The Four-Step Commitment of New Young UJC Members
The selection of the first four direct delegates to the 11th Congress of the UJC in Santiago de Cuba shows that every day and from the most diverse fields, the tenacity of the new ones contributes its grain of sand to the forging of the future
By Odalis Riquenes Cutiño
Published: Thursday 20 February 2020 | 05:59:34 pm.
Translated and edited by Walter Lippmann for CubaNews.

Danay Leyva Barrios, hydraulic engineer and a pillar in the investments of the Provincial Delegation of Hydraulic Resources santiaguera Author: Odalis Riquenes Cutiño Published: 20/02/2020 | 05:55 pm
SANTIAGO DE CUBA.-Wilfredo Valdés Pérez, specialist in quality control at the Hermanos Díaz refinery; Danay Leyva Barrios, hydraulic engineer and a pillar in the investments of the Santiago Provincial Delegation of Hydraulic Resources; Beatriz García Vistel, who is training as an Early Childhood Educator at the Floro Pérez Pedagogical School and Dainier González Romero, fourth-year Telecommunications Engineering student at the Universidad de Oriente, were selected in their respective centers as direct delegates from this eastern province to the 11th Congress of the UJC.
Excited, each in their own way, among the hugs of their colleagues, the joy of their administrative leadership, and the respectful tribute to the merit of those who shared the candidacies with them, they received their credentials and recognition from the hands of the member of the National Bureau of the UJC, Yannara Concepción Domínguez, and reaffirmed their commitment to continue firm and moving forward, contributing to the present and underpinning a better future.
Wilfredo, Danay, Beatriz and Dainier are the faces of continuity and their stories of anonymous and daily devotion, the best evidence that the new Cubans are the protagonists of their time, and in their walk there are guarantees for tomorrow.
A graduate in Chemistry, Wilfredo is the youth leader of the Santiago fuel refinery, a center with a tradition of good work from the UJC and where, united by a shared vision, the Bisoño people are a true vanguard for carrying out any task of high impact or difficulty that may arise.
In addition to working long hours in all areas of the plant to secure the fuel demand in eastern Cuba, the novices set the pace if a substation affected by a fire needs to be repaired, a cooling tower needs to be dismantled, or an oil spill threatens the bay.
Danay Leyva Barrios, a specialist in water resource management and development, will raise her voice at the great gathering of the young Cuban vanguard, on behalf of those who from dawn to dusk are wasting sacrifices, whether in new investments, in dealing with drought or in daily water management, without expecting any reward other than a “thank you” from the population that has benefited from the precious liquid.
At only 17 years old and the love for history and children in her warm eyes, Beatriz García Vistel is the living example of the values of the girls who are trained at the Floro Pérez Pedagogical School, a center that has been outstanding at a national level for four consecutive years. There future early childhood educators are prepared, ready to continue the achievements of the Revolution in this sector.
Only two courses away from graduating as a telecommunications engineer from the Universidad de Oriente, Dainier González is already dreaming and striving for a tomorrow where, he says, science, which he is passionate about, and the research that can be generated from academia, will be put to work on the dilemmas of local development.
That is why he already speaks, passionately, of the use of robotics in the development of assisted rehabilitation technologies for patients affected by neurological diseases. This will be his degree thesis, because, in this way, he assures us, he will be at the level of the prepared and committed professionals who are trained in the country.
Today they are Wilfredo, Danay, Beatriz, Dainier, four among thousands in Santiago, in Cuba; party lovers, addicted to technology, but also industrious and dedicated, every day and from the most diverse fields, to forging the future of the Homeland.
These are the signs of continuity, real, concrete, beyond any slogan.
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