![]() Young people's first sexual relationships http://www.juventudrebelde.cu/cuba/2009-01-10/el-debut-de-los-young-in-the-sexual-relations/ It is common for girls to comment on how their sex life began. On the other hand, males continue lying about this subject because it costs them to admit that they have not had sex. By: Mileyda Menéndez Mail: mileyda@jrebelde.cip.cu January 10, 2009 00:46:54 GMT A CubaNews translation by Sue Greene.
Much is discussed -for better or for worse- of the sexual initiation of girls, as much in the familiar area as in the media, scientific articles and day to day chats among adolescents of both sexes. Today it is common for girls to comment on how their sex life began, at what age it occurred and whether any method to protect themselves is used. In contrast, males continue lying about this subject almost as much as in previous decades; the majority exaggerate or tell things that have not happened because it costs them to admit that they have not had sex, because of fear, because of "bad luck" or because they believe that their moment has not yet arrived. The phenomenon responds primarily to socio-cultural factors, as demonstrated in a survey given in 2000 by Argentinean sociologists to more than 3,000 young people between 20 and 29 years old in four cities of the continent: Havana, Buenos Aires (Argentina), Lima (Peru) and La Paz (Bolivia). Hernán Manzell and Edith Pantelides, from the Center for Studies of the Argentinean population, published their results in the book, Contributions to the Social Investigation of Sexual and Reproductive Health. For them it was curious that Cuban males choose falling in love as the main reason for starting their sex life, while in Buenos Aires desire ranked first and among Peruvians and Bolivians curiosity predominated. Consistent with that data, was that Argentinean boys are the greatest [number] who began with strangers (a high percentage of them prostitutes) and therefore they tend to protect themselves more in that first relationship, while, in the other extreme, the majority of Havana males debut with emotionally close girls, but very few use condoms on their first time. It is also significant that the boys from the Island were the most precocious, with an average age of starting at 14.9 years. Only one percent of the sample in Havana confessed to being a virgin, while in La Paz, 15 percent of respondents had not made their debut in sex, and the average age of first contact was 17.3 years. Tell me, magic mirror ... Experts from around the world agree that males give much importance to physical appearance at the time of facing sexual relationships. Hence, people whose body image is not the standard are more fearful. The reasons range from severe motor disability to nonconformity of the size of the penis, but also asymmetric features, very short or tall stature, different color or quality of the skin and disproportion between muscle and fatty tissue. Including those that do not even dare to court a woman because their voice or gestures are not very masculine, which society prefers. For fear of ridicule or scorn, they prefer to keep themselves at the margin, retaining jealously the secret of their virginity in order to not give rise to comments. Generally, that nonconformity of body image denotes a low self-esteem, which impacts greatly on the possibilities of establishing intimate contact with other people, whether they are of the opposite sex or of their own. To reach maturity and develop an adequate self-valuation is the best cure for such affectations. A young man recently told Sex Sense: "For 12 years I stood in front of the mirror and I saw myself as a little fat, large for my age, an ugly face and without a significant penis... then I decided that I had to be an intelligent, romantic type in order to win over women. "Luckily this strategy worked very well for me. I delayed until 17 years of age to have sex, but instead I learned that one can enjoy more when everything is done with feeling, without banal prejudices and with creativity", he told us. His experience coincides with the conclusion of the study by the Argentinean experts: the extent to which young people begin to age more, they are also more likely to achieve a satisfactory sex life, maintain a stable partner and give priority to protection from STDs and unwanted pregnancies. Besides the physical aspect, are interpersonal relationships which most influence the decision of any woman to accept a man, even for a single night of carnal pleasure: to smell good and to have an acceptable sense of humor are very effective introduction letters, studies in various countries reveal. Half a century ago, among novices were placed the seductive model of the adolescent "heartbreakers" who were not lacking opportunities for initiating themselves in the mysteries of love, almost always with older women. Fortunately, the shy and affectionate have learned to enhance their charms and generally begin in a climate of greater affection, with the partner of their dreams and without having to pay for them, a custom that still persists in many countries, even in this age of so many changes in the sexual terrain. Prelude of Adam When everything transpires in a normal manner, the first erotic experiences of any boy is limited to kissing his partner, caressing her breasts and -for the more daring- superficially exploring her genitals. Oral sex is less frequent among beginners, and anal sex even more limited, but both also can occur. All these steps -in addition to masturbation alone or in pairs- prepare the young to initiate contacts with vaginal penetration, in a way that does not create false expectations about that first time, which almost always occurs under a lot of tension for both. Nor should one aspire to achieve prolonged sexual intercourse on that first meeting, nor on those following, until he discovers the abilities of his body and puts into practice certain techniques to retain or to induce ejaculation in a controlled manner, something that does not emerge spontaneously but must be learned by self-observation, appropriate readings, in dialog with men with more experience and above all seeking maximum communication with their partner. If it is necessary, any young person can go to a sex therapy consultation in order to learn such techniques, and, in passing, other doubts on the subject will clear up. They will alert him about the dangers which he faces in his sexual life and they will help him to be more assertive, because ultimately males are stressed a lot by the "obligation" of appeasing their partner with orgasms. They forget to cultivate other details which enrich their love life, and which they can recreate from the first time, and even from long before. The first time On the CD Catalejo, the duo Buena Fe, describes those innumerable feelings which accompany the first love encounter between adolescents. Here is the text of the song: The shock, fear or intrigue and rivers of adrenaline / boundaries with truths and lies, only a thousand times learned / prejudices, guardedness, prudence, / warnings of consequences by experts or the sayings of grandfather not tested by science. Chorus: The first time not only are there bubbles, but a desire that pushes you / and a magic flows through the curtains / in order that life emerges or begins / and there will always be more than the first time / but nothing like that spell / of testing your feet beyond permissions. The doubts, certainties, reasons, all the indecisions / already you know that they are served on a tray: those which you take, those which you leave / secrets, announcements, experiences and even the most intricate path, / archives to which only friends will know the password. Chorus. Ask up front A.L.: My intimate life is true chaos. I am aware of my problems, but I have never sought professional help, nor have I spoken about it even with my best friends, who are like sisters. It is so delicate that I dare not mention it, although I know many women with this problem. I have had an infinite number of partners. Whenever I start a relationship everything goes very well until I have sex. I have not come to orgasm with anyone. I know that it is because I decided to look for pleasure by my own means until I obtained it, but from a method quite difficult to share it with my partner. I only arrive at orgasm with penetration and stimulation of the clitoris simultaneously. If one of the two fails, it is impossible to reach. I have spent my life pretending and changing partners without achieving it with anyone. I have even had sexual fantasies with girls, but it is men who enchant me. Perhaps it is only my desperation to have orgasms with a person that makes me think of women. Sometimes I have talked with my partners without obtaining anything. Already it is more than a year that I have not spoken with anyone because it seems to me that it is wasting time and exposing myself too much. I am 26 years old. If you can reach orgasm alone, your problem is not essentially anorgasmic, but in the intimacy of your relationship with men. As studies of female sexuality show, stimulation of the external clitoris, or internally with penetration, is the bodily source essential for female orgasm. So your case is not as rare or as difficult as you suppose. I estimate that your inability to feel orgasm in a loving bond is expressing your other difficulties with erotic intimate surrender with your partner. Orgasm is also a psychological response. The fact that you have not discussed this even with your intimate friends makes us think that this "fear of exposing yourself" could be related to your orgasmic inhibition. It seems to us very good that you begin to ask for professional help. Orgasm in a couple is not an utopia. Mariela Rodríguez Méndez, Masters in Clinical Psychology, Psychoanalyst and Counselor in STDs and HIV/AIDS.
El debut de los jóvenes en las relaciones sexuales
Es común que las muchachas comenten
cómo empezó su vida sexual. En cambio los varones continúan
mintiendo sobre este asunto pues les cuesta admitir que no han
tenido sexo
10 de enero de 2009
00:46:54 GMT
El amor más fuerte y más
no es el que sube desde la
sino el que desciende desde
Santa Catalina de
Hoy es común que las jóvenes comenten cómo empezó su vida sexual, a qué edad ocurrió y si usó algún método para protegerse. En cambio, los varones continúan mintiendo sobre este asunto casi tanto como en décadas anteriores; la mayoría exagera o cuenta cosas que no han sucedido, pues les cuesta admitir que no han tenido sexo, por temor, por «mala suerte» o porque creen que aún no llegó su momento. El fenómeno responde sobre todo a factores socioculturales, según demostró una encuesta aplicada en el año 2000 por sociólogos argentinos a más de 3 000 jóvenes entre 20 y 29 años de edad en cuatro ciudades del continente: La Habana, Buenos Aires (Argentina), Lima (Perú) y La Paz (Bolivia). Hernán Manzell y Edith Pantelides, del Centro de Estudios de Población argentino, publicaron sus resultados en el libro Aportes a la investigación social en salud sexual y reproductiva. Para ellos resultó curioso que los varones cubanos eligieran el enamoramiento como principal motivo para iniciar su vida sexual, mientras que en Buenos Aires el deseo ocupó el primer puesto, y entre peruanos y bolivianos predominó la curiosidad. En coherencia con esos datos, resultó que los chicos argentinos son los que más se inician con personas extrañas (un alto porcentaje de ellas prostitutas) y por tanto tienden a protegerse más en esa primera relación, mientras que, en el otro extremo, los habaneros en su mayoría debutan con muchachas afectivamente cercanas, pero muy pocos usan preservativos en su primera vez. También resulta significativo que los muchachos de la Isla fueran los más precoces, con una edad promedio al inicio de 14,9 años. Solo el uno por ciento de la muestra en La Habana confesó ser virgen, mientras que en La Paz el 15 por ciento de los encuestados no había debutado en el sexo, y la edad promedio del primer contacto fue de 17,3 años. Dime, espejo mágico...Expertos de todo el orbe coinciden en que los varones dan mucha importancia al aspecto físico a la hora de enfrentar las relaciones sexuales. De ahí que personas cuya imagen corporal no es la estándar son más recelosas. Las razones van desde una discapacidad motora severa hasta inconformidad por el tamaño del pene, pero también por asimetría en las facciones, estatura baja o muy alta, diferente color o calidad de la piel y desproporción entre músculos y tejido adiposo. Incluso los hay que no se atreven a enamorar a una mujer porque su voz o sus gestos no son todo lo viriles que la sociedad prefiere, y por temor a la burla o el desprecio prefieren mantenerse al margen, conservando celosamente el secreto de su virginidad para no dar pie a comentarios. Por lo general, esa inconformidad con la imagen corporal denota una baja autoestima, que repercute grandemente en las posibilidades de establecer contacto íntimo con otras personas, ya sean del sexo opuesto o del propio. Alcanzar madurez y desarrollar una adecuada autovaloración es la mejor cura para tales remilgos. Un joven contaba a Sexo Sentido recientemente: «A los 12 años me paré frente al espejo y me vi gordito, grande para mi edad, feo de cara y sin un pene significativo... entonces decidí que tenía que ser un tipo inteligente y romántico para conquistar a las mujeres. «Por suerte esa estrategia me funcionó muy bien. Demoré hasta los 17 años para tener sexo, pero en cambio aprendí que se disfruta más cuando todo se hace con sentimiento, sin prejuicios banales y con creatividad», nos dijo. Su experiencia coincide con la conclusión del estudio de los expertos argentinos: en la misma medida en que los jóvenes se inician a una edad mayor, también es mayor la probabilidad de que logren una vida sexual satisfactoria, conserven una pareja estable y den prioridad a la protección ante ITS y embarazos no deseados. Por encima del aspecto físico, son las relaciones interpersonales las que más influyen en la decisión de cualquier mujer para aceptar a un hombre, incluso para una simple noche de placer carnal: oler bien y tener un sentido del humor aceptable resultan cartas de presentación muy efectivas, revelan estudios en varios países. Medio siglo atrás, entre novatos se imponía el modelo seductor del adolescente «rompecorazones» a quien no faltarían oportunidades para iniciarse en los misterios del amor, casi siempre con mujeres de más edad. Afortunadamente, los tímidos y cariñosos han aprendido a potenciar sus encantos y por lo general se inician en un clima de mayor afecto, con la pareja de sus sueños y sin tener que pagar por ello, una costumbre que aún persiste en muchos países, aun en este siglo de tantas novedades en el terreno sexual. Preludio de AdánCuando todo transcurre de manera normal, las primeras experiencias eróticas de cualquier muchacho se limitan a besar a la pareja, acariciar sus senos y —para los más atrevidos— explorar superficialmente sus genitales. El sexo oral es menos frecuente entre primerizos, y más limitado aún el sexo anal, pero también pueden darse ambos. Todos estos pasos —además de la masturbación en solitario o en pareja— preparan al joven para iniciar los contactos con penetración vaginal, de modo que no se cree falsas expectativas sobre esa primera vez, que casi siempre ocurre bajo mucha tensión para ambos. Tampoco debe aspirar a lograr un coito prolongado en esa primera cita, ni en las siguientes, hasta tanto no descubra las capacidades de su cuerpo y ponga en práctica ciertas técnicas para retener o provocar la eyaculación de forma controlada, algo que no surge de forma espontánea, sino que debe aprenderse con autoobservación, lecturas adecuadas, en el diálogo con hombres de más experiencia y sobre todo buscando la máxima comunicación con la pareja. Si es preciso, cualquier joven puede acudir a una consulta de terapia sexual para aprender tales técnicas, y de paso le aclararán otras dudas sobre el tema, lo alertarán sobre los peligros que enfrenta en su vida sexual y le ayudarán a ser más asertivo, pues últimamente los varones se angustian mucho por la «obligación» de propiciar orgasmos a su pareja y se olvidan de cultivar otros detalles que enriquecen la vida amorosa, y que sí pueden recrearse desde la primera vez, e incluso desde mucho antes. La primera vezEn el disco Catalejo, el dúo Buena Fe describe esos innumerables sentimientos que acompañan al primer encuentro amoroso entre adolescentes. He aquí el texto de la canción: El susto, los miedos o intrigas y ríos de adrenalina / fronteras con verdades y mentiras, pero mil veces aprendidas/ prejuicios, alertas, prudencias,/ avisos de consecuencias por letrados o los dichos del abuelo no probados por la ciencia. Estribillo: La primera vez ya no hay burbujas, sino un deseo que te empuja/ y una magia corre las cortinas/ para que salga o entre vida/ y siempre habrá más que la primera vez/ pero nada como aquel hechizo/ de probar tus pies más allá de los permisos.
Las dudas, certezas, razones,
todas las indecisiones/ ya sabes que se sirven en bandeja:
los que tomas, los que dejas/ secretos, anuncios, vivencias
y hasta la más intrincada huella,/ archivos al que solo
amigos le sabrán la contraseña.