Traduccion al español del artículo "Los adultos se comportan como niños" de Emma González, una de las sobrevivientes del ataque armado que mató a diecisiete estudiantes y maestros en 1918. El original en inglés apareció en HARPER' S BAZAAR.
Traduccion de las palabras de Emma Gonzalez, 17 de febrero 2018. Parkland, Florida, después de la masacre en su escuela donde 17 personas fueron asesinadas
The Arms Race is At its Peak By Manuel E. Yepe Exclusive for the daily POR ESTO! of Merida, Mexico. Translated and edited by Walter Lippmann. If we could return in time, Vladimir Putin would try to prevent the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991. That is what the President of Russia […]
CUBADEBATE: Monica Lewinsky tells her side of the scandal with Clinton.
Israel’s Image in the US Becomes More Complicated By Manuel E. Yepe Exclusive for the daily POR ESTO! of Merida, Mexico. Translated and edited by Walter Lippmann. Everyone knows about Israel’s close relationship with the United States. It is enough to observe that in all the votes in the UN General Assembly, no matter […]
Mexico daily La Jornada's US correspondent David Brooks looks at the uprising of students and others seeking gun control after the Parkland, Florida Valentine's Day massacre in 2018.
Coverage of the Parkland school massacre from the US correspondent of the Mexican daily newspaper, LA JORNADA, where this first appeared.
Cuban analyst Manuel E. Yepe looks at US-Cuban relations as seen through the viewpoint of prominent US diplomat George F. Kennan.
Juventud Rebelde reports on the launching of a new edition of OUR HISTORY IS STILL BEING WRITTEN, tracing the history of three Cuban generals of Chinese-Cuban origin, at the Havana Book Fair in 2018.
A Cuban look at the Parkland high school massacre and Emma Gonzalez, one of the new young leaders brought forth in light of the massacre.
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