Yoga for Sexuality
Published: Friday 29 March 2019 | 10:14:58 pm.
The mind is a friend of that soul that has known how to conquer it.
Bhagavad Gita
By: Mileyda Menéndez Dávila
A CubaNews translation.
Edited by Walter Lippmann.

According to the Journal of Sexual Medicine, many women report a significant increase in their level of sexual arousal and desire when practicing yoga Author: Taken from the Internet Published: 29/03/2019 | 10:18 pm
According to the Journal of Sexual Medicine, many women report a significant increase in their level of sexual arousal and desire when they practice yoga. Their orgasms are of higher quality and their relationships are enriched while increasing their self-esteem and assertiveness.
It is not magic, suggestion or isolated physiological effects: whoever spends a few minutes three times a week pampering the mind, body and spirit integrally, can recover elasticity and fluidity in movements, reduce fear and discomfort, be more alert to perceive love and enjoy pleasures without attachments or obsessions.
Yoga is a lifestyle within the reach of all people, whatever their gender identity, because it is cultural conditioning and not biological sex that leads to experiencing the erotic act as a task to fulfill or mere relief, attitudes that deprive it of its true essence, which is the exercise of a joyful corporeal and spiritual freedom.
There are hundreds of postures or asanas. They all combine strength and comfort, which helps to burn fat, release toxins, quiet the mind and improve the skin and figure. By acting on various body systems, they stabilize their functioning and channel the unconscious emotions retained in them.
In this ancient technique, the movements are serene and natural. It is convenient to keep your eyes closed and at all times the breathing must be conscious and deep. With effort and discipline, each exhalation can bring you closer to the ideal pose. Just try not to violate the limits of your body or feed more frustration or arrogance.
Follow Nature
To balance sexuality, various manuals suggest combining postures in which 15 seconds are enough for the kundalini energy, usually dormant at the base of the spine, to flow throughout the body. This tones the muscles, stimulates the endocrine system, clears the mind of rigid or repetitive thoughts (typical of stress) and increases the state of alertness and receptivity.
One of the recommended positions is Upavistha Konasana: sit with open legs and a straight back, and “walk” your hands on the floor so that the blood irrigates the entire pelvis and raises the level of excitement. You can also do Uttanasana and Paschimottanasana: the first is standing and the other sits; in both, you keep your legs closed and your back straight, and bend your body trying to touch your feet with your hands and knees with your head, as far as you go. If you do this consciously, you will feel an electrifying tickle in your spine that will keep you in good spirits for the rest of the day.
You can also exercise to use some postures during intercourse and observe your sensations. Very suggestive is the Supta Baddha Konasana or lying goddess: face up, join the soles of your feet, lower knees and leave your arms next to the body, palms up. Breathing brings the chin to the throat and separates the ribs from the hip. The Adho Mukha Svanasana or downward-facing dog (stand on hands and feet, elevated buttocks, straight legs) invigorates the body and helps to see things at a fun angle. You can “pedal” in place, if you like… that is a very attractive sight for your partner.
Other asanas improve sexual capacity: the chair, the cobra, the pigeon, the butterfly, the baby’s posture… all bring flexibility to the spine, hips, legs and abdomen. Fortunately, there are yoga schools in almost every province and Cuban books on the subject in libraries, as well as manuals and digital videos.
Some texts suggest combining poses with sounds (mantras) whose vibration is in tune with the neurovegetative system. For example, in the sphinx pose (pelvis, legs, abdomen and arms on the floor, chest elevated and front view) repeat the syllable “vam” and you will soon notice its beneficial effect.
Sexual yoga does not require much: an airy space, comfortable clothes, and a synthetic or vegetable fiber mat. If you are going to use music, it will help your equanimity. It can be done alone or as a couple, but it is important to reserve a moment of peace at the end (preferably meditating) before facing work, eating something or “using” energy sexually.
The plan is not to compete with anyone, but to improve skills to appreciate the good in life, including sex, and it still favors you if your choice is celibacy because your cells rejuvenate, healthy emotions and elevate the mood.
Yoga stimulates blood circulation, and where your blood goes, your energy goes. This charge of vitality is unique in each being and at the same time is “connected” with the entire universe, as shown by dozens of modern experiments. It is up to you to decide at every moment whether you are going to use it for creative, reproductive or recreational purposes.
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