October 26, 2006 Sandinistas: Don't vote for false Sandinismo The Sandinistas must not get confused: Daniel Ortega's FSLN[1] is not Sandinismo, but its betrayal. To vote for Daniel is to vote for Alemán. Ernesto Cardenal They made a pact that is still to be broken.
to that pact Daniel has governed together with Alemán. They control the
Supreme Court of Justice, the National Assembly, the Comptroller's
Office, the Attorney General's Office, the Federal Office for Human
Rights, and Supreme Electoral Council. Thanks to that pact Alemán,
sentenced to 20 years in prison, is now free, and Byron Jerez was
absolved of all blame. That's why Alemán could shamelessly steal
everything he wanted with the Sandinista's blessing, and at the same
time those in the Sandinista business bloc have got extremely rich,
mega-salaries are still being paid, and there's been no opposition to
demands by the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank. Hence
this poverty we have. Sandinistas: vote for true Sandinism!We find true Sandinismo in the party of Herty Lewites, its spiritual candidate, and Mundo Jarquín, which he himself chose; Carlos Mejía Godoy; guerrilla commander Dora María Téllez "its president" and commanders of the Revolution Henry Ruiz (Modesto), Víctor Tirado López and Luis Carrión; guerrilla commanders Mónica Baltodano, Hugo Torres and René Vivas; Víctor Hugo Tinoco; Sergio Ramírez; Gioconda Belli; Luis Enrique Mejía Godoy; Luis Rocha; Fernando Cardenal; Carlos Tünnermann; Miguel Ernesto Vigil; Daisy Zamora; Vidaluz Meneses, and many other writers, artists, ambassadors and revolutionary government ministers, as well as those who neither took part in the piñata[2] nor made deals with the enemy, and many humble citizens. The banner of Daniel's Sandinismo (which Sandino would have never accepted) is that there's no enemy. UNIDA, NICARAGUA TRIUNFA (United, Nicaragua triumphs) is his campaigning slogan, widespread throughout the country. Three short words which are in truth three big lies. Amazing that so few words can convey so much lie. "UNITED" is a phony word. Daniel has caused a rift within Sandinismo, expelling Herty for trying to run as a candidate for his party and driving thousands of its members away from his caudillismo. NICARAGUA means nothing here. To Daniel, that word encompasses him, Rosario, and the little piñata gang. TRIUMPHS is a pointless term, its sole meaning that it a victory would belong to him, Rosario and the said piñata gang, while all of Nicaragua would lose. Talking about a "united Nicaragua" is not a revolutionary thing to do. Unity of exploiters and the exploited? Unity with thieves? With Somoza followers? With criminals? The wealthy and the poor embraced, while the former are always wealthy and the latter are always poor? Is this the revolution? Is this Sandinismo? They preach a peace of betrayal, in the style of blackthorns. Remember Sandino: "The struggle continues"The Ortega-Murillo program is bursting with words of love, reconciliation, unity and religious mercy, but deep down there's resentment, thirst for vengeance, arrogance and intolerance, behind them their hypocrisy, lack of ethics, and light pink insanity. Daniel also joined forces with Cardenal Obando, who so hated and hurt Sandinismo, so much that he became a Cardenal. We've seen with speechless wonder their campaign by radio and TV as well as in large banners displayed everywhere: Obando, prince of reconciliation, the FSLN supports you. And also Daniel's petition that the Nobel Prize for Peace be granted to that champion of anti-Sandinismo and patron of the contras. And we owe to Daniel that Obando's protégé Roberto Rivas is presiding over the Supreme Electoral Council. Daniel changes sides in every election to make us believe he's changed. Actually, there's no truth in him. He betrayed the revolution, first by taking out of the Sandinista anthem the line that went "the yankee enemy of mankind" and then all of its lyrics, replacing it with a different music. He changed the red and black flag for a pink one. Belying his demagogy with his actions, Daniel has fooled the Latin American left-wing leaders who believe he represents the left here. They may be deceived by distance, but we Nicaraguan Sandinistas may not. Truth is, our masses have been long ignored from a political viewpoint, and many follow Ortega's caudillismo submissively as a result. Yet, before they cast their vote they must bear in mind that Daniel and Alemán are partners who act on the fringes of the law. They are both two separate mobsters. We've seen that embarrassing close-up shot of them sitting at the same table, as happy as a lark. It's not true that the Sandinistas must now "close ranks". As revolutionaries you must now rebelIf you've been bribed or blackmailed, remember that when you cast your vote you do it in SECRET. Seize the opportunity to get rid of the caudillos Daniel and Alemán. To whom do we owe that Cementera Nacional[3] is back in the hands of the Somoza family? You've seen that drug-traffickers are coming to Nicaragua; some of them bring a planeload of coke and then leave the aircraft abandoned. And not one of them is in prison. Every drug dealer has his price, and many pay millions of dollars to remain free. Keep this in mind: not one drug-trafficker has been sent to prisonDon't believe those speeches filled with demagogy and so hollow and pompous that their old-fashioned drone makes them sound phony. As Gioconda Belli rightly said, "We can't trust the promises of those who have let us down before". How to trust Daniel Ortega when he so loudly claims to be with the poor and shows up in the poor neighborhoods driving a Mercedes?
sad to see that the guerrillas we once admired are Nicaragua's nouveaux
riches today, all millionaire businessmen "one of them is one of the
wealthiest persons in Central America" not to mention those who spend
15,000 or 20,000 dollars in a baptism, a fifteenth birthday party or a
wedding. Is that what so much blood was spilled for? The heroic deed performed by the FSLN, Carlos Fonseca and thousands of heroes and martyrs is now restricted to the Ortega-Murillo marriage, where nobody but them gives the orders. If it's wrong that the FSLN got so corrupted, it's even worse that it could get back in power as such. It's a very bad thing that we lost the revolution, but a false revolution is much worse. And that a false revolution is in power is even worse. The Frente Sandinista must be what it once was so that those who gave their life for it didn't do it in vain. Herty Lewites, who always had a joyful expression and not even his enemies could help liking, risked his life to Rescue Sandinismo despite his heart condition, and died for it. His death was a hard blow, but he's now the movement's spiritual candidate. He was replaced by Mundo Jarquín "whom he had chosen as his vice-president� a professional committed to the poor and able to govern as such who makes pacts with no one but the people. He's the only clean-handed candidate, as recently remarked by Bianca Jagger, a woman whose beauty has made famous but is even more distinguished for her defense of every beautiful cause of the world. And as vice-president we would have Carlos Mejía Godoy, Nicaragua's national singer-songwriter and great singer of the revolution. Everyone is free to vote for whoever they want, but must never do it against their conscience. If you're a Sandinista you must not vote for those who betrayed both Sandinismo and our dead. Nicaragua's future is at stake, as is that of the great movement Sandino created.
Sandinistas: no voten por el falso sandinismo
Ernesto Cardenal Los sandinistas no deben confundirse: el FSLN de Daniel Ortega no es el sandinismo, sino su traición. Votar por Daniel es votar por Alemán Ellos tienen un pacto que no se ha disuelto.
Por ese pacto Daniel ha gobernado junto con Alemán. Ellos controlan la
Corte Suprema de Justicia, la Asamblea Nacional, la Contraloría, el
Ministerio Público, la Procuraduría de los Derechos Humanos y el Consejo
Supremo Electoral. A ese pacto se debe que Alemán, condenado a 20 años,
esté libre y Byron Jerez haya sido absuelto de todo. Por eso Alemán pudo
robar descaradamente todo lo que quiso, sin ninguna oposición sandinista,
y al mismo tiempo se han enriquecido desmesuradamente los del bloque de
empresarios sandinistas, se han mantenido los megasalarios, no ha habido
oposición a las imposiciones del Fondo Monetario y el Banco Mundial. Y
de ahí la pobreza en que estamos. Sandinistas: ¡Voten por el verdadero sandinismo!El
verdadero sandinismo es el del partido de Herty Lewites, su candidato
espiritual, y el de Mundo Jarquín, escogido por él, y Carlos Mejía
Godoy. De la comandante guerrillera Dora María Téllez, presidenta del
partido, y los comandantes de la Revolución Henry Ruiz (Modesto), Víctor
Tirado López y Luis Carrión, la comandante guerrillera Mónica Baltodano,
el comandante guerrillero Hugo Torres, el comandante guerrillero René
Vivas, Víctor Hugo Tinoco, Sergio Ramírez, Gioconda Belli, Luis Enrique
Mejía Godoy, Luis Rocha, Fernando Cardenal, Carlos Tünnermann, Miguel
Ernesto Vigil, Daisy Zamora, Vidaluz Meneses y tantos otros escritores,
artistas, embajadores y ministros de gobierno de la revolución; los que
no participaron de la piñata y los que no pactaron con el enemigo, y
mucho pueblo humilde. Recordemos a Sandino: “La lucha sigue”.El
programa Ortega-Murillo está lleno de palabras de amor, reconciliación,
unión, piedad religiosa, pero en el fondo lo que hay es rencor, deseo de
venganza, prepotencia, intolerancia. Detrás de ellas se trasluce la
falta de ética, la hipocresía y locuras rosado chicha. Como revolucionarios ahora deben rebelarse.Si
se les ha comprado con cualquier soborno, o se les amenaza con cualquier
chantaje, recuerden que a la hora de votar el voto es SECRETO. Ésta es
la ocasión de librarnos de los caudillos, Daniel y Alemán. Recuerden bien esto: no hay ningún narco preso.No
crean esos discursos de una demagogia a gritos que por su misma voz
hueca y engolada y sonsonete anticuado suenan falsos. Como muy bien ha
dicho Gioconda Belli: “No podemos creer en las promesas de los que ya
nos fallaron”. ¿Cómo creer a Daniel Ortega cuando grita que está con los
pobres y se presenta en los barrios pobres en un Mercedes Benz?