MARCHA magazine explains how the tracks of Che's trajectory as a physician can be found in the Cuban doctors working in many countries in 2020.
CUBADEBATE shares advice from Cuban psychiatrists on how to deal with both children and older people during the Covid-19 crisis.
CUBADEBATE reports the death of Juan Padron, creater of Elpidio Valdes.
GRANMA newspaper writes about the vital importance of prevention in the struggle against Covid-19.
CUBADEBATE reports on Prince Charles having contracted the Covid-19 virus.
JUVENTUD REBELDE looks at social indiscipline on the bus despite the Covid-19 virus threat.
JUVENTUD REBELDE profiles Dr. Alexander Labrada Torres on the Isle of Youth on what Cuban doctors are doing to protect the island from the virus.
JUVENTUD REBELDE's Sexo Sentido looks at self-love and masturbation, through the ideas of Betty Dodson, author of SEX FOR ONE.
The Chernobyl Tragedy 30 Years After the Cuban Medical Program PART I Published in Latin American Summary By Maribel Acosta Damas y Roberto Chile March 27, 2020 Translated and edited by Walter Lippmann for CubaNews Photos by Roberto Chile included here. Please copy. In the early morning of April 26, 1986, the fourth reactor at […]