CUBADEBATE asks if Facebook will remove the fake accounts Radio and TV Marti use to target Cuba for propaganda.
Manuel E. Yepe discusses the Atlas Network, a new far-right group organizing across Latin America to reverse previous gains by leftist and progressive governments.
CUBADEBATE reports on allegations of sexual abuse and hush money against Italian actress Asia Argento, one of the first to accuse producer Harvey Weinstein of rape.
Cuban photographer Juvenal Balán presents images of Nelson Mandela together with Fidel Castro.
Manuel E. Yepe looks at the writings and philosophy of Andre Vltchek on the role of the mass media in winning public acceptance of poverty and war.
CUBADEBATE. While the US is denouncing what it says is US intervention in the 2016 US elections, Miami New Times has revealed that the US is using fake Facebook pages attempting to influence Cubans on the island.
Manuel E. Yepe looks at Bernie Sanders' presidential prospects as of August 2018.
JUVENTUD REBELDE reports on the death of Israeli peace militant Uri Avnery.
Manuel E. Yepe argues that the widespread response to the need to overcome what psychologists call the "social evaluative threat" is through drugs, alcohol or gambling, comfort food, or through status and conspicuous consumption.
English translation of Cuban Constitution as updated through 2002.