April 25, 2022
Translated and edited by Walter Lippmann for CubaNews.
Brothers and sisters: For months the extreme right has fiercely attacked the Miami caravan against the blockade and the Puentes de Amor/Bridges of Love movement. They have branded us as “communists”, “agents of the Cuban government”; lately they have also accused us of being “counterrevolutionaries”. Yes, just like that. The traditional anti-Cuban right-wing has achieved a strange communion with some characters who call themselves “revolutionaries” and attack our movement equally.
They have tried many offenses aimed at getting us out of the way. But without success. Every day more and more people raise their voices to demand the end of the blockade against Cuba and the construction of Bridges of Love between the peoples of Cuba and the United States.
Now the Miami right-wing, articulated by Maria Elvira Salazar, Mario Diaz-Balart, Channel 41 and the hating YouTubers, are trying to use a new tactic.
They resort to ill-intentioned people and try to create confusion and chaos in the Miami Caravan. The latest thing they have come up with is to hold a “revolutionary” counter caravan. Yes, as you read it: “revolutionary”. It is difficult to understand this puzzle, but opportunism plays unusual cards.
Let there be no doubt in anyone’s mind: the creation of this contra caravan is carried out by the same hands that pull the strings of confrontation and rage against the Cuban family. [They are] the same hands that have no scruples in engendering in Washington all the plans and proposals aimed at adding more fire to the pressure cooker in an attempt to make it explode at once, to make Cuba burst.
Now they are using extremists and sectarians who call themselves “leftists”.
In this war against the people of Cuba, and against the caravans, it seems that anything goes. From Miami, with photos of leaders of the Cuban Revolution as a backdrop, they try to legitimize their divisive discourse. While they brand us as “counterrevolutionaries”, they shamelessly appropriate the messages of Puentes de Amor/Bridges of Love. The tactic of confusion of symbols and false flags is not new. They attack, denigrate, defame and intimidate anyone who supports #PuentesDeAmor.
Our caravans are part of a diverse and inclusive movement, centered on the love of family, made up of people of diverse faiths and ideologies. It is not a political movement but a citizen and humanitarian movement. The saboteurs want to make this a reason for “suspicion” because they do not tolerate diversity.
They go as far as xenophobia and rant against someone like Peter Seidman, an experienced fighter for civil rights in the U.S., and one of the organizers of the Miami Caravan. They slander him because he is “American” and “Jewish”. They have even accused Max Lesnik, founder of the Alianza Martiana and an old revolutionary, of being a “CIA agent”. What could they not have said against me? My status as a veteran, a combat medic in the Iraq war two decades ago, is used as proof that the leader of Puentes de Amor/Bridges of Love is a “war criminal”. The goal is to “defame him so that something remains”.
To confuse even more, they claim that the caravan movement and Bridges of Love have a secret agenda to carry out a “soft coup” in Cuba and overthrow the government. Things are true Sancho!
In the face of this barrage of attacks we declare:
Puentes de Amor/Bridges of Love is a movement and organization created in the United States, which seeks to educate the American people and the elected politicians in this country, about the need to lift the sanctions that weigh on the Cuban people. Our goal is to end the blockade of Cuba.
Puentes de Amor welcomes all those who, beyond ideologies, want the blockade to be lifted and Cuba’s national sovereignty to be respected. Neither Puentes de Amor, nor the Miami Caravan, had, has, nor will have any intention of interfering in Cuba’s internal affairs.
We alert our followers and friends, Cubans in the United States and around the world, journalists and social communicators: the counter caravan that they want to orchestrate for May 22, 2022, in Miami pursues only one goal: to undermine the Miami Caravan, disarticulate its members and weaken the #PuentesDeAmor movement.
We invite Cubans and non-Cubans to join the caravan against the blockade that will take place on Sunday, May 29, 2022. People from all over the United States will travel to Miami to give their support to those who raise their voices there to end the criminal blockade that weighs on the people of Cuba.
They will not divide us! They will not confuse us! We will not stop until the blockade on Cuba is lifted! Our priority is love! The family is sacred!
Cuba yes, blockade no! Puentes de Amor/Bridges of Love!
Carlos Lazo
Organizer of Puentes de Amor/Bridges of Love!
April 25, 2022
(Taken from Carlos Lazo’s Facebook account)
All our support to the professor and the good Cubans in Miami!!!! We know that this “revolutionary leader” is a friend of Maria Elvira, he doesn’t mess with Otaola and company, besides he has a lousy moral conduct. And as my grandmother used to say, a lazy person is a thief’s apprentice. In this case, since he has not wanted to work, he has sold himself to the highest bidder using the false image of a revolutionary inquisitor. We will not be fooled by this puppet. Long live the bridges of love! Thank you Professor Carlos Lazo for so much effort.
25 APRIL 2022 AT 17:18/ REPLY
Ernesto said:
You are clear brother. Edmundo’s behavior is out of the question. Every time I see him in a direct throwing dirt on bridges of love and Lazo and our president Diaz Canel and and Soberon, I remember how he came out with an immoral video, a guy alienated and does all that under cover of a photo of our commander. Lazo is right, that is paid for and inspired by the Miami right wing.
25 APRIL 2022 AT 18:27/ REPLY
Carmen Glez said:
all movements and caravans to be done with a good purpose. End the blockade. Lifting of the sanctions. Remove Cuba from the expury list of countries welcome the revolutionary caravans And let’s stop defaming Edmundo Garcia. He has always been exposed to the greatest defamations. He has been fighting against this mafia for years and years. Without giving up his Revolutionary principles. Loving and following the Legacy of our Undefeated Commander. They have no evidence to the contrary. . Let’s be serious.
26 APRIL 2022 AT 5:41
Abelino said:
You are correct brother. Edmundo “revolutionary leader” is a person with unparalleled moral rot. He attacks Lazo, Israel el de Buena fe, Soberon, our president Dias Canel, and he does it with a photo of the commander in chief in the background, he is pitiful and disgusting. Here we are alerted to this character. Here they already know him.
25 APRIL 2022 AT 18:33/ REPLY.
The whip said:
25 APRIL 2022 AT 18:36/ REPLY
Alfredo said:
Much clarity in his words. It is very unfortunate that a gentleman who chooses to call himself a revolutionary before as is edmundo Garcia is the bearer of so much rottenness of the ultra-right in Miami against the Cuban people and bridges of love. How is it possible that this gentleman does not attack the people who call for strong sanctions against Cuba and only attacks bridges of love.
25 APRIL 2022 AT 23:20/ REPLY
Alexei said:
My previous comment was not published I am going to tone down my comment haber si me publican.
I live in Holguin Cuba I am daily on social networks and YouTube directs, defended the revolution, I have many direct cuts in which channels that drive today Carlos Lazo, the host of the channel, denigrate the revolution and Fidel.
I really don’t understand anything
26 APRIL 2022 AT 9:37/ REPLY.
Mercedes said:
Alexei, false very false what you say. The channels that denigrate the revolution are those of Reinaldo Tinima Tv where you participate, those of Edmundo Garcia, where you participate, those of Otaola, Eliecer, Felipe, eñ Protestón, Lazo does not participate in those channels. I also live in Holguín. If you really support our process and the Cuban people, stop following those channels that denigrate the revolution and join those who fight for the Cuban family, the Guajiro, Doctors Cordoví, Pellizcando. And yes, it seems that you do not understand anything. Edmundo denigrates the revolution, right now he is attacking Cubadebate, Soberón, Cuba and threatening to go to the Miami media. Take off your blindfold brother, so you understand what is at stake here.
26 APRIL 2022 AT 12:28
Alexei,is it serious what you are saying?on what channel are you always on?Reynaldo Escobar ring a bell?here don’t come here to lie and try to defend the person who you have also attacked him,or do you have a bad memory?LONG LIVE THE BRIDGES OF LOVE.
26 APRIL 2022 AT 16:45
Otto Anibal said:
If you do not understand anything you call yourself revolutionary and do not get out of CONTRAREVOLUTIONARY channels, eye, and even with key in them, then what do you think how are we ??. Right now Edmundo and since yesterday, he is trying to denigrate Cubadebate, he blatantly lies about this media, he offends….well, you better than anyone know how he gets, then ??, you will go and tell him why he attacks, you don’t understand him at all ????
26 APRIL 2022 AT 19:26
Elvira said:
The truth that us haters no longer have nothing to invent, a “revolutionary” caravan. You have to have a lot of cynicism, chutzpah and lack of ethics. I support our brothers of Puentes de Amor who beyond the borders fight against the genocidal blockade that suffocates their people and for the union of good Cubans wherever they are. Bravo to them!
25 APRIL 2022 AT 17:23/ REPLY
Susana de la Flor said:
… “Bridges of love”…, yes, true, we need many bridges made with love, that unite and save us….
25 APRIL 2022 AT 17:28/ REPLY
Worry and occupy 70 said:
The truth will prevail. When the feeling for Cuba is genuine, lies and hate, fall to the deepest. Long live the sons and daughters who love their homeland. Down with the blockade!
25 APRIL 2022 AT 17:33/ REPLY
Paloma said:
It is worrying, I have always felt fear for the integrity of the Bridges of Love movement, the haters in their perverse actions are capable of anything, they do not have an ounce of dignity or shame
Thank you for your love
25 APRIL 2022 AT 17:57/ REPLY
siboneyes said:
The movement of solidarity and friendship with Cuba, including the caravans, marches, rallies against the criminal US blockade, IS ON MAXIMUM ALERT. Solidarity and Friendship all over the world… Unite! May they not steal our speech, our terms, our words, our verb and strategies of defense and denunciation, our revolutionary language. May they not rob us of our sure, firm and well-defined steps, our certainty of victory and confidence in a beautiful future. Solidarity, cooperation and disinterested help, friendship, altruism, generosity, kindness, detachment, selflessness, fraternity, comradeship, brotherhood, communion, are words that opportunists, profiteers, lackeys, traitors and bootlickers in the service of the empire do NOT know how to pronounce or use. They combine it all with money, with mercenarism. Let us NOT be fooled and let us NOT take the initiative, brothers in solidarity! let us unite in a single bridge of love and tenderness, a bridge that unites the peoples of the United States and Cuba, the Cuban families separated by visceral hatred, lies and rancor designed from that monstrous, perfidious and horrendous place that is Miami, a single bridge of love, affection and affection that extends through valleys and mountains, rivers, seas and oceans, forests and prairies, between rainbows and clouds and unites all the peoples of the world. Greetings.
25 APRIL 2022 AT 18:09/ REPLY
Ernesto Martinez said:
You could see that coming. The one leading these attacks is Edmundo Garcia. From counter-revolutionary to revolutionary and now he has even become an opponent of the Cuban government. The sad thing about this is that he launches all this venom against Lazo and against bridges of love and has confused good people. The confusion occurs because Edmundo does this work under the cover of photos of the commander in chief. Fidel, from his grave, must be very upset with this character. Don’t be discouraged professor, the people of Cuba love and respect him.
25 APRIL 2022 AT 18:14/ REPLY
Gloria Hardwig said:
100%agree with you!!!
25 APRIL 2022 AT 22:41/ REPLY
Eliades said:
Prof. Lazo did not say the name, but we know that the quitacolumnista, the traitor is Edmundo Garcia. Sad and demoralized character that one. It is common knowledge that Edmundo gives his tongue to Maria Elvira Salazar. This guy is poisonous and betrays even his mother. Don’t worry Lazo, Edmundo is not fooling anyone anymore. Here we are alert.
25 APRIL 2022 AT 18:20/ REPLY.
Gloria Hardwig said:
25 APRIL 2022 AT 18:34/ REPLY
Pepe said:
We support you Carlos for your courage, honesty without limits and intelligence. The values that you stand for are pure and have to triumph. Take care of yourselves from evil and hatred. We support you with all our strength from Cuba
25 APRIL 2022 AT 19:01/ REPLY
Aida said:
Vivan los Puentes de Amor viva la familia cubana abajo lis odiadores como el Inmundo Garcia.
25 APRIL 2022 AT 19:02/ REPLY
Diana Rosa Hernandez Aguilar said:
It is incredible to see how the enemies of the people of use all kinds of unscrupulous actions to eliminate those who try to support us, to help us.
The Blockade is Real.
So is the anti-Cuban mafia.
Bridges of Love, regardless of the circumstances, the attacks, the discrediting against them, seek to unite the Cuban family, seek what every Cuban with love for his homeland should do, fight against this criminal blockade until it is destroyed.
On the 29th with Bridges of Love in caravan and against the sanctions that weigh on my country.
On the 29th I go with Bridges of Love.
25 APRIL 2022 AT 19:05/ REPLY
Mas said:
Thank you, love will always unite us, no.matter distance.
25 APRIL 2022 AT 20:39/ REPLY
Miguel Fernandez Sierra said:
It is shameful that Cubans who were akin to the REVOLUTION in recent times have twisted the path. I have been participating in these caravans the last three times in Miami and I can affirm that we are all against the BLOCKADE and in favor of good relations between Cuba and the USA! Down with the BLOCKADE and long live the bridges of LOVE! Greetings!
25 APRIL 2022 AT 19:05/ REPLY
Aida said:
Vivan los Puentes de Amor viva cuba Viva la familia cubana El tal inmundo es un odiador y opositor del pueblo de cuba y su gobierno.
25 APRIL 2022 AT 19:05/ REPLY
ArielN said:
I would like to know the sense that those who try to sabotage a gesture of kindness do not tell him a revolutionary taste valla, pq.many are not but humanism will never be well seen who condemns or attacks it, as it will not be well seen who uses it as a facade.
Rivers have always had clear waters and murky waters but in the end both end up in the same sea.
25 APRIL 2022 AT 19:14/ REPLY
Daniel Andres said:
My respect for them , the way is love , not building walls but building bridges of love , the Cuban family needs it , why can’t relations be normal , despite the differences between the two countries , by their fruits you will know them , those who love and build , those who hate and destroy
25 APRIL 2022 AT 19:29/ REPLY
Miguel said:
Those who truly love Cuba are not going to be misled by that crude maneuver. All my support for Puentes de Amor.
25 APRIL 2022 AT 19:44/ REPLY
Macondiana said:
Professor all the love in the world is not enough to thank you. On behalf of the Cuban family, thank you and a thousand times thank you! Fuerza Puentes de Amor!!!
25 APRIL 2022 AT 19:55/ REPLY
Quindo said:
“the homeland rises on the united shoulders of all its children. One does not have the right to isolation: one has the right to be useful” José Martí.
Bridges of love is a good project that seeks to influence to lift the criminal blockade that makes the homeland suffer, which is laudable, but if we look at the media supports of this project as was the Protestón, creator of the Miami caravan, and the youtube channel “Pellizcando” leave much to be desired by the positions assumed and the sometimes grotesque way of treating those who think differently from them.
There is a marked protagonism of the leader of this movement, which many do not like given the positions he assumes, at times, with important people of this movement who brand the revolution, our government as a “dictatorship”. This does not please the revolutionaries in spite of the laudable objective.
If it is said that it is not a political movement, without ideology, inclusive, these manifestations should be on the margin of the movement because they undermine, create doubts.
This proclamation, this declaration, although it intends to alert about the contenders who intend to boycott this project and take a parallel path: the important thing would be not to give reasons to question this noble purpose and to analyze the causes of why it is questioned and to eliminate everything that casts doubt on the good and legitimate intentions.
Any action that contributes to the lifting of the blockade is praiseworthy, wherever it comes from, but it is necessary to follow clear paths to prevent censorship and disqualification: everyone has the right to defend what they believe to be just.
“There are no two ways to go if you want to succeed” and “whoever asks for love must inspire respect” José Martí.
25 APRIL 2022 AT 20:21/ REPLY
Maria Cristina said:
What kind of thing bro. Pellizcando en Vivo collects refills for people in Cuba, helps the Caravanas, and you dare to defend and not mention a denigrating and denigrated man who attacks our president Diaz Canel and you say that Pellizcando says rude things. How sad brother, you may be good people but you are very confused and do not see that one of the biggest traitors in the Cuban emigration is Edmundo Garcia. I am glad Cubadebate exposed this. Here in our country people are clear. Don’t try to confuse us.
25 APRIL 2022 AT 22:28/ REPLY.
Luciano said:
Recharges? How many recharges according to the money they receive? Here families recharge their families. Those recharges you talk about 99% are “earned” by the same person. Have you seen a financial report of what is collected? What did these riffraff do when they were fighting against the blockade, not embargo as they call it. According to them “blockade” is the internal blockade of Cuba. Dale, bring out your evidence.
26 APRIL 2022 AT 9:02
Abigail said:
Luciano, you are the Herald journalist, counter-revolutionary who has not visited Cuba for 30 years. Luciano, Herald journalist liar, advisor to Edmundo now campaigning to create a dissidence of “revolutionaries” in Miami. Look how the “unknown” contributions rained down on Edmundo yesterday, he collected almost a thousand dollars, there is a lot of money in Miami to attack Cuba. We here know who you are and who Edmundo Garcia is, wolves of the same anti-Cuban pack. long live Cuba! long live the revolution! long live the bridges of love!
26 APRIL 2022 AT 10:33
Kindo said:
Dear Maria Cristina, I state my opinion from what I see, what I hear. Nobody is absolutely right. Neither you nor me. I opine by evidence: ask Victoria a Cuban living in Havana if she was not offended. Whatever the reasons, there is no reason to denigrate anyone.
How does recharging help: only to connect to the internet or to sell the balance, no more.
It is not admissible that they brand the government as a tyranny, they do it; that Fidel has already passed, that he is in a stone, that now there are other circumstances: they marginalize his legacy. Do we have to accept that? Besides, it is inadmissible to use milk donations in tones of bachata, laughter, double meaning. Can you imagine what Fidel would have done if he had seen these demonstrations? Can you imagine? He would have dispensed with them: “The manner of giving is worth more than what is given” (Pierre Corneille). Solidarity is based on the purity of intentions, of acts, and does not admit this type of manifestations. Imagine if the solidarity aid that our country gives to others were acted in this way: Do you think we would be credible? Cuba is credible because of the seriousness of its actions; because of the principles it upholds; because of an exemplary and respectful practice of solidarity since 1959 until today. Nothing justifies, not even the tons of milk given, to use them in a tone of laughter, of amusement: to say things like: “milk on top, milk underneath; milk everywhere” and I say no more. I don’t find that funny, and I don’t think anyone can find that funny. He who serves with love, respects and even more so in the circumstances we live in. I do not criticize, I point out. You cannot cover the sun with a finger and as Martí said: “what is, is”.
Solidarity is not only an act of love, but also an act of respect.
26 APRIL 2022 AT 14:11
Watching the bulls from the sidelines said:
Dear, if we remember well so much detail about Marti’s platforms and phrases, well we should equally remember that Fidel, clarified that in Cuba there was a dictatorship, it is the dictatorship of the proletariat. As for the intensity of offense meter, clearly, to send to hell the president of any country, ranting about the youth of that country, in reference to prostitution, among other things said by Ed. G., will agree that it is much more outrageous and denigrating, for those offended revolutionaries, than the use of the word dictatorship. The Pellizcando en Vivo platform lent the channel to promote the caravan at a time when there was no platform for it, but its primary objective is not to promote the caravan. Watching the bulls from the sidelines, since no disqualifications have ever been said about the Cubans and the leaders of the island, from the mouth of the leader or leaders of the bridges of love. Grotesque, however, is what is done from platforms such as those that you Quindo, subtly and unintentionally legitimizes (intentionally or not) the right to rant (right to free speech), using as an instrument to do so the disqualification of the Pellizcando en Vivo channel, establishing a manipulative parallelism with the Protestón platform. The Pellizcando Platform has thousands of things to improve, as any work, however it is obvious that it is completely and diametrically different from the Protestón platform. Please, before issuing criteria, it would be good to try to be truly impartial, investigate the causes and evolution of why we have reached this situation and only then delegitimize, criticize or praise, but always with substantial arguments. Let us always use the power of well and honestly crafted argument and not the argument of power or our preference.
26 APRIL 2022 AT 2:03/ REPLY.
Mario said:
Mr. cute. Or Kindongo. I don’t give 3 shits how you think. Pinching live of which fills me with pride and pleasure to be a member. It brings more to our project of bridges of love and to the Cuban people. Than many revolutionary debtors like Edmundo Garcia and many of his confused followers. He is not only a revolutionary and patriot who hides behind a picture of the Comandante on his back and attacks the current president and many of the leading apparatus in Cuba and serious and honest people who believe that love is what unites. Which side are you on? The one that wants to live off history and cover up the present and the future? History is respected and kept in the soul. But the present and the future are carried in the mind every day to seek a better welfare for our people. You do not know the reality of certain YouTube that when hoisting an image their thinking is in the limelight and the interests of feeling indispensable that is EDMUNDO GARCIA. Pellizcando is an entity of respect and love. Where a group of friends and Cubans without selfishness and taboos, neither political nor religious. We share as a family what little we have with our people and you have never heard in this group that the Cuban government should make changes, that is a problem of the Cuban government to make reforms and take the people forward as it has always done. Join real projects and limit yourself to judge. A hug we wait for you in bridges of love and united to the topic pinching. To fight side by side to lift the sanctions.
26 APRIL 2022 AT 10:33/ REPLY
Kindo said:
Dear Mario, the first thing you should do is to treat others with respect. Do you think it is civic to treat others this way: “Mr. Cute. Or Kindongo. I don’t give 3 shits how you think”. You can think, have an opinion different from mine: give your arguments that is what counts, not this aggressive language that does not give you more reason: it makes you ugly. Arguments are what is valid, the rest is superfluous. I excuse you.
26 APRIL 2022 AT 14:07
Carmen García Gutierrez said:
All our support , dear friend Carlos Lazo Thanks to all those who demand love Cuba and are in solidarity with our people .Down with the Genocidal Blockade. And Criminal imposed by the U.S. government to Cuba.
25 APRIL 2022 AT 20:40/ REPLY
Yipsydiazcgmaul.com said:
How can we help them from Cuba?
25 APRIL 2022 AT 20:44/ REPLY
Juan Carlos Subiaut Suarez said:
Dear Carlos Lazo:
Many times, when there are no more elements to discern on which side is the truth and choose a criterion, one relies on seeing the opposite side, who attacks him, who is against what is being raised, who in one way or another, is allied with the enemy, even if he uses false flag criteria, even if he uses phrases and positions of our patriotic referents. The fact that they have done it and are doing it against him and against the movement he represents is, no doubt, evidence of his growing success and the fear of our enemies that he will continue to reap them.
A few days ago, in response to what was said by several forum members, I commented on the matter:
¨I respect the opposing positions, but, like any struggle, this one is heterogeneous, as heterogeneous is the composition and interests of the groups that participate in it. I am a Cuban from here and I have more grounds to fight against the blockade, because I suffer its consequences daily, so I try to see, above the differences of criteria, a position, which is the fight against the blockade, and based on it, to achieve a united front. The effectiveness of all these initiatives, without forgetting the value, more in the spiritual than in the material sense, of sending donations, is to achieve an increase in the awareness of the issue in the American society. The blockade is part of a set of legislations, regulations and other measures, so its deactivation will occur when the elimination of these measures begins to be debated and approved by the U.S. government. Then, I applaud any initiative, which may have nuances, even internal struggles for positions, leaderships, etc., but whose direction coincides with the struggle against the blockade. This is the main task.
25 APRIL 2022 AT 20:56/ REPLY.
Miguel said:
For me it is clear that whoever attacks Puentes de amor, under whatever banner, is serving the interests of Cuba’s enemies.
25 APRIL 2022 AT 22:06/ REPLY
Reynier said:
Thank God at last !!!, thank you CubaDebate for echoing these words of Professor Carlos Lazo, it is good enough that these pariahs hiding behind the images of the Commander in Chief, and wearing a false uniform of Revolutionary attack with impunity the leaders of the Revolution, branding them as ignorant, influence peddling, corrupt, clumsy, bunglers and I do not know how many more adjectives, denigrating both the current leaders of the country and the movement of Bridges of Love….
25 APRIL 2022 AT 21:07/ REPLY.
Agustin said:
The world upside down. If we follow the guideline raised among the good Cubans in Miami must be the youtuber “Protestón Cubano”, the unmentionable Erick Concepcion, other youtuber like the famous “Captain etc” who says that “Pozada Carriles” is innocent, who disrespects our Sara González and her song “A los héroes” by the way that we are still in the April of Girón, or the no less ineffable Liber who refers that our FIDEL is in a stone and that he is part of the past. All close collaborators of Mr. Lazo and his “bridges”. All of them accusing those who reject them for being what they are, GUSANOS and that they find a space in a site like this one to continue doing their work with the support of those who should take the trouble to look for public and abundant information on these subjects. I hope you publish this comment. I am Cuban and revolutionary. It would be a disappointment for me not to see this opinion while others may say things to the contrary. Greetings
25 APRIL 2022 AT 21:07/ REPLY
Eliades said:
No amigo. Proteston decanted from the movement and betrayed, as did Edmundo Garcia who attacks our president, not only Lazo and Soberon and Israel Rojas and Johama Tablada. A demoralized drug addict, a sexual aberrate, who when he saw that the cause was bigger than him, he sided with Otaola and Maria Elvira. Why is he attacking our president and not attacking Otaola? Why is he attacking ICAP and not attacking Maria Elvira? Why is he trying to destroy the caravans and not trying to destroy the blockade? Edmundo Garcia is a traitor to the people of Cuba and if you follow him you are well screwed.
25 APRIL 2022 AT 22:17/ REPLY
Luciano said:
Bring out the proof that he is paid or supported by Maria Elvira or OtaOla, but bring them out and bring out the proof that everything that has been said about Carlos Lazo’s gusanera is false because it’s all in videos. Dale get your proofs out.
26 APRIL 2022 AT 9:07
Tomas said:
False very false what you imply. Edmundo Garcia attacks our president Dias Canel, Fernandez Cosio, Soberon Johana Tablada and you still defend Edmundo. This article is not about the protester who killed himself, it is about Edmundo Garcia and his attack against the caravans and against the people of Cuba. And if you are on Edmundo’s side, you are not a revolutionary,
APRIL 25, 2022 AT 22:33/ REPLY
Abraham said:
You can be a revolutionary but at no time lose perspective. It is true that all those you mention in your writing at times have had those pronouncements, however that does not prevent them from agreeing with the idea that unites us all and makes us equal. All of them, beyond their ideologies or different ways of thinking, support the Cuban family of which you and I are a part, just as they all demand the lifting of the U.S. blockade. And that is the achievement of Bridges of Love, it brings together Cubans of different ideologies and thoughts with the one and only objective of demanding the lifting of the blockade imposed for more than 60 years.
APRIL 26, 2022 AT 6:51/ REPLY
Miguel said:
That is the idea, all those who love Cuba and the Cuban family should be united in this objective. Creating division among us is the goal of the enemy to continue crushing the Cuban people.
26 APRIL 2022 AT 11:03
Mario said:
Puentes de amor should be respected by all good Cubans inside and outside. You don’t have to be a communist to respect the laws of a country. They say we are children of the Lord. Lord that none of us know and respect. Bridges of love is a light where at least we can have political or religious differences but it is for the common good of our people. Our people our elders and children. From town to town. Governments come and go. The Commander was a worthy and humane son. Raul was a continuity and a great leader is DÍAS CANEL whom his people and all follow him except for a few behaviors. Each people is the one who chooses. Let us respect our people. Who is Edmundo Garcia? Who is Ota Ola ? Who is Eliezer and comparsas ? I am puentee de amor soy tim PELLISCANDO I am neither communist nor catholic or religious. I am an atheist but with a heart in the center of my chest to love and respect my people and my country whoever runs it. My duty is to support what my people decide. Long live bridges of love viva cuba viva your government who will know how to get your people ahead.
26 APRIL 2022 AT 7:53/ REPLY
red315 said:
Everything you express I have been able to see in the channels that support Carlos Lazo, in which he himself participates with some frequency. I am also Cuban (in Cuba) and like everyone else I live in spite of the blockade. One thing is clear to me, those who have arguments to defend their positions can challenge any person, just as the latter can demonstrate their truth. We all want the blockade to end and to have relations with the whole world but the first and fundamental thing is to preserve the ethics and morals that have allowed this small country to be the future longed for by many in the world. Without them the revolution would be mortally wounded, and they can remove the blockade at any time.
26 APRIL 2022 AT 14:24/ REPLY
tania said:
And to think that many believe that they really say they want the best for Cubans. Yes the best ….. hypocrisy and chutzpah. How they do everything possible and impossible to axficiarnos. Their democracy is completely confused, they act in a contrary and illogical way.
25 APRIL 2022 AT 21:21/ REPLY
Alejandro Martinez said:
Well said, bridges of love! Edmundo is a dissident.
25 APRIL 2022 AT 22:09/ REPLY
Sigo la Lógica said:
reality is the only criterion of truth, if the caravan and bridges of love is in favor of Cuba and the improvement of relations with the elimination of the blockade, who is served by an attack on that movement, things are almost always simpler than they seem.
25 APRIL 2022 AT 22:30/ REPLY.
Cubaneo said:
Brother lazo they will never be able to divide us as in 63xyears they have not been able to with the Cuban revolution we believe more love bridge know why they do that because they are failed and they are always like that some low and miserable free homeland or motir by sovereign Cuba and independent of yankee ingeremcia.
25 APRIL 2022 AT 22:33/ REPLY
simple said:
the truth is defended with actions, and whoever puts his chest to danger as does bridges of love deserves all our respect and support, the column removers will always be to destroy the work of the revolution, no need to say the name of those who have lost honor and dignity, they do not deserve a minute, just look at the coven even with photos of the commander, what little shame has that sr.
25 APRIL 2022 AT 22:45/ REPLY.
Agustin said:
To die of laughter. It is true that this gentleman of the “bridges” has them saying nonsense to the four winds. None of them has ever been in danger. Except in Faluja Iraq where he went to commit genocide as part of the yankee army and from which he was decorated. It is a pity that so many people follow the saint of bridges without doing a minimum exercise to verify all the sources. It is their right and they are respected, respect then the right to our heresy.
26 APRIL 2022 AT 9:38/ REPLY
Carmen Martinez said:
Edmundo has lost his way and is trying to do harm. He uses the same methods of Otaola giving directions and sending mobs to attack whoever contradicts him. I believe that you are the ones who live manipulated by this gentleman. Just last night he published a photo of Carlos Lazo’s house. In these turbulent times where hatred is imposed to encourage attacks against a person is an act the least undignified.
26 APRIL 2022 AT 13:36
Otto Anibal said:
You are in all of them, I imagine already where you are coming from. Haber follower of edmundo garcia (all lower case letters intended) when was your leader in danger ?, how many attacks did he escape from ?, how many scars does his body exhibit (surgery for appendicitis doesn’t count) after so many years in “danger” ??. I will only repeat one thing said by him, he was a good friend of Más Canosa, he is currently a good friend of María Elvira and that friendship is already long, with only these two and there are many more, do you think that Edmundo has ever been in danger in Miami, as you say, don’t make me laugh.
26 APRIL 2022 AT 14:55
Otto Anibal said:
To be more exact I would say that NEW maneuvers are being prepared against the caravans and the Bridges of Love project because for quite some time now, all kinds of actions are being generated to totally destroy such initiatives created by emigrants who love their Homeland. Edmundo Garcia’s Youtube program is very similar in image to Radio and TV Marti, these two monsters use the figure of the Apostle, this other one the Commander in Chief, with an unparalleled and incredible sound they attack the Cuban people and its Revolution. The height of brazenness is that this filthy character, lacking all morals, shame, modesty, dignity, honesty, principles and other attributes present in a normal citizen, takes as a reference precisely that quality of the dignity of the human being to name his already defeated caravan. Just as we did not accept the “aid” that came from the open right wing in Miami, we will not support this “caravan” that comes from the hidden right wing. VIVAN puentes de Amor, Somos de Patria o Muerte.
25 APRIL 2022 AT 22:48/ REPLY
Agustin said:
Otto the ones I have seen in very good vibes with the unpresentable Eric Concepcion have been you and the cortege of the saint of bridges. In the public eye are the videos where he sang patria y vida in Panama minutes before sharing the stage with the bona fide. I don’t know what you mean when you say that you are from “Patria o Muerte” and you have such a close friendship with that individual. If that is the case now, I will only tell you that in my case I am guided by the imprint of FIDEL and CHE: Not even a little bit like that to the worms.
APRIL 26, 2022 AT 9:29/ REPLY
Oscar said:
Agustin, that same discourse you use is that of the dissidence that wants to divide our process. Do not use the name of our undefeated comandante to legitimize your words. You are doing the same thing that Edmundo Garcia does, putting Fidel in the background to confuse. Fidel wanted unity among all good patriots and he must be turning over in his grave knowing that people like Edmundo and you are using him to sow a sisaña among the ranks of the revolution. That is the plan of the Miamense right but here we are no fools. Viva Cuba! Fatherland or death!
26 APRIL 2022 AT 10:40
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