JUVENTUD REBELDE reports on the UJC balance sheet assembly in Las Tunas province.
GRANMA looks at high-tech and the need to diversity services and to make them exportable to increase national income.
RADIO MIAMI reports on news that Bamamas Air is now scheduling charter flights to Holguin.
JUVENTUD REBELDE shows its readers how to make a surgical face mask at home.
SOCIALIST ACTION leader Sylvia Weinstein writes about Fidel Castro's 1960 visit to Harlem where he met Malcolm X.
CIENFUEGOS NEWSPAPER 5 de Septiembre gives a critical look at "reality TV." They're definitely NOT impressed.
CUBADEBATE reprints column by Ricardo Ronquillo, President of UPEC, Cuba's journalist's organization, on corruption in the Cuban economy based on theft by workers from their job sites.
CUBAAHORA Journalist Dunia Gonzalez Torres writes on how her mother raised her to participate fully in all aspects of Cuban society.
CUBADEBATE reports on plans by Bolivia's coup regime to bankrupt the state airline.
GRANMA reports on obstacles causing the absence of personal toiletries from the domestic market and projections and how these are expected to be resolved in April and May 2020,