14, 2013
New declaration by Tod@s Contra La Violencia (All Women Against
We appreciate all the cooperation and contributions received at this
early stage of the campaign Tod@s Contra La Violencia. Signatures
of support will be collected until
Friday, March 15,
although this space will remain open to your comments and eventually
distribute articles of interest to the struggle against gender violence
in Cuba and the world.
Those who have tried to discredit this campaign are determined to free
Angel Santiesteban from any blame and force us to accept his personal
agenda, if not his personal opinions. They are even reluctant to admit
that we have sufficient good judgment and capacity for action to carry
out, of our own free will, as simple a citizen’s action as defend the
rights of women who have suffered from violence.
Convinced that we need legislation against gender violence and a system
of legal and health services for the victims as much as we need
permanent public discussion about this topic in every social forum,
ranging from schools to the media, we will continue extending our
influence to other fields.
Once this stage is finished, we will take the debate to other areas in
the hopes of getting the relevant institutions involved and fostering
discussion and have a law against gender violence approved.
Havana, March 13, 2013
For contributions and/or comments, please write to:
cubacontraviolencia@gmail.com or
New signatures in
the document
March 13
Paquita Armas Fonseca
Reina Fleitas Ruiz
María del Rosario Díaz Rodríguez
Nieves Laferte
Myriam Radlow
Ana Quiroga (Argentina)
Dr. Alejandro Areu
Dr. Rubén Larrondo Muguercia
Soledad Cruz
Claudia Lazcano Vázquez
Marilú Macía
Nancy Alonso
Anders Karlgren (Sweden)
JC Volnovich (Argentina)
Silvia W. (Argentina)
Anita Fountain
Johanna Goldwaser Yankelevich (Argentina)
Leticia Cordero Vega
Martha Ivis Sánchez Ortiz
Alvaro Castillo Granada (Colombia)
Milagros Martínez
Katia Ayón
Odaymara Cuesta
Olivia Prendes
Suchely González Oliva
Ana C. Ruiz
Alberto Roque Guerra
Harold Cárdenas Lema (blog La Joven Cuba)
Yanetsy León González
Julio V Ruiz, MD, Psiquiatra
Carlos Romero
Hilda María Rguez
Cary Diez