![]() ; These misguided folks… (II and final) By Alina Perera Robbio, Yailin Orta Rivera, Yahily Hernández Porto, Luis López Viera, Roberto Díaz Martorell, and Yoelvis Lázaro Moreno Fernández, Journalism student Correo:
A CubaNews translation by Will Reissner. It is not so easy to typecast people. Ostentation takes root in shifting fields, whose borders can become hazy and even imperceptible. Her smile gleamed when a beam of light hit it. Our curiosity was aroused by two gold-capped teeth and made us think about people who are inordinately boastful, those who want to show off some type of power. “She is one of them,” we were sure, as we thought about the juicy discussion ahead of us. But when Yaicel Palacios Felipe, 18, and a first year Law student at the University of Havana, explained the reasons that led her to want to put a luminous accent in her mouth, we discovered that it is not so easy to typecast people; and that the theme of ostentation takes root in shifting fields, whose boundaries can become hazy and even imperceptible. “I had the gold put in when I was a scholarship student in the high school years. You had to fit in. That’s why I did it…” Yaicel asserted with compete candor; and that left us with nothing juicy to report. Days later, a shot taken by one of our photojournalists pointed us to more promising trails. The photo showed a young man flashing a blinding smile; the “pearls” in his mouth had been turned into cold metallic fragments, totally encased in gold. Following the trail step-by-step, we were able to talk by telephone with the craftsman who changed the appearance of the young man in the photo. “I am a dental technician,” he told us. “On average I do this type of work at the rate of one person per day. Those teeth are used as jewelry.” Q. Who are the people knocking on your door? A. “The majority are young people. Some are parents who bring their little children of four or five years of age, to make them shine more prettily, and if they are males to look more like little men. They do it because capping is something odd, different, out of the ordinary. Yes, to show they are different. They want this gold to make a statement about themselves like you do with a bracelet or a necklace, now so stylish.” Q. How much did it set back the young man to have so much gold put on his teeth? A. “Well, it was 40 pesos for each piece…” Q. Pesos? A. “Yes ‘hard pesos.’ In total, because there were eight pieces, the thing cost him 320 CUC (Cuban Convertible Pesos).” Q. He must be doing well money-wise. A. “You know, he lives in a little place, without furniture and with a big family. He doesn’t invest his money in improvements. That doesn’t interest him.” Q. And what about you? Do you have some gold in your teeth? A. “No. My priorities are different. I wear a good watch and a nice ring. I don’t have chains. What really gives me pleasure is my classic motorcycle. I enjoy showing that it is one of the best. I also spend a lot of time on my dogs, which are Siberian Huskies, and I take a lot of walks with them. Everyone has his own tastes. I have a friend who just bought himself a boat, and the way he talks it up you would think it was a yacht…” In the course of a much longer conversation, this 31-year-old resident of the capital talked about people who rent motorcycles for 10 CUC per day, to show off all over the city. He conceded that ostentation exists: “It is showing off things you don’t have, in order to pretend you have greater purchasing power. You have to understand these people. They prefer to live to the limit. For example, some of them think that the one who wears the most gold to a party will be the one with the greatest chances for success. Without power, you can’t get a ‘chickadee.’ We all like being in the spotlight…” In making our reportorial rounds, we found that the exhibitionist can go to unimaginable lengths in his zeal to achieve his personal “realization.” If the goal is to show off a pair of designer shoes: that’s what he’ll do…even though dishes disappear from the table. If it is about being seen in a setting where they sell beers and other products, it doesn’t matter that the can warms up in your hand for a couple of hours; you have to stay. And if you have to show yourself off, then you have to head over to certain points in the city so that those who pass by – perhaps tired out by the day’s work, rooted in a more mundane and hurried life – will be blown away by so much showy stuff, so much automotive extravagance, such a volume of noise, so much irritating glitter and levity. Profound words (I)
When we asked Dr. Dionisio Zaldivar Perez, vice rector of the University of Havana and associate professor in the Psychology Department, what might be going on with a human being for whom the goal in life is to possess, to accumulate objects, he illustrated the subject with an example: “Imagine a person who chooses her mate based on the commodities he can provide rather than the attraction she feels for him… It is unnatural. You cannot make your selection on the basis of profit. I say this because a person who shows off, clutching to material objects, can do unbelievable things. “If people focus on unfettered consumption they will encounter many frustrations and will not be able to recognize the grandeur of life’s spiritual aspects. When we say consumption, we are not talking about acquiring certain goods that provide us a quality of life and satisfaction, or that make it possible for us to live with dignity. We are referring to the mental poverty of focusing our lives on this excessive zeal to have more and more.” Q. Do you feel that people with a lower cultural level are more vulnerable or do think that no one escapes the subtle snares of ostentation? A. “We might think that culture protects people from a phenomenon like this. But you can find exhibitionists in all social groups. There are those who, until yesterday, were simple people and then as soon as they get something they have to flaunt it. In its most lamentable form there are those who show off things that were not acquired through honest labor. “This is a problem that requires profound reflection, where we need to look at things not so much from the vantage point of knowledge, but rather from an existential plane, where the human being reflects on what he aspires to be, where he wants to end up, and how he wants to get there.” Q. Do shortages have an impact on this attitude? A. “The human being can live under extreme situations and still not lose the capacity for judgment and spiritual uplift. Take the example of Antonio Guerrero, who is suffering imprisonment in the empire, and yet has taken refuge in art to fill his time. They have robbed him of his physical liberty, but he takes solace in his spiritual dignity.” Knowing who you are The parents of Sergio Diaz Alejano, a 22 year-old fourth year student in the department of accounting and finances at the University of Havana, have shared their recollections of the 1970s and 1980s with their son, “an era when you didn’t see phenomena like ostentation so much.” “According to them,” said Sergio, “the reason had to do with the fact that everyone, more or less, dressed in the same outfits, except for a very few people who had family abroad. “My mother, who really liked to dance at 15th birthday parties, recalls that the males would come in little checked shirts, and the girls wore dresses that they had often made themselves. Today the world is spinning faster and throwing up a growing number of people feel they must, by whatever means, keep up appearances. “Here at the University we run into people who show off about their standard of living; they even show off about who they make friends with, because this isn’t just about economic matters. There are many things we could say; if a talented musician goes around in a Mercedes, that shouldn’t bother anyone. What is sad is when someone without a big income uses his whole life savings to rent a Mercedes in order to show up at a party. And this is a real story.” Signs This topic has stirred up passions among Cubans since time immemorial. “They eat grain and burp chicken” is how the old folks used to describe people feverishly trying to transcend the limitations of their status. Today, the sense among the people is that the exhibitionist spirit can take the most unexpected permutations. According to our readers, you can spot the exhibitionist spirit through extravagant tattoos; through language that might include wild hand gesticulation and even the use of phrases in English; through over-the-top belt buckles resembling bullet-proof vests; through cars that, through accessorizing, look like space ships; through the whole flood of tacky glitter. Getting seen with young girls (of course not everyone should be lumped in the same category) when the man is already getting long in the tooth – what has come to be called leching – was mentioned as a symptom of the show-off: as an exchange in which the “powerful guy,” strutting before the world with his girl hanging on his arm, seems to be telling everyone: “I have it. So I can even turn back the hands of time.” Island within “Are we show-offs? Sometimes to an extreme,” we were told by 22 year-old Mairette Lorente Alfaro, a journalism student at the Central University of Las Villas who hails from Sancti Spiritus. In her opinion the phenomenon is almost genetic and some people can hardly rein it in. The young woman felt that in general ostentatiousness does not involve a form of self-sufficiency, but “basically arises from the foolishness of wanting to show everyone that you are superior just because you have a specific object or advantage. “In the street,” Mairette maintained, “there’s exhibitionism all over the place. That’s where we see the ones who are determined to get attention based on the weight of their wallet, because they have a burning need to be noticed. During the special period, the possibilities to gain access to new markets increased, which together with other factors led to a certain decline in society’s values.” Caricature: LazLa The university student described ostentation as a distressing and unfortunate tendency. She feels that you need to distinguish between this conduct and the custom that Cubans have of highlighting personal or collective achievements. From Camaguey, Amaury Valdivia Fernandez, a 25 year-old university student, opined that ostentation is rooted in the most prosaic day-to-day attitudes and details, which make it hard to spot it quickly and with certainty. “Sometimes a person who is apt to show off what he has might be seen by some as vain and by others more neutrally. It all depends on the context in which the objects are displayed.” The young man made the point that those born on this island have historically taken pride in their physical and intellectual attributes. It would be quite rare for them to let on that they had suffered a blow, and if there is some problem that hints of inferiority, they try to hide it at all costs. They prefer to share a thing that raises their stature, not something that might bring shame. “Cubans have a great ability to create realities parallel to those in which they live,” said Amaury. “Perhaps that is why they make a big show of grandeur with things that they may not even have seen, but whose proximity, at least so they think, can bestow a certain rank, position, or privileges in the social arena.” Being ostentatious is the most negative extreme of vanity, in the opinion of Yoel Lluesma Vidal, a violinist with the Camaguey Symphony. “It is not just that you wear the latest things, but also the way you carry and express yourself. You can almost always spot the exhibitionists by their language, the brand of cigarette they smoke, what they drink, the group and the places they frequent.” The Camagueyan artist maintains that sometimes the family does not adequately influence its children. Paternalism, the exaggerated efforts of parents to protect and pamper their little ones at home, provides fertile ground in which these “papa’s boys” can grow up with a philosophy of entitlement and with an air of arrogance that can be seen from blocks away. Lennier Mola Walcott, professor at the Nicolas Guillen Art Teachers School in Camaguey, told Juventud Rebelde that jewelry, technological gadgets, cars, and other valuable objects have become great fetishes for the exhibitionists. We cannot ignore the drama of the little children who suffer and even develop complexes because they are not dressed in the newest fashions, and who can feel very frustrated if they feel looked down upon by the more “powerful.” “The phenomenon is not of insignificant proportions. Some try to achieve their goals at any cost; and they look for quick money, wherever they can get their hands on it,” Lennier stated, convinced that ostentation can spread even innocently, with very subtle methods of ensnaring its prey. Kerlitza Rodriguez Diaz, a graduate of the School of Foreign Languages and translator of the web page of the Isle of Youth radio station, argued that show-offs are superficial people. “I don’t understand them, I don’t get what their aims are. To me it seems arrogant and really stupid to believe oneself superior to others.” Profound words (II)
Might ostentation be a trait that flourishes when our self-esteem has been weakened? The question prompted Maria Isabel Dominguez, doctor of Sociology and Director of the Center for Psychological and Sociological Studies (CIPS) of the Academy of Sciences of Cuba, to share some thoughts with our daily: “When the conditions exist, recognition of some virtue of ours happens by itself; you don’t have to go out and look for recognition. If, for example, someone knows things, others will esteem the person for that, and there is no need to make a big show of that knowledge. Similarly, if someone possesses physical beauty, that quality is right there and others see it; you don’t need lots of make-up to attract attention. “Ostentation always involves trying to gain recognition for something that you don’t have or at least something that it is not so obvious that you have, and for which you want to be recognized. Therefore you brag about your knowledge or about physical appearance. There is a fad among young people: doing bodybuilding, having big muscles, developing the appearance of an Adonis. You show off with your physique, perhaps seeking recognition in order to conceal other shortcomings. “There are those who use social relationships to show off, and think that if they are close to someone who enjoys social recognition, then some of that prestige will rub off on them through osmosis. Ostentation includes this type of quest.” Q. The question would be to have or not have? (I don’t get this, maybe I’m not understanding it) A. That is precisely the essence; it is not whether or not you might have a good build. The point is why you want the good appearance. This boy who works out and builds up his muscles: Why is he doing it? Could it be that he feels it improves his health; that by doing exercises he will feel fulfillment, well-being? Or is the goal to show off his handsome body and attract girls? “It’s the same thing with someone who studies and aspires to be the best in the class. Why do they do it? Do they appreciate the value of knowledge and want to be useful? Or do they simply hope to show others that they are the best? “Regarding material goods, the key is what you do with them. Certainly there are limits to the use-value of objects. If I collect ceramic jars, I might have a hundred, but if it is shoes I want to collect, having a hundred pairs… What do I want to demonstrate to those around me by having that many? What message do I want to send? “There are some who are trying to send out signals – whether with housing, with their way of dressing, with other things like that – signals they hope will show that they have more than others. It is a pretty widespread phenomenon, and not exclusive to Cuba. “I have been told, and it made an impact on me, that when cell phones began to appear in a certain Latin American country, many people got cell phones, and people talked on them from their vehicles. Then a campaign was launched to control that practice. They stopped motorists who were driving and supposedly talking. But the authorities were surprised to find that the immense majority of the telephones were toys and people were showing off with them because, being new, they imparted prestige. “When I heard the story I said to myself: look how far the need to show off with what we don’t have can lead us in terms of actions that are nonsensical or so infantile… Situations related to telephones are very common here, and you see youngsters with a cell phone talking to someone who is a few yards away, foolishly wasting money, or making themselves talked about.” (haciéndose los que hablan -- I’m really not sure what this means) Q. What would be the opposite of a trait like ostentation? A. “Modesty. That is, people should aspire to have values, knowledge, information, skills, beauty, strength, but those should have meaning for them and also for society. People should navigate through life with these attributes without having to show them off to others in order to gain recognition, because such recognition will come on its own to the degree that such qualities exist.” The height of simplicity
No one has been as close to the sky as he has using just his own feet: Javier Sotomayor has three outdoor world records, as well as one indoor record and two others in the youth and student categories. Almost all the records still hold. In addition, Sotomayor was the Olympic champion in Barcelona in 1992. During his career he cleared 2.30 meters 229 times, including 21 jumps of 2.40 meters or higher. “I feel the affection of the people and have the satisfaction of having been selected one of the best athletes of the Twentieth Century in Cuba,” said this transcendental man who has plenty of reasons to show-off, given that almost 20 years have come and gone without anyone on the planet having been able to break his records. “I am very proud of my achievements in sports, but I don’t flaunt them. I have not showed up somewhere talking about what I did. I feel that as a person I’m as simple as any other human being.” Q. Are we show-offs by nature? A. “I don’t think so. Sure we have them, we have them, but they are not a majority. It exists in every individual’s personality, but not in our essence. Some might want to feel a bit superior, and show-off with what they have, and with what they don’t. I think you can win over a lover, make a friend, have relationships in a place, without needing to show-off. Unfortunately there are characters in the street who call attention to themselves by going around in a good car, by having some jewelry, or money, or some other advantage. Luckily people around the world are not likely to be exposed to our show-offs, so it is hard for them to tarnish the image of Cubans on a world scale. “The people in Cuba who get the most recognition are the ones who show off the least.”
========================================================================== NUMBER ONE
Q. The question would be to have or not have? That’s right, in reference to either material stuff or contacts in convenient places for you to brag about, so typical of social climbers. My version of the following would be: «Some people brag about the people they know and are convinced that if they stick around someone who enjoys social recognition a share of their prestige will eventually fall to their lot and they will get a piece of the action. Searching for those well-known faces is part of their showoff». «The question would be to have or not have [anything ranging from money and/or contacts to good looks]? «That’s exactly the point. It’s not about having a good figure, but what you want to look good for. That kid who goes to great lengths to develop his muscles: why does he do it? Is it because he thinks pumping up is good for his health and well-being? Or is it to flaunt his great figure and get somebody’s attention?»
NUMBER TWO: (I guess this paragraph is fine, except for the last phrase you’re wondering about. It’s true that some people are always walking around with a cell phone in full view of everyone to make people think they’re (the phone-carrying ones) are important, powerful and/or moneyed. And believe it or not, many of those phones don’t even have batteries! The thing is, they usually find someone who is even dumber than them, enough to grant them a certain status automatically just by their looks or the things they carry with them). “When I heard the story I said to myself: look how far the need to show off with what we don’t have can lead us in terms of actions that are nonsensical or so infantile… Situations related to telephones are very common here, and you see youngsters with a cell phone talking to someone who is a few yards away, foolishly wasting money, or just pretending they’re actually talking with someone.”
09 de noviembre de 2008
00:58:49 GMT
http://www.juventudrebelde.cu/cuba/2008-11-09/esa-gente-equivocada-ii-y-final/ No es tan fácil tipificar a las personas. La ostentación se afinca en terrenos movedizos, cuyos límites pueden volverse difusos y hasta imperceptibles A un golpe de luz, su sonrisa brillaba. Dos dientes enchapados en oro desataron la curiosidad y nos hicieron pensar en quienes presumen desmedidamente, en quienes gustan de exhibir algún tipo de poder. «Es una de ellos», asegurábamos, al tiempo de presagiar el jugoso testimonio que teníamos por delante. Pero cuando Yaicel Palacios Felipe, de 18 años, y estudiante de primer año de Derecho de la Universidad de La Habana, explicó las razones por las cuales quiso poner un acento luminoso en su boca, advertimos que no es tan fácil tipificar a la gente; y que el tema de la ostentación se afinca en terrenos movedizos, cuyos límites pueden volverse difusos y hasta imperceptibles. «Me puse el oro cuando estaba becada en los años de preuniversitario. Había que estar en ambiente. Por eso lo hice...», confesó Yaicel con toda la naturalidad del mundo; y así nos dejó sin pimienta para el texto. Días después, una imagen tomada por uno de nuestros fotorreporteros, nos condujo a pistas más sustanciosas. La instantánea mostraba a un joven luciendo una sonrisa estridente: las «perlas» de su boca se habían convertido en frías piezas metálicas, absolutamente forradas en oro. Pista tras pista, logramos sostener una conversación telefónica con el artesano que cambió la imagen del muchacho de la fotografía. «Soy técnico dental —nos dijo. Hago este tipo de trabajo, como promedio, a razón de una persona por día. Esos dientes se usan como prendas». —¿Quiénes tocan a tu puerta? —La mayoría son jóvenes. Algunos son padres que traen a sus pequeños de cuatro o cinco años, para que luzcan más lindos, y, si son varones, más hombrecitos. Lo hacen porque el enchapado es algo extraño, diferente, poco usual. Sí, para marcar la diferencia. Quieren que ese oro se muestre como se hace con una manilla, o con una gargantilla, ahora tan de moda. —¿Cuánto desembolsó el muchacho por ponerse tanto oro en sus dientes? —Bueno, por cada pieza fueron cuarenta pesos... —¿Pesos? —Sí, de los «duros». En total, como fueron ocho piezas, la cosa le salió en 320 CUC. —A él le va bien con los asuntos del bolsillo... —Bueno... Vive en un lugar chiquito, sin muebles y con familia grande. No invierte su dinero en mejorar. No le interesa. —¿Y tú? ¿Llevas algo de oro en tus dientes? —No. Mis prioridades son otras. Uso un buen reloj y una buena alianza. No llevo cadena. Lo que sí me gusta es mi moto clásica. Disfruto enseñar que es de las mejores. También cuido mucho a mis perros, son de raza —Husky Siberiano—, y los saco mucho a pasear. Todo el mundo tiene sus gustos. Tengo un amigo que ahora se ha comprado un bote, y le cuenta a todos como si se tratara de un yate... En un diálogo que fue mucho más largo, este capitalino de 31 años habló de quienes alquilan motos por 10 CUC diarios, para exhibirse por toda la ciudad. Admitió que la ostentación existe: «Es mostrar cosas que no se tienen, con tal de aparentar mayor poder adquisitivo. Es que a esa gente hay que entenderla. Prefieren vivir al límite. Para algunos, por ejemplo, el que más muelas de oro lleve a una fiesta, será el que más posibilidades de éxito tenga. Sin poder, no hay «jevita» posible. A todos nos gusta estar en onda...». En nuestro abordaje reporteril, confirmamos que el ostentoso puede hacer lo inimaginable en el afán de lograr su «realización» personal. Si la meta es mostrar un par de zapatos de marca: allá va eso..., aunque desaparezcan platos de la mesa. Si se trata de ser avistado en un escenario donde se ofertan cervezas y otras mercancías, no importa que la lata se caliente en la mano un par de horas: hay que permanecer. Y si hay que exhibirse, es preciso apostarse en ciertos puntos de la ciudad para que quienes por allí pasen —quizá cansados por el trabajo del día, anclados a una vida más terrenal y apresurada— se queden boquiabiertos con tanta parafernalia, tanto lujo automovilístico, tantos kilos de ruido, tanta lentejuela y levedad insoportables. Palabras a lo profundo (I)
«Si las personas ponen la mirada en el consumo desmedido, tendrán muchas frustraciones y no podrán reconocer la grandeza de lo espiritual. No estamos hablando, cuando decimos consumo, de adquirir ciertos bienes que nos garantizan calidad de vida y satisfacción, o que nos hagan vivir dignamente. Hacemos alusión a la pobreza mental de concentrar nuestras vidas en ese afán desmedido por tener y tener». —¿Considera que son más vulnerables las personas de menor nivel cultural, o piensa que nadie escapa a las sutiles trampas de la ostentación? —Pudiéramos pensar que la cultura preserva a las personas de un fenómeno como este. Pero al ostentoso puedes encontrarlo en todos los grupos sociales. Hay quienes han sido humildes hasta ayer, y de pronto obtienen algo y ostentan de tenerlo. En la arista más lamentable, están los que exhiben cosas no adquiridas por la vía del trabajo honrado. «Estamos ante un problema que exige reflexión profunda, donde lo decisorio, más que la cultura del conocimiento, es la de tipo existencial, donde el ser humano se plantea qué aspira a ser, adónde y cómo desea llegar». —¿Las carencias condicionan esa actitud? —El ser humano puede vivir en situaciones extremas, y aún así, no perder su capacidad de discernimiento y altura. Ahí tenemos el ejemplo de Antonio Guerrero, quien sufre prisión en el imperio y sin embargo se ha refugiado en el arte para ocupar su tiempo. Le han robado su libertad física, pero él se ampara en su grandeza espiritual. Saber quién eres tú...
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María Isabel Domínguez, doctora en Sociología y Directora del Centro de Investigaciones Psicológicas y Sociológicas (CIPS) de la Academia de Ciencias de Cuba. Foto: Calixto N. Llanes |
«Cuando existen las condiciones, el reconocimiento hacia algún mérito nuestro se da; no hay que salir a buscarlo. Si, por ejemplo, una persona sabe, los demás lo valorarán como tal, y no habrá necesidad de ostentar con esos conocimientos. Igualmente, si alguien posee belleza física, esa cualidad está ahí y los demás la ven; no hace falta un excesivo maquillaje con el cual intentar atraer.
«La ostentación siempre tiene que ver con tratar de lograr un reconocimiento por algo que no se tiene o al menos no es tan evidente que se posee, y por lo cual se desea ser reconocido. Por lo tanto se alardea con los conocimientos, o con la apariencia física. Hay algo de moda entre los jóvenes: cultivar el cuerpo, tener grandes músculos, alcanzar la apariencia de un Adonis. Se ostenta con la figura, quizá buscando un reconocimiento para disimular otras carencias.
«Hay quien ostenta con las relaciones sociales, y piensa que si está cerca de alguien que goza de reconocimiento social, entonces algo de ese prestigio le tocará por propiedad transitiva. La ostentación incluye ese tipo de búsqueda».
—¿El problema sería tener o no tener?
—La esencia está justamente ahí: no se trata de que tú tengas, o no, buena figura. El asunto es para qué tú quieres la buena apariencia. Ese chico que se esfuerza y cultiva los músculos: ¿Para qué lo hace? ¿Acaso considera que eso le mejora su salud; que al hacer ejercicios sentirá plenitud, bienestar? ¿O el fin es exhibir su bello cuerpo y ganar relaciones?
«Sucede igual con quien estudia y aspira a ser el mejor de su clase: ¿Para qué lo hace? ¿Aprecia valor en el conocimiento y quiere ser útil? ¿O simplemente aspira a demostrar a los demás que es el mejor?
«En cuanto a los bienes materiales, la esencia está en qué haces con ellos. Por supuesto que el valor de uso de los objetos tiene sus límites. Si colecciono jarras de cerámica, puedo tener cien, pero si lo que deseo coleccionar son zapatos, tener cien pares... ¿Qué quiero demostrar a mi entorno con disponer de esa cantidad? ¿Qué mensaje quiero transmitir?
«Los hay buscando emitir señales —ya sea con la vivienda, con la manera de vestir, con otras tantas cosas—, con las cuales se quiere demostrar que se tiene más que los demás. Es un fenómeno bastante extendido, y no exclusivo de Cuba.
«Me contaron, y me impactó, que en cierto país de América Latina, cuando comenzó a desarrollarse la telefonía móvil, mucha gente tenía teléfonos móviles, y desde los vehículos la gente hablaba por ellos. Entonces hizo falta una campaña para controlar eso. Detenían a los automovilistas que iban conduciendo y supuestamente conversando. Pero, para sorpresa de las autoridades, la inmensa mayoría de los teléfonos eran de juguete y la gente ostentaba con eso porque era lo nuevo, daba prestigio.
«Cuando conocí la historia me dije: hasta dónde la necesidad de ostentar con lo que no es, puede llevar a conductas que son aberradas o tan infantiles... Situaciones muy comunes se dan aquí con el tema de los teléfonos, y ves a los jóvenes con el teléfono móvil, hablando con el que está a unos metros, gastándose el dinero tontamente, o haciéndose los que hablan».
—¿Cuál sería la contraparte de una manifestación como ostentar?
—La modestia. O sea, que las personas aspiren a tener valores, conocimientos, información, habilidades, belleza, fuerza, pero que eso tenga un sentido para ellas y también para la sociedad. Que las personas transiten por la vida con esos atributos sin tener que estar mostrándoselos al otro para ganar reconocimiento, porque ese reconocimiento vendrá por sí mismo en tanto las cualidades existan.
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Nadie como Sotomayor ha estado tan cerca del cielo impulsándose con sus propios pies. Sin embargo, se siente «una persona tan sencilla como cualquier otro ser humano». Foto: Armando Hernández |
«Tengo el cariño de la gente y la satisfacción de haber sido seleccionado entre los mejores atletas del siglo XX en Cuba», confesó a nuestras páginas este hombre paradigmático al que le sobrarían razones para ostentar, pues hace casi 20 años amanece con la noticia de que nadie en el planeta ha podido correr los límites de sus marcas.
«Estoy muy orgulloso con mis resultados deportivos, pero no presumo de eso. No he llegado a ningún lugar contando sobre lo que hice. Me siento una persona tan sencilla como cualquier otro ser humano».
—¿Seremos ostentosos por naturaleza?
—No lo creo. De que los hay, los hay, pero no son mayoría. Eso está en la personalidad de cada cual, pero no en nuestras esencias. Quizá algunos se quieren sentir un poco superiores, y ostentan con lo que tienen, y con lo que no. Creo que se puede llegar a conquistar un amor, un amigo, tener afinidades en un lugar, sin necesidad de ostentar. Desgraciadamente existen personajes que en la calle presumen si van en un buen carro, si tienen algunas prendas, o dinero, o alguna que otra posibilidad. Por suerte los ostentadores no suelen ser conocidos mundialmente, por lo cual difícilmente empañen, a nivel mundial, la imagen del cubano.
«Las personas que más reconocimiento tienen en Cuba, son las que menos ostentan».