GRANMA's film critic looks at Jane Campion's The Power of the Dog and the struggles by female directors in the Hollywood film industry.
GRANMA looks at the 2022 Academy Awards ceremony and some of the controversies surrounding it.
GRANMA looks at the forces, both objective and subjective, which draw some Cubans to illegal migration from the country.
GRANMA looks at the growing world and Cuban health problem of obesity.
GRANMA looks back at the free care Cuba provided for the Chernobyl children after the nuclear melt-down in 1986
GRANMA reports on a Canadian company beginning to send remittances to Cuba, but charging six times more than Western Union did for the same service.
GRANMA comments on the real source of the war in Ukraine: Washington's destabilizing attempts to impose its hegemony
RADIO-MIAMI TV Max Lesnik look at the resolution of the 1962 Cuban missile crisis for a solution to the 2022 crisis between Russia and Ukraine
GRANMA writes on Harry Belafonte, and his being granted the Friendship Medal by Cuba's Council of State on July 23, 2020.
GRANMA reports on opposition to Western sanctions against Russia expressed by Cuba, Mexico and Venezuela