Granma May 18, 2007 A CubaNews translation by Greg McDonald. Edited by Walter Lippmann.
original: Juan Diego Nusa Penalver Lina Pedraza, member of the Secretariat of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Cuba (PCC), said today that strengthening labor discipline in the country is a priority, summarizing a Parliamentary hearing on the subject. In a meeting at the Convention Palace in Havana, Pedraza emphasized that the Party has given high priority to the implementation of Resolutions 187 and 188 of the Labor and Social Security Ministry (MTSS), guaranteeing the organization of production and increasing productivity levels. He pointed out that the application of those provisions is the foundation of other important organizational measures, which will contribute to a better functioning of the national economy. Salvador Valdes Mesa, Secretary-General of the Confederation of Cuban Workers (CTC), said previously that their organization supports the decisions adopted by the MTSS, which were the focus of attention at the preceding 19th Congress of the Cuban workers' movement. He asserted that the island's economic recovery is dependent in no small part on labor discipline, and described the process initiated on April 1st in political, economic, and social terms. He defined the labor assembly as a key element in this undertaking, and said that they will count on feedback from the unions. He called for a rational application of each of the resolutions, taking into account the characteristics of each workplace, in order to gain the approval and understanding of the workers and their administrative bodies. Valdes Mesa alerted that the resolutions do not deal only with punctuality, but encompass a broader perspective, such as a better use of the workday, of demands and control. In particular, he decried the use of unnecessary staff as a breeding ground of indiscipline. The principal objective of the union movement, together with the state and other institutions, is to win the workers' support. Everyone should contribute to economic efficiency in order to shorten the time necessary for leaving behind the difficulties of the special period. Juan Gregorich, of the National Group for the Study and Attention of Formal Procedures for the Population, and Alfredo Morales Cartaya, minister of Labor and Social Security, as well as Grisel Trista, head of the National Organization of Business Improvement, all participated in the meeting.