Cuban leader Ricardo Alarcón looks ahead to the Ecuadorian presidential election of April 2, 2017.
La Opinion A necessary and united mobilization This is the time to achieve unity to deal with Trump By EDITORS Google translation. Revised by Walter Lippmann. There were hundreds of thousands of people who marched on March 25, 2006 in Los Angeles. / Archive PHOTO: ARCHIVO / JEFF GRACE / IMPREMEDIA BY: EDITORS 24 MARCH […]
A look at exhibitionists and the challenge they present to Cuban society today. From the weekly newspaper of the Cuban Communist Party in Cienfuegos.
At the Museum of the Revolution, the 25 years of existence of this regiment was remembered. The Revolutionary Armed Forces (FAR) in the capital paid tribute to the first anti-aircraft artillery regiment of women, created by initiative of Vilma Espin, eternal president of the Cuban Women Federation (FMC), according to AIN.
Jan 14, 2017Walter Lippmann
Jan 11, 2017Walter Lippmann
This is the front page of Juventud Rebelde newspaper, December 25, 2016.
The lifting of the blockade may be one more among the surprises that Trump has already given us.
Nov 18, 2016Walter Lippmann
Trump did not win. It was Hillary Clinton and the Democrats who lost.