Life Changed Me…
On this second special page, dedicated to the 20th anniversary of our section, we propose a new online debate for next Tuesday, two books for teenagers and the coordinates of the National Center for the Prevention of STIs
By Mileyda Menéndez Dávila
February 18, 2020
Translated and edited by Walter Lippmann for CubaNews.

Cart for Life Author: Mileyda Menéndez Dávila Published: 18/02/2020 | 10:20 pm
There are crazy things that are like arms of the sea:
/ surprise you, drag you, lose you and that’s it.
Silvio Rodriguez
I’m counting on you.
The National Center for the Prevention of STIs/HIV/AIDS (CNP) was established in 1999, and thanks to the support of several international agencies has been able to finance educational projects throughout the country that help contain the HIV epidemic and control the spread of other STIs.
In 2014, it joined other public health departments to give life to the National Center for Health Promotion, Prosalud, in order to promote research and community work adjusted to the socio-cultural characteristics of each territory. According to its current director, Dr. Pablo Feal Cañizares, the message reaches some people better with science and others with humor and creativity.
The educational and counseling work of this center falls mainly on activists who are linked to its lines of work. The oldest one is Support for People Living with HIV (PLHIV), then came Lineayuda (telephone and face-to-face counseling) and little by little they added MSM (men who have sex with men), Condom Marketing with its creative Team Vigor, the dynamic Youth for Life, Women and HIV, 50 and over, and PPST (people who practice transactional sex).
If you are motivated to join this family of volunteers or are looking for a receptive ear for your sexuality questions, call 78303156, visit the national headquarters of Prosalud (27th and A streets, Vedado) or inquire at the provincial and municipal centers of prevention and health promotion.
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