the feet of the Yankees, wl] asked me what INRA meant (Instituto Nacional de Reforma Agraria/National Institute for Agrarian Reform) because he said the Spanish acronym meant what in English would read as Impossible to be Born Rich Now. And, to prove his point, he used the example of the nationalized properties and lands that had been given to those who worked them.
Despite his sarcastic tone, that minor character was not without reason, since, as soon as the Revolution triumphed in 1959, measures were adopted aimed at preventing that, by the mere fact of being the owners of basic means of production, these people could exploit others.
Those were times when, after Cuba was declared a territory free of illiteracy, the new rich were those who had learned to read and write and then continued their studies within or outside the scholarship system. Education was considered an essential requirement for getting ahead in life.
Blockaded by the US government in all spheres of life, Cuban citizens lived for many years under aseptic conditions. Social ownership of the fundamental means of production guaranteed that no one could amass an outstanding fortune. This was even more so after March 1968, when small businesses became state property.
Under such circumstances, even small privileges, such as a job with fringe benefits, was viewed with displeasure by society. When individuals flaunted those benefits, especially if they were excessive or the result of unwholesome aspirations, they were popularly rejected. The latter practically defined the category of new rich as unscrupulous careerists and opportunists who took advantage of positions they had reached within the ranks of the revolution.
In those days, there were persons who had so-called “historical” high salaries and who –without having committed any sin– decided to lower their own salaries several times, because they believed in living at the same level of others and in sacrificing for the good of all.
That beast we all have inside us, which can be awakened by a lack of moral values, and can unleash all its fury against others, reached a high point at the end of the 1980s. Then, due to actions outside the law, a group of people amassed huge sums of money and goods. Starting with the most notorious New Rich, they were all neutralized before the approving eyes of the majority.
Evils that had already been eradicated or reduced to their minimal expression, reappeared in completely new contexts in the 1990s of last century. This was in step with measures to deal with the brutal consequences of the collapse of the socialist bloc in Eastern Europe and the disintegration of the Soviet Union, coupled with the intensification of the blockade.
Someone who had gotten rich during the implementation of decisions a quarter of a century ago, confided to me his most intimate thoughts as a person devoted entirely to the Revolution: I am sure that my children will always defend this –he said– but living with so much money and having everything, those who I start worrying about are my great-grandchildren. They will inherit from us without knowing where everything came from.
With the measures introduced in recent years, there is a sector whose incomes far exceed those of others. They seem to increase without limits. Others receive high salaries for their contribution at work. Are they all new rich? Are they the same as those who receive remittances, benefit from corruption and illegalities?
Although they are far from being a majority, their reach is wide enough to disrupt or set the tone in many aspects of life. This situation becomes more complex when an imperial country pretends to promote these persons as a social basis with which to change course toward the private ownership of the fundamental means of production.
Under such circumstances, with many more questions than answers, I conclude for now this Friday to read again a work by Friedrich Engels: The Origins of Family, Private Property and the State which I will discuss next Friday taking into account the views that you send after reading this post.
Por Arturo Chang
After declaring Cuba as a territory free of illiteracy, the new rich were those who had learned to read and write.(Alfredo Martirena Hernández / Cubahora)
Cumpliendo lo prometido el viernes anterior en “Lo particular, privado y la lluvia” presento el tema de los nuevos ricos en Cuba, pero para comenzar, digamos que el surgimiento cíclico de personas muy adineradas no es un fenómeno que ocurre ahora por única vez, pues ha estado ocurriendo constantemente.
Poco antes de la derrotada invasión de Playa Girón (1961), un contrarrevolucionario que clasificaba en la escala de “gusano” (porque se arrastraba espiritualmente a los pies de los yanquis) me preguntaba qué quería decir INRA (Instituto Nacional de Reforma Agraria), pero su óptica descifraba la sigla como Imposible Nacer Ricos Ahora, y como argumento exponía las propiedades nacionalizadas y las tierras entregadas a los que la trabajaban.
A pesar de su tono burlón, aquel personajillo no dejaba de tener razón, pues apenas triunfó la Revolución en 1959, las medidas estuvieron encaminadas a evitar que por el hecho de ser propietarios de medios fundamentales de producción, pudieran explotar a los demás.
Fueron momentos en que tras declararse Cuba como territorio libre de analfabetismo, se consideraban nuevos ricos a los que aprendieran a leer y escribir, y continuaran sus estudios dentro o fuera del sistema de becas, lo cual estaba considerado un requisito esencial para ascender en la vida.
Bloqueados por el gobierno de EEUU en todas las esferas de la vida, la ciudadanía cubana vivió muchos años en condiciones asépticas en las cuales la propiedad social sobre los grandes medios fundamentales de producción garantizaba que nadie pudiera amasar una fortuna que sobresaliera. Más aún cuando en marzo de 1968 los pequeños negocios pasaron a propiedad estatal.
En tales circunstancias, hasta pequeños privilegios otorgados como facilidades para ejercer un cargo, fueron vistos con desagrado por la sociedad, y rechazados cuando alguien ostentara esas facilidades, sobre todo, cuando eran excesivos o fruto de malsanas aspiraciones. Estas últimas fueron prácticamente las que otorgaron categoría de nuevos ricos a inescrupulosos, arribistas y oportunistas que se aprovechaban de posiciones alcanzadas dentro de las filas de la Revolución.
Hasta aquellos momentos, hubo casos en los cuales quienes tenían los llamados sueldos históricos o altos sin cometer ningún pecado, se los rebajaron varias veces porque tenían entre sus convicciones vivir al nivel del prójimo y sacrificarse por el bienestar de todos.
Esa bestia que todos tenemos dentro y que sin valores morales puede despertar y desatarse con toda su furia contra los demás, hizo que como punto culminante, a finales de los años 80, gracias a cometer actos fuera de la ley, un grupo de personas se hicieran de enormes sumas de dinero y bienes. Empezando por los Nuevos Ricos más connotados, fueron neutralizados ante la mirada aprobatoria de las mayorías.
Males que ya habían sido erradicados o llevados a su mínima expresión, resurgieron en contextos inéditos en la década de los 90 del siglo pasado al ritmo de las medidas aplicadas para enfrentar las brutales consecuencias del derrumbe del campo socialista de Europa del Este y la desintegración de la Unión Soviética, unidos a la intensificación del bloqueo.
Alguien enriquecido al calor de la implementación de decisiones de hace un cuarto de siglo, me confiaba sus pensamientos más íntimos de persona dedicada por entero a la Revolución: Yo estoy seguro de que mis hijos siempre van a defender esto, pero viviendo con tanto dinero y teniendo de todo, los que sí empiezan a preocuparme son mis bisnietos que van a heredarnos sin saber de dónde salieron las cosas.
Con lo introducido en los últimos años, hay un sector cuyos ingresos superan con creces a los de los demás de manera tan creciente que parecen no tener límites; otros, reciben salarios altos por su aporte en el trabajo, y todos ¿son? nuevos ricos junto a quienes reciben remesas, se nutren de la corrupción y las ilegalidades, y aunque están lejos de ser mayoría, su alcance es suficiente como para desorganizar o marcar el rumbo en muchos fenómenos de la vida, que se vuelve más compleja cuando un país imperial pretende fomentarlos como base social para torcer el rumbo hacia la propiedad privada sobre los medios fundamentales de producción.
En tales circunstancias, con muchas más preguntas que respuestas, concluyo por ahora este viernes, para releer una obra de Federico Engels: El origen de la familia, la propiedad privada y el Estado, que comentaré en próximo viernes teniendo en cuenta las opiniones que ustedes viertan después de leer esta post.
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