The Workers
International League FAQ
Programme of the International (May
(Much has
changed since this document was first produced, and we have
continually refined and updated our perspectives and
analysis in subsequent books and articles. However, the
historical value of this document, especially those parts
concerning the history of the internationals, the rise of
proletarian Bonapartism, and the post-WWII period retain
their full force and value)
THE 1st & 2nd
Without an international perspective, programme and policy,
it is impossible to build a movement which can face up to
the tasks of transforming society. An International is a
programme, policy and a method, and its organisation is the
means for carrying that through. The need for the
International flows from the position of the working class
internationally. This in its turn has been developed by
capitalism through the organisation of world economy as one
single indivisible whole. The interests of the working-class
of one country are the same as the interests of the workers
of the other countries. Because of the division of labour
established by capitalism, the basis is laid for a new
international organisation of labour and planned production
on a world scale. Thus, the struggle of the working class on
all countries forms the basis for the movement towards
Capitalism, through the private ownership of the means of
production, developed industry and smashed the local
particularism of Feudalism. It broke down the archaic
customs dues, tolls and exactions of Feudalism. Its great
creation is the national state and the world market. But
once having accomplished this task, it itself has become a
fetter on the development of production. The national state
and private ownership of the means of production hamper the
development of society. Production possibilities can only be
fully utilised by abolishing national barriers and
establishing a European and World Federation of Workers'
states. These, with state ownership and workers' management,
are a necessary transition stage on the road to socialism.
It is these factors which dictate the strategy and tactics
of the proletariat, as reflected in its conscious
leadership. In the aphorisms of Marx 'the workers have no
country and therefore 'Workers of the world unite'.
It was with these considerations in mind that Marx first
organised the First International as a means of uniting the
advanced layers of the working-class on an international
scale. In the First International were British Trade
Unionists, French Radicals and Russian Anarchists. Guided by
Marx, it laid the framework for the development of the
Labour Movement in Europe, Britain and America. In its day,
the bourgeoisie trembled before the menace of Communism in
the form of the International. It established deep roots in
the main European countries. After the collapse of the Paris
Commune, there was an upswing of capitalism on a world
scale. Under these conditions, the pressures of capitalism
on the labour movement resulted in internal quarrels and
factionalism. The intrigues of the Anarchists received
heightened impetus. The growth of capitalism in an organic
upswing in its turn affected the organisation
internationally. Under such circumstances, after first
moving the headquarters of the organisation to New York,
Marx and Engels decided that, for the time being, it would
be better to dissolve the International in 1876.
The work of Marx and Engels bore fruit in mass organisations
of the proletariat in Germany, France, Italy and other
countries as Marx had foreseen. This in its turn prepared
the way for the organisation of the International on the
principles of Marxism, which embraced greater masses. Thus
in 1889, the Second International was born. But the
development of the Second International largely took place
within the framework of an organic upswing in capitalism,
and while in words espousing the ideas of Marxism, the top
layers of world social democracy came under the pressure of
capitalism. The leaders of the Social Democratic Parties and
the Trade Union mass organisations of the working class,
became infected with the habits and style of living of the
ruling class. The habit of compromise and discussion with
the ruling class became second nature. The negotiation of
differences through compromise moulded their habits of
thought. They believed that the steady increase in the
standard of living, due to the pressure of the mass
organisations, would continue indefinitely. The leaders
raised themselves a step higher above the masses in their
conditions of existence. This affected the top layers of the
Parliamentarians and the Trade Unions. 'Conditions determine
consciousness' and the decades of peaceful development which
followed the Commune of 1870, changed the character of the
leadership of the mass organisations. Supporting Socialism
and the dictatorship of the proletariat in words, and
espousing Internationalism in phrases, in practice the
leadership had gone over to the support of the national
state. At the Basle Conference of 1912, with growing
contradictions of world imperialism and the inevitability of
world war, the Second International resolved to oppose by
all means, including general strike and civil war, the
attempt to throw the peoples into senseless slaughter. Lenin
and the Bolsheviks, together with Luxembourg, Trotsky and
other leaders of the movement, participated in the
organisation of the Second International as the means for
the liberation of mankind from the shackles of capitalism.
In 1914, the leaders of Social Democracy in nearly all
countries rallied to the support of their own ruling class
in the First World War. So unexpected was the crisis and the
betrayer of the principles of Socialism, that even Lenin
believed that the issue of Vorwaerts, the central organ of
the German Social Democracy, containing the support for the
war credits was a forgery of the German General Staff. The
International had ingloriously collapsed at its first
serious test.
Lenin, Trotsky, Liebknecht, Luxemburg, MacLean and Connolly
and other Leaders were reduced to leading small sects. The
Internationalists of the world in 1916, as the participants
of the Zimmerwald Conference joked, could be gathered
together in a few stage coaches. The unexpectedness of the
betrayal led to the position where the Internationalists,
isolated and weak, tended to be a little ultra-left. In
order to differentiate themselves from 'Social Patriots' and
'Traitors to Socialism', they were compelled to lay down the
fundamental principles of Marxism - the responsibility of
Imperialism for War, the right to self-determination of
Nationalities, the need for the conquest of power,
separation from the practice and policies of reformism.
Lenin had declared that the idea that the First World War
was a 'war to end wars' was a pernicious fairy-tale of the
Labour bosses. If the war was not followed by a series of
successful Socialist Revolutions, it would be followed by a
second, a third, even a tenth world war till the possible
annihilation of mankind. The blood and the suffering in the
trenches to the profit of the millionaire monopolists would
inevitably provoke a revolt of the peoples against the
colossal slaughter.
The principles achieved their justification in the Russian
Revolution of 1917, under the leadership of the Bolsheviks.
This was followed by a series of revolutions and
revolutionary situations from 1917 to 1921. However the
young forces of the new International, which was officially
founded in 1919, were weak and immature. As a consequence,
though the effect of the Russian Revolution was to provoke a
wave of radicalisation in most of the countries of Western
Europe and the organisation of mass Communist Parties, they
were too weak to take advantage of the situation. The first
waves of the radicalisation saw the masses turning to their
traditional organisations and because of the inexperience,
lack of understanding of Marxist theory, method and
organisation, and due to their immaturity, the young
Communist Parties were incapable of taking advantage of the
situation. Thus capitalism was able to stabilize itself
In the revolutionary situation in Germany in 1923, because
of the policies of the leadership, which went through the
same crisis as the leadership of the Bolshevik Party in
1917, the opportunity to take power was missed. After this
American Imperialism hastened to come to the aid of German
capitalism for fear of 'Bolshevism' in the west. This
prepared the way for the degeneration of the Soviet Union,
because of its isolation and backwardness, and the
corruption and rotting away of the Third International.
In 1923 we had the beginning of the consolidation of the
Stalinist Bureaucracy and its usurpation of power in the
Soviet Union. A similar process to that which had taken
place in the degeneration of the Second International over
the decades, took place in a short period of time in the
Soviet Union. Having conquered power in a backward country,
the Marxists were prepared confidently for the international
revolution as the only solution to the problems of the
workers of Russia and of the world. But in 1924, Stalin came
forward as the representative of Officialdom which had
raised itself above the level of the masses of the workers
and peasants.
Where 'Art, Science and Government' had remained their
preserve, instead of the ideas of Marx and Lenin of the
participation in Government and the running of industry by
the mass of the population, the vested interests of the
privileged layers came to the fore. In the autumn of 1924,
Stalin in violation of the traditions of Marxism and
Bolshevism, for the first time brought out the utopian
theory of 'Socialism in one country'. The Internationalists
under Trotsky fought against this theory and predicted that
it would result in the collapse of the Communist
International and the national degeneration of its sections.
Theory is not an abstraction but a guide to struggle.
Theories, when they secure mass support, must represent the
interests and pressure of groupings, castes or classes, in
society. Thus the theory of 'Socialism in one country',
represented the ideology of the ruling caste in the Soviet
Union, that layer of Officialdom who were satisfied with the
results of the revolution, and did not want their privileged
position disturbed. It was this outlook which now began to
change the Communist International from an instrument of
international revolution into merely a border-guard for the
defence of the Soviet Union, which was supposed to be busily
constructing Socialism on its own.
The expulsion of the Left Opposition in the Communist
Parties which stood by the principles of Internationalism
and Marxism, now took place. The defeat of the British
General Strike and the Chinese Revolution of 1925-1927,
prepared the way for this development. At this stage it was
a question of 'mistakes' in the policies of Stalin, Bukharin
and their henchmen. It was a question of their position as
ideologists of the privileged layer and the enormous
pressures of capitalism and reformism. These mistakes of
leadership had doomed the movement of the proletariat in
other countries to defeat and disaster.
Having burned their fingers in trying to conciliate the
Reformists in the West and the Colonial bourgeoisie in the
East, Stalin and his clique zig-zagged to an ultra-Left
position, dragging the leadership of the Communist
International with them. They split the German workers
instead of advocating a United Front to prevent Fascism
coming to power in Germany, and thus prepared the way, by
paralysis of the German proletariat, for the victory of
Hitler. The degeneration of the Soviet Union and the
betrayal of the Third International in its turn prepared the
way for the crimes and betrayal of the Stalinist
counter-revolution in the Soviet Union.
Apart from the nationalisation of the means of production,
the monopoly of foreign trade and planned production,
nothing remains of the heritage of October. The purge, the
one sided civil war in the Soviet Union, had their
counterparts in the parties of the Communist International.
The victory of Hitler and the defeats in Spain and France
were the results of these developments. From 1924 to 1927,
Stalin had based himself on an alliance with- the Kulaks and
'Nepmen' in the Soviet Union, and the 'building of Socialism
at a snail's pace'. At the same time, abroad Stalinism stood
for a 'neutralisation' of the capitalists, and a
conciliation of the Social-Democrats as a means of
'warding-off' the threat of war. The defeat of the Left
Opposition in the Soviet Union, with its programme of a
return to Workers' Democracy, and the introduction of
five-year plans, was due to the international defeats of the
proletariat, caused by Stalinist policies.
From grovelling before the Social Democrats, and other
international 'friends of the Soviet Union', the Communist
International swung over to the policies of the 'third
period'. The slump of 1929-33 was supposed to be 'the last
crisis of capitalism'. Fascism and Social Democracy were
twins, and these 'theories' paved the way for the terrible
defeats of the international working-class.
At the same time, the policies of the Left Opposition in
Russia won over the most advanced elements in the most
important Communist Parties in the world. The Lessons of
October, a work by Trotsky, dealt with the lessons of the
abortive revolution of 1923 in Germany. The general
programme of the opposition at home and abroad was answered
by expulsions not only in the Russian Party, but in the main
sections of the International. There was a rise of
opposition groups in Germany, France, Britain, Spain, USA,
South Africa and other countries. The programme of the
opposition at this time was one of reform in the Soviet
Union and the International, and the adoption of correct
policies as against the opportunism of the period of 1923 to
1927, and the adventurism of the period from 1927 to 1933.
These splits, as Engels had remarked in another connection,
were a healthy development in the sense of attempting to
maintain the best traditions of Bolshevism and of the ideal
of the Communist International. The crisis of leadership was
the crisis of the International and of all mankind. Thus,
these splits were a means of maintaining the ideals and
methods of Marxism. In the first period of its existence,
the Left Opposition regarded itself as a section of the
Communist International; although expelled, and stood for
the reform of the International.
The masses, and even the advanced layers of the proletariat,
only learn through the lessons of great events. All history
has shown that the masses can never give up their old
organisations until these have been tested in the fire of
experience. Up till 1933, the Marxist wing of the
International still stood for the reform of the Soviet Union
and the Communist International. Whether they would remain
viable organisations would be shown by the test of history.
Thus tenaciously the opposition maintained itself, although
formally outside the ranks, as part of the International.
It was the coming to power of Hitler and the refusal of the
Communist International to learn the lesson of the defeat
which doomed it as an instrument of the working-class in the
struggle for Socialism. Far from analysing the reasons for
the fatal policy of Social Fascism, the sections of the
Communist International declared the victory of Hitler to be
a victory for the working-class, and as late as 1934
continued the same suicidal policies in France, of united
action with the Fascists against the 'Social Fascists' and
the 'Radical Fascists'. Daladier, which if successful would
have prepared the way for the Fascist coup in France in
February 1934.
This betrayal and the terrible effect of the Hitler defeat
led to a reappraisal of the role of the Communist
International. An International which could perpetrate the
treachery of surrendering the German proletariat to Hitler,
without a shot being fired and without provoking a crisis
within its ranks, could no longer serve the needs of the
proletariat. An International which could acclaim this
disaster as a victory could not fulfil its role as a
leadership of the proletariat. As an instrument of World
Socialism, the Third International was dead. From an
instrument of International Socialism, the Communist
International had degenerated into a complete and docile
tools of the Kremlin, into an instrument of Russian Foreign
Policy. It was now necessary to prepare the way for the
organisation of a Fourth International, untarnished with the
crimes and betrayals which besmirched the Reformist and
Stalinist Internationals.
As in the days after the collapse of the Second
International, the Revolutionary Internationalists remained
small isolated sects. In Belgium they had a couple of MPs
and an organisation of a thousand or two, in Austria and
Holland, the same. The forces of the new international were
weak and immature, nevertheless they had the guidance and
assistance of Trotsky, and the perspectives of great
historical events. They were educated on the basis of an
analysis of the experience of the Second and Third
Internationals, and of the Russian, German and Chinese
Revolutions and the British General Strike, and of the great
events which had followed the First World War. In this way
cadres were to be trained and educated, as the indispensable
skeleton of the body of the new International.
It was this period, taking into account the historical
isolation of the movement from the mass organisations of the
Social Democracy and Communist party, that the tactic of 'entrism'
was evolved. In order to win the best workers, it was
necessary to find a way of influencing them. This could only
be done by working together with them in the mass
organisations. Thus beginning with the ILP in Britain, the
idea of entrism was worked out for the mass organisations of
Social Democracy. This, where they were in a state of crisis
and moving towards the left. Thus, with the developing
revolutionary situation in France there was an entry into
the Socialist Party. In Britain the entry of the ILP, then
in a state of flux and ferment after breaking from the
Labour Party, was followed by entry by many of the
Trotskyists, on Trotsky's advice, into the Labour Party. In
the USA there was an entry into the Socialist Party.
In the main, the pre-war period was one of preparation and
orientation and selection of cadres or leading elements to
be trained and steeled theoretically and practically, in the
movement of the masses.
The tactic of entry was also considered as a short term
expedient, forced on the revolutionaries by their isolation
from the masses, and the impossibility of tiny organisations
getting the ear and finding support among the mass of the
working class. It was for the purpose of working among the
radical elements looking for revolutionary solutions, who
would in the first place turn towards the mass organisations.
But always under all conditions the main ideas of Marxism
should be put forward and the revolutionary banner i.e. the
ideas of Marxism, maintained and defended. It was a question
of acquiring experience and understanding, of combating both
sectarianism and opportunism. It was a means of developing a
flexible approach, with the implacability of principle, as a
means of preparing the cadres for the great events which
The defeats of the working class in Germany, France and in
the civil war in Spain, the defeats of the immediate
post-war period, which were entirely due to the policies of
the Second and Third Internationals, in their turn prepared
the way for the Second World War. The paralysis of the
proletariat in Europe, in conjunction with the new
aggravated crisis of world capitalism made the Second World
War absolutely inevitable. It was in this atmosphere that
the 1938 founding conference of the Fourth International
took place.
The document which was adopted at the conference itself is
an indication of the reason for its foundation. The
Transitional Programme of the FI is linked to the idea of
mass work, which itself is geared to the idea of the
Socialist Revolution through transitional slogans, from
today's contradictory reality. As distinct from the minimum
and maximum programme of the Social Democracy is put the
idea of a Transitional Programme, transitional from
capitalism to the socialist revolution. This is an
indication of the consideration of the epoch as one of wars
and revolutions. Thus, all work has to be linked to the idea
of the Socialist Revolution.
The perspective of Trotsky was that of war, which in its
turn would provoke revolution. The problem of Stalinism
would be resolved one way or another. Either the Soviet
Union would be regenerated through political revolution
against Stalinism, or the victory of the revolution in one
of the important countries would resolve the situation on a
world scale. With proletarian revolution victorious, the
problem of the Internationals of both Stalinism and
Reformism would be solved by events themselves.
This conditional prognosis, although revealing a fundamental
understanding of processes in class society, was not borne
out by events. Due to the peculiar military and political
events of the war, Stalinism was temporarily strengthened.
The revolutionary wave, during and following the Second
World War in Europe was this time betrayed by the Stalinists
in a worse fashion than the revolutionary wave following the
First World War was betrayed by the leaders of the Second
The International remained, as it must even up to the
present day, on the principles worked out and evolved in the
first four Congresses of the Communist International and the
experience of Stalinism, Fascism and the great events up to
the Second World War. Trotsky's idea in pushing for the
foundation of the Fourth International in 1938 was because
of the collapse of Stalinism and reformism as revolutionary
tendencies within the working class. Both had become
enormous obstacles on the path of the emancipation of the
working class, and from being a means for the destruction of
capitalism had become incapable of leading the proletariat
to the victory of the Socialist Revolution.
The question of new parties and a new International was a
question of the immediate perspectives which lay ahead. A
new world war in its turn would provoke a new revolutionary
wave in the metropolitan countries and among the colonial
peoples. The problems of Stalinism in Russia and the world
would thereby be solved by these revolutionary perspectives.
Under these conditions it was imperative to prepare
organisationally as well as politically for the great events
which were on the order of the day. Thus, in 1938 Trotsky
predicted that within ten years nothing would be left of the
old traitor organisations, and the Fourth International
would have become the decisive revolutionary force on the
planet. There was nothing wrong with the basic analysis but
every prognosis is conditional; the multiplicity of factors,
economically, politically, socially, can always result in a
different development than that foreseen. The weakness of
the revolutionary forces, indeed, has been a decisive factor
in the development of world politics, in the more than
thirty years since Trotsky wrote. Unfortunately, the
mandarins of the 'Fourth International', on its leading
body, without Trotsky's guidance and without Trotsky's
presence interpreted this idea of Trotsky's not as a worked
out thesis but as literally correct. (See note 1)
The War developed on different lines to what even the
greatest theoretical geniuses could have expected. The
process has been explained in many documents of our
tendency. The victories of Hitler in the first period of the
war among other factors, was due to the policies of
Stalinism in the preceding period. The attack on the Soviet
Union, and the crimes and bestialities of the Nazis (Fascism
is the chemically distilled essence of Imperialism as
Trotsky once explained), without any check or balance from
the working class in Germany, prostrate and without rights
in front of the Nazi monsters, meant that the workers' and
peasants in the Soviet Union saw as an immediate task, not
the cleansing and restoration of workers' democracy in the
Soviet Union through the political revolution, but the
defeat of the Nazi hordes. As a consequence for a whole
historical period, Stalinism was temporarily strengthened.
The war in Europe resolved itself largely into a war between
Stalinist Russia and Nazi Germany. Anglo-American
Imperialism miscalculated the perspective completely. They
had visualised that either the Soviet Union would be
defeated, in which case they would then knock out a weakened
Germany and emerge as the world victors, or that the Soviet
Union would be so weakened in the course of the bloody
holocaust on the eastern Front, that they would be enabled
to dictate the course of world politics, world diplomacy and
world redivision according to their whims and desires.
Trotsky's calculation proved correct in the sense that the
Second World War was succeeded by an even greater
revolutionary wave than after the First World War, but the
masses of the different countries of Europe where, after
Russia was attacked, the Communist Parties had played the
major role in the resistance to the Nazis, rallied to the
Communist Party and also in many countries to the Social
Democrats. Already at this stage, the outline was given of
the collapse of the leaders of the nascent International in
the disputes which began to take place.
In 1944 it was necessary to re-orientate the movement in
order to understand that a lengthy period of capitalist
democracy in the West and of Stalinist domination in Russia
was on the order of the day. In the documents of the
Revolutionary Communist Party, it was made clear that the
next period in western Europe was that of counter-revolution
in a democratic form. This was because of the impossibility
of the bourgeoisie maintaining their rule in Western Europe
without the aid of Stalinism and of Social Democracy.
The International Secretariat (ISFI) equivocated, the
American Socialist Workers Party and some of the other
leaders temporised on the question and argued that on the
contrary the only form of rule which the bourgeoisie could
maintain in Europe was that of a military dictatorship and
Bonapartism. Incapable of understanding the turn which had
taken place in historical development, they could not
understand that Stalinist Russia emerged strengthened out of
the war, and that far from Imperialism being on the
offensive, it was Imperialism that was on the defensive.
The alliance of Anglo-American Imperialism and the Soviet
Bureaucracy, was dictated by mutual fear of the Socialist
Revolution in the advanced countries of the world. At the
same time the revolutionary wave sweeping over Europe and
the World, made it impossible for Anglo-American
Imperialism, at a time when it was at its strongest in
relation to Russia, and Russia at her weakest, to take
advantage of the situation by an intervention on the scale
even of that of 1918. They were impotent because of the
revolutionary wave. Not understanding the changed
relationship of forces, and the meaning of the enormous
tidal-wave of revolution, the resolution drafted by the ISFI
for the World Conference of 1946 even declared that
'diplomatic pressure alone' could 'restore capitalism in the
Soviet Union'!
With complete lack of perspective in relation to Western
Europe, their position on the theoretical problems facing
the movement in relation to Eastern Europe, was even worse.
They did not understand the impulse given to the revolution
by the advance of the Red Army, an impulse which was then
used by the bureaucracy for their own ends. After using it,
they then strangled the revolution. It was not a question of
the Stalinists capitulating to capitalism under these
conditions, but carrying through the revolution and then
refashioning it in a Stalinist-Bonapartist form.
The 'alliance' between the classes in Eastern Europe was
like that in Spain of the Popular Front, an alliance not
with the capitalists but with the shadow of the capitalist
class. But in Spain they allowed the shadow to acquire
substance. The real power in Republican Spain was handed to
the capitalist class, but in all the countries in Eastern
Europe the substance of power, the army and the police, were
held by the Stalinist Parties, and they only allowed the
shadow of power to the coalition allies.
The Stalinists used the revolutionary situation in all these
countries; where the ruling class had been compelled to
evacuate with the Nazi Armies as they retreated, because of
fear of the revenge of the masses, for their collaboration
with the Nazis. As the Nazi Armies retreated, the state
structure collapsed. The army and the police fled or went
into hiding. Thus the only armed force in Eastern Europe was
the Red Army. Balancing between the classes, the Bonapartist
clique proceeded to construct a state not in the image of
Russia of 1917, but of the Russia of Stalin. A state in the
image of Moscow 1945 was created.
These new historical phenomena, although foreshadowed in
Trotsky's writings, were a closed book to the so-called
leaders of the International. They declared the countries of
Eastern Europe to be State Capitalist, while Russia, of
course, still remained a degenerated Workers' State. Such a
position was incompatible with any Marxist analysis. For, if
Eastern Europe, where the means of production had been
nationalised and a plan of production had been produced, was
capitalist then it was absurd to maintain that Russia, where
the same conditions of bureaucratic dictatorship were in
existence, was any sort of Workers' State. The conditions
were fundamentally the same.
Thus, both for Western and Eastern Europe, these 'leaders'
were incapable of understanding the perspectives and of
basing the education of the revolutionary cadres on them.
Important forces in France and in other countries were
frittered away in the arguments over these questions.
But their record in relation to the second greatest event in
human history, the Chinese Revolution, was if anything
worse. Not understanding the peasant war waged by Mao Tse-Tung
and his followers, and not calculating the world
relationship of forces, they were content to repeat at this
time ideas which they had taken from Trotsky's work but not
understood. The declared that Mao was endeavoring to
capitulate to Chiang Kai-Shek, and that there was a
repetition of the revolution of 1925-27. In the first place,
the civil war was being waged on the question of land, and
the constant offers of peace by the Chinese Stalinists were
on the basis of land reform, and the expropriation of
'bureaucratic capital', a programme which it was impossible
for Chiang to accept. They had not understood that as a
consequence of the experience of China since the 1925-27
revolution and the complete incapacity of Chinese
Bourgeoisie to solve the problems of the Democratic
Revolution; of the national unification of China and the
struggle against Imperialism, as revealed in the war against
Japan - that new perspectives were opening out.
On the one hand, there was the passivity of the working
class in China and on the other, the peasant war, which was
on the lines of those which had developed in China many
times previously in the course of the last millennium. There
was also the paralysis of imperialism due to the
revolutionary wave following the Second World War. All these
factors gave the possibility of a new direction of events.
In 1947, in a document analysing the position in China, (in
reply to David James) the RCP foreshadowed the steps which
Mao would take in the event of victory in the civil war, a
victory which was inevitable under the circumstances.
At that time the leaders of the Chinese Communist Party were
declaring that China stood before fifty years of 'capitalist
democracy'. They had their alliance with the so-called
'national capitalists', but Marxist analysis would not take
this very seriously. Power was in the hands of the Red Army.
Thus, we predicted that on the model of Eastern Europe, Mao
would balance between the classes, and in the changed
conditions, nationally and internationally, would construct
a state in the image of that where Stalin had finished and
not where Lenin had begun. Thus, right from the start of the
revolution, China was heading towards a Bonapartist workers'
state. The leaders of the International Secretariat and of
the Chinese section maintained that Mao was capitulating to
capitalism and to Chiang-Kai-Shek. Even after the complete
victory of the Chinese Stalinists the ISFI did not
understand its significance, but declared that China like
Eastern Europe, was State Capitalist, although they did not
define the term.
They then declared for grandiose revolutionary perspectives
in China and in Eastern Europe. Mao would not be able to
maintain his 'capitalist rule' for long. In Eastern Europe
the 'State Capitalist' regimes were in a state of immediate
crisis, which would lead to their overthrow. They did not
understand that, leaving aside events in the main capitalist
metropolitan countries or a victorious political revolution
in Russia, that for a decade or two at least, the regimes in
eastern Europe and in China, would remain firmly in control.
They continued to repeat that the world war was going to
solve the problems of the revolution, and in the case of one
leader, as the war had not solved the problems, he
maintained that 'the war was still on'. After the war they
immediately declared monotonously, that there was going to
be an immediate outbreak of a new world war, each succeeding
year onwards from 1945, a nuclear war was going to bring
Socialism. In diluted form, even today, they repeat this
idea. At each crisis of Imperialism, or between imperialism
and the Soviet Bureaucracy, they get out the tom-toms and
beat out the same hoary message. To this day, they have not
understood that the problems of war in the modern epoch is a
problem of the relationship between the classes; that only
definitive defeats of the working class in the main
capitalist countries, particularly America, can lay the
basis for a new world war. (See our documents on the
question, in particular 'World Perspectives').
As always, the hammering that their ideas received on the
basis of events, coupled with their refusal to analyse their
mistakes, merely pushed the ISFI into opposite and worse
mistakes; from declaring China and Eastern Europe capitalist
states, they now passed to the opposite extreme.
After the National Bureaucracy in Yugoslavia under Tito,
came into conflict with the Russian Bureaucracy they now
discovered that Yugoslavia was a 'relatively healthy
workers' state'. Not understanding the nature of the
conflict, in which critical support should have been given
to the Yugoslavs, they began to idealise 'hero Tito' and to
declare that the new International could arise on Yugoslav
Having been forced to change their characterisation of China
from a Capitalist State to that of a workers' state, they
declared that China too was a 'relatively healthy workers
state'! They did not take into account the conditions and
the way in which the revolution had taken place in China.
The immeasurable backwardness of China in comparison with
Russia, the fact that the working class had played no
independent role in these great events, and, therefore had
remained passive; that on a world scale, for a whole
historical period, even though temporarily, capitalism had
succeeded in stabilising itself in the west and that the
Socialist Revolution was not imminent in the metropolitan
countries of the west, meant that therefore, the Chinese
Stalinists and the Chinese Bureaucracy had an even greater
stranglehold on the Chinese State and the Chinese people
than even the Russian Bureaucracy had obtained. For the
Socialist Revolution, it requires above all, the conscious
participation of the working class in the revolution, and
after the revolution the conscious control and democratic
participation of the workers in the running of industry and
the state by the working class. To this day those 'leaders'
have not understood this problem and still regard China and
Yugoslavia as 'relatively healthy workers' states', which
merely require reform, similar to that of the Russia of
1917-23, and not at all political revolution, defined and
understood by Trotsky.
Thus they reinforced the errors of their previous position
by violating some of the fundamental ideas of Marxism, but
now at the opposite pole. They repeated this process like
the Stalinists before them: at every great turn of events,
zig-zagging from one position to another, and never using
the Marxist method of analysing events from their original
standpoint, correcting the errors and preparing the way for
a higher level of thought on this basis. Each change in
line, each change in tactic, abruptly brought forward like
tablets from on high, to be given in resounding speeches and
documents to the faithful. It is this, among other factors,
which was one of the main causes of the complete incapacity
to orientate correctly to the development of events. Such an
honesty of purpose can be obtained only by those confident
of themselves, of their ideas, and of their political
authority. Only by such means can cadres of the
revolutionary movement be educated, built and steeled for
the great task which impends before mankind.
Having maintained that the whole of Eastern Europe and China
were some peculiar form of State Capitalism which was never
defined, analysed or explained they now went off at a 180
degree tangent: without explanation and analysis, purely
impressionistically they did a complete somersault. The
Yugoslav regime having broken with Stalin because of the
vested interests of the Yugoslav bureaucracy, they
discovered in Tito a new saviour for the Fourth
International. Yugoslavia was transformed into a 'relatively
healthy workers' state'.
Instead of seeing on the one hand, of course, the need to
give critical support to the struggle of the Yugoslav people
against national oppression by the Russian Bureaucracy, but
at the same time explaining the vested interests of the
national bureaucracy in the split, they idealised the
latter. Whereas in Russia a political revolution still
remained necessary (this must have been for some remote
historical reason because Trotsky said so. They didn't
explain the reasons. Deutscher managed to make the
transition and discover that political revolution was not
necessary in Russia). In Yugoslavia the ISFI now discovered
that a Socialist revolution had taken place during the war
and the post-war period.
As a consequence of this, whereas the Socialist revolution
in Russia had been isolated, the revolution in Yugoslavia,
because of the revolution in Russia, had not been isolated.
The ISFI said the reason for the development of Stalinism in
Russia was the fact that it was the only country where the
revolution had been triumphant: now that the revolution had
been expanded, there was no question of a similar
deformation taking place. Therefore, they concluded
triumphantly, there could be no repetition of Stalinism in
Yugoslavia, and consequently, in Yugoslavia there was a
healthy workers' state with minor deformations. They
proceeded to organise international work-teams to render
assistance to 'building socialism' in Yugoslavia.
Their propaganda was as uncritical and laudatory as the
Stalinist propaganda for visits of youth teams 'to build
Socialism in Russia.' The whole episode is an indication of
the sociological 'method' of this tendency. Mandel and Co.
put forward the same argument for the so-called 'cultural
revolution' in China, and of course, to this day for Cuba.
In the first place it was the backwardness of the Soviet
Union together with its isolation, and the defeats of the
world working class which was responsible for the rise to
power of the Stalinist bureaucracy in Russia. But once
having come to power, the bureaucracy itself with the state
power in its hands, becomes an independent factor in the
situation. The Stalinist Bureaucracy in Yugoslavia was no
different in fundamentals from that in Russia. The Tito
clique began where Stalin ended. At no time was there
workers' democracy such as that of Russia of 1917-23. The
movement in Yugoslavia during the war was mainly a national
peasant war of liberation. The state which was constructed
was a one party totalitarian regime in the image of Russia
with the perfected Stalinist apparatus.
Yugoslavia was a very backward country. Consequently in the
Yugoslavian state apparatus were incorporated the elements
of the old ruling class, in diplomacy, in the Army and the
rest of the state apparatus.
This was the same process, of course, as that which had
taken place in Russia. But without the check and control of
workers' democracy, there could be no question of a healthy
workers' state. A movement towards socialism in a
transitional economy requires the conscious control and
participation by the working class. Thus under these
circumstances, like conditions and causes give and must give
the same results. Leaving aside this or that peculiarity,
the fundamental features of the regime in Yugoslavia were no
different from those of Stalinism in Russia. It was a
complete revision of Marxism to suggest otherwise.
To this day, all those tendencies which took up this
position have not re-evaluated their theoretical attitude in
the light of events. From Pablo, through Posadas, Healy,
Mandel and Hansen, no attempt has been made to re-evaluate
their theoretical errors. Consequently the most weird
combinations of ideas manage to jog together in their
writings. Healy finds it quite consistent to characterise
Cuba as State Capitalist, while hailing the so-called new
version of the Paris-Commune in the Cultural Revolution in
China. The 'Voix Ouvriere' (now 'Lutte Ouvriere') tendency
in France, still remaining on the position of the IS of
1945-47 after 35 years of events, still finds it compatible
to say that Russia is a degenerated workers' state, while
Eastern Europe, Yugoslavia and Cuba are capitalist states.
CAPITALIST. The United Secretariat itself, through all its
zig-zags, pays the penalty of a lack of theoretical honesty
by compounding the mistakes of the past.
Thus, to this day, they remain cloudy on the question of
whether a political revolution is necessary in China and
Yugoslavia, the majority believing that these are
'relatively healthy' workers' states, and so no political
revolution is necessary, but only reform.
During the course of the last quarter century, this tendency
has lost completely its theoretical moorings. Caught by
surprise by the development of events, they have always
reacted empirically and impressionistically, capitulating to
the immediate reality without seeing the future development,
inevitable under the circumstances, of groupings and
tendencies. Not only in relation to Tito in Yugoslavia,
which arises from the incorrect analysis and lack of
understanding of proletarian bonapartism, but also in
relation to all the big events in the countries of the
Stalinist bloc. The movement in 1956 in Hungary, which took
the form of a complete overthrow of the bureaucracy and the
beginning of a political revolution in general, they
supported - not to have done so would have meant abandoning
any pretence to stand in the tradition of Trotskyism. But
this did not prevent them from lumping the movement in
Poland taking place at the same time, in the same category
as the Hungarian Revolution.
They did not see that in Hungary there was almost the
complete destruction of the so-called Communist Party and
the beginning of an organisation of a new workers' movement.
The Hungarian workers, after the experiences of Stalinist
totalitarianism, were not prepared to tolerate for a single
moment, the construction of a new totalitarian Stalinist
state during the course of the revolution.
In Poland events developed somewhat differently. The
national struggle against the oppression of the great
Russian Bureaucracy was derailed by a section of the Polish
bureaucrats onto national Stalinist lines. Not understanding
this, the leaders of the ISFI saw in Gomulka the
representative of 'democratic communism'. They did not see
that he represented that wing of the Polish bureaucracy
which wanted to establish itself as 'master in its own
house' and relatively independent of the Russian
Bureaucracy. That there was no fundamental difference
between them and the reformist wing of the Russian
bureaucracy was not clear to them. No more than Kruschev did
they really wish to renew the basis of the revolution, or
turn towards Russia of 1917. What was more to the point,
that they were opposed to the attempt to install socialist
democracy in Hungary. Therefore the potential political
revolution in Poland was derailed on national Stalinist
lines. Like his national Stalinist brothers in Russia, the
Polish bureaucrat could only swing from repression to reform
and back again while maintaining the Stalinist apparatus
intact. The ISFI saw in Gomulka the beginning of a complete
change in the situation in Poland, as they had illusions in
the de-Stalinisation in the Soviet Union. At each stage in
events, they have looked to some sort of Messiah to save
them from isolation and lack of mass forces. Each time they
have been doomed to disillusion and disappointment.
Not content with having burned their fingers with Maoism,
the split between Russia and China, which caught them by
surprise, - nevertheless resulted in a refurbishing of the
illusions of Maoism. They dusted out the 'secret' idea that
China was a healthy workers' state with minor blemishes, a
state requiring merely reform and not overthrow. (See note
2) Mao was to be the new saviour. They completely
misinterpreted the meaning of the 'cultural revolution' in
Trotsky had already explained that proletarian Bonapartism
sometimes rested on the workers and peasants in order to
purge the worse excesses of the greedy and rapacious
bureaucracy. In the introduction of the 5 year plans in
Russia, for a period Stalin leaned on the workers and
peasants, and even engendered enthusiasm among the workers
for what they considered to be socialist construction. But
this did not alter the character, methods and policy of
Stalinism. This did not change the character of the state
regime. Making a scapegoat of individuals, or even a section
of the bureaucracy, far from changing anything fundamentally
merely reinforced bureaucratic rule. Thus Maoism and the
'cultural revolution' did not change anything fundamentally
in China.
Mao, resting on the basis of workers and peasants stuck
blows at sections of the bureaucracy which had accumulated
privileges and a material position far in excess of what the
weak productive forces in China could maintain. The
differentiation between workers and peasants and
bureaucratic layers had reached such an extent as to provoke
enormous dissatisfaction among the workers and peasants.
Thus if the workers and peasants were to be harnessed for
the tasks of producing heavy industry, nuclear arms and a
reinforcement of production in China, it was necessary, if
only temporarily, to cut down on these privileges. But the
'cultural revolution' was organised from the top, from the
beginning to the end. To talk of new versions of the Paris
Commune in Shanghai, Peking and the other cities of China,
was to bespatter with mud the tradition of the Commune and
the Russian Revolution. The inevitable end of this
experience, as with Gomulka in Poland, was the reinforcement
of the power of the bureaucracy in China. On this road there
was no way out for the Chinese or Polish masses. The ISFI's
constant search for some means whereby, as if by magic, the
problems would be resolved, has always been a symptom of
petit-bourgeois utopianism, which replaces Marxist analysis
by hysterical hopes in this or that individual or tendency.
The capitulation to various brands of Stalinism or
utopianism at each stage in the development of events did
enormous harm to the creation of a viable movement. Thus in
Italy, it was the 'Trotskyists', or to be more accurate the
so-called leaders of the 'Trotskyists', who helped in the
formation of a large Maoist movement of 100,000 members.
Enthusiastically and uncritically republishing the works of
Maoism and distributing them within the Communist Party,
they created the basis for Maoism in Italy. The leaders of
these tendencies made special trips to the Chinese Embassy
in Switzerland to get this 'precious' material. The
consequence of this uncritical acceptance of Maoism is that
they won hardly a single member from the 100,000 but, on the
contrary, have lost members to the Maoists! Thus the penalty
for theoretical confusion, particularly for a weak tendency,
always paid in full. Even worse is the confusion and
demoralisation which is sown among their own ranks. The task
under these conditions was, while offering a friendly
attitude to the CP rank and file, those tending to Maoism
and those against it, at the same time offering sharp
criticisms not only of the opportunist pro-Moscow wing but
also to the ignorant and cynical position of the Maoists,
beginning with the leaders in Peking.
Discouraged by their lack of success (mainly due to
objective circumstances, partly due to false policies) they
put the responsibilities for this, as always in such
conditions, on the shoulders of the working class. The
workers had become corrupt and Americanised through
prosperity, they said in effect. Their policies indicated
that this is what they believed. They therefore looked for a
new talisman which would renew and revive the fortunes of
the International and the working class. This they found in
the Colonial Revolution.
The recent documents of our tendency have explained the
significance of the Colonial Revolution and the developments
within it. It is sufficient here to say that the upheavals
in the so-called Third World arise from the impasse of
capitalism and imperialism to develop the productive forces
in these areas to the maximum extent necessary and possible.
But given the world conditions, the existence of strong
Bonapartist workers' states, and the balance of forces
between imperialism and non-capitalist countries, the
developments in these areas have taken a peculiar pattern.
Under these conditions, it is more than ever necessary to
maintain with implacable determination the ideas of Trotsky
on the Permanent Revolution, to learn from the experience of
China, Yugoslavia and Cuba and to maintain a separation from
all the tendencies, bourgeois-nationalist,
petty-bourgeois-nationalist, Stalinist and reformist.
In Algeria they tied themselves almost completely to the
banner of the FLN, although their position was better than
that of the Lambertists (OCI in France), and Healyites (WRP),
who supported the MNA which, starting from a position
somewhat to the left of the FLN, ended up as an agency of
the French imperialists. To give critical support to the FLN
was correct, but to subordinate completely the work of their
section to the Nationalist Movement, could only mean that
the weak forces under their control would be lost in the war
of liberation. While maintaining full support for the just
struggle for national independence from French Imperialism,
at the same time it was necessary for the Algerian
Trotskyists to maintain the position of Internationalism.
Only thus could the struggle for national liberation, be
linked with the struggle of the working class in France, and
the possibility of a Socialist Algeria linked to a Socialist
France. The treachery of the Social Democrat and Stalinist
organisations in France, which led to the Algerian
Revolution taking a nationalist orientation was no reason to
abandon the worked out ideas of Marxism-Leninism on the
It should have been clear, that at best after the victory
over the French, it in itself an enormous step forward, it
would be impossible to construct a workers' democracy in a
country like Algeria. The result would be either a bourgeois
or a proletarian version of Bonapartism, with hardly any
industry, with a population decimated by war, no strong
indigenous working class, with half the population
unemployed and without a revolutionary class party. All
these factors, without the aid above all of the French and
international working class, meant that there could be no
real solution, apart from the removal of Imperialism, for
the Algerian people.
The illusions that they disseminated about workers' control
in the abandoned French agricultural estates showed a
complete lack of theoretical grasp on this question.
Workers' control by its very nature, must proceed from the
industrial workers and not from the half peasant, half
agricultural workers' associations which took control
because the French managers had fled. At best these were
primitive versions of glorified co-operatives and not
examples of workers' control and workers' management. By
their very nature they were temporary structures without any
real future. Given that the Socialist Revolution did not
extend to the advanced countries they were doomed as an
interesting curiosity of social development, indicating the
instinctive strivings of the agricultural semi-proletariat,
as there had been many such movements at a time of mass
awakening in many countries in the past.
The coup of Boumedienne in July 1965 came as a surprise to
them, although one way or the other, a similar development
of events was inevitable in Algeria. In all the colonial
countries where the struggle for the expulsion of
imperialist overlords has been successful, similar processes
have taken place. Although political independence has been
gained, economically they still remain dependent on the
industrialised countries. This of course marks an enormous
step forward in the development of the colonial peoples.
Nevertheless, national independence with imperialist
dominance of the world markets on the one side and the
strength of the Stalinist Bonapartism on the other, has
meant that new problems of formidable character are posed
before these peoples. The native bourgeoisie are incapable
of solving these problems. Thus in the former colonial
territories of Africa, in semi-colonial areas of Latin
America, and in most of the countries in Asia, military
regimes of one sort or the other have taken power. The
crisis of these regimes has forced a move either towards
proletarian or capitalist Bonapartism.
While putting the emphasis on the colonial revolution as a
solution to the problem of the Fourth International, at the
same time blindly they have not understood the dialectic of
this process. The whole development of the colonial
revolution has taken a distorted form because of the lag of
the revolution in the west (America and Japan are included
in this). The weakness of the Marxist-Leninist forces due to
the historical factors sketched previously played an
enormous part in this process. It in turn meant that with
the ripeness of the colonial world for social evolution,
this has taken all forms of weird aberrations. It was the
duty for the Marxist leadership to recognise the process and
to give leadership to the young and weak forces of Marxism
in the colonial world. Instead of this, the ISFI (in spite
of the lessons drawn by Trotsky from the experience of the
Communist Party with the Kuomintang in China, the rich
experiences of Yugoslavia, China, Russia, and the countries
of Africa) failing to draw the necessary conclusions, bowed
down before the mighty Colonial Revolution. It is better to
participate than to oppose. But to merge indistinguishably
with the petit-bourgeois nationalists, to capitulate to
middle class utopias, was to dissolve the vanguard in the
nationalist miasma.
The complete lack of Marxist method in their approach is
indicated by their attitude to the Cuban Revolution. The
Cuban Revolution, the ISFI say, is an example of Marxist
method. In reality, the army of Castro was gathered together
on a bourgeois democratic programme and consisted in the
main of agricultural workers, peasants and lumpen
proletarian elements. Castro started off as a Bourgeois
democrat with the United States as his model society. The
intervention of the working class took place when the
struggle was in its final stage, when Castro was marching on
Havana - the workers called a general strike in his
assistance. The fall of Havana meant the collapse of the
hated army and police of the Batista regime. Power was
firmly in the hands of Castro's guerrillas.
The development of the regime towards the destruction of
capitalism and landlordism did not take place as a result of
a thought out, conscious process. On the contrary, it was
the mistakes of American Imperialism which pushed Castro on
the road of expropriation.
With 90% of the economy owned by American Capitalists, the
American ruling class imposed on Cuba a blockade at a time
when Castro was carrying out only bourgeois-democratic
reforms. The monopolies which controlled Cuba opposed the
taxes which Castro wished to impose in order to get the
money for his reforms. Although these taxes were lower than
the taxes they paid on the mainland, they furiously objected
and appealed to Washington for support.
As a reprisal to the blockade, the Cuban regime seized
American assets in Cuba. This meant that nine tenths of
agriculture and industry was in the hands of the state, so
the Cuban regime then proceeded to nationalise the remaining
tenth. They had the model of Yugoslavia, China and Russia,
and established a regime in that image. At no stage was
there workers' democracy in Cuba. The Bonapartism of the
regime is embodied in the rule of Castro and the meetings in
the Square of the Revolution where the sole contribution of
the masses is to say 'Si' to Castro's exhortations. Cuba has
remained throughout, a one party state, without soviets and
without workers' control of industry or the state.
Consequently, more and more it has become bureaucratised.
This was inevitable, given the isolation of the revolution
and the way in which the revolution has developed. The
workers' militia has been disarmed and differentiation
between the bureaucrats - especially the higher bureaucrats
- and the working class is steadily developing. The
development of a state apparatus above and independent of
the masses proceeds apace. Behind the scenes, Castro is
attempting to negotiate an agreement with American
Imperialism for recognition and aid: and an agreement is
probably inevitable in the next period. This will end the
'revolutionary appeals' which Castro directs to Latin
America. Cuba, will more and more in the thoughts of its
leaders be bounded by the narrow shores of the island in the
relations with the nations and classes of the world.
As it is, the Stalinist bureaucracy in Russia gives aid of a
million pounds a day, without which the regime could not
survive. For a regime of workers' democracy, the bureaucracy
of the Soviet Union would not give one kopeck. It is only
because the regime, in its basic outline, becomes more and
more like that of all the other Bonapartist workers' states,
that the bureaucracy can permit itself the luxury of
fraternal aid to Cuba.
Given a wrong theoretical starting point, one error can only
be piled upon another, Thus, the USFI is completely blind to
the processes taking place on the island. They refuse to
face up to the issue of the inevitable degeneration and
decay of the regime on totalitarian lines, and persist in
their reactionary dream of a Cuba, an agricultural and
backward Cuba, moving towards Socialism. Apparently, only
minor reforms are needed for Cuba to be a model workers'
democracy! There is no question of a political revolution
which would mean the control of industry and the state by
the workers, but again of mythical reforms which would
install a workers' democracy. Control of industry and the
state by the working classes can be gained by persuading
Castro that this is necessary!
On the other hand they argue in the most obscure fashion
that this already exists, in fact that Cuba is more
democratic than the Russia of 1917-23. In reality, if Castro
were to even attempt such actions, he would be removed by
the bureaucracy. Apart from the fact that without any
ideological background, Castro believes that the type of
regime he is building is 'Socialism'. He could not play the
role that he does without ideological blinkers. But the
sectarians without the pressure of the interests of the
bureaucracy, nevertheless succumb to this variant of
Stalinism and voluntarily don the blinkers themselves.
To this day, as with the experience of the entire quarter
century, this tendency has learned nothing and forgotten
everything. In Latin America, they repeat the mistakes in
Algeria and in a different form the estimation of China,
Yugoslavia and Cuba. Now Bolivia has become the magical
means by which the world situation can be transformed. They
merge with the petit-bourgeois guerrillas in an attempt to
repeat the experience of Cuba. Castro, the 'unconscious
Trotskyist', the new messiah of Marxism, is the example that
they wish to emulate. Not taking into account the change in
circumstances, the different conditions, the awareness of
the ruling class, and of Imperialism, they support such
adventures as those of Guevara, who attempted artificially
to inject guerrilla war amongst the peasants.
The heroism of Guevara should not blind us to his
theoretical bankruptcy. To endeavour to repeat in the
countries of Latin America the policies of Castroism in
Cuba, is to commit a crime against the international working
class. The literature of Marxism is full of explanations as
to the role of the different classes in Society: that of the
proletariat, the peasantry, petty bourgeois and bourgeoisie.
To them, apparently, this is a closed book. Marxism has
explained that in the colonial revolution it is the
proletariat that has played the leading role. The
proletariat is forced together co-operatively in the process
of production. They are compelled to combine to protect
themselves against the exploiters. It is because of this
that the proletariat can be the only force to achieve the
Socialist Revolution.
But even the proletariat is only material for exploitation
until it becomes not a class in itself but for itself. This
consciousness is developed with the experience of the class
and in its struggle for better conditions. Even here the
party and leadership of the working class is needed. The
peasants, the petit-bourgeois intellectuals and the lumpen
proletariat can play no independent role. Where
petit-bourgeois intellectuals and ex-Marxists organise the
struggle on the basis of a peasant war, the level of
consciousness, because of the nature of the struggle, can
only be of a low character. If, nevertheless in Yugoslavia
and China, the peasantry, the petit-bourgeoisie, and the
lumpen proletariat organised in the armies of national and
social liberation, could push aside rotted semi-feudal
regimes, it is only because of the historical process that
we have already explained in many of our documents.
It is true that Lenin had visualised the possibility of
tribal Africa passing straight to communism. But this could
only be with the aid and assistance of Socialism in the
advanced countries. It could not be on the basis of their
own resources. The material conditions for Socialism do not
exist in any of the colonial countries, it is only when
taken on a world scale and with the decay of the world
system of capitalism that the basis is laid for the
Socialist Revolution in the backward areas of the world.
These self styled 'Marxists' turn the lessons of Marxism
upside down. They adopt the policy of the Narodniks and the
Social Revolutionaries in Russia. Unconsciously they adapt
their ideas as to the role of the different classes in
society. For Bakunin the peasants and the lumpen proletariat
were the most revolutionary class in Society. This
conception arose from the whole method and theory of the
anarchists. With this also went the idea of individual
propaganda by the deed, i.e. of terror and of individual
It is in this whole milieu and with the even greater
discrediting of the Communist Party and the Reformists in
Latin America, that the programme of guerrilla war in the
countryside and even worse, of 'urban guerrillas' has been
developed. Young, weak forces of Trotskyism, disorientated
by the zig-zags of the past 25 years, have been flung into
this mess. In Latin America they should be teaching all the
advanced elements among the intellectuals, students and
above all, the working class, the fundamental and elementary
ideas of Marxism. The movement for national and social
liberation in Latin America, in Brazil, Argentina, Uruguay,
Chile, Guatemala and the other countries in Latin America
can only come from a mass movement of the working class and
peasants. Desperate duels and kidnappings, bank raids etc.,
will only result in the extermination of young brave and
sincere forces without avail. It is not for these elements
to fight in a combat alone with the forces of the ruling
class, of the army and the secret police, without reference
to the real struggle for the overthrow of the corrupt
cliques of the oligarchy and of the police.
It might seem harder, and in a sense is harder, but only by
organising the working class, above all, in the struggle for
national and social liberation can a Socialist Revolution be
achieved, which would develop on healthy lines. Because of
the multiplicity of historical factors and the peculiar
world relationship of class forces, theoretically it cannot
be excluded that a peasant guerrilla war might be
successful, but then the model would be not that of the
proletariat as a leading force of the revolution, leading to
the victory of 1917, but at best of China and Cuba.
A mass of movement of the proletariat is entirely possible
in these countries. The general strikes in Chile, Argentina
and Uruguay in the recent period are proof of this. A
revolutionary Marxist tendency must build with these
perspectives, with the preparation of a mass insurrection as
the climax of the movement in the cities. This could lead to
the victory of the Socialist Revolution which under these
conditions would rapidly spread to the whole of Latin
It is on the lessons
of the Russian revolution that the cadres of the proletariat
must be taught and developed, not to follow the examples of
the Chinese, Cuban or Yugoslavian revolutions, but on the
contrary that of Russia in 1917. The idea of Marx of the
proletarian revolution in the cities, with the assistance of
the peasant war in the rear; that must be the ideal for
which they should work. The main task in these countries is
to patiently explain the leading role of the proletariat in
the struggle for workers' power and socialism.
It is on the lessons of the Russian Revolution that the
cadres of the proletariat must be counter-posed to the
capitalist state. As against military police dictatorship,
the battering ram of the organised working class must be
counter-posed. Once convinced of the necessity, the
proletariat will acquire the necessary arms. The army, which
is pitted against them, composed in the main of peasants,
would split in the face of the mass movement and come over
to the side of the Revolution. The peasant army could be won
with the programme of the agrarian revolution and the
national revolution against imperialism which is emblazoned
on the banner of the proletariat.
To capitulate to all the pressures of despairing
petit-bourgeois anarchism is to betray the mission of
Marxism. The task of the Marxist is to polemicise, in
however a friendly a fashion against the idealists, however
sincere, who are leading themselves and the revolution into
a fatal cul-de-sac. Against the methods and policies of
anarchism an implacable struggle must be waged. Far from
doing this, these besmirchers of the tradition of Trotskyism
have adopted bag and baggage, the ideas of the theoretical
adversaries of Marxism and their degenerate descendants,
instead of the clear class ideas, rooted in the centuries of
experience of the class struggle and of the national
liberation movement.
It is not in the tradition of Marxism to support a movement
of peasant war separate and apart from the movement of the
working class, which is decisive. The efforts and work of
Marxists would be largely concentrated in the cities and
among the proletariat. Always of course, under all
conditions, the struggle of other oppressed classes must be
supported by Marxists.
The argument for peasant guerrillas at least has a semblance
of sense considering the experience of the last 30 years.
But even in this event, the task of Marxists is not merely
to overthrow the capitalist regime, but to prepare the way
for the socialist future of mankind. The destruction of
capitalism and landlordism in the colonial countries is an
immense step forward which raises the level of all mankind.
But precisely because of the helplessness of the peasantry
as a class to rise to the future Socialist tasks, it
nevertheless can only succeed in raising new obstacles in
its path.
The victory of the peasant war, given the relationship of
forces in the world and the crisis of capitalism and
imperialism in the underdeveloped countries can result in a
form of deformed workers' state. It cannot result in the
conscious control by the workers and peasants of industry,
agriculture and the state, because in the ex-colonial and
semi-colonial countries, the material basis for Socialism
has not been created. Insofar as the possibility exists of
such peculiar combinations, it is because of the world
ripeness of productive forces for Socialism. The necessary
technique, productive capacity and resources are there on a
world scale. This is what makes possible, not only a healthy
dictatorship of the proletariat in the colonial areas, but
also the perversions of China, Yugoslavia, and Cuba. But
where the revolution was carried through in a distorted form
or, in the case of the Russian Revolution, in a healthy form
but under conditions of backwardness and isolation, the
retrogression of the dictatorship into Stalinist-Bonapartism
means that the proletariat and the peasantry of these
countries raise above them a privileged elite and a state
machine independent of workers and peasants control. This
means they would have to pay with a new political revolution
before being able to begin the transition to socialism. In
China, Yugoslavia, Cuba and Russia, the proletariat will
have to pay with a political revolution before the beginning
of the withering away of the state and coercion can take
place. All these problems are linked with the problem of
world revolution.
In Latin America, the bowing down before the alien theories
and watering down of the basic ideas of permanent
revolution, means an abandonment of the ideas of
Marxism-Leninism. It means an abandonment of the entire
Marxist tradition. Under conditions of great difficulty in
Latin America, Asia and Africa, not to maintain the basic
ideas of Marxism is to be lost in the swamp of
petit-bourgeois nationalism, of anarchist utopianism, of
Stalinist cynicism and lack of-belief in the power of the
proletariat. Above all it is an abandonment of the
perspective of world revolution on which our Marxist
internationalism is based. The abandonment of
internationalism for the petit-bourgeois deed is the
abandonment of the programme of Trotskyism.
In Latin America, the proletariat, especially in Brazil,
Chile, Argentina, Uruguay and Mexico, is powerful enough to
play the leading role in the revolution. It is here that the
forces of Marxism must be concentrated. Intellectuals and
students breaking away from their middle class traditions,
and understanding the impasse of capitalism and imperialism,
must be educated in this spirit. It is only in a struggle
against all other tendencies that Trotskyism can prepare the
necessary cadres, especially among the advanced workers, to
lead the revolution to success.
In the first place, a firm critique of the bureaucratic
development in Cuba and of the flamboyant excesses of
Castroism must become part and parcel of the ideological
re-equipment of the revolutionaries in Latin America. While
defending the achievements of the Cuban revolution and
emphasising its positive sides, at the same time its
negative features as far as the advanced workers and youth
are concerned, must also be brought out. Only thus can the
infantile leftism of Castroism in Latin America be combatted
On the problem of entrism, the policies of the US tendency
are no more based on principle than any other part of the
ideological baggage. In Britain, they raised the question of
entry in the immediate post-war period because they saw at
that time, the conditions of slump and the existence of a
strong and developing left wing within the Labour Party! As
against Trotsky's conception of winning over the advanced
elements by standing for firm political principles, they
adopted the policy of trying to win over the advanced
elements without an intransigent political programme. They
watered down their programme in order to find a means of
adapting themselves to the left reformist leaders.
At no time did they maintain the clear programme of Marxism,
but on the contrary, adopted the programme of adaptation to
reformist individuals who represented no one but themselves.
They adopted what they called a policy of 'deep entrism'.
Mixing up objective and subjective factors, and in no way
taking account of the process of development of mass
consciousness, they explained to their members that they
would organise the mass left wing. If it was a question of
organising a movement purely on the basis of tricks,
manoeuvres and tactics, then the Stalinist perversion of
Marxism would be correct.
Leaving aside the incorrect policies, even with correct
strategy, politics and tactics, the development of mass
consciousness is not an arbitrary one. It follows its own
laws, which are dependent on the molecular process of
developing consciousness on the basis of experience and of
events. The attempt (partially successful) to paint
themselves as left reformists (in adaptation to the milieu)
did result in their becoming to a large extent 'left
reformists'. In the long term such policies are disastrous,
and lay the seeds for the recoil in the direction of
ultra-leftism - both arising from, one the one hand, the
incapacity to stand on firm principles; on the other hand,
to see the objective situation as it is, and to marry the
subjective factor with the objective developments of events;
Events by themselves, of course, will not solve the problem
of growth: and on the other hand, the Marxists will only
grow stronger insofar as there is an understanding of the
objective processes and an orientation of the tendency on
the basis of the real movement of consciousness among the
advanced workers. The left wing, as a mass tendency, will
develop firstly on left reformist and centrist lines. The
revolutionary forces can play a part in the development of
the left wing, but with the mass movement, it is the muddled
left reformists and centrists who will come to the top.
Inevitably they will form the leadership in its early
stages, and only the test of experience plus Marxist
criticism will lead to their replacement by Marxist cadres.
To this day the 'leaders' of the international have not
understood the ABCs on this question. In Britain, they
constantly proclaimed immediate world war every year.
Echoing the opportunist propaganda of the Labour leaders in
the General Election of 1951, they declared that the victory
of Churchill would mean world war! Thus, instead of raising
the level of the workers they could reach, they merely
succeeded in confusing them. Again in 1951, it was a
question of Socialism or Fascism in Britain within twelve
months. One would imagine from reading their material, and
that of their then erstwhile disciples, the Socialist Labour
League (now Workers Revolutionary Party), that they had
never read the material of Trotsky and other Marxist
theoreticians as to the movement of class forces.
It is not a question at any particular moment of the ruling
class deciding to go by car instead of by train; rather it
is a question of the relationships in the middle class,
working class, and the ruling class itself.
Not only in Britain, where they never assimilated the
lessons from their experiences, but wherever they have
operated the tactic, they have failed dismally in the
objects they set themselves.
This was because of the long economic upswing of the major
capitalist countries which led during the quarter century to
a renewal of Social Democracy in such countries as Germany
and Britain, and of Stalinism in such countries as France
and Italy. Due to their theoretical impasse, and the
objective situation itself, the ISFI evolved a theory of
general entry into the Social Democratic and Communist
Parties, whichever was stronger. This was the correct tactic
under the conditions. But unfortunately, as in Britain, they
operated an opportunist tactic. In the Communist Parties in
France and Italy, they adapted themselves to Stalinism,
without putting forward a firm revolutionary Leninist line.
Even under difficult conditions it should have been possible
to contrast the policies of the leadership with those of
Marx and Lenin.
Entrism was imposed by the objective situation and the
weakness of the revolutionary forces, but they operated it
in a purely opportunist fashion. As a consequence in France
and Italy, no great gains were made, and they left the
Communist Parties with virtually the same numbers as they
entered. As always they zig-zagged from an opportunist
adaptation to the leadership to an ultra-left position, thus
blocking a road to the rank and file. In the Social
Democratic Parties, they capitulated to left reformism; in
Germany, Britain, Holland and Belgium. This could not give
any results, so they in effect passed a resolution that
these parties no longer existed as mass workers parties, and
adopted completely ultra-left policies in relation to them.
Unfortunately, the Communist Party in France and Italy and
the Social Democracy in other countries still maintained the
support of the overwhelming majority of the working class,
and as a result, hardly noticed the displeasure of these
ultra-lefts and hardly noticed that they had left.
In the immediate aftermath of the Second World War they were
guilty on practically all questions of an infantile
ultra-left attitude. They denied the possibility of an
economic boom of post-war European and world capitalism,
which was inevitable given the policies of Stalinism and
Reformism which laid the political premises for a revival of
capitalism. They declared that the economy of the capitalist
countries could not be reconstituted. We were told that we
were faced with the post-war slump in which capitalism was
incapable of finding a way out! They ridiculed our argument
when we quoted Lenin to point out that if not overthrown,
capitalism always finds a way out. When their claims were
falsified by events, they then solemnly pontificated "Marxistically"
that there was a 'ceiling' on production, that ceiling being
the highest level which capitalism had reached in the
pre-war period. Alas for our self-styled Marxist economists
the 'ceiling' was soon burst open by the rise of the world
They declared it was impossible for American imperialism to
render aid to its rivals. How could America prop up her
rivals, they laughed ironically; were the capitalist
philanthropists to bolster up their competitors? In other
words they had not the faintest conception of the
relationships of forces between the classes and nations, of
the relationship of forces between Russia and America. Their
economic analysis at this period was on the level of
Stalinists of the 'third period' of capitalism in the 1930s.
New periods, new gods. In the following years, as a result
of the empirical crushing of their crude 'theories', they
now did a new somersault. Not that their analysis had been
wrong, but obviously capitalism had changed. Secretly, they
believed that the Marxist analysis of crisis was no longer
relevant. Not daring to declare this openly, for fear of
being denounced as revisionists, they accepted nevertheless
the basic postulates of Keynesianism that slump could be
avoided by state intervention and deficit financing. This
can be demonstrated by reference to their main economic
documents over a period of two decades. It is clearly stated
in their 1965 World Congress document The Evolution of
Capitalism in Western Europe and the Tasks of Revolutionary
Marxists that "If this boom continues through 1965 and the
first half of 1966, it is probable that no general recession
will occur in western Europe. If, on the contrary, a
recession breaks out in the USA in 1965 or the beginning of
1966, it is probable that this would coincide with a general
recession in Western Europe, and that for the first time
since the Second World War, synchronising of the economic
cycles of all the important capitalist countries would
occur. Even in the latter case, however, it would only be a
recession, and not a serious economic crisis like that of
1929 or 1938. The reason for this, amply considered in
previous documents of the International is the possibility
which imperialism has to 'amortize' crisis by increasing
state expenses at the cost of continually lowering the
purchasing power of money." (Page 3, our emphasis)
This position today is universally repudiated by the serious
bourgeois economists. The USFI did not explain the
development of the economic upswing, but on the contrary,
adapted themselves to the pressures of bourgeois
'theoreticians'. (For a fuller explanation, see Will there
be a Slump? and World Perspectives). They will change their
position on this too, now that these ideas are completely
discredited. They were caught completely by surprise by
economic events, and consequently adapted themselves to all
the currents of Social Democracy, Stalinism and even the
bourgeois currents of thought in a completely eclectic
mish-mash, which they passed of as Marxist theory.
In our documents in the post-World War Two period, we had
explained that there was no question of an imminent
inter-imperialist world war, or an immediate world war
directed against the Soviet Union, because of the
revolutionary wave following the Second World War. The
bourgeoisie in Europe could only consolidate itself by the
concession of democratic rights and as a consequence,
allowing the existence and reinforcement of powerful mass
organisations of the working class. Consequently, the
political preconditions for an assault on the Soviet Union
or on the Chinese revolution did not exist. At the same
time, within a few years from the ending of the Second World
War, due to the enforced de-mobilisation of Anglo-American
troops by the pressure of the soldiers and of mass opinion
at home, the relationship of forces, so far as conventional
forces in Europe were concerned, had changed drastically in
favour of the Soviet Union.
With 200 divisions mobilised, as against a little over a
quarter of that in the hands of the western powers, if it
came to a conventional war in Europe the Russians would
sweep through far faster than Hitler's forces swept through
France, and occupy the whole of Western Europe. With a
crushing superiority in tanks, planes and guns, the forces
which the western forces could mobilise would be swept away
in a matter of days in Germany, and a matter of weeks in
France by the Warsaw Bloc armies.
In Asia, China was the greatest military power on the
mainland, and here too, given the power of revolutionary or
semi-revolutionary war, by winning over the peasants, the
Chinese forces could sweep through Asia as well. As a
result, the world balance of forces had changed drastically
to the disadvantage of Imperialism. Having learned nothing
in the school of Lenin and Trotsky, these worthy strategists
could only go on repeating the cliche that 'Capitalism means
war', which a 12-year old schoolboy having read the works of
Lenin would have understood. But this formula does not tell
how, and when, and under what conditions world war would
break out. As a guide to strategy and tactics, this tells us
nothing. Especially in the modern era, war is not only a
question of the relationship between the powers, but above
all a relationship between the classes. It is only with a
bloody and decisive settlement with the workers that world
war would be possible.
The defeats of the workers in Germany, Italy, France and
Spain, and the destruction of their organisations prepared
the way for World War Two. Since the Second World War, the
power of the workers has been enormously enhanced and
imperialists have correspondingly to be wary.
It is true that local wars against the colonial revolution
and between minor powers have taken place every year since
the Second World War. Similarly, after the First World War,
there was a war every year till the final holocaust of 1939.
In addition to all the other factors, there is still the
problem of nuclear and other terrifying means of
destruction. The capitalists do not wage war for the sake of
waging war. but in order to extend their power, income and
profit. The idea of war is not to annihilate the enemy but
to conquer him. To destroy the enemy and to be destroyed
yourself is no gain. To destroy the working class, which
nuclear war would mean, would be to destroy the goose that
lays the golden eggs. Mutual destruction would mean also the
destruction of the ruling class.
Consequently it is only totalitarian fascist regimes,
completely desperate and unbalanced, which would take this
road. And here again it is a question of the class struggle.
The bourgeois will not lightly hand over their fate to new
dictatorial maniacs like Mussolini and Hitler. In any event,
before they could do so, it would require the bloody defeat
of the working class.
Thus to work with a perspective of world war in reality
meant not only a lack of understanding of all the multiple
social and military forces involved, but was a programme of
the profoundest pessimism. To imagine war would solve the
problems of the Socialist Revolution, was to be as light
minded as the Stalinists in Germany, who imagined the coming
to power of the fascists in Germany would prepare the way
for Socialism. In reality the outbreak of world war would
signify a decisive defeat for the working class. A nuclear
holocaust would in more likelihood mean the mutual
annihilation of countries and classes. At best, handfuls of
survivors might succeed in creating some form of slave state
and begin again the necessary development of the material
productive forces, that with the working class, are the
absolutely necessary pre-requisites of Socialism. The
Posadists have merely drawn to an extreme the ideas of
Pablo, Hansen, Mandel, Healy and Co.
In any event, they were incapable of seeing the
contradictions which still exist between the interests of
the imperialists themselves. The Western European capitalist
powers, including Britain, were not interested in the
victory of an ideal capitalism or that of American
Imperialism, but of their own vested interests. A world war
would at best mean the destruction of Western Europe, as
Korea and Vietnam have been destroyed by American bombing.
Therefore, these Imperialist powers had no interest in a war
they could not win, which would be fought over their
territories, and which even in the most favourable case
would only be for the benefit of American Imperialism.
Conventional war, for the Americans would be a daunting
prospect. Starting at Calais and working across the
Continent to Shanghai, Calcutta and Vladivostock would be an
impossible task. Nuclear war for the first time would mean
war on American soil. It would mean destruction of their
home base - of the cities and the industrial power of
America. Thus the theme of 'war-revolution' was not only
reactionary but a fantasy as well. The position of this
tendency showed a complete unawareness of the real social
factors in relation to war, a problem which they have not
understood to this day. At each crisis, at each conflict
between the Soviet Union and American imperialism, they
raised the howl of "imminent Armageddon".
In reality, both the Vietnam war and the Korean war, as well
as the other wars of the post war epoch, were localised and
limited by the deliberate arrangement between imperialism
and the Chinese and Russian bureaucracies. For the whole
period, imperialism has been on the defensive against
incursions of the colonial revolution and the strength
militarily, industrially and strategically of the Soviet
Union and the Soviet bureaucracy.
Having gained little result with their version of the
policies of entrism, they now swung over to an ultra-left
course in the capitalist countries in the West. Not having
drawn an honest lesson from the experience of entrism in the
Social Democratic and Communist Parties, they now advanced
to the policies of ultra-leftism in Germany, France and
Italy. However, they managed to combine this with a measure
of opportunism. The Wilson Government was the advent of a
'left Social Democratic government', one of their supporters
wrote in Britain. His views were warmly defended by their
supporters in Britain and not repudiated by them. Events
were soon to disillusion them in this respect. At the same
time, they succeeded in finding a fundamental difference
between a Wilson government in Britain and Willy Brandt's
government in West Germany.
Eclecticism could not go further. Differences between
individuals are not important, even if there were any
important differences between Brandt and Wilson. In Britain,
conducting an opportunist policy in the Labour Party, on the
part of their protagonists, was only a step to barren
adventures on the Left.
In Germany, they refused to work with the mass Social
Democratic youth, turning their attention instead to the
student movement. This was a tactical question, mistaken but
nevertheless tactical. A certain amount of attention should
have been paid to the students, but with the main purpose of
educating them to understand the need to turn towards the
Labour movement. The working class in Germany, like their
brothers in Britain has to go through the experience of a
Social Democratic government in order to understand that
reformism cannot solve their problems. The German working
class, which has been thrown backwards by the experience of
Fascism, and the policies of reformism and Stalinism, can
only be educated with revolutionary ideas through testing
their leaders by the experience of reformist governments.
Again, potentially valuable elements among the students were
mis-educated by the USFI pandering to their prejudices,
instead of undertaking the necessary work of Marxist
education. This in turn means that at a later stage they
will become discouraged and drop out. The tendency being to
blame the working class for what are in effect their own
shortcomings. In this, as in all things, this tendency
managed to get the worst results from the experience. In
Germany a main task should have been to get closer to the
Social Democratic workers, especially the youth. A task
which they are incapable of carrying out because of their
failure in the past.
Not only in Germany, but in France, Italy, America and
throughout the world, this tendency has indulged in what
could be called Studentism. The progressive aspect of the
student break from bourgeois ideology, which has become a
world phenomenon, was of course to be recognised and
utilised for the purpose of bringing the best of the
students to the ideas of Marxism. Above all it should have
been explained to the students that this phenomenon was a
symptom of the social crisis of capitalism. It is a symptom
of the move towards the left which in general is assuming a
world scope. In colonial countries, in advanced capitalist
countries, and in the Bonapartist workers' states, the same
phenomenon can be observed.
It is the barometer of gathering social crisis, but unless
it gains roots within the trade union and working class
movements, it is doomed to be sterile and ineffective.
Unless the students can gain the discipline of Marxist ideas
and Marxist methods, the movement will become sterile, and
degenerate into various forms of Utopianism and anarchism.
Students can form a valuable leaven for the dissemination of
revolutionary ideas, but only on the basis of Marxist ideas,
and an understanding of the limitations of students and
their role in society.
The May 1968 events in France provide a new, and perhaps
decisive test, of all tendencies in the revolutionary
movement. The acid test for revolutionaries is revolution.
In this crucible, the gold of revolutionary ideas will soon
be separated from the baser elements and alloys. Having
denied the possibility of revolution in the west, for a
whole historical period, they were naturally caught by
surprise by events in France. Having started from the
standpoint of profound pessimism as to the potential of the
working class in the countries of the west, they passed to
the most irresponsible ultra-leftism. The complete failure
to understand that for a further historical period the
Communist Parties will have a decisive role dooms them to
complete sectarianism. To imagine that all the processes of
the revolution, beginning to unfold in France would receive
their denouncement within a matter of weeks or days, was not
to understand the ABCs of revolution. The weakness of the
revolutionary forces as a factor in the situation, they had
not understood; nor the need to get close to the masses of
the Communist Party. Instead, the need to ingratiate
themselves with the wild and woolly ideas of the student
left, led them to make a whole series ultra-left gestures
and moves. The boycott of the elections and the boycott of
the student elections which followed, was sheer
irresponsibility which could only play into the hands of the
Communist Party leadership, which had the overwhelming
majority of the working class still supporting it.
The fact that the Communist Party would recoup its losses as
an alternative to the Gaullist Party, they did not take into
consideration. They have not prepared to this day their
supporters for a new and inevitable period of Popular
Frontism, to which the bourgeoisie will resort as a means of
breaking a new offensive on the part of the working class.
However, our tendency has analysed in full the development
of the revolution in France, which is only in its early
beginnings, so there is no need to repeat the ideas here. It
only need be added that all the tendencies of the
revolutionary left in France are on the decline at the
moment, because of their failure to analyse and understand
the ebb and flow of change in the revolution; that periods
of calm, even of reaction, will prepare the way for the
revolutionary mobilisation of the masses and renewed
offensive on the part of the revolution.
Events indicate that not only in France, but in other
countries where the Communist Party is the main party of the
working class, only a mass split within the ranks of the
Communist Party can prepare the way for a development of a
mass revolutionary alternative party. In the countries where
Social Democracy is the dominant force, similar
considerations apply. The historical experience of the last
five to seven decades indicates the correctness of this
The issues at their 1965 World Congress at which they
expelled the Marxist opposition have been sufficiently
documented. This showed their incapacity to tolerate a
genuine and honest Marxist tendency within their ranks. The
refusal to discuss, or to tolerate a Marxist wing within
their forces, in an indication of the real processes within
this organisation, and its organic tendency towards petit
bourgeois sectarianism, utopianism and opportunism.
The history of the Ceylonese organisation provides an
instructive lesson in what happens when the lessons of each
period are not drawn by a revolutionary tendency. It was the
only mass organisation of the Fourth International and the
mass party of the working class in Ceylon. But precisely
because of that it was prey to all tendencies of
degeneration, to the pressures of hostile class forces to
which mass organisations are subject. The incorrect policies
over 25 years of the so-called international leadership
meant that as far as Ceylon was concerned, they had no
control over the MPs or the leadership. Being small
groupings over the greater part of the world, they could
only posses a political rather than an organisational
authority. Being bankrupt at these, their feeble attempt at
organisational gestures could only be treated with contempt.
It precipitated support for an immediate split when the
Lanka Sama Samaja Party took an opportunist position in
relation to a coalition government in 1964 which would only
isolate the revolutionary elements and render them impotent
and ultra-left. The consequence has been reinforcement of
the position of the LSSP and decline and splits in the
section that split away. The immediate task of any grouping
inside or outside the LSSP should have been to face towards
the mass organisation of the workers, in this case the LSSP
itself. However, political authority can only be gained over
a period of years and decades by demonstrating the
correctness of the ideas of a revolutionary leadership, of
its method, of its analysis. But of course, this is
something that is conspicuously lacking. They tried to
replace this real authority, a genuine authority, by means
of administrative measures, which merely resulted in a
series of humiliating and debilitating splits.
At their 1965 USFI Congress they put forward a 'new' theory,
that of capitalism and a 'strong' state. This was an
extension of their 1945 theory of Bonapartist states being
on the order of the day in Western Europe - that capitalism
could no longer allow the existence of democratic rights,
and that therefore only dictatorial regimes could be
established in Western Europe. They revived this theory,
which was never officially repudiated in the past, with a
new version of the 'strong' state. In France, Germany,
Britain, everywhere, the Bourgeoisie were going to replace
democracy with a Bonapartist regime.
This analysis did not take into account the strength and
power of working class organisations, the changed
relationship of forces between the classes, the vacillation
of the petty bourgeoisie, and under these conditions, far
from the bourgeoisie being able to impose their will on
society, society had a tendency to swing to the left. The
attempt to impose Prices and Incomes policies has tended to
break down in the main capitalist countries. Far from the
state assuming dictatorial powers, apart from Greece (for
special reasons), the tendency has been in the other
In some countries there has been a tendency towards mass
radicalisation, but nowhere has the bourgeoisie found it
possible to impose their rule by means of installing a
military police state. The movement of the students towards
radicalisation, on which they place such great hopes, is a
movement in the opposite direction. The only recent 'strong'
state in Europe, that of de Gaulle, was blown away by the
first real movement of the mass of the working class. In any
event, the Bonapartism of de Gaulle was the most democratic
form of Bonapartism that has ever existed. Not accidentally.
Its weakness was an expression of the enormous power latent
in the working class.
The very development of industry has in its turn meant an
enormous reinforcement of the power of the working class.
Before there can be a move towards decisive reaction, there
will have to be a bloody settlement with the working class.
But this in its turn would mean posing the fate of the
bourgeoisie as a stake in the struggle. Consequently it will
be with extreme reluctance that the bourgeoisie will take
this road. Nowhere are there strong fascist organisations,
as existed in the pre-war period, especially in the 1930s.
After the experience with the fascist maniacs, it is only
with extreme reluctance that the bourgeoisie would put
themselves in the power of fascism.
On the other hand, a 'strong' state in its Bonapartist form
is not capable of maintaining itself for any length of time
without a mass basis. Hence, on the order of the day are
perhaps reactionary methods and laws on the part of the
bourgeois state, but not a military police dictatorship.
Throughout the bourgeois world, in the twilight of
capitalism, it is not 'strong' states but extremely weak and
paralysed states that the working class and the
revolutionary movement has to face.
The whole tactics of the so-called 'extra-Parliamentary
opposition' in Germany, France, Italy and Britain, are
manifestations of verbal opposition. They are indications of
middle class and anarchist ideas, rather than those of
Marxism. The task for students and radicals generally is
first to educate themselves with the sober ideas of Marxism,
instead of the rantings of revolutionary romanticism, and
then get closer to the masses. The capitulation of the USFI
to this verbal radicalisation is an expression of a complete
lack of understanding of the dialectic of the class struggle
and the methods of class awakening. The task is at one and
the same time to maintain theoretical intransigence with
flexibility of tactics in order to get closer to the working
class. The whole history of this tendency is an inglorious
We are now thrown back to a position near to our starting
point, of small groupings, struggling against the stream of
opportunist tendencies. Historically, the Marxist movement
has been thrown far back by isolation from the mass
In one respect we are fortunate, historically. If instead of
tiny sects they had organisations of 10,000 - 50,000 members
in France, America and other countries, enormous damage
would have been done in the mass movement, by the ultra-left
course of this grouping and the various groupings around it.
It would have been like the policies of the Comintern in its
ultra-left phase in the '30s, when the policies, the light
minded attitudes towards the mass organisations, resulted in
isolation from the working class. The victory of Hitler in
Germany was prepared in this way. In its own way, the antics
of all the tendencies in France has enormously facilitated
the regaining of prestige and power over the working class
of the Communist Party leadership and reformists. In other
countries, insofar as they have had any effect at all, they
have helped successfully to isolate the students from the
Labour Movement.
The theoretical crudities and the fundamental political
errors of the clique claiming to represent the International
can be traced from the period after the war. Had they
conducted an honest self criticism of their errors at this
time, and made a thorough analysis of their mistakes and the
reasons for these mistakes, they could have built the
movement on firm foundations. But having burned their
fingers by repeating what they thought were the recipes of
Trotsky, these cooks decided that the 'Cookbook of the
Revolution' was no good, and proceeded to unceremoniously
dump the teachings of the great masters through the window.
They abandoned the theoretical ideas of Marxism and
proceeded purely on the basis of empiricism and
Our task, nationally and internationally, remains basically
the same as it has been for the last two generations. That
task is the defence and extension of the basic revolutionary
ideas of Marxism. The reason for the degeneration of the
sects, the most important of whom are those gathered round
the banner of the USFI, lies in the historical development
of our times. The pressure of Capitalism, reformism and
Stalinism, in a period of capitalist upswing in the west,
the temporary consolidation of Stalinism in the east, and
the perversions of the colonial revolution, as explained in
the preceding material, were causes of the degeneration of
all the sects claiming to be the Fourth International.
But an explanation is not an excuse. Necessity has two
sides. In preceding history, the degeneration of the Second
and Third Internationals, due to objective as well as
subjective factors, did not justify the leaders who had
abandoned Marxism. It did not justify either reformism or
Stalinism. Similarly, there is no justification for the
crimes of sectarianism and opportunism which have been
committed by the leaders of the so-called Fourth
International for more than an entire generation. It is one
thing to make an episodic mistake. Mistakes will be made by
even the most revolutionary and far-sighted tendencies. But
continuous repetition, a continual zig-zagging between
opportunism and ultra-leftism, ceases to be a mistake and
becomes a tendency. It is this tendency whose history we
have analysed. A tendency which like the Stalinists and
reformists before them, refuses to analyse its mistakes in
order to correct them.
A tendency of this kind can never rise to the tasks posed by
history. They will continue interminably with splits and
manoeuvres, with dictates that they have no relation to any
genuine authority gathered on the basis of political
experience. A tendency of this character can never carry on
the traditions of Bolshevism, the traditions of Trotskyism.
They are the manure of history, which, not being ploughed
into the fields cannot bear revolutionary fruit, but left in
the open has begun to smell somewhat. Many of the younger
elements may succeed in breaking away from this poisonous
milieu and assist in building the new International. For a
mass revolutionary tendency, it is necessary to have not
just the tradition, method and policies of Marxism. It is
necessary also to have the current of history with the
tendency. Thus it was with the Bolsheviks.
However for a small revolutionary tendency it is essential,
an absolute necessity to maintain the basic ideas, while
adding to them consciously and openly on the basis of
experience. Without this, it is the death of a tendency as a
revolutionary force. If such a tendency cannot learn from
the experience of events, it is doomed to remain a sect and
to provoke further defeats and disintegration of the
movement. From the point of view of history, there is
absolutely no excuse for the continual succession of errors
of the USFI. Mistakes are grievous, failure to rectify
mistakes, fatal.
Lenin and Trotsky meticulously corrected even to the
minutest detail any theoretical errors in order to maintain
the sharpness of theory as the cutting edge of Bolshevism. A
tendency like that of the USFI can never rise to the tasks
posed by history. The Stalinists and the reformists have
mass organisations. The Marxists have revolutionary theory
which historically they will transmute from a small quality
into a revolutionary quantity. With neither mass
organisation nor Marxist theory, there can be no future.
This tendency is doomed historically. At each stage in the
development of events the British Marxists have acted
generally in a correct manner. As far as the basic problems
are concerned, the documents can be published and can stand
as a contribution to Marxism over a period of 25 years.
The failure of the forces of Trotskyism to build a viable
International can be understood on the basis of the
experience of the epoch. At one and the same time,
revolutionary and counter-revolutionary, with the
proletariat faced with formidable obstacles in the shape of
Social Democratic and Stalinist organisations, it was
inevitable that great difficulties should lie in the path of
creating mass revolutionary tendencies.
The new period opened out by the French Revolution begins an
entirely new stage in the development of the proletariat.
Mass initiative and mass action will put to the test the
mighty organisations of Stalinism and Social Democracy. In
these events, the mass organisations will extrude a
revolutionary or quasi-revolutionary wing, but they are
doomed to a whole series of catastrophic splits both to the
left and to the right. During the course of this experience,
the workers will put to the test, not only the reformists
and Stalinist mass organisations, but the variety of
sectarianism and centrist tendencies - the Maoists,
Castroists, Guevaraists and other tendencies which have
proliferated because there has not been a mass pole of
revolutionary attraction. Events will politically expose the
inadequacies and ineffectualness of all the varieties of
reformism and Stalinism. The fresh forces of the new
generation, not alone among the students, but far more
important, among the working class, will seek the
revolutionary road.
On the basis of events, mass revolutionary tendencies in the
countries of the west, where Stalinism is the main current,
will be formed in the Communist Parties, and where the
reformists are a mass tendency, within the Social Democratic
Parties. The period which Trotsky confidently foresaw in the
immediate pre-war period, now opens out in different
historical circumstances. The ideas of Marxism, which we
have maintained for an entire generation, will begin to have
a class audience.
Nationally and internationally, the ideas of our tendency
can gain a mass support over the epoch. Our struggle to
build the movement will have its effect internationally. Our
task consists in building a viable tendency in Britain,
which will have the resources and the authority to get a
hearing among advanced elements throughout the world. It is
impossible to detail the ways in which this will be done,
but with initiative and elan, we can succeed in spreading
the influence of our tendency.
In the dark days during the First World War, the Marxists
were reduced to tiny handfuls but on the basis of events,
they carried through a victorious revolution in Russia in
1917 and prepared the way for the building of mass
revolutionary parties. Historically, the Bolsheviks
maintained a rigidity of revolutionary ideas because of the
influence of Lenin and Trotsky. With adverse historical
currents, the ideas were swept away. In a new historical
epoch the ideas will once again, reinforced by the rich
experience of the last quarter century, gain a mass
audience. The other tendencies claiming to be Trotskyist,
will be put to the test. They will be reduced to ashes in
the fire of events.
Capitalism on the one side in the developed and in the
underdeveloped world, will find itself in an impasse. On the
other hand, Stalinism more and more reveals its
incompatibility in the non-capitalist countries with
nationalisation and a planned economy. This impasse of the
bourgeoisie and the Stalinist . bureaucracy, is reflected in
the barrenness of their theoreticians economically and
politically. The collapse of the Stalinists into warring
national groupings in the countries where they have power
and the countries where they are in opposition, indicates
the bankruptcy of Stalinism.
Reformism on the other hand has demonstrated its baleful
effects in the countries where the reformists are in the
government, as well as in the countries where they are in
opposition. The domination of the Labour Movement by these
tendencies has extended its corrupting influences also to
the small and weak tendencies of Trotskyism. For them there
is no way forward, but on the basis of the great
revolutionary ascent which lies ahead, youth will be
attracted to the ideas of Trotskyism. The Bolsheviks in
1917, although no revolutionary International existed,
carried out their revolution in the method, ideas and with
the name of the International. They were internationalists
through and through. The greatest international task of the
Revolutionary Marxists in Britain is the building of a
powerful revolutionary tendency imbued with the principles
and traditions of internationalism, which can assist in the
building of a viable tendency internationally.
Lenin and Trotsky had the occasion to point out many times
that if a mistake were not corrected, it could become a
tendency. The analysis of this document shows that for 25
years, the USFI has staggered from one mistake to another.
From one wrong policy to its opposite, and then a higher
level of mistakes back again. This is the mark of a
thoroughly petit bourgeois tendency. As far as this grouping
is concerned, at least its top leadership, this has now
become organic. The whole outlook has been moulded by the
mistakes of a quarter century, and become part and parcel of
their methods of thinking, of their habits of work, and
their whole outlook. Even to dignify this tendency by
calling it centrist would be a compliment.
In the case of the 2nd International, which is a mass
movement, its degeneration can be explained by the pressures
of society, of the history of the latter part of the 19th
Century and the beginning of the 20th. But it is also
explained by the separation of the leadership by the rank
and file and their remoteness from the mass base.
The 3rd International began from the most revolutionary mass
tendency that the world has ever seen, an international and
revolutionary mass tendency. In a revolutionary epoch (at
one and the same time, revolutionary and
counter-revolutionary) the degeneration of the
International, leaving aside the question of the Russian
Party, has been explained in many documents as the result of
the pressure of the bureaucracy and its raising itself above
the masses. Internationally, the degeneration of the 3rd
International began with the refusal to learn from and
analyse the lessons of events, and to correct the mistakes
of the Stalinist leadership. This, among other factors, was
not the least important.
Trotskyism, the most revolutionary and honest tendency in
history, began its work above all with an analysis of this
process. Starting without the broad masses, it could only
succeed as a revolutionary tendency by a serious attitude to
theory and events. This was the lesson from the works of
Lenin, and perhaps even more so in the works and activity of
Trotsky during the period of theoretical decline and
degeneration. Having abandoned this precious heritage and
without the corrective of mass revolutionary pressure, the
USFI and other tendencies like it, became irresponsible.
Questions of theory were not seriously considered, but
became part of the arbitrary humours and whims of the
leading clique. Twenty five years of this process has
indicated that they are organically incapable of
transformation organisationally and politically in the
direction of Marxism.
It would be a distasteful task to document the
organisational manoeuvrings of this Zinovievist tendency.
Lenin contemptuously called the 2nd International a Post
Office and not an International. This clique cannot even be
dignified as a Post Office. Organisationally as well as
politically, they are completely bankrupt.
How then will the International be built? We have pointed
out many times that in Britain the movement will only be
built on the basis of events. This applies with just as much
force to the question of the International.
In many documents we explained how events will bring crisis
to the mass Social Democratic Parties and to the mass
Stalinist Parties. Events west and east will play their
part. But above all, it is the development in the key
industrial countries in the world that will be decisive. A
new period is opening up in the history of capitalism in the
west, and Stalinism in the east. The May events of 1968 in
France and the present turmoil in Italy are only a
beginning. The outline of the crisis in the relationship
between the classes, not only in Europe but in Japan and
America as well as other important centres, is already
showing itself at the present time.
Under the hammer blows of events, the development of mass
centrist groupings in the Stalinist and Social Democratic
Parties is inevitable. Mass splits from these tendencies
will be on the order of the day in the coming decade or two.
Events in Russia can transform the situation
internationally. Similarly, for America and other industrial
countries of the west. With the developments of mass
centrist groupings with large numbers of workers groping for
a revolutionary lead, this will be a favourable milieu or a
hot house for the reception of Marxist ideas. We must try
and reach these elements internationally with the ideas and
methods of Trotsky.
It is from these mass forces developing within these
organisations that the mass forces of the International will
come. Great events will make our ideas and policies more
acceptable among these strata, especially the workers. To
reach these elements will be an important part of our work
in the future.
Events will also make the younger and more intelligent
elements within the other tendencies claiming to be
Trotskyist, amenable to our ideas. Many of the younger
elements will be won over under these conditions.
It will be the Spanish Revolution all over again, but with
an organic crisis of Stalinism and reformism which events
will bring to the surface. The working class is far
stronger, international reaction far weaker, thus preparing
the basis for an offensive by the workers. Then with a
period of defeats and reaction of one form or another, as
well as important gains and successes, there will be an even
greater surge forward by the workers, the way will be
prepared for the creation of mass Centrist tendencies.
The Russian Revolution developed over nine months; this
above all because of the strength of Bolshevism. The Spanish
revolution developed over six to seven years. A lengthy
period of revolution, because of the weakness of the
revolutionary forces, is most likely as the example of
France has already shown. It is in this lengthy process that
the possibility is given to intervene. The revolutionary
elements in the mass Centrist parties that would develop,
would be looking for consistent revolutionary ideas,
policies and methods of work.
It is this which makes it vital and emphasises our need to
continue and expand our international work. We must develop
and broaden our work among contacts, groups and even
individuals that we can reach in other countries. Our
criticisms and the contrast with the policy of other
tendencies should give us the possibility of winning a base.
Thus, this remains an important part of the activity of our
tendency, nationally and internationally.
However, an important part of the international work
consists of building a viable tendency in Britain. That is
why the question of headquarters, press and professionals is
of such vital importance, not only in our national but our
international work. The main argument of the USFI and others
has never been a criticism of our theoretical ideas, but a
denigration of our work. Who are they? What have they built?
They are incapable of building a tendency; such was the main
line of the poison which they injected among young comrades,
especially behind the scenes. A building of a viable and
powerful tendency in Britain would demonstrate in practice
not only the correctness of our ideas, but also our methods
of work and of organisation. Their slanders would be refuted
in practice. The collapse of the RCP dealt a blow to the
movement nationally and internationally which we are now in
the process of repairing.
Bolshevism grew internationally through the success of the
October Revolution. This in its turn was dependent on the
organisation of the Russian Party as well as the theoretical
ideas and policies of Lenin and Trotsky. We are faced here
with a similar process, taking things in proportion of
course, in that we have yet to stand up to the test of
history and to build a mass tendency.
Far more than in any other period of history, the ground is
being prepared for revolutionary explosions in the
industrially developed countries, and not the least in
Britain. On the basis of revolutionary developments, ideas
will be seized eagerly by workers groping towards Marxism.
Intervention under these conditions in revolutionary
situations in other countries can be very fruitful.
In one way, we are more prepared than in the past for such
interventions, because we already have comrades who already
speak the main European languages. Their services will
undoubtedly be required more and more in the coming epoch.
But it is also a question of money and resources. We have
many criticisms of the American SWP, but on the basis of the
revolutionary tide which is now in its early beginnings in
the United States, and although principally among the
students at the moment it has been reported that the SWP has
sixty professionals in New York alone!
For the minimum tasks nationally and internationally, we
need at least a dozen professionals. We can say that with
our modest successes, the real history of the tendency is
just beginning; but with our own press, our own premises and
more professionals, we can really turn in a far more serious
way to the development of our work on an international
scale. With resources of this character, we can begin the
publication of a detailed analysis of the policies of the
other tendencies for the special purpose of influencing
people abroad. We can commence the publication, not only in
English, but in foreign languages, of this material and our
own analysis and theoretical documents. We can conduct
serious work. Thus the task of drawing together the elements
that will form a new international goes hand in hand with
the building of our own tendency.
May 1970
As late as 1947, in a conversation with J. Stuart (Sam
Gordon) then one of the leaders of the ISFI, while
endeavouring to explain the changed conditions one of the
leaders of the British Section was stopped by him saying
"Ah, yes, it's only 1947 now, there is still a year to go of
Trotsky's prognosis." The whole events of the war and the
post-war period had been lost on him and his fellow thinkers
of the ISFI.
In 1938, there had been the foundation of the Workers
International League. This had been as a consequence of the
expulsion of a group of comrades from the Militant Group on
an organisational issue. Later that year the WIL had refused
to participate in an unprincipled fusion between different
groupings, some entrist, some non-entrist, with the
deliberately ambiguous formula of unity on both tactics,
which was calculated as the WIL stated, to produce a
paralysis of the new organisation and the certainty of a
split. It was a formula to unite three organisations into
ten. This was subsequently confirmed by events. JP Cannon,
who was instrumental in getting this 'unity', and the
leaders of the American SWP, pursued a vendetta against
those who led the WIL.
At the 1944 founding conference of the Revolutionary
Communist Party, their supporters solemnly declared that
with the fusion of all Trotskyist elements there were now no
political differences. Consequently, they declared that
their 'Internationalist' faction was dissolved. This was
greeted with hoots of laughter at the conference which
gained indignant protest from the representative of the
International. This did not prevent the American and
International representative, Phelan (Sherry Mangan) that
same evening from having a secret meeting with Healy and
other leaders of his clique, at his hotel, to decide how
best to get rid of the RCP's anti-internationalist
leadership which must be destroyed!
The RCP, of which the WIL was the principle component made
rapid gains, due to, among other reasons, the support of the
war-time coalition by the Labour, Stalinist and trade union
leaders. It pursued flexible tactics, and with correct
methods and policies, succeeded in gaining a modest but
important support in all the principle industrial areas of
the country. At its height, it was an important component
part of the working class. The reason for its collapse is
not the subject of this document, but will be dealt with
when the history of British Trotskyism is produced.
Here it should be pointed out that the WIL, although it was
not present at the 1938 founding conference of the Fourth
International had been invited to send delegates but had
been unable to do so for financial reasons. Nevertheless, it
sent a statement which was falsified by Cannon in order to
get the rejection of sympathetic affiliation. Despite the
fact that it was outside the International formally at the
time, Trotsky did not attack it but on the contrary sent a
letter of congratulations for the introduction to his
pamphlet on the Lessons of Spain and the acquiring of a
small printing press.
On organisational matters, the International has been
bedevilled with a heritage of Zinovievism and clique
factional politics, of horse deals, of 'keyman' politics, of
which Cannon among others, despite his gifts as a workers'
leader, was guilty. Always methods of this sort arise
because of theoretical backwardness and in the last
analysis, of incorrect policies. The task of a leadership,
nationally and internationally, is to convince by discussion
and experience. It is useless to wave the big stick of
In the days of Lenin and Trotsky, even with the immeasurable
political authority that they had internationally, they
always endeavoured to discuss theoretical questions, and to
win people over by convincing them rather by imposing their
policies. Since the death of Trotsky who always emphasised
the need for a clean banner, the methods of Zinovievism have
crept into the politics of the tendencies claiming to
represent the Fourth International. However this document is
not intended to deal with organisational questions so much
as with the fundamental political divergences from the ideas
of Marxism that have taken place in the last three decades.
The RCP and its forerunner the WIL provided object lessons
on how organisational questions should be tackled. The RCP
participated in the Labour Movement with flexible tactics.
Under the given conditions, conducting its work under its
own flag, but nevertheless facing always to the mass
movement. The full history of the RCP and its achievements
will have to be written. The leadership of the American SWP
and of the International pursued the clique politics even to
the extent of using the pressure of the resource that they
possess, to ensure the acceptance of their ideas. Thus in a
small way, continuing the policies of Zinovievism in this
respect too.
At the 1965 USFI World Congress, the Marxist opposition
challenged the following formulation in their document The
Development of the Sino-Soviet Dispute and the Situation in
the International Communist Movement:
"In China the struggle against the bureaucracy and its
regime, and for proletarian democracy, cannot be won except
through an anti-bureaucratic struggle on a scale massive
enough to bring about a qualitative change in the political
form of government" (Page 8)
We demanded to know whether or not this meant that the
International held the position that the political
revolution was necessary in China before there could be the
beginning of the movement towards Socialism. Maitan, for the
'majority', answered that the old International Secretariat
(himself, Frank, Mandel and Pablo) believed that the
political revolution was not necessary while the American
SWP held that it was. The formulation of the document was
therefore a 'Compromise'. Note: the American SWP, along with
Healy and Lambert, split from the ISFI in 1953. In 1963 the
American SWP rejoined the ISFI, which was renamed the United
Secretariat of the FI (USFI). Pablo himself split from the
USFI in 1964.
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