America has a lot of problems, and Trump is targeting others. Very serious in her assessment, Hillary Clinton said, “Our country is more polarized than ever. We ourselves have classified into opposite camps, and they divide how we see the world.” Posted: Saturday 26 May 2018 | 09:56:09 PM By Juana Carrasco Martin A […]
CUBADEBATE: Charlese Theron, fearing US racism, may leave the country due to its racism. She has adopted two Black children.
JUVENTUD REBELDE: Graziella Pogolotti looks at preparations for the upcoming 500th anniversary of the founding of Cuba's capitol city. Says she, ""The rediscovery of the urban values that have qualified, through an incessant secular accumulation, the profile that makes the capital unique, cannot be postponed"
Between Trump and the Deep State By Manuel E. Yepe Exclusive for the daily POR ESTO! of Merida, Mexico. Translated and edited by Walter Lippmann. In the political lexicon of the United States, since the presidency of Donald Trump, the mysterious concept of a “Deep State” has become fashionable. It’s understood as a kind […]
JUVENTUD REBELDE's Holguin correspondent reports on support from the people of the community, their co-relgionists, including from abroad, and the Cuban government and PCC in their hour of grief.
JUVENTUD REBELDE: Scholar Graziella Pogolotti looks at the invasion of the English language in Cuban public spaces.
JUVENTUD REBELDE Cuban-American author looks at President Donald Trump, his attorney Micheal Cohen, and the scandal involving hush-money to the porn actress Stormy Daniels.
The United States Will Have to Ask for Forgiveness By Manuel E. Yepe Exclusive for the daily POR ESTO! of Merida, Mexico. Translated and edited by Walter Lippmann. The U.S. House of Representatives passed a resolution in late July 2008 apologizing to African Americans for the years of slavery they have suffered. This was […]
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