Juventud Rebelde on the effects of the 2008 economic crisis on the movie industry.
Autoeroticism in both directions Masturbation is born from a longing to know one’s own body. This practice can begin at any age, but not doing it is also normal. By digital@jrebelde.cip.cu A CubaNews translation. Edited by Walter Lippmann. From early childhood we all explore our genitals to try to understand how they are, why they […]
The UJC prepares wide program for Cuban women By Kaloi Santos Cabrera March 04, 2009 00:42:57 GMT A CubaNews translation. Edited by Walter Lippmann. The festival “For you, Woman” will be held from the 6th -8th March concurring with the Cuban Women Federation 8th Congress. The Young Communists League is giving the finishing touches to […]
Cuban government distributes land to 50,000 peasants (2009)
Would you say we have “womanism”? Years of fighting for and gaining woman rights by Cuban women has not exorcised the patriarchal ghost that still rears its head By Alina Perera and Yailin Orta March 8, 2009 00:39 GMT A CubaNews translation. Edited by Walter Lippmann. To be a woman with spread wings; to […]
$300,000.00 stolen from Cuban mission in Venezuela (2009)
Roman Catholic Church discusses homosexuality, gender reassignment surgery and Brokeback Mountain (2009).
Women have to fight for life and the Revolution alongside their male comrades. This was the prevailing spirit of the debates at the Congress, whose sessions ended on Sunday, March 8. By Marianela Martín and Alina Perera March 8, 2009 00:58:49 GMT A CubaNews translation. Edited by Walter Lippmann. Vilma’s voice is being projected across the […]
Institutionalism and light By Pascual Serrano A CubaNews translation. Edited by Walter Lippmann. If it hadn’t been for Fidel Castro’s reflection published the day after the changes announced by the Cuban government on March 2, the shake-up would have been no different, either in form or in content, than those we see all the time […]
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