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a marxist analysis of cuba
The text below consists of major excerpts from a
resolution, "Death Agony of World Capitalism and the Crisis of
Proletarian Leadership" that was approved by Socialist Action's
national convention in August 1998. It contains the Marxist analysis of
Cuba held by Socialist Action and Youth for Socialist Action.
The Cuban revolution of 1959 profoundly changed economic and social life
on the island. Within two years after the revolution, the capitalist
system had been replaced by what we call a "workers state."
Cuba created a planned economy, with virtually all industry, large
commerce, and land holdings removed from private ownership and run for
the common welfare instead of for private profit.
In selecting the terms to describe Cuba, we have consistently rejected
use of the terms "deformed" or "degenerated" workers state.
There certainly are deformations of workers democracy in Cuba. But in
our terminology the term "deformed workers state" is both descriptive
and programmatic. It is politically equivalent to the view that the
state is controlled by a crystallized bureaucratic caste that must be
overthrown by political revolution.
As Joe Hansen put it in his article, "What the Discussion on Cuba Is
About," we qualify the designation of Cuba as a workers state by adding
that it is "'one lacking as yet the forms of democratic proletarian
rule,' meaning that while it is not 'deformed' in the sense of having
Stalinists in power, the state is not under the democratic control of
the workers and peasants...." (From "Dynamics of the Cuban Revolution.")
From the beginning, moreover, Cuba's revolutionists of action have
resisted counter-revolutionary pressures by Soviet and Cuban Stalinism.
Fidel Castro in 1962, when he was first secretary of the Integrated
Revolutionary Organizations (ORI) and prime minister of the
revolutionary Cuban government, led the first big open fight against
Stalinist bureaucracy and right-wing sectarianism.
The first confrontation occurred when Anibal Escalante, a leader of the
Stalinist faction of the ORI (which resulted from a fusion of Castro's
July 26th Movement and allied groupings with Escalante's Popular
Socialist Party) attempted a bureaucratic takeover of the ORI and state
apparatus. Fidel Castro took the Stalinists head on in his March 26,
1962, speech and dealt them a blow from which they never recovered.
And even now, in its current critical stage of existence, the Castroist
leadership has continued its efforts to block the formation of a
crystallized bureaucratic caste. At the most recent congress of the
Cuban Communist Party (October 1997),
the Castroist left wing of the
CCP were reported to have dealt their right wing a major setback.
And in Fidel Castro's July 26, 1998, speech-carried by all of Cuba's
electronic and printed media-he reaffirmed his party's and government's
commitment to their goal of world socialism.
Cuba's revolutionary leaders have from the outset demonstrated their
loyalty to the class interests of Cuba's workers in factory and field
and to all of the proletariat's natural allies. But
in regard to the need for
institutionalization of soviet-type workers' democracy, they have
established what they call "people's power," which is far short of true
workers' democracy.
True workers' democracy, modeled after the institutions created by
Russia's workers to carry through the October Revolution and serve as
the political embodiment of the dictatorship of the proletariat-not the
eviscerated version imposed by Stalin after his bloody political
counterrevolution-is vital to Cuba's socialist future.
But that does not mean that "peoples' power" is, or is designed to
become, a form of bourgeois parliamentary "democracy," such as Gorbachev
instituted in 1985 to mobilize non-proletarian social forces behind the
bureaucratic caste's attempt to make a transition to capitalism and
transform itself into a capitalist class.
Parliamentary democracy, better-known as dollar-democracy, gives
"everyone" the right to vote, but the power to mold and manufacture
"public opinion" is restricted to those few individuals with enough
dollars to maintain a veritable monopoly over the media of communication
as well as the means for purchasing politicians and state officials.
People's power, in short, is not
the institutionalization of workers' democracy that Joe Hansen
spoke of. But it's not bourgeois parliamentarianism either.
Of course, in the course of events,
backward and
counter-revolutionary forces active in Cuba may well attempt to give a
bourgeois-parliamentary content to people's power. And on the
other side, the revolutionary
forces in Cuban society may also seek to transform this ambiguous
electoral institution into a genuine democratic agency of the political
dictatorship of the working class.
These opposing tendencies are implicit in the current relationship of
forces in Cuba and in the world.
The revolutionary component of the Cuban party and government is
certainly aware of the very real danger attendant to opening its economy
to the penetration of foreign capital. The revolutionaries in Cuba are
fully aware that it is second nature for imperialist capitalism to
infiltrate the democratic institutions of the workers, their unions, and
their parties to corrupt and transform workers' leaders into their labor
and/or "socialist" lieutenants.
Thus, this fully justified fear may have caused them to underweigh the
potentially decisive contribution workers' democracy can make to the
defense of the revolution.
That, in our view, may or may not be a lack of confidence in the working
class and its historic role as the agency of world socialist revolution.
After all, the predominant policies followed by these exemplary
revolutionists of action are an expression of their confidence in the
working class and the historic alternatives facing the human race:
either forward to socialism, or barbarism, or worse will be its fate.
Moreover, we should not be so arrogant as to oversimplify the very
difficult position of this country of 11 million people, isolated and
blockaded by history's most ruthless and most powerful imperialist
behemoth just 90 miles from its shores.
This is an enemy with a destructive power capable of destroying all life
on earth many times over. And one that has repeatedly demonstrated that
it will not hesitate when it believes that the raining of death and
destruction on cities and nations is necessary for the defense of its
perceived right to kill any and all who threaten its class interests.
Cuba's revolutionists of action are fully aware of the responsibility
they bear and will think more than twice before moving faster and
further than they believe that the current objective relation of class
forces will permit.
We should continue to remain in
solidarity with the Cuban socialist revolution and in critical support
of its Castroist/Guevaraist leadership, which, at almost every
key historical juncture, has chosen the road of revolutionary action.
The character of the Cuban leadership has a content closer to
revolutionary Marxism than many of the currents which describe
themselves as such. Moreover, the leadership of the Cuban Communist
Party has shown a highly unusual capacity to learn from its own and
others' mistakes, and has also shown, most importantly, that it has the
courage to act according to its convictions.
Cuba remains the only workers' state that has not come under the
domination of a crystallized bureaucracy and which has not made other
than essentially tactical concessions to foreign capitalist investors in
Cuba in order to survive in a world dominated by a ruthless imperialist
colossus 90 miles away.
Their current focus on breaking through four decades of blockade and
economic sabotage by Yankee imperialism is indispensable to defending
the conquests of their socialist revolution. All indications are that
revolutionary Cuba has learned from the collapse of Stalinism and the
disintegration of the Soviet Union that there is no hope for Cuba within
the framework of a capitalist world economic order.
Paradoxically, the developing global economic crisis has impelled some
of the world's capitalist countries to invest in Cuba, essentially on
terms acceptable to Cuba under the given circumstances. And that, in
turn, contributes to identical pressures on American big business to
oppose Helms-Burton, albeit, half-heartedly.
American capitalists are also driven by their own narrow economic
interests to take advantage of a potentially lucrative Cuban market for
their own surplus goods and capital.
To be sure, this includes great risks for Cuba. The presence of hordes
of capitalist entrepreneurs with plenty of dollars to invest will have
contradictory effects. On the one hand, it can serve to ameliorate the
extreme hardships of the "special period." And on the other, investors
loaded with dollars and seeking to gain friends in positions of
influence can also have very harmful effects on Cuban society.
That's the rationale of the growing sector of American capitalists who
are in favor of trading with Cuba. They also know that from their
viewpoint this is also a risk, but the blockade hasn't worked anyway,
they argue, and they point out that once inside they have a fighting
chance of corrupting a large portion of the Cuban people.
The record of the Castroists, however, suggests that they are well aware
of the risks. But they have every right and a duty to their revolution
to try to break through the American imperialist blockade.
Workers' democracy, to be sure, is vital to the defense of the Cuban
revolution. But in and of itself it cannot solve the problem of an
isolated workers state in a hostile capitalist world.
And everything we know about
Cuba's revolutionaries, everything that has been said above, indicates
that they understand that their current trade policy is only a temporary
expedient but no solution.
Castro's July 26, 1998, speech mentioned above indicates that Cuba's
perspective remains as it was from the first days of their
revolution-the extension of their socialist revolution to the world. But
experience has taught them that their earlier strategy was deeply
flawed. And we have every reason to believe that when the unfolding
global economic crisis erupts, it will precipitate a pre-revolutionary
period of class struggle in the strongholds of world capitalism.
When the world crisis breaks out into the open, it could with surprising
speed bring masses of the world's revolutionary workers onto Cuba's side
in the global struggle between capitalist barbarism and a socialist
world order.
No one can predict what the Cubans, or for that matter any other current
in the world working class, will do when world capitalist equilibrium
collapses-including the many currents claiming to be Trotskyist or
quasi-Trotskyist. In any event,
we cannot discount the capacity of the Castroist leadership of the CCP
to rise up to meet that fateful challenge to the future of their
revolution as well as the very future of the human race.
In the early 1960s, the Castro/Guevaraist leaders of the Cuban
Revolution sought to extend their revolution primarily to Latin America.
This perspective made eminent sense to them because the Latin American
workers and peasants, inspired by the Cuban Revolution, were in
pre-revolutionary ferment.
The Cuban revolutionists of action, however, missed that opportunity
because of their mistaken guerrillaist strategy and their failure to
come to grips with counter-revolutionary Stalinism in Latin America.
This time it promises to be different. Besides having learned from their
mistakes, the dynamics of rising class struggle in the world of
imperialism promises to make it easier for Cuba's revolutionary leaders
to embrace the revolutionary proletarian strategy of class struggle
based on the method of the "Transitional Program."
And as small as our world movement is at this moment, we can play a key
role in helping the Cuban Communist Party draw the right lessons in the
course of the coming struggles. But
only if we remain on the solid
foundation of the historic theory and program of the Fourth
For more info on Cuba check out our
Cuba Links
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