40 Questions for Yoani Sánchez
by Salim Lamrani
Translation by Coli.
1. Who is organizing and financing your world tour?
2. In August 2002, after marrying a German citizen known as Karl
G., you left Cuba, describing it as “an immense ideological
prison,” emigrating to Switzerland, one of the richest nations
in the world. Surprisingly, in 2004, you decided to return to
Cuba, which you called “a leaky boat on the verge of
foundering,” where “shadowy figures feed off our human joy,
terrorizing us with violence, threats and blackmail,” and where
“pocketbooks are empty, frustration grows and the reign of
terror takes hold.” What motivated your decision to return?
3. According to documents from the Cuban diplomatic mission in
Berne and the foreign service offices, you asked to be permitted
to return because of economic difficulties you experienced in
Switzerland. Is that true?
4. How could you marry Karl G. if you were already married to
your current husband, Reinaldo Escobar?
5. Is it still your goal to establish “a sui generis form of
capitalism” in Cuba?
6. You created your blog, Generación Y, in 2007. In April 2008
you won the €15,000 Ortega y Gasset journalism prize from the
Spanish daily El País. This prize is usually given to
prestigious journalists or writers with a distinguished career.
This was the first time a person of your stature has won the
You were also named one of the 100 most influential persons in
the world by Time magazine. Your blog was included in the
CNN-Time list of the 25 best blogs in the world and was
similarly recognized by Deutsche Welle‘s The Bobs.
El País included you on its list of the most significant Latin
Americans in 2008. Foreign Policy named you one of the most
important intellectuals of the year in December 2008, as did the
Mexican magazine Gato Pardo.
The prestigious Columbia University awarded you its María Moors
Cabot journalism prize.
How do you explain this avalanche of prizes, accompanied by
signficant amounts of money, after only a year in existence?
7. On what have you spent the 250,000-euro prize money from
these sources, which represent the equivalent of 20 years of a
French minimum salary … and 1,488 years of a Cuban minimum
8. The Interamerican Press Association — SIP-IAPA — a group of
major Latin American media groups, named you its regional VP for
Cuba, as part of its Commission on Freedom of the Press and
Information. What is your monthly salary for this position?
9. You are also a correspondent of the Spanish daily El País.
What is your monthly salary?
10. How many theater tickets, books, months of rent or pizzas
can be bought with your monthly income?
11. How do you intend to represent the Cuban people when you
enjoy a standard of living that residents of the island can
never enjoy?
12. How do you connect to the Internet if, as you claim, Cuban
citizens lack access?
13. How can your blog accept Paypal, a payment system not
available to any island resident because of economic sanctions
that affect, among other things, e-commerce?
14. How is it that you are able to display a copyright notice —
“© 2009 Generación Y — All Rights Reserved” — when no other
Cuban blogger can do the same because of the embargo?
15. Who is behind the URL
desdecuba.net, whose server
is located in Germany and managed by Cronos AG Regensburg, a
company registered in the name of Josef Biechele which also
hosts extreme right-wing Web sites?
16. How are you able to register your domain through the U.S.
company GoDaddy, when this is formally forbidden under current
economic sanctions?
17. Your blog is available in 18 languages — including English,
French, Spanish, Italian, German, Portuguese, Russian ..
Polish, Chinese, Japanese, Lithuanian, Bulgarian, Dutch,
Finnish, Korean and Greek.
No other Web site in the World — not even the sites of important
international agencies, such as the UN, the World Bank, the IMF,
OECD or the European Union — offers this degree of linguistic
support. Not even the U.S. State Department or the CIA offer
this degree of access to non-English speakers. Who finances the
18. How is it possible that the site that hosts your blog offers
bandwidth 60 times greater than the Internet access service Cuba
offers to its users?
19. Who pays for the bandwidth control of 14 million monthly
20. You have 400,000 followers on Twitter. Only 100 of them live
in Cuba.
You yourself follow 80,000 Twitter users.
You have stated that you “twit using a SMS connection without
Web access.” How can you follow 80,000 persons without having an
Internet connection?
21. Follower Wonk —
— enables us to profile the followers of any Twitter user.
Starting in 2010 your account has been amazingly active.
Starting in June 2010, you were subscribing to 200 different
Twitter accounts each day, peaking at some 700 accounts per
24-hour day. How did you accomplish this feat?
22. Why are nearly 50,000 of your followers actually ghost
accounts or inactive profiles? In fact, of the more than 400,000
profiled followers, 27.012 are “eggs”) (no photo) and 20,000
exhibit the characteristics of “ghost” accounts with zero
activity — between zero and three postings since the opening of
the account.
23. How is it possible that so many Twitter accounts exist only
to follow and re-Tweet you, accounting for 2,000 messages? Would
you be trying to create a fictitious popularity? Who financed
the creation of fictitious Twitter accounts?
24. In 2011, you published 400 messages per month. The price of
sending one SMS message from Cuba is $1.25. So, you spent $7,000
in one year of Twitter use. Who pays for this?
25. How is it possible for President Obama to grant an interview
to you out of the hundreds of requests he receives from news
media around the world?
26. You have stated publicly that you sent Cuban president Raúl
Castro a request for interview after receiving Obama’s
An official document from the chief U.S. diplomat in Cuba,
Jonathan D. Farrar, states that you never wrote to Raúl Castro:
“She was not expecting a response from him, admitting that she
had never sent them to the president. Why did you lie?
27. Why do you conceal your meetings with U.S. diplomatic
personnel in Havana?
28. According to documents revealed by Wikileaks, between
September 16 and 22 September, 2010, you met secretly in your
apartment with assistant Secretary of State Bisa Williams during
her visit to Cuba. Why have you remained silent about this
meeting? What was discussed during it?
29. Michael Parmly, the former U.S. chief of mission in Havana,
says that he met regularly with you at your home, as
confidential documents from the Cuban intelligence service
attest. In an interview, Parmly shared his concern over the
diplomatic cables published by Wikileaks: “I would be very
distressed if the many conversations I have had with Yoani were
disclosed. She could suffer the consequences her entire life.”
The question that immediately comes to mind is: Why have you
allegedly experienced legal troubles if, as you say, you operate
within the bounds of the law?
30. Do you still believe that “many Latin American writers
deserved the Nobel Prize for LIterature more than Gabriel García
Márquez did”?
31. Do you continue to believe that “during the Batista
dictatorship (1952-58) Cuba enjoyed open and diverse freedom of
press coverage and radio programming”?
32. In 2010, you said: “The blockade has provided the regime
with a perfect excuse to maintain its intolerance, its control
and its repression of internal dissent. If economic sanctions
were to end tomorrow, I doubt very much that the effects would
be felt …”
Did you continue to believe that economic sanctions have had no
effect on the Cuban people?
33. Do you condemn the imposition of economic sanctions on Cuba?
34. Do you condemn the U.S. policy of regime change in Cuba
under the banner of democracy, given that the U.S. has supported
worse dictators in the Middle East?
35. Do you favor the extradition of Luis Posada Carriles, a
Cuban exile and former CIA agent responsible for more than 100
assassinations who has acknowledged his crimes and remains at
large in Miami thanks to the protection of Washington?
36. Do you favor the return of the naval base at Guantánamo,
currently occupied by the U.S?
37. Do you favor the freeing of five Cuban political prisoners
held in the U.S. since 1998 for having infiltrated Cuban exile
groups in Florida?
38. In your view, is it normal for the U.S. to finance internal
dissidents in order to bring about “regime change”?
39. In your view, what have been the accomplishments of the
Cuban Revolution?
40. What special interests operate behind the scenes of your
trad. Colin Brayton