By Liudmila Peña Herrera
Posted: Saturday 17th March 2018 | 09:38:34 PM
A CubaNews translation.
Edited by Walter Lippmann.
Horseback riding was one of her favorite activities, until her doctor told her not to. Author: Liudmila Peña Herrera Published: 17/03/2018 | 09:12 pm
BÁGUANOS, Holguín: There’s no one who can turn ripe cherries into quince jelly that can be stored almost all year round like she does. She knows the secret of the rarest natural juices and the properties of each of the fruits as thoroughly as she knows laughter and friendship.
If you’re ever introduced to her, she never forgets you. And if you offer her your phone number, even if she doesn’t have enough money to pay for long-distance calls, she will manage to stay on the phone on all special dates and even those that may seem inconsequential to more earthly beings.
And I say earthly, because this artist of happiness, named Norma Bárbara Peña Sánchez, has a spirit only comparable to that of the angels. In the Holguin municipality of Báguanos – and far beyond its borders – everyone knows her as the Super Grandmother, because, even in her 80s, the old, cheerful and vivacious woman was still able to ride a horse (although her doctor had forbidden her to), climb up a ladder to the roof of her house and slide down the TV antenna tube (for fun and laughs), jump rope or do the “bicycle” exercise with her legs up.
She was 87 years old when I heard her sing for the first time, with her very delicate soprano voice and a passion for Carlos Gardel that overflowed her chest. It turned her, once again, into the 15-year-old girl who made her debut in the Supreme Court of Art with the songs Estrellita de Ponce and Silencio en la noche.
“Gonzalo Roig himself told me that I would win the competition, but I had no money to pay for applause, and the other two who were fighting for the prize were better off. Regretful about that, he gave me a role recommending me for the National Conservatory, where I was awarded a scholarship. I couldn’t study because I didn’t have any clothes and the classes were in Havana. Besides, one of my brothers got sick and I came to take care of him until he died,” Norma told me about seven years ago. That was when I went into the shrine of her room, where she venerated an image of Jesus Christ and another of the author of The Day When You Love Me on the same altar.
Friends say that in her house there has always been a space ready for any visitor, a sweet dish held for dessert and an unconditional refuge for art. And, Super-grandmother did not give her her own grandchildren, because life or destiny – she does not explain it very well – she was not given her the privilege of her own children. In the home where she spends her old age, she has never lacked the warmth of a hug and the tenderness of affection.
This very simple and funny woman has been tested by life on many occasions. The joy of her youth was struck by the final departure of many of her loved ones, including her young husband, whose death left her in deepest sorrow.
For a long time she visited the cemetery daily to remain motionless, with her little body curled up behind a cypress tree, waiting…. When she could no longer see anyone around her, she would lie face down on the tombstone. Night after night she did the same, and even slept over “to be near my dead”.
But that last time she did not hear the squawking of the doomsday bird, nor the crackling of the grass under the coarse boots of the spy. She only felt a big, bony hand holding her tightly over her shoulder:”Norma, come with me,” a familiar voice demanded. It was psychologist Fernando Martinez, who took her out of the cemetery to help her get rid of loneliness and depression through singing. Thanks to him – and many other friends – before she became his great-grandmother, Norma Peña became a community artist.
“I had no one else in the world, so I talked to her a lot and invited her to rehearse some songs to perform in front of a small group of people. Afterwards, we opened the doors to a wider audience and there was Báguanos in one piece, welcoming her with its applause,” recalls Fernando Martínez.
On the eve of her 95th birthday, this architect of joy no longer has the vitality of the past. Some ailments try to mortify her smile from time to time. Although her face is embroidered with the marks of the love and sorrow of the time she has lived to the fullest, Norma retains her soul as a dreamy girl. And for the children of the neighborhood, even without being able to throw cherries off the roof or slide down the antenna, she’s already a living legend. That must be why when they see her appear on the porth they tell themselves:”Look, there’s the Super Grandmother!”
Norma Peña became a community artist to overcome depression and nostalgia. Photo: Liudmila Peña Herrera
At the age of 87, Norma Peña did acrobatics such as jumping jacks and cycling. Photo: Liudmila Peña Herrera
One of the jokes that made her unforgettable was her mischievous way of sliding down the TV antenna to entertain the children. Photo: Liudmila Peña Herrera
By Lázaro Barredo. Cuban journalist. Former director of Granma newspaper and co-author of the book “El Camaján”. He now works as a journalist for Bohemia magazine.
February 26, 2018
Translated by machine with some hand editing by Walter Lippmann.
It’s too long to go over manually. You’ll get the idea as you read it.
Political, judicial and administrative corruption is among the main problems that concern the vast majority of the nations of the planet today. It is the cause of social crises and discrediting of governments and parties, whose economic damage reaches worldwide, only in payments of bribes, the impressive figure of more than one billion dollars annually, according to investigations of specialized international organizations, such as the World Bank.
For Cuba, this scourge concentrates the fundamental aspects of business and administrative management. And, although it does not jeopardize its governance, it is not just an economic loss. Corruption constitutes a potential threat to national security. This is because those who practice it take advantage of, and use for their own benefit, the resources that the State has put in their hands for the development of its functions. It seeks to satisfy individual interests for profit and ostentation. In the degeneration of ethical, moral and political values, their commissars end up alienating themselves from the revolutionary process, even going so far as to prepare conditions for links abroad and to begin the path of treason against the homeland.
Corruption is a process or behavior that manifests itself is closely linked to crime. Their extended actions in the rendering of services provoke serious moral damage to the nation. It seriously undermines the credibility of the Revolution before public opinion and which the counterrevolutionary opposition attacks the desired effect in the maintenance of order, discipline, and institutionality of the country.
It is such a polluting phenomenon that it can generate apathy in many sectors of society. The greatest danger is that both the population and the economic actors do not give these facts with much concern, do not perceive the risk they represent to the nation, live with them and do not act with the necessary firmness.
Without citizen participation, there will be no effective pressure against corrupt actions that can often only be detected based on the living standard of those involved (hence the importance of transparency) because a large part of the resources resulting from criminal acts they market in the State’s own establishments, where they are introduced by those involved, who thus involve more people, and simulate the legality of sales, making it difficult to face them.
The honest citizen who goes out into the streets today in his efforts, does not always have a way of feeling defended as a consumer neither in the prices nor in the peace of mind that he will find solutions in the State entities themselves. Just go to a store to realize the kind of business that exists to prevent people from directly accessing state sales and are forced to careen in the “outsider” that is at the door of the same mall and offers you the human and the divine, many times out of the store’s own stores. Worse still is the process before administrative entities in which there are people who abuse their public function to those who must be given money “by the left” to be able to find solutions at the right time.
Novel ways of acting unlawfully
Since before the special period, we have been confronted in certain service areas with this degeneration, which has become increasingly acute due to the lack of administrative demands, and the intentional or negligent non-compliance of the control function by those responsible at different levels, which is the true source of causes and conditions that make it possible to divert resources, bribes and abuse of positions.
The measures in progress to update the Cuban economic model, essentially the new forms of non-state management of property, have generated pressure on the entities and their managers due to the demand for resources and services (in the absence of a wholesale market for raw materials to develop their activity), coupled with the dissatisfaction of essential needs, which undoubtedly affects the permissibility and acceptance of these facts.
Likewise, the increase in the prices of basic necessities, and the decrease in the purchasing power of salaries, are objective factors that impact on the actions of unscrupulous people, who justify their loss of values with what they have called “luchando” {literrally, “struggling”, but here meaning on the black market] Hence, the economic crimes associated with corruption maintain their negative impact on the sectors of the economy related to the production, distribution, marketing and the sale of food and other products in great demand. These range from criminal chains that involve managers, workers and security and protection forces, the self-employed and disengaged people who want to maintain a high standard of living with this “trapicheo” [slang term for illegality] The violation of functions, ethical norms, besides weak internal control and the apathy in the action within some workgroups, today constitutes the fundamental source of supplies to the illegal market.
Under these conditions, new forms of unlawful acts are repeated or have arisen through fraud, tax evasion, money laundering, falsification, obtaining illicit profits during commercial transactions or in the exercise of asset management, among others, with negative impact on the state economy, where officials and state employees are linked by their complicity.
Also in this context, authorities of the Office of the Prosecutor indicate the detection of a growing link with the exterior in the occurrence of criminal offenses. These are sometimes due to the use of new technologies and financial availability of some criminals, including emigrants, returnees and foreigners. Several of them have been linked to forms of non-state management, with a marked corrupting character towards managers and officials of state entities.
The most affected sectors are departments of local People’s Power entities, Commerce and Gastronomy, Agriculture, Transport, Food Industry, Housing System and Physical Planning, national importing companies and the activity of foreign trade and foreign branches in the country. This is where, In general, directors, economic and productive deputy directors, heads of basic business units, heads of legal departments and specialists are involved.
Now, in addition, a new nuance appears. Sometimes managers are not always the organizers of the illicit business, but in their place employees, drivers or other non-labor related debating as organizers of the events, using the financial power they possess. By exception, there have been cases of managers in agencies and the most unfortunate thing is that almost all are sold for trifles to benefit the corrupters.
The Office of the Comptroller General of the Republic has indicated that the reiteration of causes and conditions reveals the flaws in the internal control systems. There are also irregularities in economic planning and in the execution and liquidation of the budget, as well as the insufficient definition and non-compliance with the general regulatory mechanisms of the economy.
In addition, vulnerabilities are added to key activities, such as investments, negotiation processes and national and international contracting, which are violated in different ways, as well as cracks in social and labor discipline, and the loss of the value of work as the main way to make a living.
According to the last report by the General Prosecutor’s Office of the Republic and the Supreme People’s Court to the National Assembly, it was reiterated that there is still little response from agencies, companies and the rest of the administration in detecting the facts. This implies that the external control actions carried out by the specialized entities of the Ministry of the Interior, the General Prosecutor’s Office and the General Comptroller are carried out when the event occurred and the affectation to the state patrimony was generated.
The main modus operandi identified as 1) falsification of documents to justify the diversion of products and goods during their subsequent commercialization in state markets, stores and the illegal market; 2) adulteration of documents to legalize the adjudication of real estate or land, in exchange for cash or other personal benefits; 3) realization by cashiers of foreign exchange operations through Cadeca, without accounting them for carrying them out with particular cash; 4) payments to self-employed workers for work results that are not real; 5) Acceptance of benefits granted by executives of foreign firms during the process of negotiating and concluding contracts, consisting mainly of the acceptance of commissions, payments of trips abroad, dinners, gifts, among others; 6) illegal collection of medical services; 7) obtain benefits to delay or breach the execution of judgments of the courts and 8) organize and maintain particular illegal businesses parallel to the commercial activity of Cuban entities abroad.
When a person is corrupted, they can cause severe damage to the economy, not only to steal one or another resource, but to commit crimes that promote subversive activity and put the execution of strategic projects at risk.
Specialization in confronting corruption
Army General Raul Castro Ruz warned in July 2013 before the National Assembly of Popular Power: “The gradual implementation of new measures in the economic field that include forms of non-state management, experiments of different types and other decisions, will condition the manifestation of crimes and illegalities with different methods of organization, aimed at violating the accounting and administrative and legal criminal confrontation systems, such as investments by Cubans living abroad or through their families, and the use of of illicitly obtained capital, which becomes a variant of money laundering or money laundering “.
Talking about these issues in the Attorney General’s Office with Pedro Pablo Cutiño Diéguez, prosecutor-Chief of the Directorate for the Fight against Corruption and Illegalities, and with Alina Montesinos Lee, the chief prosecutor of the Information and Analysis Department, went out to It should be noted that in the Cuban legal system tools have been foreseen to prevent the occurrence of corruption.
These include from the elementary rules of accounting, internal control, auditing, the realization of fiscal verifications, all of these of eminently prophylactic and preventive character, up to those that allow the confrontation to the concrete fact detected, that go from the typical crimes, provided for and sanctioned in the Penal Code, up to the application of confiscatory administrative procedures of the goods obtained in an improper manner.
The crimes that are manifested in general and that concentrate acts of corruption are the following:
1) embezzlement; 2) bribe; 3) influence peddling; 4) tax evasion; 5) prevarication; 6) money laundering; 7) act to the detriment of the economic activity or contracting; 8) scam; 9) illicit negotiations; 10) disclosure of administrative secrets of production or services; 11) abuse in the exercise of position or employment in an economic entity; 12) disclosure of tests for teacher evaluation; 13) abuse of authority; 14 ) hiding or omitting data; 15) misappropriation and 16) illicit enrichment.
In our opinion, it may be unavoidable to accelerate the thinking about the need to work for an anti-corruption law in Cuba. This would strengthen the codification into a single legal norm of the principles, the relations between the institutional factors involved in combating and establishing norms basic actions of obligatory observance by all, which would increase the institutionality of the confrontation.
For the time being, the aforementioned tools are of vital importance in the adoption of the corresponding measures with the immediacy required to demand direct and collateral responsibility.
In the evaluation of the years 2016 and 2017, several dozen criminal proceedings have been conducted for acts of corruption. The main perpetrators were punished with severe prison sentences. The courts imposed the accessory penalty of the prohibition of the exercise of a profession, office or occupation, confiscation or confiscation of the acquired patrimony, as well as the requirement of civil liability derived from the crime, which was quantified in millions in total currency.
In carrying out the punishments, the location of the defendants in the prisons is monitored to ensure rigor in the fulfillment of the sentences.
Likewise, the Attorney General carried out control actions through investigations and verifications. These were mainly directed at activities related to Agriculture, Domestic Trade, Transportation, Food Industry, local bodies of People’s Power and non-state sectors (non-agricultural cooperatives and self-employment) in which violations of legality were detected, and for which disciplinary pronouncements were made against offenders and accomplices.
Also, between the end of 2015 and 2017, 23 confiscatory procedures were carried out under the Decree-Law 149 of 1994 for a total net worth of 135 million pesos, in the provinces of Pinar del Río, Mayabeque, La Habana, Matanzas, Cienfuegos, Sancti Spíritus, Las Tunas, Granma and Santiago de Cuba, where 25 people were recorded, among them several officials, and another 126 as third beneficiaries (some who acted as figureheads).
Among the main illegalities in which the expedited and their third-party beneficiaries intervened, are the falsification of notarized documents to evade tax obligations (mainly in the acquisition of vehicles and homes); subtraction of electricity for private businesses, granting of gifts to inspectors and other public officials, in order to gain the benefit and impunity of their actions.
In this period, there was an increase in popular participation the exercise of the constitutional right to address complaints and denunciations to state bodies and entities and the obligation of these bodies to offer the corresponding response.
In 2016, the Office of the Attorney General of the Republic received 196 complaints about corrupt phenomena through the different alternative means of communication established in that institution. This was part of the improvement of attention to citizens, both in personalized contacts, by telephone, mail, personal delivery, and website.
But the confrontation with the participation of citizens could be greater. There is confraternity before certain facts that are very difficult to face because there are no complaints or they are scarce. For example, it is evident that inefficiency reduces the quality of the entities that provide services to the public. Therefore, this encourages the client to offer money in exchange for receiving them. However, there are people to whom it is proposed to hand over gifts to public officials to resolve a management problem or a procedure, and they do not denounce it, so it is not possible to act. These facts are the ones that most demoralize and question the honesty of the country and the morality of most of its officials.
During one of the sessions of the National Assembly that analyzed the confrontation with crime, Commander-in-Chief Fidel Castro Ruz pointed out: “… the question of the struggle for legality, for discipline and against those who commit crimes against the State property, it has to be very firm and very consistent … if not, it turns out that we will have defeated imperialism and the thieves will almost defeat us … “.
Confiscatory processes
In a case prosecuted in Havana for money laundering, forgery of public documents and tax evasion, an administrative confiscatory procedure of five houses and one farm, 23 cars, was applied to the main defendant. This was in accord with Decree Law No. 149/94. and multiple effects such as household appliances, furniture and other sumptuous objects for a capital valued at 25 million CUP.
The former warehouse manager of the Habana Bucanero SA branch, for crimes committed with the sale of beer, had confiscated an illegitimate patrimony valued at over five million 487,000 CUP, which included three highly comfortable buildings, a car and more than one million CUP in cash.
Part of the property confiscated, due to serious economic crimes, belonged to the ex-manager of the Habana Bucanero SA branch and her husband. He was a former sales manager of the Habana Bucanero branch. They were estimated an illegitimate patrimony valued at more than five million CUP, which included two buildings, modern cars and movables valued at more than two million 138,000 CUP. In this image, we can see the facade and general space of the floor and ceiling of the entire living room.
The alienation to which the profit and ostentation lead led the ex-manager of the Habana Bucanero SA branch and her husband, former sales manager of the Habana Bucanero branch, to give her son this Hyundai car purchased at 77,000 CUC, when he turned 18 years and enrolled in the University of Havana. The young man’s room had the following announcement on the door: “This room will not be a hotel, but it has everything included.”
Cases tried
We present to the readers some cases judged and punished with firm sentences. These have been published in bulletins on the website of the Supreme People’s Court (
The Court handed down judgment against nine officials of Etecsa, the integral construction company of Guantanamo and an intermediary of a foreign entity for the crimes of acts in detriment to economic activity or contracting, breach of duty to preserve the assets of economic entities, misappropriation and illicit economic activities, imposing punishments of deprivation of liberty between nine and four years, and a case with one year of deprivation of liberty subsidized by correctional work without internment. All the accessory measures of the case were also applied to all of them.
In the process, it was proven that the defendants, who worked as director of the East Territorial Directorate and head of logistics, respectively, in a dependency of the Cuban Telecommunications Company, in Havana (by its acronym, Etecsa), knew that the contract should not be done. It contained ambiguous clauses about the functions that each entity had to fulfill, because it defined the executor of the contract (the business unit of base Brigade No. 1, belonging to the Integral Construction Company of Guantánamo) as a supplier of materials, when, in fact, they knew that it was the foreign entity Jaba-Balear SL, which played that role.
In addition, the process of negotiating and concluding the contract was not accompanied by all the documents required by current legislation. This was because, had it been done so, the foreign representation could not have agreed to business, as it had no registration in the Chamber of Commerce nor did it contain any reference in the archives of the Ministry of Foreign Trade for its operation in the national territory, and that lack, which was known to all the signatories, invalidated its existence.
On the other hand, the general director of the Integral Construction Company of Guantánamo made models of request of purchases of foreign currency, together with another defendant, even though in that institution there was no copy of the contract with Etecsa and, in addition, he knew that this payment it had not been approved by the Currency Committee, of which they were the most responsible.
However, they encouraged payments to be made to Jaba-Balear SL that did not have documentary or accounting support, which is why this lack cannot be understood as an act of no importance or significance because those responsible were aware of its content and cooperated effectively with your result
Other defendants also had full knowledge of the illegality of the negotiation when the liquidation process of the construction company took place and, nevertheless, they continued with it and consented to accounting procedures regarding offers, invoices and advance payments that caused economic damage to the company.
The continuation of works execution by an extinct brigade resulted in the issuance of work certifications for a contract that was not audited and did not have financial backing.
Several punished workers had working links with Cuban companies, where they had to ensure the material and financial resources that made up the patrimony of these entities, and in the exercise of their functions, they failed to the integrity of their positions because they took pride in their performance indifference, harmful conduct and reprehensible.
One defendant, who worked as an accountant, had among her obligations to verify the relevance of the anticipated payments from the fulfillment of the contracts that were made in her entity. However, when issuing a check requested by another of the recipients, he did not review the documents that protected it. Thus it worked, in a deliberate way, in spite of that, in previous occasions, they had returned others to him not to be pertinent.
One of the defendants was also severely punished for other illicit acts that damaged the monetary funds of several Cuban entities. Personal greed and the purpose of benefiting the foreigner for whom he worked, caused losses of vital resources for the economic development of the country.
For the crime of bribery, two customs officers were sanctioned in Havana with eight and six years of deprivation of liberty, respectively, to whom the corresponding accessory measures were also applied, for having acted in concert in the demand for money, violating its functions, to obtain economic advantages.
Both defendants asked for money to pass the items of certain travelers in the place of review, evading the surveillance cameras, and required the tickets to deposit them inside the passports. With this behavior that violated the law, they attacked the probity, honesty and transparency of the institution and the country.
Another case filed by the Court some time ago occurred in Mayabeque, where a group of people developed a sequence of events with the common goal of seizing an important amount of money simulating a fictitious agricultural production. In that way towards the crime they elaborated false documents to obtain the capital disbursement in each operation.
For this reason, six officials and employees with deprivation of liberty between 15 and five years were punished, and the corresponding accessory measures were imposed for the crimes of embezzlement, forgery of banking and commercial documents of a continuing nature, breach of duty to preserve property. in economic entities, falsification of continuous public documents, reception, and illegal possession and possession of weapons or explosives.
In this case, a quality control technician of a company was discretionally appointed to make purchases of garlic and became the central axis of the criminal activities that took place: had the idea, nucleated the participants, looked for mechanisms to organize a fruitful business for all those involved.
The implicated committed the head of balance of the Base Business Unit so that, in common agreement with the other defendants, he participated in the defalco. The contribution of this official was a precedent so that the illicit business could be executed. The same was done with the head of establishment of Batabanó, who processed the invoices of garlic not produced, bought, balanced and signed the fictitious purchases with the active complicity of other operators or controllers, who in turn falsified the reception reports to originate the financial reimbursements.
As part of the political-criminal evaluation of the case, it was also proven that the main responsible person carried out other actions such as committing the head of operations of a basic business unit in Batabanó, subject to the electricity company, to deliver three transformers and 1,500 meters of wire, which was recorded in official documents as having been placed in the irrigation system in agriculture. In addition, he ordered a driver to take them to his home, an act that in itself was a crime.
The Court declared the facts against a civil servant of the municipal directorate of Housing in Artemis accused of the crimes of bribery, fraud and falsification of documents, and imposed the sanction of 10 years of deprivation of liberty, with the accessory of the case.
This official demanded gifts to perform acts inherent to their functions of interviewing and taking statements, measuring boundaries and investigating procedures and litigation, as well as preparing conclusive reports of the investigation. All this work is the basis of the draft resolutions and decisions that are adopted in the municipal direction of Housing. In the process, it was demonstrated that in this criminal offense the civil servant demanded remuneration for her benefit and then, in the procedures and documents, “legalized” the illegalities committed by certain citizens.
Two persons in charge of an entity in Santiago de Cuba were sanctioned for the crimes of embezzlement and falsification of bank and commercial documents, and deprived of liberty with 12 and eight years, respectively, with the accessory measures of the case, after the execution of unlawful acts to profit with the appropriation of certain sums of money.
They used their functions and work content to falsify the payroll of their work center when making the payment of the money extracted from the banking agency for wages and vacations of the workers. In this case, it was about salaries of doctors left to earn.
The Supreme People’s Court heard and ratified the criminal proceedings against 12 citizens, officials and bank employees sanctioned by the People’s Provincial Court of Havana for the crimes of bribery, forgery of bank and commercial documents, embezzlement, illicit economic activities, breach of obligations in economic entities and falsification of private documents. The sentences of deprivation of liberty ranged between 15 and two years, with the accessory of the case.
To achieve its purpose, the main defendant devised the complex criminal phenomenon and achieved the joint participation of individuals with certain levels of organization and distribution of tasks, which is classified within the modern forms of organized criminal association.
In this case, two citizens linked to a foreign firm were the perpetrators of the crime of bribery when they handed over sums of money and other material benefits to officials and employees of Banco Internacional de Comercio SA to facilitate their efforts. This assured them a privileged treatment, the streamlining of information and management in the financial and commercial operations they developed.
A bank business manager in that entity, violating its functions, facilitated the disappearance of funds by means of payment formulas because, without verifying the file and not complying with the most elementary banking rules, it made four different messages with a letter of credit and a single recipient, action that led to the embezzlement of one million 134 278.89 euros.
Then, despite being required by reason of its position to verify that the amounts transferred were debited in favor of the entity accredited in the file at Banco Internacional de Comercio SA, it did not review the pertinent documentation and without previously issuing notice of payment to the Position Department, which was to authorize the movement of funds. He ignored the procedures on the advice of his boss, as he justified.
According to the court, if it were accepted as justification that the subordinates always do what the superiors command, it would not make sense to establish the functions and content of work for the intermediate positions. The truth is that the accused allowed with their actions that the State be embezzled the aforementioned sum of money.
Another defendant, the letter of credit manager of that institution, consciously authorized the final withdrawal of funds from the accounts of Banco Internacional de Comercio SA abroad, after the previous manager had prepared the four payment messages separately, broken down into 300 569.72 euros, 266 569.72 euros, 250 000.00 euros and 317 139.45 euros.
Another manager was sanctioned before the visible violation of the elementary norms of computer security, because, knowing the transcendence of the operations that could be done from his computer, he left it on, abandoned his job and neglected the security measures, which provoked that someone unknown issued a fictitious payment message in the amount of 861 525.25 euros.
Another manager was also sanctioned for the same reason, once leaving his office, leaving the computer on with the open system, and in another, for going to a beauty salon and leaving his access code activated, which led to that people outside your position used your machine to make transfers.
Meanwhile, the main defendant, with the unlawful support of other defendants, knowing the legal prohibitions, created a fictitious company with the objective of financing, handed out photocopies of passports for that purpose and signed a request stating the need to obtain finance for said company.
On January 29, 2008, he went, together with another of the defendants, to the Representative Office of Republic Bank Ltd. in Havana, where they created in favor of B & B Finance Ltd. the bank account number 003111120739, with Amicorp Management Limited as rector that would allow a third defendant to be a signatory and sole shareholder.
The documentary and banking procedure for the creation of false entities was executed with the purpose of acquiring illegitimate capital gains from commercial operations, consisting of financial intermediation actions, loans and discounts of credit documents, in favor of foreign financial companies that operated in Cuba.
As the judgment of the Supreme People’s Court expresses this situation of corruption affects the credit of the banking institution and the officials who represent it.
The owner of all these belongings was enriched by acts of corruption abroad and upon his return to Cuba incurred in money laundering, tax evasion, forgery of public documents and bribery, so it was processed an administrative confiscation file against him and eight frontmen resident in Baire and Havana, for an illegitimate patrimony calculated in seven million 42,000 CUP, which includes several real estate, auto and other goods, and a warehouse of electrical household appliances.
(Taken from Bohemia )
In English, a billion is a thousand million: 1,000,000,000
in Spanish, a billion is a million million: 1,000,000,000,000
March 2, 2018
By Leslie Díaz Monserrat.
Degree in Journalism (2011). Instructor teacher at the Central University.
Honorable Mention in the Provincial Prize for Scientific Journalism.
Translated and edited by Walter Lippmann for CubaNews.
Now that little walking loudspeakers are playing –or not playing– music in the city, it is quite common to listen to songs such as Mayores, where Becky G with Bad Bunny unhappily come together.
Some teenagers walk down the street with the song loud and clear, while the lyrics can be heard in the young woman’s loud voice:
I like older men/ Those who you call gentlemen/ Those who open the door/ And send you flowers.
Up to that point, everything is perfect, because the age difference doesn’t have to be an impediment to love, it can even have its charms. The problem is when the other stanza comes with a refrain like this:
I like them bigger / so they don’t fit in my mouth…
And yes, you don’t need to blow your imagination away. It’s just what you’re thinking.
With the arrival of Trap, direct and unadorned sex has become an essential element to sell and accompanies the music videos of this musical subgenre, as some people call it. The truth is that I have no category where to place it.
In the clip of Mayores, the singer appears dressed in the costume of a sadomasochistic porn star. Sitting on a sofa, she opens her legs, in a pose with a marked sexual charge, with gestures that, more than sensual, are coarse, with little class…
It is not about giving a moralistic reading to the clip. Well-created human sensuality can and has been one of the most exquisite edges of art. But of course, the artistic completely removes vulgarity and the justly vulgar, that’s what Becky G look like.
On the other hand, the nefarious Bad Bunny appears using a jargon of a young alpha male talking about his powers in bed, in the style that, with him, there is no need for toys. How sweet!
The video, where dark tones reign and imitate the life of a nightclub, returns to a story in the style of the delinquents Bonnie and Clyde, because, in the end, they cheat the old man, but not before leaving him handcuffed to the bed.
It’s amazing that it’s the women, us, who make this type of artist’s popularity fatter? who sells a stereotyped, silly, insipid image of intimacy.
Becky G and Bad Bunny are the ones who shape your musical taste and, in turn, become a reference point on how to dress and act. That would be fatal.
By Juventud Rebelde
Published: Wednesday, March 14, 2018 | 09:14:07 PM
Translated and edited by Walter Lippmann.
The students are asking their government to protect them and not the weapons. Author: Reuters Published: 14/03/2018 | 07:39 pm
WASHINGTON, March 14. – A month after the shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida, students from across the country left their classrooms for 17 minutes to commemorate the 17 victims who lost their lives in the incident.
Thousands of U.S. students on Wednesday honored those fallen in the latest massacre inside a school in the northern nation and joined demands for greater gun control.
“When students protest, our school staff will respond appropriately and allow them to express themselves,” Robert Runcie, superintendent of Broward County, Florida, where Marjory Stoneman High School is located, told Reuters.
In Washington, D. C., Pennsylvania Avenue became a giant silent space for exactly 17 minutes, while hundreds of young people stood on the road with signs demanding urgent action against gun violence, Notimex said.
“Enough, no more deaths “,” Make our schools safe again ” and “Protect the boys, no more guns” were some of the messages written on the posters waved by high school students, who marched to the Capitol to demand, among others, reinstatement of the ban on assault weapons, raising the minimum age for purchasing rifles from 18 to 21 years old, and to apply the background check to the police.
During their tour, the young people chanted slogans against the National Rifle Association, which opposes greater regulations for the purchase of arms.
This day’s protest was a foretaste of the massive mobilization that will take place in Washington on March 24.
A day earlier, activists and volunteers placed 7,000 pairs of empty shoes in front of the capitol, representing the 7,000 children and young people who have died in school shootings since the success of Sandy Hook in 2012.
The shoes, which come from relatives of victims, celebrities and citizens across the country, were placed in front of Congress to demonstrate their protests against legislators’ inaction in the face of frequent school shootings, HispanTV reported.
This is trying to portray, at the legislators’ own door, the cost in human lives of refusing to pass a gun control law,” said Emma Ruby-Sachs, deputy director of Avaaz, the organization that planned the protest in Washington, Reuters reported.
By Juventud Rebelde
Published: Wednesday, March 14, 2018 | 09:14:07 PM
Translated and edited by Walter Lippmann.
The students are asking their government to protect them and not the weapons. Author: Reuters Published: 14/03/2018 | 07:39 pm
WASHINGTON, March 14. – A month after the shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida, students from across the country left their classrooms for 17 minutes to commemorate the 17 victims who lost their lives in the incident.
Thousands of U.S. students on Wednesday honored those fallen in the latest massacre inside a school in the northern nation and joined demands for greater gun control.
“When students protest, our school staff will respond appropriately and allow them to express themselves,” Robert Runcie, superintendent of Broward County, Florida, where Marjory Stoneman High School is located, told Reuters.
In Washington, D. C., Pennsylvania Avenue became a giant silent space for exactly 17 minutes, while hundreds of young people stood on the road with signs demanding urgent action against gun violence, Notimex said.
“Enough, no more deaths “,” Make our schools safe again ” and “Protect the boys, no more guns” were some of the messages written on the posters waved by high school students, who marched to the Capitol to demand, among others, reinstatement of the ban on assault weapons, raising the minimum age for purchasing rifles from 18 to 21 years old, and to apply the background check to the police.
During their tour, the young people chanted slogans against the National Rifle Association, which opposes greater regulations for the purchase of arms.
This day’s protest was a foretaste of the massive mobilization that will take place in Washington on March 24.
A day earlier, activists and volunteers placed 7,000 pairs of empty shoes in front of the capitol, representing the 7,000 children and young people who have died in school shootings since the success of Sandy Hook in 2012.
The shoes, which come from relatives of victims, celebrities and citizens across the country, were placed in front of Congress to demonstrate their protests against legislators’ inaction in the face of frequent school shootings, HispanTV reported.
This is trying to portray, at the legislators’ own door, the cost in human lives of refusing to pass a gun control law,” said Emma Ruby-Sachs, deputy director of Avaaz, the organization that planned the protest in Washington, Reuters reported.
By Lázaro Fariñas
Cuban journalist living in Miami.
Monday 12 March 2018 | 06:56:50 PM
Translated and edited by Walter Lippmann.
The controversy over gun control in the United States has been red-hot. The numerous and repeated massacres that have been going on for many years are leaving the millions of citizens without arguments and against the wall who, in this country, support the Second Amendment of the Constitution, that which gives the right to all the people who live here to possess a firearm.
The National Rifle Association is a very powerful organization with hundreds of thousands of members and immense financial resources. It is the main advocate of the famous Second Amendment. It is the NRA that provides millions of dollars to politicians in this country to maintain strong support for the upholding of that constitutional right. By direct or indirect means, they channel all that money to members of Congress to avoid any legal changes regarding firearms.
So far, no bill of any kind aimed at controlling, changing or eliminating the Second Amendment has been able to prosper. Some presidents have tried to pressure senators and representatives, but none of them have been successful, even though some congressmen have been victims of attacks. Several presidents have been murdered in the course of this country’s history. Nine have survived attacks, but four did not survive. These were Lincoln, Garfield, McKinley, and Kennedy.
At the moment, America has been creating a state of opinion in favor of doing something about how easy it is for citizens to acquire such deadly equipment. They are likely to make some sort of change, but I doubt that they will be able to get the amendment protecting gun ownership completely removed.
It is estimated that there are currently more than 300 million firearms in the possession of the population. This indicates that, if a law banning the sale of firearms in all states of the Union were to be enacted tomorrow morning, it would be totally impossible to remove all that arsenal from the hands of the inhabitants of this nation. To think that this was possible would be like daydreaming, rather, as an impossible mission.
But it seems that the number of weapons on the streets and in the fields is not enough. Now, President Donald Trump has come up with the brilliant idea that, in order to prevent further killings from occurring in schools, ten to 20 percent of school teachers should be armed. If we estimate that there should be about seven million of these at the primary and secondary levels, with only about ten percent being armed, it would be roughly 700,000, and almost one and a half million more if it were 20%. What do you think? Mr. Trump wants to create an entire army of armed teachers. It’s as if to say,”We were few and far between and Catana gave birth.”
The problems of this society are getting more complicated every day. As I said in a previous commentary, I do not believe that the problem of violence in this country will be solved only by the elimination of the aforementioned amendment. We must try to reverse a whole way of thinking and acting in this society. We must create a social consciousness for the citizens that is different from the one that has prevailed until now. That is not easy to do. Violence is so deeply rooted in the lives of the people of the United States that I find it almost impossible, over the years, to achieve, not eliminate, or even mitigate it.
This state of opinion, which I spoke of in previous paragraphs, has gradually been created by citizens who are aware that something has to be done. Different organizations and groups have been forming, but all in all, there are many ways to walk and little time to avoid new massacres.
Thousands of heavily armed and trained militias are scattered around the country. Hundreds of thousands of deranged militias roam the streets of cities without medical treatment, thousands of lone wolves are locked up in their homes waiting to claw their way out. Tens of thousands of war veterans wander traumatized by clinics, alcoholised and psychologically destroyed, drug addicts, murderers, drug addicts and drug addicts alike.
I know I am showing a dark and terrible panorama in this commentary, but it is not pessimism on my part, it is the reality that surrounds us. For the good of this country, where I have lived almost all my life, where I have made a family and to whom I sincerely wish the best, I wish things were not as I am painting them.
By Lázaro Fariñas
A CubaNews translation.
Edited by Walter Lippmann.
Posted: Monday 26 February 2018 | 06:09:11 PM
Updated: Tuesday 27 February 2018 | 02:55:25 PM
Three days after the murder of 17 people at a high school in South Florida, a gun show took place in a facility less than an hour’s drive south of the scene. The exhibition featured weapons of all types, from low-caliber weapons to assault rifles such as the famous AR15.
Hundreds of such events are held annually in the United States and are attended by thousands upon thousands of citizens who, for a small fee alone, have access to the exhibition.
The exhibitions are not only to show the different types of weapons that are on the market for sale, but also, so that those who want to buy are able to do so right there and leave with their preferred weapon.
With incredible insensitivity, the organizers of the exhibition held in Miami told the press that they could not suspend the event because they had spent a lot of money on organizing it. While the relatives of the victims of the massacre buried their loved ones, a few miles to the south, merchants of the death boasted of how well they were doing with the sales of such deadly equipment.
Any sensible person would have to wonder what madness that is? How come it’s so easy to acquire a firearm? How can one justify the fact that it is legal for an adolescent to be able, calmly, to locate a gun dealer and acquire an assault rifle that in reality only serves as an offensive weapon?
I don’t really think anyone rational has a rational answer to this question.
What kind of society has this great country created that cannot prevent firearms from being legally purchased without any restrictions as easily as you can buy onions in a grocery store?
The right to possess the weapon of choice is enshrined in this country’s Constitution and dates from the 18th century. Today, in the 21st century, the same law as it was more than 200 years ago continues to apply. And the worst thing is that the constitutional amendment that protects this citizen’s right has been almost impossible to repeal or alter, given that there is a lot of money involved in trying to prevent that from happening.
The theory of those who blindly advocate that the famous [Second] Amendment remains in effect. It says we all have the right to have a firearm for our personal or family defense. But the argument is not even as to whether that is desirable or not, but as to the type of weapon and caliber that the law allows being purchased.
Can you justify a parent having a weapon of war in his or her home? What are you doing with an assault rifle that’s only produced for combat?
No one who has the ability to respond or create laws to make it illegal to possess assault weapons or any other weapons in the hands of private individuals dares to act.
Representatives, senators, governors, mayors and even U. S. presidents who have dared to mess with the firearms industry are few and far between. The economic power of that conglomerate is so great that most politicians do not dare go head-to-head with it and create laws that prevent anyone, including crazy, insane, mentally ill, teenagers, murderers or a normal, rational person, from reaching a gun dealer and buying the gun they want.
In reality, it is very difficult to imagine what the solution to the problem facing American society could be.
We should also ask ourselves whether, by preventing arms from being bought for without limits, the problems facing this country would be solved? I don’t think that with only laws that prevent their acquisition or possession, these massacres that occur so often will end.
There are other factors involved that lead to the creation of a society as violent as the North American one. These include its own history of wars, invasions and massacres by governments, the proliferation of organized mafias, the assassinations of presidents in office, the annihilation of indigenous peoples, police abuse, high drug use, TV serials with a high level of violence, action movies, violent video games, the loneliness in which children are raised, etc., etc.
The violent acts are in the DNA of this country, therefore, I fear that unfortunately, every now and then, we will continue to see and regret events such as those that occurred in the Florida high school where 14 teenagers and three adults were murdered.
By Manuel E. Yepe
Exclusive for the daily POR ESTO! of Merida, Mexico.
Translated and edited by Walter Lippmann.
Democracy and freedom are two very manipulated categories by the elite that governs the United States. It has installed them in the minds of most of its citizens as qualifiers of the model of the capitalist system that governs that North American nation, which is assigned by a manifest destiny to spread throughout the world.
The “merit” of its ideologues for having managed to control the psyche of its inhabitants is even greater if one notices that they are two categories – democracy and freedom – that in today’s U. S. society have acquired diametrically opposed characteristics to those that semantically correspond to them.
There are other concepts commonly manipulated by the ruling elite in the world superpower. These include human rights and governance, which they systematically use, relying on their immense resources and the possibilities given to them by the control of the media they exercise on a global scale.
It is, for example, insultingly ironic and misleading that the United States uses the economic blockade as a coercive measure against many nations. In the case of Cuba, it has seen all the rights of its people violated for more than half a century. Nevertheless, the US boasts to world public opinion that they are the main defenders of the human rights of peoples. To pretend to act, at the same time, as prosecutor and judge, in cases of violations that it only detects in governments that do not bend l./to Washington’s will and convenience is the height of cynicism.
The practice of presenting itself as a model for the world is intended to challenge and control the management of the internal affairs of the countries that are subject to them. They always link the characteristics of such submission to their responses to requests for financial assistance, technology transfer or support in political conflicts with third countries. It should be noted that, when the Cuban revolution came to power in 1959, the struggle that unified the Cuban people for self-determination was, first and foremost, the struggle for human rights and justice, aspirations that had the Washington authorities as their main opponent.
Cuba is probably the only country in the world where no single prisoner has ever been tortured since 1959, where no extrajudicial executions have ever taken place in this period and where no police forces have ever used jets of water, battering or other humiliating forms of repression against demonstrators. Cuba is currently the only country in Latin America where, in the last 58 years, there have been no paramilitary forces or death squads, no killings, no disappearances or torture of prisoners, and no violence against the people.
In Cuba, since 1959, (with the exception of the U. S. Naval Base at Guantánamo Bay), no prisoner has ever been killed, tortured, sexually raped, taken abroad to be remotely tortured, locked up without trial or simply “disappeared”, in the style of the brutal Latin American dictatorships sponsored by Washington during the shameful Plan Condor.
In Cuba, since 1959, only in the naval base that Washington has illegally maintained next to Guantánamo Bay, could one find civilian and military leaders who promote or permit physical torture or other equivalent forms of humiliation against detainees.
Such shameful practices were introduced in Latin America by the U. S. Defense Department’s School of the Americas. Officers are trained there for the armed forces of the countries controlled by the superpower.
Methods of breaking prisoners include: sensory deprivation, isolation, sleep denial, forced nudism, fear inspired by trained animals, acts of sexual or cultural humiliation, simulated execution and threats of violence or death against detainees or their loved ones, among other inhumane practices. These were spread through the barracks and military and police stations of the continent on the advice of counselors and instructors from the United States.
In Cuba, there are no political prisoners, if by that we mean people imprisoned for propagating or professing political ideas against the government.
Anyone who has doubts about where democracy works and where it is pure fiction can compare, objectively and comprehensively, Cuba’s electoral system – where the people are the ones who postulate, elect and control their leaders without intermediaries – with the one that led Mr. Donald Trump to the presidency of the United States.
Or, without going any further, with the recent elections in Colombia applauded by Washington.
March 13, 2018.
Translated and edited by Walter Lippmann for CubaNews
Washington, 14 Mar (PL) As thousands of students in the United States today demand concrete action against gun violence, the powerful and controversial National Rifle Association (NRA) published an image of the type of weapon used in a recent massive shooting.
“I’ll control my own weapons, thank you,” reads a Twitter publication of the main lobby in favor of these artifacts in the country.
That message is written on a picture of an AR-15 rifle, similar to the one used a month ago by the murderer who left 17 dead and as many injured in a secondary school in the city of Parkland, Florida.
Next to the image is added the label #2A, referring to the Second Constitutional Amendment of the United States, which establishes the right of citizens of this country to bear arms.
The tweet generated numerous reactions, including from supporters of the NRA’s viewpoint, who argue that advocating for greater arms control is tantamount to violating the amendment, or that mental illness is the cause of mass shootings.
But many Internet users criticized the organization for its rejection of any regulation that would make access to these devices more stringent.
“It is completely possible to have control of weapons and possess them at the same time. That’s common sense,” wrote one Twitter user, while another said the NRA is no longer a security group for hunting and weapons possession, but “a cowardly shriek for gun and ammunition manufacturers”.
Another of the responses to the lobby’s tweeting image pointed out that it always leaves out the most significant part of the second amendment, which speaks of the need for “a well-regulated militia”.
The same Internet user called for a ban on assault weapons and high-capacity loaders, universal background checks and raising the legal minimum age for acquiring a firearm.
Measures like these are being demanded by survivors of the February 14 shooting and by students who left their classrooms today for a 17-minute strike and other actions in honor of the victims of the massacre.
The NRA has reiterated its opposition to such proposals and has been the target of frequent criticism for that position and for its influence on the country’s politicians, especially Republicans, such as President Donald Trump, in whose campaign the organization invested millions of dollars.
“Hey, hey, NRA, how many kids did you kill today?” (NRA, how many children you killed today) screamed students who rallied this Wednesday in front of the Trump International Hotel in Manhattan, New York.
Translated and edited by Walter Lippmann for CubaNews
Washington, 14 Mar (PL) Students from many U. S. cities will go on strike today to demand changes in the country’s gun control laws when the first month of the massive shooting in a secondary school in Parkland, Florida comes to an end.
Students from more than 3,100 schools and universities signed up to participate in this Wednesday’s initiative, during which they will leave classrooms for 17 minutes to show solidarity for the 17 deadly victims of the massacre in the southern territory.
The organizers of the event, called by a youth branch of the Women’s March, called for the participation of students from all schools, from elementary schools to universities, as well as parents and teachers.
Although the action is national in scope, student groups and educational institutions are expected to hold a variety of additional events at the local level, including assemblies, class discussions and memorial services.
According to USA Today, students at some schools such as University High School in Tucson, Arizona, will recite the names of the dead in Parkland and make plans to flood local lawmakers with lawsuits against guns.
“My colleagues and I feel that there is no moment more important than this to make it clear that we have had enough armed violence. For too long, it has made us feel insecure in our communities and in our classrooms,” said Dej Dej Foxx, a teenager from that school.
The action of this day follows other demonstrations in the days following the shooting in Parkland, which generated great activism among the survivors of the massacre, who called on politicians in the country to turn their backs on the National Rifle Association.
This Wednesday contrasts the stance of many educational institutions that support planned demonstrations and even encourage students to be active protagonists, with others that warned students with disciplinary actions if they interrupt classes.
This is the case for adolescents in some parts of New Jersey and southeast Texas, who were alerted last month that if they participated in the strike, they would face a three-day suspension.
According to Curtis Rhodes, superintendent of the Needville Independent School District, about 40 miles southwest of the Texas city of Houston, disruptions would not be tolerated because’ a school is a place to learn’, and he said they will impose disciplinary punishments’ regardless of whether it is one, 50 or 500 involved’.
Meanwhile, some districts in the country, such as one in South Carolina, said they will prevent the media from going to school during the protest, in order to discourage youth participation.
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