GRANMA'S film critic comments on Academy-Award Winning film Parasites and its relationship with Gone With the Wind, which Trump, who hadn't seen Parasites, praised over it.
GRANMA comments on the latest mass shooting in the US, Milwaukee, February 2020, in a country where today there are more guns than people.
CUBADEBATE presents Cuban TV's apology for omitting a kiss between two men in the recent broadcast of the US film, "Love, Simon".
CUBADEBATE presents Nicaraguan Fernando Cardenal's 2009 comments on Fidel Castro, followed by a large gallery of artistic images of the Cuban leader.
CUBADEBATE reports on the death of the revolutionary Nicaraguan priest, Fernando Cardenal.
CUBADEBATE: reports on the capture of a cocaine-bearing plane in Mexico which is linked to the family of Bolivian de facto president Jeanine Áñez
GRANMA reports on prospects for health collaboration between First Nations communities in Canada and the Cuban healthcare system.
JUVENTUD REBELDE looks at the "peace agreement" signed by Washington and the Taliban, including the find print.
JUVENTUD REBELDE profiles the 25-year-old captain of Cuba's female archery team and the best archer in all of Cuba today.
GRANMA: Aa new analysis from the US says no fraud in the Bolivian election, and Evo Morales probably got more than the 10% margin.