JUVENTUD REBELDE reports on call for Youth Forum on the 60 years of the Cuban Revolution, to be held in Havana, January 2019 and co-sponsored by Editora Abril and Ocean Press.
JUVENTUD REBELDE reports on hundreds being force out due to big fires in Los Angeles, California.
JUVENTUD REBELDE reports on anti-war protests at the centennial observations of the ending of the First World War, previously known as the Great War.
Translation of materials from a Facebook page with initial details from the first International Trotsky Conference to be held in Cuba in March 2019.
Manuel E. Yepe describes the fear in Trump's White House over the evident growth of interest in socialism which is becoming a normal part of political discourse in the US.
The Nature of Chinese Society Today By Manuel E. Yepe http://manuelyepe.wordpress.com/ Exclusive for the daily POR ESTO! of Merida, Mexico. Translated and edited by Walter Lippmann. One of the most lying and repeated resources of U.S. anti-communist propaganda is the assertion that China’s current enviable pace and level of development are the result of its […]
CUBADEBATE: José R. Oro, a Cuban engineer living in the United States, looks at the latest series of terrorist attacks in the US, its meaning and its implications for the country's future.
CUBADEBATE reports on hundreds marching against Trump's visit to Pittsburgh after the October 2018 synagogue attack by an anti-Semitic right-winger.
GRANMA posts note about vigils in US following October 2018 massacre at Pittsburgh Jewish synagogue.
PRENSA LATINA report on aftermath of 2018 massacre at Pittsburgh synagogue.
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