Both Trump and Clinton have a chance of victory. And the impact of the polarizing effect left by the current campaign on the political future of the country with the entry into the political arena of the popular and socialist alternative brought by Bernie Sanders cannot be measured yet.
Mar 14, 2016Walter Lippmann
Let the US president, his family, and his entourage be welcomed! Here, they will be respected and safe!
The Rolling Stones (from left): Charlie Watts, Keith Richards, Mick Jagger and Ron Wood plan to play in Havana by late March. (Photo taken from
The propagandists of capitalism persist in the practice of discrediting leaders to prevent them from influencing the fate of society.
“To understand today’s imperialist political doctrines we must keep in mind their foundations which began taking explicit shape in the first third of the seventeenth century and have continued developing to this day … “.
Cuban diplomat Ramon Sanchez-Parodi looks at the rise of Donald Trump and the prospects for the Republican Party through the 2016 elections.
The Second Declaration of Havana, approved on February 4, 1962 in the middle of a process of shaping up the people’s political power, far-reaching revolutionary changes, serious class struggle, and growing interventionism by the United States against Cuba.
Paul Craig Roberts and Michael Hudson think there is no need for Russia to use privatization to cover a short-term budget problem because it creates a larger long-term problem. “Neoliberals are promoting it not to help Russia, but to bring Russia to its knees.”
The US prison system is unable to provide models that could serve Washington when it demands human rights respect from those third world countries that do not abide by its imperial rule.