Yoani Sanchez -
Selected references and comments, by her and about her The site is counting on its funding of US$150,000 from anonymous donations and is focused on providing a space for dissenting voices on the island. According to Sánchez’s husband, Reinaldo Escobar, the digital newspaper is financed by national and international investors and has sufficient funds to survive for one year. http://panampost.com/belen-marty/2014/05/23/cuba-regime-censors-independent-outlet-after-mere-three-hours-live/ The U.S. celebrates Yoani, but does not hear her message Details Published on Sunday, 24 March 2013 11:12 By Saul Landau and Nelson P. Valdés http://www.huffingtonpost.com/saul-landau/the-us-celebrates-yoani-b_b_2948090.html http://progreso-weekly.com/ini/index.php/home/in-the-united-states/3845-the-us-celebrates-yoani-but-does-not-hear-her-message Cuba’s Princess of the Internet by SAUL LANDAU and NELSON P. VALDES http://www.counterpunch.org/2013/03/25/cubans-princess-of-the-internet/ |
Hufffington Post End the Embargo, End Castro Regime's Excuse for All Its Failures Posted: 10/25/11 01:19 PM ET http://www.huffingtonpost.com/yoani-sanchez/cuba-embargo_b_1029826.html |
Yoani Sanchez opposes US travel ban (excerpt): If restrictions on coming to Cuba are lifted, Americans would again enjoy a right that has been infringed in recent years ? that of traveling freely to any latitude without penalty. Cuban citizens, for our part, would benefit from the injection of material resources and money that these tourists from the north would spend in alternative services networks. Without a doubt, economic autonomy would then result in ideological and political autonomy, in real empowerment. The natural cultural, historical, and family ties between both peoples could take shape without the shadow of the current regulations and prohibitions. Read her full essay: http://articles.sun-sentinel.com/2009-11-19/news/0911200321_1_cuban-exiles-yoani-sanchez-cuban-blogger |
Yoani Sanchez faked Obama interview www.globalrights.info/reports-a-publications/conflicts-a-wars/2114-yoani-sanchez-cuba-obama-and-wikileaks-.html http://machetera.wordpress.com/2011/09/09/yoani-sanchezs-faked-obama-interview/ http://www.cablegatesearch.net/cable.php?id=09HAVANA527&q=obama%20yoani |
40 Questions for Yoani Sánchez» by Salim Lamrani - Feb 20, 2013 http://www.walterlippmann.com/docs3704.html |
The U.S. celebrates Yoani, but does not hear her message Published on Sunday, 24 March 2013 11:12 By Saul Landau and Nelson P. Valdés [excerpt] The irony of Yoani’s U.S. appearance, getting crowned by the U.S. media and Congress as the virtual Queen of Dissidents, is that she made the very points the Cuban government has reiterated for a decade plus. But neither government officials nor the press corps acknowledged them. The media focused on occasional interruptions of her speeches by angry leftists instead of reporting the contents of her talks. Members of Congress and the White House staff celebrated the visit of an important person, paying scant attention to the coincidence of her policy points and those of the Cuban government. Not one mainstream story caught the irony of Cuba’s leading dissident stating the case the Cuban government has been presenting: End the embargo, release the Five, allow Americans to travel to Cuba, and withdraw from Guantanamo. The media also missed points Yoani did not acknowledge. Cuba allowed her to travel abroad and meet with sworn enemies of the Cuban regime. She also failed to acknowledge reforms that have recently taken place in Cuba like political spaces granted to religious institutions to publish openly critical magazines and journals. Moreover, Cubans prohibited from returning to visit Cuba can now do so. The U.S. media has positioned her the dissident representative of technology’s age of communication. She sends her weekly Internet column from Cuban hotels, or by flash drive from the U.S. Interests Section and other embassies. She spins each column as an attack on the Cuban government. The princess of digital communication made her triumphant debut. But apparently no one in power or in mainstream media cared about what she said. The Cuban government should, nevertheless, be proud of her. She used different language to state their case, to Congress, the White House and the public. Alas, eyes saw, but ears closed. Did anyone hear that besides the critiques of the Cuban government she asked Washington to change its Cuba policy? Saul Landau’s FIDEL and WILL THE REAL TERRORIST PLEASE STAND UP are available on DVD from cinemalibrestudio.com. Nelson Valdes is Professor Emeritus at the University of New Mexico. http://progreso-weekly.com/ini/index.php/home/in-the-united-states/3845-the-us-celebrates-yoani-but-does-not-hear-her-message |