May 17, 2008 For the second time A CubaNews translation by Sue Greene. Edited by Walter Lippmann. A series of events, aimed at sensitizing the Cuban population about respect for people's open sexual orientation, will take place on the island as part of the World Day Against Homophobia. The initiative is led by the National Center for Sexual Education (CENESEX) with the support of political and mass organizations, and includes spaces for theoretical reflection on the topic, discussions, concerts, literary gatherings and book presentations. Mariela Castro Espín, director of CENESEX, announced that the main activity will take place on May 17, World Day Against Homophobia, from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. in the Cuba Pavilion, and will culminate with a concert during the night hours, in the movie theater Astral. Also anticipated is the screening of a cycle of movies about Sexual Diversity at the Riviera theater, which will begin on May 17 and will last until June 5. World Day Against Homophobia has been held across the globe since 2005 because on that date, but in 1990, the World Health Organization removed homosexuality from the list of mental illnesses. Additionally, the island's commemoration is aimed at "educating the family with respect to expressions of sexual diversity, as an act of social justice of the Cuban Revolution, as well as making visible the active participation of homosexuals, bisexuals and transgenders in society", according to a communiqué issued by CENESEX. The results of work by institutions that address the topic will be disclosed in discussion forums to be held this Saturday with interactive characters. All these activities will be carried out on the basis that manifestations of homophobia continue leading to exclusion. Although, cases of physical violence against these people are infrequent and they are called hate crimes. "The most serious prejudices are formed in the bosom of the family where they are transmitted and entrenched in macho patterns. " Presently, better conditions exist for promoting respect for sexual diversity and developing a strong campaign for defending the rights of homosexuals, bisexuals and transgenders, and eliminating "manifestations of discrimination toward sexual orientation and gender identity". Cuba commemorates this date for the
second time. The first time was last year, with a movie-discussion at 23
and 12, organized by CENESEX and ICAIC. International Day Against Homophobia (IDAHO) Source: Wikipedia It takes place on May 17, coinciding with the elimination in 1990 of homosexuality and transsexuality from the list of mental illnesses by the General Assembly of the World Health Organization (WHO). Today around 80 countries in the world criminalize homosexuality and condemn sexual acts between persons of the same sex with prison sentences; 9 of these countries (Afghanistan, Iran, Mauritania, Nigeria, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates and Yemen) maintain the death penalty for these cases. Discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity is not officially recognized by member states of the United Nations (despite the fact that human rights organizations such as the Human Rights Committee have repeatedly condemned discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity). In 2005, the IDAHO was held in over 40 countries, from France to Hong Kong. A wide range of initiatives were launched, which were widely covered by the media. In Iran, despite the brutal governmental homophobia, there was talk of IDAHO in many blogs on the Internet and in thousands of e-mails. In Kiev (Ukraine), an enormous globe was released with the inscription: "Say NO to Homophobia." __________________________________________________________________ See also: Why commemorate Cuban Day against Homophobia? A different movie club commences |
17 de mayo
Cuba celebra por segunda ocasión al
Día Mundial contra la Homofobia
Un conjunto de acciones encaminadas a sensibilizar a la población cubana hacia el respeto a la libre orientación sexual de las personas, tendrán lugar en la Isla como parte de la jornada por el Día Mundial contra la Homofobia. La iniciativa es liderada por el Centro Nacional de Educación Sexual (CENESEX) con el apoyo de organizaciones políticas y de masas, e incluye espacios de reflexión teórica sobre el tema, conversatorios, conciertos, tertulias literarias y presentaciones de libros. Mariela Castro Espín, directora del CENESEX, anunció que la actividad central tendrá lugar el 17 de mayo, Día Mundial contra la Homofobia, de 10 a.m. a 6.00 p.m., en el Pabellón Cuba; y culminará con un concierto en horas de la noche, en el cine teatro Astral. Se prevé también la proyección en el cine Riviera de un ciclo cinematográfico sobre Diversidad Sexual, que dará inicio el día 17 de mayo y se extenderá hasta el 5 de junio. El Día Mundial contra la Homofobia se celebra en todo el orbe desde el 2005 debido a que en igual fecha, pero del año 1990, la Organización Mundial de la Salud eliminó la homosexualidad de la lista de enfermedades mentales. Su conmemoración en la Isla tiene, además, el propósito de "educar a la familia en el respeto a las expresiones de diversidad sexual, como un acto de justicia social de la Revolución cubana, así como visibilizar la activa participación de las personas homosexuales, bisexuales y transgéneros en la sociedad", según señala un comunicado emitido por el CENESEX. Los resultados de trabajo de las instituciones que abordan el tema serán divulgados en los foros de discusión, a celebrarse este sábado con carácter interactivo. Todas estas actividades se realizarán sobre la base de que persisten manifestaciones de homofobia que conllevan a la exclusión. Si bien son infrecuentes los casos de violencia física contra estas personas y los llamados crímenes de odio. "Los prejuicios más graves se construyen en el seno de la familia donde se transmiten y afianzan patrones machistas". En la actualidad existen mejores condiciones para promover el respeto hacia la diversidad sexual y se desarrolla una fuerte campaña en aras de defender los derechos de homosexuales, bisexuales y transgéneros, y eliminar "las manifestaciones de discriminación por orientación sexual e identidad de género". Cuba conmemora esta fecha por segunda ocasión. La primera vez fue el pasado año, con un cine-debate en 23 y 12, organizado por el CENESEX y el ICAIC.
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