August 15, 2008
Cuba’s Vice President Meets with Fernando Lugo
DEISY FRANCIS MEXIDOR, special correspondent
Paraguayan President-elect Fernando Lugo sent a message of gratitude to the
Cuban people on Thursday calling them “heroic for knowing how to overcome
difficulties and for their generous solidarity.”
Lugo made the gesture at the end of a meeting with Cuban First Vice President Jose Ramon Machado Ventura at the headquarters of the Patriotic Alliance for Change (APC). He said that Fidel Castro symbolizes the real trajectory, process and change in Cuba and is a “Latin American and universal citizen whose spirit and clarity of ideas have always enlightened, encouraged and motivated us to believe that change in Latin America is possible.”
Earlier in the day, Lugo and Machado Ventura participated in a rally of close to 30,000 people organized by the APC and several Paraguayan social organizations in a call for Latin American unity and a continent without borders.
"Five years ago, people asked Fidel here in Asuncion if an ALBA was possible in Paraguay and the leader of the Revolution replied that he could see its first light. Five years would pass before this historic moment could take place with the victory of the coalition headed by President Fernando Lugo,” Machado Ventura said during his address that was constantly interrupted with ovations and shouts of “Cuba, Cuba, Cuba, el pueblo te saluda (Cuba, Cuba, Cuba the people greet you),” “Viva Cuba,” and “Viva Fidel.”
The Cuban vice president added that during his 2003 visit, Fidel also announced Cuba’s decision to double the number of Paraguayan scholarships to the Latin American School of Medicine (ELAM) in Havana and to help with the country’s fight against illiteracy, both of which were carried out. He said that 435 Paraguayans have graduated from Cuban universities in recent years, including 339 doctors, and that 874 “children from poor families” are currently studying in Cuba.
“With this same spirit we wish to reiterate our will to increase these efforts and expand our cooperation with Paraguay, offering Cuba’s experience in the implementation of healthcare programs,” said Machado.
The Cuban leader was met earlier at the airport in Asuncion by the current Paraguayan minister of Health, Oscar Martinez Doldan.
After a protocol ceremony, where he was given the keys to the city, Machado said he brought with him warm regards from Cuban President Raul Castro and Fidel Castro who holds “very pleasant memories of his visit in 2003.”
Machado‘s delegation includes Fernando Remirez de Estenoz, member of the Communist Party Central Committee Secretariat; Alejandro Gonzalez, deputy Foreign Minister; and legislator Rev. Raul Suarez, president of the Cuba-Paraguay parliamentary friendship group.
Havana. August 15, 2008
Lugo expresses
gratitude to the Cuban people and Fidel By Deisy Francis Mexidor, — special correspondent —
ASUNCION.—Fernando Lugo, president-elect of Paraguay, has sent a message of gratitude to the Cuban people, whom he described as heroic, because "they have been able to overcome their difficulties, and also for their generous solidarity." The message came at the end of a cordial meeting at the headquarters of the Patriotic Alliance for Change (APC) with Jose Ramón Machado Ventura, first vice president of the Councils of State and Ministers of Cuba. Speaking of Fidel Castro, he affirmed that "he symbolizes the trajectory, the process and real change on that island," and said he considers him as "a Latin American and universal citizen, whose spirit and lucidity always enlighten, hearten and motivate us to the fact that change in Latin America is possible." Before the meeting, the two leaders took part in an APC-convened public meeting of close to 30,000 people linked to more than 200 Paraguayan social organizations, which advocated a united Latin America without borders. "Five years ago, Fidel was asked here in Asunción if a new dawn was possible in Paraguay and the leader of the Revolution assured then that its first light could already be seen. It took almost five years until this historic moment of the victory of the coalition of forces headed by President Fernando Lugo," said Machado in a speech that was much applauded and interrupted by expressions of "Cuba, Cuba , Cuba, el pueblo te saluda [the people salute you]," "Viva Cuba!," and "Viva Fidel!" in the National Sports Council here in the capital. Machado noted that during that visit Fidel had announced the island’s decision "to double the number of scholarships for Paraguayans in the Latin American School of Medicine (ELAM), and he ratified the decision to cooperate with the new Paraguayan authorities in the battle against illiteracy. His word has been fulfilled," he stated. In recent years 435 Paraguayan students have graduated from Cuban universities, of these, 339 doctors from ELAM, while "874 sons and daughters from the poorest families" are currently studying on the island. "In that same spirit we are now reiterating our disposition to intensify those efforts and to expand cooperation in solidarity with Paraguay by offering Cuba’s experience in implementing public health programs," he emphasized. Machado Ventura arrived at Silvio Pettirossi Airport on Thursday afternoon and was received by Oscar Martínez Doldán, health minister. After an official ceremony in which he was made a Illustrious Guest of Asunción and received the keys of the city, Machado informed the press that he wished to fulfil an express recommendation to transmit affectionate and warm greetings from the leader of the Revolution, Fidel Castro Ruz, whom, he said, "has very pleasant memories of his stay here in 2003." In that context, he announced that President Raúl Castro likewise sent warm greetings. Machado Ventura is accompanied in Paraguay by Fernando Remirez de Estenoz, member of the Party Secretariat; Alejandro González Galiano, deputy foreign minister; and National Assembly member Reverend Raúl Suárez, president of Parliament’s Cuba-Paraguay Friendship Group. Translated by Granma International • |
Expresa Lugo gratitud al pueblo cubano y a Fidel
Recibió Mandatario electo de Paraguay a Machado Ventura
Deisy Francis Mexidor,enviada especial
El mandatario electo de Paraguay, Fernando Lugo, envió un mensaje de gratitud al
pueblo cubano, al que calificó de heroico, porque "ha sabido vencer las
dificultades" y además por su generosa solidaridad, al término de un cordial
encuentro en la sede de la Alianza Patriótica para el Cambio (APC) con José
Ramón Machado Ventura, Primer Vicepresidente de los Consejos de Estado y de
Ministros de Cuba.
Al referirse al Comandante Fidel Castro Ruz, dijo que "simboliza la trayectoria, el proceso y el cambio real de esa Isla" y lo consideró "un ciudadano latinoamericano y universal", cuyos "espíritu y lucidez siempre nos iluminan, nos alientan y nos motivan a que el cambio en América Latina es posible".
Ramón Machado Ventura reiteró ante la manifestación de alrededor de 30 000
personas vinculadas a más de 200 organizaciones sociales de todo el país, la
voluntad de Cuba de profundizar y ampliar la colaboración con Paraguay.
Poco antes los dos dirigentes habían participado en una concentración de casi 30 000 personas convocada por la APC y más de 200 organizaciones sociales paraguayas, donde se abogó por una América Latina unida y sin fronteras.
"Hace cinco años le preguntaban a Fidel aquí en Asunción si un alba era posible en Paraguay y el líder de la Revolución aseguró entonces que ya se veían sus primeros resplandores. Faltaban apenas cinco años para ese momento histórico de la victoria de la coalición de fuerzas que encabeza el presidente Fernando Lugo", dijo Machado durante un discurso muy ovacionado e interrumpido con expresiones de: "Cuba, Cuba, Cuba, el pueblo te saluda", "Viva Cuba", "Viva Fidel" en áreas del Consejo Nacional de Deportes, en esta capital.
Ismael FranciscoViva Cuba, Viva Fidel (Castro); Cuba, Cuba, el pueblo te saluda,
coreaban los asistentes al acto, donde también habló el Presidente electo,
Fernando Lugo.
El también miembro del Buró Político señaló que durante aquella visita Fidel había anunciado la decisión de la Isla "de duplicar el número de becas para Paraguay en la Escuela Latinoamericana de Medicina y ratificó la decisión de colaborar con las nuevas autoridades paraguayas en la lucha contra el analfabetismo. La palabra empeñada fue cumplida", puntualizó.
En los últimos años se graduaron en universidades cubanas 435 estudiantes paraguayos, de ellos 339 médicos en la ELAM, mientras 874 "hijos de las familias más humildes", precisó, estudian en el país caribeño.
"Con ese mismo espíritu reiteramos ahora nuestra voluntad de profundizar esos esfuerzos y de ampliar la colaboración solidaria con Paraguay ofreciendo la experiencia de Cuba en la implementación de programas de salud", subrayó.
Machado Ventura arribó al aeropuerto internacional Silvio Pettirossi en horas de la tarde de este jueves y fue recibido por Oscar Martínez Doldán, actual ministro de Salud.
Después de los honores dispensados, donde se le entregaron la Mención de Huésped Ilustre de Asunción y las Llaves de la Ciudad, declaró a la prensa que deseaba cumplir la recomendación expresa de trasladar el saludo afectuoso, cariñoso, del Jefe de la Revolución cubana, el Comandante Fidel Castro Ruz, quien, dijo, "tiene muy gratos recuerdos de su estancia aquí en el año 2003".
En el mismo sentido, nuestro Presidente de los Consejos de Estado y de Ministros, el General de Ejército Raúl Castro Ruz, traslada también esos calurosos saludos, añadió.
Machado Ventura viaja acompañado por Fernando Remírez de Estenoz, miembro del Secretariado del Comité Central; el viceministro de Relaciones Exteriores, Alejandro González Galiano; y el diputado, reverendo Raúl Suárez, presidente del Grupo Parlamentario de Amistad Cuba-Paraguay de la Asamblea Nacional del Poder Popular.