TRABAJADORES: Rolando Javier Rodríguez Camejo, Specialist at the Counseling and Psychological Assistance Center of the Psychology Department of the University of Havana, explains that if the physical remoteness became psychological distance it is very likely that the child has filled the empty spaces with frustrations, resentments and other negative elements.
JUVENTUD REBELDE'S Marina Menéndez Quintero looks at today's election in Venezuela. As she puts it, it's "A liberating vote, against all odds", and for which a big voter turnout is necessary to defeat those who will deny its legitimacy.
GRANMA: An initial detailed look at Cuba's resonse to the airplance catastrophe which occured in Havana on May 18, 2018.
JUVENTUD REBELDE looks at the latest school shooting in the United States. Nothing will stop this tragic nonsense as long as the interests of the arms industry prevail and the United States is an armed society, licensed to kill in its own backyard
CUBADEBATE: Detailed interview with Daniela Vega, trans female actress and star of A FANTASTIC WOMAN.
CUBADEBATE: Chilean Actress Vega recalled that from the first time she visited Cuba, her colors and the spirit of Cenesex caught her by keeping them beautiful and the island's flame high.
What motivates me to come is the greatness of this country, she confessed while calling for taking the stones that others will use to build walls that separate and use them to build bridges that unite.
SOMOS JOVENES looks back at the Lenin School where he and so many other young Cubans received their education. Written 2018.
SOMOS JOVENES (We Are the Youth), writes about sexual harassment young women face in Havana. SJ is Cuba's leading magazine aimed at teenagers and young adults.
Cuban diplomat and political analyst Manuel E. Yepe looks at the historic roots of Jim Crow, and the ongoing struggle for black rights in the US.
GRANMA's main film critic looks at the culture of gossip and its aim to depoliticize everyone.