TRABAJADORES reports on Twelfh Annual Cuban Days Against Homophobia and Transphobia.
Cuban singer Rodríguez former Uruguayan president Pepe Mujica support the call for dialogue in Venezuella
The current attempt to manipulate and use the LGBTI community to confront the Cuban authorities is not an isolated incident.
Democrats and neo-cons are pressing for a direct confrontation in which Russia may become involved. Republicans agree with both on this.
Manuel Yepe writes: The majority of left-wing people support politicians who promise capitalism with a social safety net. But what they're proposing isn't truly socialism.
Cuban historian Ciro Bianchi Ross recounts two of Churchill's visits to Havana.
A report on the International Leon Trotsky conference in 2019 by a Cuban author.
JUVENTUD REBELDE reports on the annual Mother's Day arts and crafts fair at PabExpo in Havana.
CUBADEBATE reports that Coppelia will be closed from May until June 2019 for maintenance.
CUBADEBATE reports on Congo Brazzaville's decision to withdraw 142 of its scholarship students.